Just paid $25 for a late breakfast at Denny’s- how can anybody still support the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars that caused this ?

Well, you see, that $9.99 Super Slam, a few years ago a meal like that went for more like $3.69. And coffee went for $1.69. I mean, eggs are 10¢ apiece, pancakes are nothing to make and sausages cost little. Coffee is just flavored water.

But you paid it. So as long as they can sell that for $10, they will charge $10. Guess that's why I almost never eat out anymore.
you leave out what so many other people leave out of resurant food,,

yeah an egg is 10 cents but the equipment needed to store it and then cook it including upkeep is in the thousands of dollars a month,, and thats not including the man power needed for everything else to keep the doors open,,
you leave out what so many other people leave out of resurant food,,

yeah an egg is 10 cents but the equipment needed to store it and then cook it including upkeep is in the thousands of dollars a month,, and thats not including the man power needed for everything else to keep the doors open,,

You obviously have not bought any eggs since Trump was President.
I believe the future is bright, but it’s going to take some time to right the wrong
Those new prices are baked in and won't be reduced significantly no matter which party is in power. There is a neo-Marxist junta in place in DC that has infiltrated most of our agencies and is aided by a complicit media apparatus. The America I was born into in 1960 is over. The ONLY way to return our Constitutional Republic will be through revolution and the Left nearly has full control over our military as well. When next year's election is rife with the same kinds of problems that 2020 had, we are on our way to chaos.
Is there anybody out there who still believes that the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars were necessary? Surely we must care for our fellow American.

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This meal after tip cost me $25. Of course I’ll always tip Well, I’m not a brokie

How can a family of four afford to go to a place like Denny’s? Which back in the day used to be an affordable place for breakfast or dinner. Remember the four dollar grand slams and what not.

So you have a combination of restaurants, keeping their prices high along with the inflation caused by the fake virus and printing of trillions of dollars. Of course, some restaurants and businesses will continue to keep prices high, because why not they got away with it the first time.

I’m seeing this at places like Mr. Goodyear as well where they are charging astronomical amounts of money for tires. Thankfully I got a local guy I go to for car repairs …. Tons of Americans when they get a flat tire for example they get robbed blind $35 to patch up a tire at a place like Mr. Goodyear or one of those places when it could cost you nothing or maybe $10 if you know somebody.
Minimum wage is going up everywhere. That's why.
I went to Carl's Jr recently because they have the Beyond burger (and I like that it's charbroiled but I digress) and with the meal it came up to close to 20 bucks. It's crazy to me...especially after living in Mexico for many years, where I could get a decent meal for less than 5 bucks.
Is there anybody out there who still believes that the lockdowns and printing of trillions of dollars were necessary? Surely we must care for our fellow American.

View attachment 872046

This meal after tip cost me $25. Of course I’ll always tip Well, I’m not a brokie

How can a family of four afford to go to a place like Denny’s? Which back in the day used to be an affordable place for breakfast or dinner. Remember the four dollar grand slams and what not.

So you have a combination of restaurants, keeping their prices high along with the inflation caused by the fake virus and printing of trillions of dollars. Of course, some restaurants and businesses will continue to keep prices high, because why not they got away with it the first time.

I’m seeing this at places like Mr. Goodyear as well where they are charging astronomical amounts of money for tires. Thankfully I got a local guy I go to for car repairs …. Tons of Americans when they get a flat tire for example they get robbed blind $35 to patch up a tire at a place like Mr. Goodyear or one of those places when it could cost you nothing or maybe $10 if you know somebody.
YOu paid $16,00 for a breakfast with add ons.

Then your local government charged sales tax.

That's $18 and change. The tip was your decision, the thread title is fauxrage.
How can a family of four afford to go to a place like Denny’s? Which back in the day used to be an affordable place for breakfast or dinner. Remember the four dollar grand slams and what not.

Median family income last year (obviously higher now) was $92,750 so a meal a Denny's costs them maybe 90 minutes of work?
No doubt a "superslam" breakfast is a lot more than just coffee and toast. At less than ten bucks it sounds like a good deal.
Yeah, the high cost of eggs and breakfast meats had nothing to do with it.

Hmm. Restaurants buy that stuff in a large volume usually from a restaurant food supply depot at far lower cost than you'll ever see in a supermarket, I know, because I belong to such a place. I just checked my local supermarket where the common riff raff shop everyday and based on just buying a dozen large eggs and one pack of breakfast links, an egg would cost me about 14¢ each and the links 21¢ each and I didn't even try to swing a deal.

So my guess is that if a restaurant serves you two eggs, a couple of pancakes, a couple of slices of toast and a cup of coffee, they are out about 40 cents out of pocket. Add a couple sausage links or a few strips of bacon, then make it about 60-70 cents. The rest is overhead: labor, rent, utilities and profit.
No doubt a "superslam" breakfast is a lot more than just coffee and toast. At less than ten bucks it sounds like a good deal.
$3.69 for a coffee at Denny’s. I remember during a Trump administration it was $1.50.
I remember when a bottomless cup was a dime. America lost its collective mind when they started patronizing places like Starbucks. LOL, now that Starbucks is unionizing, I predict they will be in our rear view mirror shortly---unless these morons that can't make it on $15/hr spend $10 for a cup.
Hmm. Restaurants buy that stuff in a large volume usually from a restaurant food supply depot at far lower cost than you'll ever see in a supermarket, I know, because I belong to such a place. I just checked my local supermarket where the common riff raff shop everyday and based on just buying a dozen large eggs and one pack of breakfast links, an egg would cost me about 14¢ each and the links 21¢ each and I didn't even try to swing a deal.

So my guess is that if a restaurant serves you two eggs, a couple of pancakes, a couple of slices of toast and a cup of coffee, they are out about 40 cents out of pocket. Add a couple sausage links or a few strips of bacon, then make it about 60-70 cents. The rest is overhead: labor, rent, utilities and profit.
you would be surprised resturants dont get that much of a break on costs,,

their benefit comes from large quanities and delivery costs,, and uniformity,,
us fellow americans wont tip triple the standard and then go on line and whine about it like a little child,,

how are they robbing anyone?? they do give you the prices ahead of time dont they??
Like another post, you seem to be ignoring what I’m saying or you haven’t read the full post. The prices in this country are astronomical because of the choices of politicians to print trillions of dollars by in the forms of so-called stimulus checks and PPP loans. One of the worst decisions in American history history.

I really hope you just read that. The politicians chose to print trillions of dollars helping to cause inflation, which is jacking up the prices at restaurants and grocery stores. Maybe you can afford it maybe I can afford it but many Americans cannot afford it.
I tipped like six dollars so the total was about 25 bucks. I’m not broke so I tip well which I say is also in line with the values that my parents brought me up with as well as Christianity

Well there is a problem. You remember how Subway used to have the five dollar foot-long. Wasn’t that long ago now it’s maybe $14 for a sub at Subway. Again do you remember the four dollar grand slams at Denny’s now they’re like eight or 10 bucks. This is unacceptable.

Not to mention the cost of money for vacation to a place like Las Vegas or Disneyland for a family. Forget about it man. This is ridiculous wrt What’s going on with prices in this country…. Much of it due to the fake virus and the unnecessary lockdowns that came with it.
I stayed at the W hotel at Grand Central in NYC, omelettes were twenty five bucks in 2014.
I say, according to common sense and logic we have high prices today because of the printing of trillions of dollars and stimulus checks and PPP loans. Never been done in American history. Something that was unprecedented. And we all saw after the lockdowns the price of homes and the price of grocery items went through the roof.

So it’s not the raising of minimum wage, that’s just a distraction, it’s not Trump‘s fault it’s another distraction. These are what the privileged elite want the middle class to constantly bicker about along with race topics…. It serves as a distraction from how bad things are in America because of our economic issues.

It was because some people in suits Republican and Democrat made a decision to lock us down in 2020 and print trillions of dollars. That’s common sense and there’s no way to argue against this point because that is by definition what is going to give you inflation when you lock people down in their homes… and they say “you can’t go to work” …. people even lost their job because of a fake virus, and the negative affects it had on our economy. Everybody can see it.

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