Just like I said, American Christian Pastors sad more gays weren't killed in Pulse attack

Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€

Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€ - Newslo

The televangelist added that ā€œat least no or very few normal people were killed.ā€ He also said, ā€œWhen something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. Iā€™m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if Iā€™m honest, I think itā€™s a good thing it all happened here.ā€

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: ā€œThereā€™s 50 Less Pedophiles in This Worldā€

Obviously, itā€™s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because thatā€™s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, Godā€™s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. Thatā€™s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Churchā€™s YouTube account.

ā€œAre you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?ā€ he said in the sermon. ā€œUm no, I think thatā€™s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.ā€

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. ā€œWe donā€™t need to do anything to help. As far as Iā€™m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,ā€ he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

I see. One Christian is representative of all.

Ergo, one Muslim is representative of all.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I see that you have no condemnation for what those "pastors" said. Just like, as some complain, muslims aren't condemning their most radical.

They have the right to say what they will, whether I agree with it or not, or whether they are complete lunatics, which is the category within which I place them, with you.
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.
No condemnation of his comments here either.

See above.
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.
No condemnation of his comments here either.

See above.
That's not condemnation...that's belittling his importance, not his comments.
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.
No condemnation of his comments here either.

See above.
That's not condemnation...that's belittling his importance, not his comments.

Tough titty. You play your games. I'll play mine.
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.
No condemnation of his comments here either.

See above.
That's not condemnation...that's belittling his importance, not his comments.

Tough titty. You play your games. I'll play mine.
Why is it so very hard for you to condemn his comments?
Ironically, the rightwing Christians have nothing but contempt for the Christians who believe one should love his enemies.
Come on. You agree with him, don't you? Tell us the truth.
No, I dont. The 'punishment' from unrestrained fagotry is the decline in demographic growth rates, the spread of disease and the loss of moral framework which in turn causes other problems in kind.

God does not have to smite fags, they smite themselves.
and the christer goy is dying off faster then they can spawn, hence the demographic shift , good bye to pork stenched white trash,natures way of cleaning the gene pool
Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.
No condemnation of his comments here either.

See above.
That's not condemnation...that's belittling his importance, not his comments.

Tough titty. You play your games. I'll play mine.
Why is it so very hard for you to condemn his comments?

The enemy of his enemy is his friend. In this case, two enemies, Muslim terrorists and gay Americans.
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Well, RW'er Christians, here's your chance to speak out...

...or let your silence represent tacit approval. It's up to you.
Pat Robertson is an idiot. He needs to keep his fat pie hole shut!!!

Happy now?
Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€

Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€ - Newslo

The televangelist added that ā€œat least no or very few normal people were killed.ā€ He also said, ā€œWhen something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. Iā€™m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if Iā€™m honest, I think itā€™s a good thing it all happened here.ā€

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: ā€œThereā€™s 50 Less Pedophiles in This Worldā€

Obviously, itā€™s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because thatā€™s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, Godā€™s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. Thatā€™s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Churchā€™s YouTube account.

ā€œAre you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?ā€ he said in the sermon. ā€œUm no, I think thatā€™s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.ā€

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. ā€œWe donā€™t need to do anything to help. As far as Iā€™m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,ā€ he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

I see. One Christian is representative of all.

Ergo, one Muslim is representative of all.

Thank you for your cooperation.

One Christian is representative of all?

What are you talking about? Where did you get "one"?

Double-standards are a constant with the lying left.

One Muslim shoots up a club, but he doesn't represent the religion of peace in any way.

One Christian shoots off his mouth, well by God he represents all Christians on Earth.
Unfortunately it was more than one Christian.
These 7 Christian leaders showed their love by celebrating the Orlando nightclub massacre
Pastor refuses to mourn Orlando victims: ā€˜The tragedy is that more of them didnā€™t dieā€™
Baptist pastor stands by anti-gay Orlando shooting sermon

The problem is the Republican recognition of fundamentalist religion and as long as you couple with it for votes you are painted with the same brush. Honestly the 10% of the vote is better left alone when the cost of association is to be related to the American version of the Taliban. No other religious figures in America are shooting off their mouths like this bunch. That should tell you something.
Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€

Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€ - Newslo

The televangelist added that ā€œat least no or very few normal people were killed.ā€ He also said, ā€œWhen something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. Iā€™m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if Iā€™m honest, I think itā€™s a good thing it all happened here.ā€

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: ā€œThereā€™s 50 Less Pedophiles in This Worldā€

Obviously, itā€™s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because thatā€™s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, Godā€™s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. Thatā€™s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Churchā€™s YouTube account.

ā€œAre you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?ā€ he said in the sermon. ā€œUm no, I think thatā€™s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.ā€

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. ā€œWe donā€™t need to do anything to help. As far as Iā€™m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,ā€ he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

What a fucking moron and if you weren't also a moron you would realize that GOP voters REJECTED a candidate who thinks this way when they voted for Trump instead of Cruz as their nominee.
Let is know when these fruitcakes actually do something other than run their mouths.

They shouldn't even running their fucking mouths. That kind of ridiculous talk does nothing but make them look stupid and prove the claims of idiots like Rdean are based in fact.
OP = political fodder for the Church of LGBT to justify hating all Christians. Gays hate Christians. The two religions are antithetical to each other. One cannot survive while the other lives and expands. We will see which one Americans are willing to stand up for.

When a gay man named Dylann Roof shot up a room full of Christians at a Bible study, the Church of LGBT quickly spun it to "a radical conservative shooting blacks". But Roof's black boyfriend said Roof didn't have a racist bone in his thin effeminate body. Gays covered for the murder of Christians by one of their own; and blamed it on Christians. But we don't talk about that anymore, do we? :popcorn:
OP = political fodder for the Church of LGBT to justify hating all Christians. Gays hate Christians. The two religions are antithetical to each other. One cannot survive while the other lives and expands. We will see which one Americans are willing to stand up for.

When a gay man named Dylann Roof shot up a room full of Christians at a Bible study, the Church of LGBT quickly spun it to "a radical conservative shooting blacks". But Roof's black boyfriend said Roof didn't have a racist bone in his thin effeminate body. Gays covered for the murder of Christians by one of their own; and blamed it on Christians. But we don't talk about that anymore, do we? :popcorn:

That would be hysterical if it weren't the most pathetic thing I've read in a long time.
Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€

Pat Robertson: ā€œOrlando Shooting Is Godā€™s Punishment For SCOTUSā€™ Same-Sex Marriage Rulingā€ - Newslo

The televangelist added that ā€œat least no or very few normal people were killed.ā€ He also said, ā€œWhen something like this happens, and I believe this was the first of many attacks, you start to realize how much real Americans care about their country and its future. Because, if you ask me, I totally get the guy who did this. Iā€™m not defending him or anything, but I understand what drove him to such an act. This establishment was a lair of fornication and blasphemy, and if Iā€™m honest, I think itā€™s a good thing it all happened here.ā€

Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: ā€œThereā€™s 50 Less Pedophiles in This Worldā€

Obviously, itā€™s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because thatā€™s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, Godā€™s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. Thatā€™s what the Bible says, plain and simple

Recordings of the sermon by Pastor Roger Jimenez surfaced under the Verity Baptist Churchā€™s YouTube account.

ā€œAre you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?ā€ he said in the sermon. ā€œUm no, I think thatā€™s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.ā€

The remarks were delivered on Sunday morning, hours after the attack happened. ā€œWe donā€™t need to do anything to help. As far as Iā€™m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,ā€ he said.


It just goes on and on. Exactly what I've been pointing out. The statements by Trump are among the most dangerous I've ever heard in American Politics. And add in the hatred Republicans feel for gays. And don't forget the GOP hatred to Mexicans and blacks.

Can America really vote this dangerous and threatening party into office?

What a fucking moron and if you weren't also a moron you would realize that GOP voters REJECTED a candidate who thinks this way when they voted for Trump instead of Cruz as their nominee.

When did Cruz say that?
Isn't it interesting that no conservative Christians are stepping up to condemn this?

Isn't one of the reasons they love to lump in innocent Muslims with the Islamist terrorists is that they claim the former don't speak out enough against the terrorists?

Pat Robertson attracts about as much attention as a dose of herpes. You guys and a few check-writing nincompoops are the only people who pay him any mind.

The man won presidential primaries in the 80's. He has a substantial following.
The 80s was thirty years ago.
Come on. You agree with him, don't you? Tell us the truth.
No, I dont. The 'punishment' from unrestrained fagotry is the decline in demographic growth rates, the spread of disease and the loss of moral framework which in turn causes other problems in kind.

God does not have to smite fags, they smite themselves.

Every homosexual person I know and have ever met in my life has heterosexual parents.

Now, for some simple, basic human biology and a part of the gestation process of the human fetus.

During the 9 months of gestation for a human there is a hormone wash that goes over the brain of the fetus twice. If it's a male fetus it gets testosterone and male hormones. If it's female it gets estrogen and female hormones. Or are supposed to.

Now, if that fetus doesn't get the correct hormones or not enough of the correct hormones or doesn't get the hormones at all what do you think will happen to the brain of that fetus?

Studies of the brains of homosexual men show that their brains are exactly the same as a female brain.

Also keep in mind that every single form of human life on this planet started out female. Every egg is female until a Y sperm changes it to male. The female body can't make a male egg.

No one chooses to be homosexual. Just as no one chooses to be heterosexual.

I'm surprised that you don't know that it's our brain that controls and defines us. All the chemicals in that brain combined with the experiences in our lives, creates the person you are. Who we all are.

Attacking anyone just because of their sexuality or blaming a whole minority of our nation for what one person did, is wrong.

Funny, you gun nuts have been screaming to blame the person not the gun. However not in all cases. Here you blame a minority group and you single out another minority group as deserving to be persecuted and murdered.

If you want to live by the bible fine. However stop using it to persecute, and murder people.

Just when will you and others understand that everyone in America has the same rights you do? We have the right to our faith or not to have faith in any religion. Stop trying to force the whole nation to follow your chosen faith. We're free to live our lives as we choose. Just as you do.

Before you demand some links to what I've posted about gestation and the human egg, stop and take maybe 2 minutes of your time to find the answers for yourself.

Your posts read like they're from a radical christian terrorist.
Unfortunately it was more than one Christian.
These 7 Christian leaders showed their love by celebrating the Orlando nightclub massacre
Pastor refuses to mourn Orlando victims: ā€˜The tragedy is that more of them didnā€™t dieā€™
Baptist pastor stands by anti-gay Orlando shooting sermon

The problem is the Republican recognition of fundamentalist religion and as long as you couple with it for votes you are painted with the same brush. Honestly the 10% of the vote is better left alone when the cost of association is to be related to the American version of the Taliban. No other religious figures in America are shooting off their mouths like this bunch. That should tell you something.
The problem with Democrats is that they are filled with lunatics that make broad brush statements. Saying it's a shame more didn't die isn't a celebration. I don't agree with it but that doesn't lie at the doorstep of the Republicans. You don't get to pick bad examples and use them as representatives without getting called on it.

BUT so far from the left what I've seen is outrage against Christianity and NOTHING against Islam! What. The. Fuck?

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