Just like I said, American Christian Pastors sad more gays weren't killed in Pulse attack

Come on. You agree with him, don't you? Tell us the truth.
No, I dont. The 'punishment' from unrestrained fagotry is the decline in demographic growth rates, the spread of disease and the loss of moral framework which in turn causes other problems in kind.

God does not have to smite fags, they smite themselves.

Gays almost always have heterosexual parents. dumbass.
I know that, dumbass, just as I also know that in the past Fags would get married and have kids.

Also, since fagotry is a matter of seduction instead of genetics, their percentage of the degenerate population will grow, causeing a demographic collapse of the perv society that you are so enamored with.

Buh-bye, Tutu
Yes, by all means, do a search on US Pastors and Reverends that hate gays and see what they say using Google. Should I post more names. Remember, all these guys lead right wing churches.

Franklin Graham: “God Is Going to Judge Sin"

Pastor Greg Laurie: “The Church Is Under Attack"

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez: “We Reject and Repudiate…Homophobia" (because it's really Biblical truth)

Dr. Robert Jeffress: “Culture Will Get Increasingly Darker"

Dr. Albert Mohler: “A Central Assault Upon Marriage"

Pastor John Piper: “This Is The New Calamity"

Jim Daly: “Rejection of a Societal Understanding of Marriage"
Yes, fagotry is a sin, but these people are not calling for summary executions either, dip shit.
Come on. You agree with him, don't you? Tell us the truth.
No, I dont. The 'punishment' from unrestrained fagotry is the decline in demographic growth rates, the spread of disease and the loss of moral framework which in turn causes other problems in kind.

God does not have to smite fags, they smite themselves.

Gays almost always have heterosexual parents. dumbass.
I know that, dumbass, just as I also know that in the past Fags would get married and have kids.

Also, since fagotry is a matter of seduction instead of genetics, their percentage of the degenerate population will grow, causeing a demographic collapse of the perv society that you are so enamored with.

Buh-bye, Tutu
Go ahead, let his all out. Feel the Dark Force. Let your hatred control you.

Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.

So now you want to go on record saying that all your RW pals who dig up one or a handful of internet posts/tweets from unknown supposedly liberal people making comments that reflect poorly on liberals, and your pals imply they're representative,

they're assholes too?

No. The current and grossly misnamed "liberals" are nothing more than totalitarianist bastards. All of them. They are hive-minded.

As you see, you're going to get everything but an actual condemnation of these rightwing Christian pastors from their rightwing pals on USMB.

By what logic would you expect anyone to accept what is in opposition to their religion just because it is acceptable to yours?
Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”

Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling” - Newslo

The televangelist added that “at least no or very few normal people were killed.” He also said, “When something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. I’m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if I’m honest, I think it’s a good thing it all happened here.”

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: “There’s 50 Less Pedophiles in This World”

Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Church’s YouTube account.

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. “We don’t need to do anything to help. As far as I’m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,” he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

Yo, you are behind the times, I put this KKK Democrat Preacher up a couple days ago! :cuckoo:

You Snooze You Lose Part 2 for handout.jpg
Guess it's tough to fully call someone out who at least was aware of the dangers that progressive social views pose to civilization.

If Western civilization collapses into anarchy because of the depraved social views the far-left is promoting, it'll be tough for us not to look back on fanatics like these as defenders, albeit their extreme methods. The left drove them to madness by forcing degeneracy on them.

(Similar to how some leftists idolize Che Guevara's ideas despite him being a serial murderer).
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Well, RW'er Christians, here's your chance to speak out...

...or let your silence represent tacit approval. It's up to you.
Only because you're a "in the closet Muslim" defending radical Muslims. Isn't it funny how you're not condemning them?
Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”

Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling” - Newslo

The televangelist added that “at least no or very few normal people were killed.” He also said, “When something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. I’m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if I’m honest, I think it’s a good thing it all happened here.”

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: “There’s 50 Less Pedophiles in This World”

Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Church’s YouTube account.

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. “We don’t need to do anything to help. As far as I’m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,” he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

This is a nice detraction from keeping Americans thinking about radical Islam so we can turn on American Christians. I wonder how much Patty Hearst propaganda the radicals have brainwashed liberals to speak against Americans?
I see. One Christian is representative of all.

Ergo, one Muslim is representative of all.

Thank you for your cooperation.
All Muslims are representative of all Muslims. Muslims stand idly by and are not shutting down none of their Muslims killing the innocent and speaking against US. ISLAM is not a denomination, but a mission to object and hate being like the rest of the world and turn it like them. So, where is the media scolding for ISLAM when their religion bashes Americans. The left have double standards. The libtards condone these killings by being tolerant to ISLAM having their radical way.
It was a possibly gay Muslim man, possibly a jihadist shit head, who committed the atrocity. So, naturally, once some outlying-statistic like Pat Robertson opens the maw of his dopey addled noggin, well, then plodding predictable pinheads like rderp JUMP at the chance to lay blame at the feet of right wing Christians.

Meanwhile, Robertson does NOT speak for conservatism.
Natural disasters hit the bible belt all the time . Must be gods punishment for being a bunch of fake ass Christians .
To bad you don't say this about Allah and Mohammad coward ass. You think they might blow your scary ass to shreds. Muslims put so much fear in liberals not to speak against them that the libs turn on their own Christian Americans.
What about the other ones? How many are there? I named two others. Do you really think those three were the only ones?
Waiting for your radical Muslim list of those speaking against America. What about those? I guess you haven't finished throwing Americans under the bus. Maybe you're a radical.
Yes, by all means, do a search on US Pastors and Reverends that hate gays and see what they say using Google. Should I post more names. Remember, all these guys lead right wing churches.

Franklin Graham: “God Is Going to Judge Sin"

Pastor Greg Laurie: “The Church Is Under Attack"

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez: “We Reject and Repudiate…Homophobia" (because it's really Biblical truth)

Dr. Robert Jeffress: “Culture Will Get Increasingly Darker"

Dr. Albert Mohler: “A Central Assault Upon Marriage"

Pastor John Piper: “This Is The New Calamity"

Jim Daly: “Rejection of a Societal Understanding of Marriage"

Still waiting on that ISLAM radical list Mr. radical puppet. When you finish brainwashing Americans with your propaganda bash Americans list, then go join uncle Bin.
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.

So now you want to go on record saying that all your RW pals who dig up one or a handful of internet posts/tweets from unknown supposedly liberal people making comments that reflect poorly on liberals, and your pals imply they're representative,

they're assholes too?

No. The current and grossly misnamed "liberals" are nothing more than totalitarianist bastards. All of them. They are hive-minded.

As you see, you're going to get everything but an actual condemnation of these rightwing Christian pastors from their rightwing pals on USMB.

By what logic would you expect anyone to accept what is in opposition to their religion just because it is acceptable to yours?
No one is asking for your acceptance because no one gives a shit what you do or don't believe. They just want you to mind your own business and leave them alone.
Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”

How can that be since the only justice taken down since the ruling has been Antonin Scalia?

Sort of reminds me of the similar things being said after 9/11 when the finger was also pointed towards the liberal government. They didn't explain how 2 planes got through to the heart of capitalism and another plane scored a hit on the Pentagon but the one said destined for either the White House or Capital Building went down in western PA.
Last edited:
Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.

So now you want to go on record saying that all your RW pals who dig up one or a handful of internet posts/tweets from unknown supposedly liberal people making comments that reflect poorly on liberals, and your pals imply they're representative,

they're assholes too?

No. The current and grossly misnamed "liberals" are nothing more than totalitarianist bastards. All of them. They are hive-minded.

As you see, you're going to get everything but an actual condemnation of these rightwing Christian pastors from their rightwing pals on USMB.

By what logic would you expect anyone to accept what is in opposition to their religion just because it is acceptable to yours?
No one is asking for your acceptance because no one gives a shit what you do or don't believe. They just want you to mind your own business and leave them alone.

They? Who's "they"?
Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”

Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling” - Newslo

The televangelist added that “at least no or very few normal people were killed.” He also said, “When something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. I’m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if I’m honest, I think it’s a good thing it all happened here.”

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: “There’s 50 Less Pedophiles in This World”

Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Church’s YouTube account.

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. “We don’t need to do anything to help. As far as I’m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,” he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

I see. One Christian is representative of all.

Ergo, one Muslim is representative of all.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I see that you have no condemnation for what those "pastors" said. Just like, as some complain, muslims aren't condemning their most radical.
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.
No condemnation of his comments here either.
Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”

Pat Robertson: “Orlando Shooting Is God’s Punishment For SCOTUS’ Same-Sex Marriage Ruling” - Newslo

The televangelist added that “at least no or very few normal people were killed.” He also said, “When something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. I’m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if I’m honest, I think it’s a good thing it all happened here.”

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: “There’s 50 Less Pedophiles in This World”

Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Church’s YouTube account.

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” he said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. “We don’t need to do anything to help. As far as I’m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,” he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

If you think that Pat Robertson speaks for more than maybe 2% of all Christendom then you are a fuckingidiot.

OK, so maybe you do, but you are wrong.

No condemnation here either.

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