Just paid $25 for a late breakfast at Denny’s- how can anybody still support the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars that caused this ?

CA......More Population than TX
TX.....More Square Miles than CA

Care to explain your comment.....
in all honesty the reason cali has more homeless is because of the climate and large cities on the ocean,, that and the ease of collecting welfare,,

a person can sleep on the beach and go to food kitchens and get food stamps along with many other handouts,,,

texas would be a miserable place to be homeless,, it switches between hot and hotter,,

and lets be clear,, most of them are not homeless,, they wouldnt live in a home if you gave them one and if they did the house would be destroyed pretty quickly,,

I call them adventurers,,

anyone thats truelly homeless are living in the homeless shelter s activly trying to find a home,,
The $10 for a super slam breakfast isn't out line these days but geez, $3.69 for a cup of coffee? Hubby and I very rarely eat out any more just because it is so expensive for what you get. But the restaurants seems to be doing a good business so I guess they don't need thee and me.
Well, I agree that it’s not out of line but that is because of the lockdowns. So we’ve been conditioned for higher prices, but it’s not right. You see to see such a jumping prices in a short time is not good for working class people. It means nothing to the millionaires and billionaires.

Denny’s is overcharging you know people can get 12 eggs for one dollar at some places. Not to mention the cheap prices for frozen sausage and bacon. So their prices are way too high. That’s a combination of corporate greed and the unnecessary lockdowns.

I have been to restaurant Depot. And I can tell you that the prices there are quite low when you get things in high volume. So there’s no reason for these restaurants to be jacking up their prices. There is no reason for subway to be charging $12-$15 for a foot-long sub today.

Working class people are always going to need food, supplies, and they’re gonna want to go out every now and then and they’re gonna pay the price. Of course, I’ve always admired the great Richman of American history, John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford. I argue as always, that we don’t have those types of men today and we need them.
My sausage links and bacon were much smaller than pictured above.

Not too long ago that pictured would’ve cost five or six dollars. Now it is $10 plus the orange juice is probably another two dollars if not three dollars.

Also Most people get coffee with their breakfast so go ahead and add on $3.50 to that and most people also might want to get blueberry pancakes or chocolate pancakes. Go ahead and add another three dollars onto that.

Corporate greed, and the government giving us the lockdowns raised the prices. It’s ridiculous and only a slave would say “oh it’s totally fine shut up and pay the money for the meal and get your 5th Covid jab after”

No way man this is America. This isn’t how things were back in the day.
Could you say "back in the day" a few thousand more times, you broken record closet case?
These morons keep saying there are jobs. Yep, there are. Full time, forty hour a week jobs? Not so much. Employers have discovered that hiring four, ten hour a week employees avoids all excessive gov't mandated benefits. No unemployment insurance, disability insurance, vacations, sick leave, FMLA, parental leave, etc. So now employees get split shifts, work two, maybe three jobs with the attendant costs of getting from one job to another. LOL--democrats have to be the dumbest people in America.
This 100%. If I have what you’re saying correct basically the jobs of today ain’t what they used to be. They’re not coming with the benefits they used to. They’re not paying what they used to. The Days of the Post World War II economic boom when we had patriotism and good jobs in this country. We need to get back to those days.

No matter what happens with our economy no matter how high prices are there’s always going to be shills for the Biden administration …. people that make excuses for the Republicans and Democrats that locked us all down in 2020…

Now today, we have astronomical prices for a home, groceries eating out. It’s all through the roof. The only question is what’s the future going to be like. Will we get back to a return to normalcy or will this be the new normal for decades on end ushering in an ugly era of low birth rates, high abortion rates, more and more young people being single, depressed and on drugs.
This 100%. If I have what you’re saying correct basically the jobs of today ain’t what they used to be. They’re not coming with the benefits they used to. They’re not paying what they used to. The Days of the Post World War II economic boom when we had patriotism and good jobs in this country. We need to get back to those days.

No matter what happens with our economy no matter how high prices are there’s always going to be shills for the Biden administration …. people that make excuses for the Republicans and Democrats that locked us all down in 2020…

Now today, we have astronomical prices for a home, groceries eating out. It’s all through the roof. The only question is what’s the future going to be like. Will we get back to a return to normalcy or will this be the new normal for decades on end ushering in an ugly era of low birth rates, high abortion rates, more and more young people being single, depressed and on drugs.
All valid points.

A lot of your posts are off-topic, personally directed and trolling. Come on now man you can simply google the price of a subway sub. It’s almost 11 or 12 bucks if not higher with tax. So much for the five dollar foot-long.

I mean come on man you know the price of a home today is astronomically higher than it was under Donald Trump. Why are you trolling. You know the interest rates on a home mortgage is 6 1/2% today when under trumpet it was 2%.

You know the jobs aint what they used to be in this country. It’s not like it was back in the 1950s when you can go to Ford motor company or Republic steel be a proud American, work and have a job that pays enough to raise a family and even send kids to college. We simply don’t have it today.

Across this country you have tons of young people hooked on drugs, they don’t have any interest in starting a family. Too many young people support BLM and radical anti-American ideals. You call that America hell I call that a shit hole.

The only question is, will we return to normalcy, will we improve this. Or are we going to continue to go down the road of degradation and filth. Now you could respond by trolling if you want. I’m not going to respond to you anymore if you don’t acknowledge the astronomical prices we have today
my friend.

We shd put Country before politics and I’m all for any Democrat that is proud of our countries history and wants to go back to traditional Democrat values of standing up for good jobs, national healthcare, unions…. And they have to stand against BLM and race division
Is there anybody out there who still believes that the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars were necessary? Surely we must care for our fellow American.

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This meal after tip cost me $25. Of course I’ll always tip Well, I’m not a brokie

How can a family of four afford to go to a place like Denny’s? Which back in the day used to be an affordable place for breakfast or dinner. Remember the four dollar grand slams and what not.

So you have a combination of restaurants, keeping their prices high along with the inflation caused by the fake virus and printing of trillions of dollars. Of course, some restaurants and businesses will continue to keep prices high, because why not they got away with it the first time.

I’m seeing this at places like Mr. Goodyear as well where they are charging astronomical amounts of money for tires. Thankfully I got a local guy I go to for car repairs …. Tons of Americans when they get a flat tire for example they get robbed blind $35 to patch up a tire at a place like Mr. Goodyear or one of those places when it could cost you nothing or maybe $10 if you know somebody.
It seems to me it was Trump who constantly said COVID was nothing to get concerned about as if he knew all about it. He was wrong as usual.........

Thus he provided the virus room to become COVID 19 GONE WILD which has killed I'm guessing at least 1,500,000 human beings. One more reason to lock him up = dereliction of duty and pre-meditated murder. So the rumor is more Trumpers died than any other part of the population. He'll throw anybody under the bus.

My guess is Denny's was bought out by a group of private equity spenders = inflation gone wild. Why did you stay and eat? Go to McDonalds............. same quality.
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It seems to me it was Trump who constantly said COVID was nothing to get concerned about as if he knew all about it. He was wrong as usual.........

Thus he provided the virus room to become COVID 19 GONE WILD which has killed 1,500,000 human beings. One more reason to lock him up = dereliction of duty and pre-meditated murder. So the rumor is more Trumpers died than any other part of the population. He'll throw anybody under the bus.

My guess is Denny's was bought out by a group of private equity spenders = inflation gone wild.
well it did end up being just another flu,,

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