Just keep doing what you are doing republicans


are any of you Sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd?

you be threatened if YOU keep doing what you're doing.

like that worked when the People KICKED out the Democrats from control of Congress. they wanted those snake progressive party to KEEP DOING what they were doing

sit down. no one is listening to you LOSERs on the left

They dying of white christian america

"They’re not going down without a fight – or rather, not so much a fight (they’ve already lost), more like a long groan, lashing out anywhere they can, a dying animal determined to cause as much damage as possible before fading into irrelevance." :ack-1:

Ah. So America will slowly but surely become less white and less Christian.


What will we eventually become more like? Africa? Colombia? Syria? Brazil? Mexico?

Im just sayin....celebrate it if you want. But...what are we gonna become to contrast what is "dying off"?
This country hasn't been real Christian for years. Christians who believe in "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" are going to be punished by Jesus. He will be very unhappy at what Republicans have done in his name. Very unhappy.

are any of you Sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd?

you be threatened if YOU keep doing what you're doing.

like that worked when the People KICKED out the Democrats from control of Congress. they wanted those snake progressive party to KEEP DOING what they were doing

sit down. no one is listening to you LOSERs on the left

They dying of white christian america

"They’re not going down without a fight – or rather, not so much a fight (they’ve already lost), more like a long groan, lashing out anywhere they can, a dying animal determined to cause as much damage as possible before fading into irrelevance." :ack-1:

I love how you always try to connect the church to all conservatives.
Going to church doesnt make you a conservative or vice versa,how else do you explain democrats that go to church? Blacks that go to church?
If I had to take a guess I would say no more than five percent of the conservatives I know are church goers.

Progs can't even process the concept that Trump is expressing his own opinion. Progs don't even think their own thoughts its just dropped into the collective

Of course they cant think for themselves. For example...South Carolina and that flag.

When that tragedy happened...the leftist media and activists pushed race. Just like Baltimore and Ferguson.

But it didnt work. Charleston had racial unity. And...in this red state...our economy is booming. Low taxes. Gun rights. Religion. And blacks are moving South in droves for the better life.


So.....when all else failed...someone reminded them "Hey...doesnt SC have a confederate flag at a soldiers monument!!? ATTAAAAACK!!!!!"

And then....all the 18-27 year old Occupy type liberal drones swarmed in. For a flag that has flown at that monument for 15 years where few gave a damn....but all of a sudden....its a holy war by liberals haha.

Its comical just how reactionary they are when told what they should start caring about.

Hey liberals.....I heard kids in Biloxi are stepping on black ants. Go get em!!!!
Charleston confronts its racial history - Metro - The Boston Globe

Racist ideology still runs deep in Charleston some say

Why the GOP Hates Talking About Hate Conservatives Can t Confront Racism in Charleston Shooting - The Daily Beast

Yea, until a right wing racist shot up a church, race relations were fine.

are any of you Sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd?

you be threatened if YOU keep doing what you're doing.

like that worked when the People KICKED out the Democrats from control of Congress. they wanted those snake progressive party to KEEP DOING what they were doing

sit down. no one is listening to you LOSERs on the left

They dying of white christian america

"They’re not going down without a fight – or rather, not so much a fight (they’ve already lost), more like a long groan, lashing out anywhere they can, a dying animal determined to cause as much damage as possible before fading into irrelevance." :ack-1:

Ah. So America will slowly but surely become less white and less Christian.


What will we eventually become more like? Africa? Colombia? Syria? Brazil? Mexico?

Im just sayin....celebrate it if you want. But...what are we gonna become to contrast what is "dying off"?

Ya gotta love the idiots who think the country makes a people,when it's the people who make the country.
Change the people,change the country..at this point I hope liberals like mexico.

Progs can't even process the concept that Trump is expressing his own opinion. Progs don't even think their own thoughts its just dropped into the collective

Of course they cant think for themselves. For example...South Carolina and that flag.

When that tragedy happened...the leftist media and activists pushed race. Just like Baltimore and Ferguson.

But it didnt work. Charleston had racial unity. And...in this red state...our economy is booming. Low taxes. Gun rights. Religion. And blacks are moving South in droves for the better life.


So.....when all else failed...someone reminded them "Hey...doesnt SC have a confederate flag at a soldiers monument!!? ATTAAAAACK!!!!!"

And then....all the 18-27 year old Occupy type liberal drones swarmed in. For a flag that has flown at that monument for 15 years where few gave a damn....but all of a sudden....its a holy war by liberals haha.

Its comical just how reactionary they are when told what they should start caring about.

Hey liberals.....I heard kids in Biloxi are stepping on black ants. Go get em!!!!
Charleston confronts its racial history - Metro - The Boston Globe

Racist ideology still runs deep in Charleston some say

Why the GOP Hates Talking About Hate Conservatives Can t Confront Racism in Charleston Shooting - The Daily Beast

Yea, until a right wing racist shot up a church, race relations were fine.
Three northern rags telling southerners about themselves. That speaks volumes.
Tell them to run stories on how they segregated blacks into ghettos in the north after the migration and how the wealthy, young, lefty whities of today are pricing those blacks back out of their cities.
Hypocrites. Major hypocrites.

are any of you Sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd?

you be threatened if YOU keep doing what you're doing.

like that worked when the People KICKED out the Democrats from control of Congress. they wanted those snake progressive party to KEEP DOING what they were doing

sit down. no one is listening to you LOSERs on the left

They dying of white christian america

"They’re not going down without a fight – or rather, not so much a fight (they’ve already lost), more like a long groan, lashing out anywhere they can, a dying animal determined to cause as much damage as possible before fading into irrelevance." :ack-1:

Ah. So America will slowly but surely become less white and less Christian.


What will we eventually become more like? Africa? Colombia? Syria? Brazil? Mexico?

Im just sayin....celebrate it if you want. But...what are we gonna become to contrast what is "dying off"?

Ya gotta love the idiots who think the country makes a people,when it's the people who make the country.
Change the people,change the country..at this point I hope liberals like mexico.

I'd say more like Venezuela and eventually like what Greece is going through. they always run out of other peoples money. and with 47% of the people now getting some form of government assistance. their future isn't far off
Trump is a problem for Repubs.

This week while liberals are celebrating multiple victories, repubs are quietly breathing a sigh of relief. Obamacare is secure, repubs don't have to speak to millions being dumped from their plans. Same sex marriage is a done deal, only simple platitudes needed to answer that. Even the flag, a long contested issue is behind them. You would think that the heat is off on several issues. Nope, Trump is gonna drag them all back over the coals. They will all have to answer to Trump's musings rather than building the necessary narratives. Trump will doom the repubs for yet another election cycle. But keep laughing.

are any of you Sceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd?

you be threatened if YOU keep doing what you're doing.

like that worked when the People KICKED out the Democrats from control of Congress. they wanted those snake progressive party to KEEP DOING what they were doing

sit down. no one is listening to you LOSERs on the left

They dying of white christian america

"They’re not going down without a fight – or rather, not so much a fight (they’ve already lost), more like a long groan, lashing out anywhere they can, a dying animal determined to cause as much damage as possible before fading into irrelevance." :ack-1:

Ah. So America will slowly but surely become less white and less Christian.


What will we eventually become more like? Africa? Colombia? Syria? Brazil? Mexico?

Im just sayin....celebrate it if you want. But...what are we gonna become to contrast what is "dying off"?

Ya gotta love the idiots who think the country makes a people,when it's the people who make the country.
Change the people,change the country..at this point I hope liberals like mexico.

I'd say more like Venezuela and eventually like what Greece is going through. they always run out of other peoples money. and with 47% of the people now getting some form of government assistance. their future isn't far off

Stick with that. It worked great for your guys the last time.
Of course we all know that the GOP never insulted 54 million Mexicanamericans. But Guano would lie anyway because low info idiots believe liberal lies.
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Progs can't even process the concept that Trump is expressing his own opinion. Progs don't even think their own thoughts its just dropped into the collective

Of course they cant think for themselves. For example...South Carolina and that flag.

When that tragedy happened...the leftist media and activists pushed race. Just like Baltimore and Ferguson.

But it didnt work. Charleston had racial unity. And...in this red state...our economy is booming. Low taxes. Gun rights. Religion. And blacks are moving South in droves for the better life.


So.....when all else failed...someone reminded them "Hey...doesnt SC have a confederate flag at a soldiers monument!!? ATTAAAAACK!!!!!"

And then....all the 18-27 year old Occupy type liberal drones swarmed in. For a flag that has flown at that monument for 15 years where few gave a damn....but all of a sudden....its a holy war by liberals haha.

Its comical just how reactionary they are when told what they should start caring about.

Hey liberals.....I heard kids in Biloxi are stepping on black ants. Go get em!!!!
NASCAR is considering pulling the Battle Flag from the grounds too. I would recommend highly that they don't do it. Progressives don't attend NASCAR races.
We haven't had a good old 'republicans are dead' thread in a while.

I remember how much they claimed republican were done forever after the Hussein took office with a Dem Congress. Didn't take long for them to piss Americans off in droves, and since then the 'dead' Republican Party has been gaining seats in every election.

Delusional shitstains like Guano never learn.
Developments this past week isn't helping the democrat party either. People are pissed.
We haven't had a good old 'republicans are dead' thread in a while.

I remember how much they claimed republican were done forever after the Hussein took office with a Dem Congress. Didn't take long for them to piss Americans off in droves, and since then the 'dead' Republican Party has been gaining seats in every election.

Delusional shitstains like Guano never learn.
Developments this past week isn't helping the democrat party either. People are pissed.
Three incidents of fascist dictates is the kind of thing that should rile americans.
I am grateful that Trump is running. Every time he opens his mouth, he validates everything disgraceful that the GOP stands for.Top that off with the fact that his egomania is downright weird. Finally, he is, after all, the GOP moderate.
We haven't had a good old 'republicans are dead' thread in a while.

I remember how much they claimed republican were done forever after the Hussein took office with a Dem Congress. Didn't take long for them to piss Americans off in droves, and since then the 'dead' Republican Party has been gaining seats in every election.

Delusional shitstains like Guano never learn.
Developments this past week isn't helping the democrat party either. People are pissed.
At right wing idiots.
Also, Trump has done something nobody else has been able to do. He singlehandedly united the nation's entire Hispanic community against the republican party!

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