Just like everything else, the Presidential debates will be fully controlled by Democrats.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?
Briben may refuse to debate someone who was convicted in a leftwing Stalinist trial of a felony ..
Trump knows this but the rules of the debate in my opinion favor Trump... he is better and he is right on the issues... the last time they debated it was Biden who kept speaking out of turn and it frustrated Trump a bit...
This time it will be a spotlight on the differences and the people will choose Trump....
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Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?
You're already making excuses and casting yourself as the victim I see.
Trump knows this but the rules of the debate in my opinion favor Trump... he is better and he is right on the issues... the last time they debated it was Biden who kept speaking out of turn and it frustrated Trump a bit...
This time it will be a spotlight on the differences and the people will choose Trump....
At least you are an optimist. There's a lot to be said for an optimistic outlook.
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?
I guess no one on Trump's team read the Art of the Deal. Damn those Dems, they are so much smarter than their opposition.
Briben may refuse to debate someone who was convicted in a leftwing Stalinist trial of a felony ..
I dunno who loses more if they do debate.

If Trump is up in the polls enough, why would he debate?
I see how the Democrats are already alibiing. They're projecting that Trump will bully Biden and that people should vote for Biden because of that. But what Democrats are calling bullying is nothing more than Trump giving him a well-deserved ass whopping. Biden is mentally unfit. MAGA
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?

This is my country! Land of my birth!
Thisis my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.
I see how the Democrats are already alibiing. They're projecting that Trump will bully Biden and that people should vote for Biden because of that. But what Democrats are calling bullying is nothing more than Trump giving him a well-deserved ass whopping. Biden is mentally unfit. MAGA
You clots aren't patriots.
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?

May I remind you....
Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace were Fox moderators.... Trump didn't fair any better, nor did the moderators! :eek:
Trump doesn't know a single policy answer. His debates are judged by how entertaining they are to maga-world.

  • Border - Trump did nothing in 4 years on the border and interfered in the only bipartisan legislation agreed to in decades
  • Economy - Biden has a better economy than Trump but more importantly Trump has no answers to what he'd do differently - last time he said he'd drill more.
  • Ukraine - he has no answers on what he'd do in Ukraine - last answer was a word salad of nonsense
  • Israel - will likely be done fighting by debate but if not Trumps policy is same as Biden - support Israel and look for peace
  • Crime - everyone knows crime is plummeting and near all time lows - Trump cant act like we live in El Salvador
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?

Why did the world's greatest negotiator not negotiate a more fair package for the debates?
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both well documented Trump haters from Trump Hater Central CNN will be in control of both Presidential debates. Is there ANY Democrat supporter who thinks there should at least be the appearance of impartiality? Perhaps one debate controlled by Fox and one by CNN. Or one moderator from each network for both debates? Or some other option?
Trump is absurd for not insisting on a debate moderated by Tucker or Joe Rogan
Whichever Biden will debate needs to rest for a week prior, they also need to get the drug cocktail PERFECT for 90 minutes of Cornholio Hitler

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