Just paid $25 for a late breakfast at Denny’s- how can anybody still support the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars that caused this ?

Ah, back in the days where people actually worked for a living.
And back in those days we had patriotic politicians. Now we have politicians telling people how evil and racist American history was…. trying to tell us how our own ancestors , our own grandparents were these evil people.
$11 trillion in stimulus since 2009, artificially low interest rates since 2009, collapsed global supply chains at a critical moment, and a Fed that was asleep at the switch will do that.
If Republicans stopped fucking everything up when they were in charge we wouldn't need so much stimulus. Crashing the world economy in 2008, then incompentently managing a pandemic in just under 12 years is how we got here.
Can’t be the case. If it wasn’t for the lockdowns, we would not have astronomical prices today.
you and I have a different view on what astronomical is,,

10 bucks for a plate of food that big is nothing,, and more so if you compare it to other places where it can cost up to 20 bucks just for the main plate,,
Under the Biden administration one of the worst economies in American history.
Plenty of JOBS.
Go get one......or Two.

The wealthiest, billionaires and millionaires don’t get affected,
And then there is THIS ^^^^^ gem from you.
The wealthiest don't get affected.........NO SHIT SHERLOCK.
Tax them at a higher RATE than the middle class and the poor.
Are there NO JOBS available for those that became POORER?
Work.....It's the American Thing to DO!
Availability of jobs doesn't appear to be the problem, getting them off their asses is the problem. If you have suggestions, I'm sure Newsom would like to hear from you...then again, maybe not.
Availability of jobs doesn't appear to be the problem, getting them off their asses is the problem. If you have suggestions, I'm sure Newsom would like to hear from you...then again, maybe not.
Newsom, the guy from CA?
You are confused again, but it's ok.
Two buttermilk pancakes, two eggs (cooked however you would like), two bacon strips, two sausage links, and a heaping portion of hash browns.

$9.99 is not unreasonable.

Why do Republicans hate Capitalism?
Hmmm, seems the "transitory" inflation isn't so transitory.
These morons keep saying there are jobs. Yep, there are. Full time, forty hour a week jobs? Not so much. Employers have discovered that hiring four, ten hour a week employees avoids all excessive gov't mandated benefits. No unemployment insurance, disability insurance, vacations, sick leave, FMLA, parental leave, etc. So now employees get split shifts, work two, maybe three jobs with the attendant costs of getting from one job to another. LOL--democrats have to be the dumbest people in America.
Yep, the guy from CA, the guy with the highest welfare recipients, the guy with the highest homeless.

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 6.03.38 PM.png
Up there, but NOT the TOP.
Per Capita.

Without doing a search, which State has the most Billionaires?
Two buttermilk pancakes, two eggs (cooked however you would like), two bacon strips, two sausage links, and a heaping portion of hash browns.

$9.99 is not unreasonable.

Why do Republicans hate Capitalism?
Conholes are entitlement monkeys. They think they have a God given right to cheap oil and cheap breakfasts.
Is there anybody out there who still believes that the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars were necessary? Surely we must care for our fellow American.

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This meal after tip cost me $25. Of course I’ll always tip Well, I’m not a brokie

How can a family of four afford to go to a place like Denny’s? Which back in the day used to be an affordable place for breakfast or dinner. Remember the four dollar grand slams and what not.

So you have a combination of restaurants, keeping their prices high along with the inflation caused by the fake virus and printing of trillions of dollars. Of course, some restaurants and businesses will continue to keep prices high, because why not they got away with it the first time.

I’m seeing this at places like Mr. Goodyear as well where they are charging astronomical amounts of money for tires. Thankfully I got a local guy I go to for car repairs …. Tons of Americans when they get a flat tire for example they get robbed blind $35 to patch up a tire at a place like Mr. Goodyear or one of those places when it could cost you nothing or maybe $10 if you know somebody.
The $10 for a super slam breakfast isn't out line these days but geez, $3.69 for a cup of coffee? Hubby and I very rarely eat out any more just because it is so expensive for what you get. But the restaurants seems to be doing a good business so I guess they don't need thee and me.

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