Just paid $25 for a late breakfast at Denny’s- how can anybody still support the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars that caused this ?

Wow, you jumped right on the tard train.

In reality, it all circles back to OBiden fuel policy, moron.

Ignorant rube.

See post 198, Trumpster. You won't understand it. It is beyond you.
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Dear Sweet Jesus.
I sincerely APOLOGIZE for misleading you.
I have no excuses. It is totally my mistake.
Please forgive me. Please.
see how stupid the "YOU LIED" game is??

fact remains prices have not just gone up in the last 3 yrs but in some cases have gotten out of hand and hurt the working class and poor the most,,

funny thing is the rich dont care if prices go up,, theyre already rich and a few extra dollars at the grocery store dont mean shit because they dont even look at reciepts,,
see how stupid the "YOU LIED" game is??

fact remains prices have not just gone up in the last 3 yrs but in some cases have gotten out of hand and hurt the working class and poor the most,,

funny thing is the rich dont care if prices go up,, theyre already rich and a few extra dollars at the grocery store dont mean shit because they dont even look at reciepts,,
Are YOU one of the 'rich' ?
If not, where did you fail?

So, are you 'one of the rich' or NOT?
Nice, Me and my family too.

So what exactly is your bitch about me?
You seem to be very bitter and resentful. Why?
I wasnt talking about you,,

I was talking about how inflation has hurt the poor and working class,,

do you have anything to say about that??
I wasnt talking about you,,

I was talking about how inflation has hurt the poor and working class,,

do you have anything to say about that??
I have a memorial foundation that gives back to the community.
I started this in 2006.

It's NOT all my money, but I raise money, and that money helps the ones in need. I Live in a Community that Knows how to Support, very much Conservative, very much faith supported. But no need to judge, the money given is vetted. The Money Raised and Received is accepted. Again, It's NOT all my money, it's the Communities Money.

The Foundation gives from $1,000 to $5,000 EACH year to a graduating HS Senior(s) for the advancement (A Scholarship) in their career, College or Trade School, based on their Community Support. Yes, they write an essay, and they verify their commitment to the community. Given out each year on Scholarship night.

Also, The Foundation Gives to the Food Bank and what our Community calls "The Christmas Tree"......a Giving Tree for the Ones that Need some assistance.
It's a GREAT thing.

I just need to give a shout out to my biggest critic, Concerned American, as he will deny ALL OF THE ABOVE, because ........well I'm just not sure.
I have a memorial foundation that gives back to the community.
I started this in 2006.

It's NOT all my money, but I raise money, and that money helps the ones in need. I Live in a Community that Knows how to Support, very much Conservative, very much faith supported. But no need to judge, the money given is vetted. The Money Raised and Received is accepted. Again, It's NOT all my money, it's the Communities Money.

The Foundation gives from $1,000 to $5,000 EACH year to a graduating HS Senior(s) for the advancement (A Scholarship) in their career, College or Trade School, based on their Community Support. Yes, they write an essay, and they verify their commitment to the community. Given out each year on Scholarship night.

Also, The Foundation Gives to the Food Bank and what our Community calls "The Christmas Tree"......a Giving Tree for the Ones that Need some assistance.
It's a GREAT thing.

I just need to give a shout out to my biggest critic, Concerned American, as he will deny ALL OF THE ABOVE, because ........well I'm just not sure.
so it doesnt concern you at all??
I assume you were talking about your message below.

I can't help you understand.
Why the constant Hatred?
Read post #212 again, please.
I didnt ask you what you were doing in your personal life,,

I asked what you thought about how inflation is hurting the working class and poor,,
I didnt ask you what you were doing in your personal life,,

I asked what you thought about how inflation is hurting the working class and poor,,
Inflation talk started with COVID.
Trump fucked up COVID in EVERY metric. Leading to WW Inflation.
You will find a way to defend that POS. Figures.

My thought is that trump fucked up the COVID Response, in EVERY possible metric. TRUMP caused this initial demise. Trump was the POTUS, the so-called Leader, and he fucking deflected, yes, I'll say it again, the Fucking POTUS deferred responsibility to deflect BLAME.
A cowardly MOVE.
You, yes YOU, will blame it on Governors.
When in FACT, the POTUS is the true leader, so we thought, unless he cowers down, which POS45 did.

1) Travel Ban from China he Claimed. Reality......Yes, many regular folks were denied travel, but there were SO MANY that were allowed to re-enter the USA after the so-called trump ban. So MANY re-entered the USA.

Conclusion: Another false Claim that trump halted travel, but reality CONFIRMS that is a LIE. The Claim is very misleading.

2). Did trump disband the Response Team? Answer this....Was there a Pandemic Response Team that trump Defunded or Disbanded? C'mon....Don't deflect or LIE. This is indeed a FACT.
Inflation talk started with COVID.
Trump fucked up COVID in EVERY metric. Leading to WW Inflation.
You will find a way to defend that POS. Figures.

My thought is that trump fucked up the COVID Response, in EVERY possible metric. TRUMP caused this initial demise. Trump was the POTUS, the so-called Leader, and he fucking deflected, yes, I'll say it again, the Fucking POTUS deferred responsibility to deflect BLAME.
A cowardly MOVE.
You, yes YOU, will blame it on Governors.
When in FACT, the POTUS is the true leader, so we thought, unless he cowers down, which POS45 did.

1) Travel Ban from China he Claimed. Reality......Yes, many regular folks were denied travel, but there were SO MANY that were allowed to re-enter the USA after the so-called trump ban. So MANY re-entered the USA.

Conclusion: Another false Claim that trump halted travel, but reality CONFIRMS that is a LIE. The Claim is very misleading.

2). Did trump disband the Response Team? Answer this....Was there a Pandemic Response Team that trump Defunded or Disbanded? C'mon....Don't deflect or LIE. This is indeed a FACT.
so you dont care about the people its effected and only want to blame trump when he had nothing to do with it,,

thansk for your time,,
so you dont care about the people its effected
Sure, see next quote.

and only want to blame trump when he had nothing to do with it,,
Trump was in charge during COVID......

1). Which caused inflation, World Wide.
2). Which you will DENY.

TRUMP will be recorded in the History Books as the WORST POTUS in US History. A Complete failure, with so many, YES So Many Failed Promises.

Hey Guess what, who is LEADING the Nation BACK into Prosperity?

Bush .....Failure..............OBAMA saves the USA
Trump.....Failure..............Biden saves the USA
I will.

Q is, will you accept the Screenshot of the Prices I post?
This is in Washington. High Priced State.
Certainly Prices Vary from State to State.

I honestly have NO idea what to expect, you may be correct.

Did you have a successful Google on Subway Sub Prices?
Come on man stop trolling. Prices are up across-the-board. It’s the cost of living in general.

I’m just about done with you. I don’t need to show you pictures because people like you don’t stop the trolling. And it’s the BLM folks like yourself, you see denigration of America in front of your very eyes. The price of homes is 50 to 100% higher. The price of gas astronomically higher. What the hell is your problem.

Do you understand when the price of gas goes up Everything goes up in price.
It seems to me it was Trump who constantly said COVID was nothing to get concerned about as if he knew all about it. He was wrong as usual.........

Thus he provided the virus room to become COVID 19 GONE WILD which has killed I'm guessing at least 1,500,000 human beings. One more reason to lock him up = dereliction of duty and pre-meditated murder. So the rumor is more Trumpers died than any other part of the population. He'll throw anybody under the bus.

My guess is Denny's was bought out by a group of private equity spenders = inflation gone wild. Why did you stay and eat? Go to McDonalds............. same quality.
According to the PBD podcast, it was the faulty vaccine that killed way more people than the actual virus.

I mean, the point is the larger picture which were the catastrophic lockdowns and stimulus money printing trillions of dollars wrecking the economy. They gave us the inflation we have today the astronomical price of homes we have today.

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