Just sent to Netherlands: To The Rescue Of Netherlands And World Champion MP Geert Wilders

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
To The Rescue Of Netherlands And World Champion MP Geert Wilders (Just sent to all Netherlands MP's except only 2 who didn't have contact information. I suggest you look up Geert Wilders in even google search for recent news)

First of all lets begin with the factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe. It is really very simple.

Fact remains that every single muslim on the planet follows islam and fact remains that islam is where you will find violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed as acceptable such as beheading non muslims and stoning non muslims to death for simply not being muslim, also raping and gang raping women for not being / dressing like a muslim deemed as acceptable in islam which proves that every muslim on the planet is a threat to the life of every non muslim on the planet period because every single muslim on the planet follows islam where again you will find these violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed as acceptable. A rational concern is not a phobia.

In lieu of these simple fact Islam is quite obviously a disgusting manifestation of hatred and and proof of this is islam deems as acceptable hate crimes towards anyone not muslim and should be criminalized, mosques shut down, sharia criminalized and anyone else who seeks to continue to shame themselves and the world by continuing to be muslim or seeks to have muslims immigrate to your country thus placing citizens of the country under threat of of losing life to offencive islamic hate crimes against non muslims deported for the well being and safety of citizens.

Islam also deems sex with 9 year olds as acceptable which is paedophilia deemed as acceptable in islam and every single muslim on the planet follows islam. being against paedophilia and being against violent hate crimes against non muslims is most certainly not a phobia but a very deep and rational concern for the well being and safety of all non muslims in any country!

I am well aware that other religions have similar demands of their followers as islam written in their religious books such as the bible of which are violent hate crimes against those of not of their following deemed as acceptable. However these violent hate crimes are no longer being carried out in modern day where as muslims hate crimes against non muslims are not only being carried out in modern day, these violent hate crimes against non muslims are being carried out in several countries around the world in modern day.

If you research several countries where islam immigrants moved too, once their population begin to rise to around 5 percent of the population that is when they really start defecating on the laws of the countries (they are even beginning to do that here in Canada where there population is only around 3 percent) that they immigrate too while they start trying to force islamic law until they dominate like Lebanon or Afghanistan of which just a few decades ago only had about a 5% population of muslims aka muslim dominated country. Of course they have oil rich muslims countries who denied muslim immigrants because their plan was to send them to dominate non muslim countries throwing money at politicians of those countries as lobbyists to betray the citizens of the countries they were elected to represent. These traitors then start forcing such lies on the public as being against muslim hate crimes against non muslims is a hate crime and their pathetic ignorant excuse they use is that every muslim is not the modern day definition of a terrorist which is quite obviously irrelevant to the fact that islam deems violent and perverted hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable and that every single muslim on the planet follows islam. Again these hate crimes are being carried out in modern day in several countries against non muslims which proves that every muslim on the planet is a threat to the life of every non muslim in every country who's citizens are not muslim! Research Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France etc. where the violent hate crimes against non muslims are well on their way as well as muslims forcing their islamic law and creating no go zones which is denying citizens of that country from roaming their own country because they are not muslim!

Now MP Geert Wilders, I feel sorry for the non religious in Morocco because Morocco is about 93% religious with muslim sunnis being the dominant religion. Not all people who come from Morocco are religious or muslim. When you state you want to get rid of muslims from The Netherlands, that is quite obviously justifiable for the well being and safety of your own citizens. But stating getting rid of Moroccans then it becomes a racist statement because you are then lumping the non religious in with the religious and that isn't fair to those who do not stoop to being muslim in Morocco.

I would have gotten in touch with you all allot sooner but because our country of Canada is economically, socially being destroyed by a compulsive obsessive liar who didn't let the public know he was a muslim before he was voted in as our pathetic excuse for a PM, our country also faces the crisis of our citizens being subjected to the threat of islamic hate crimes. Those Canadians voted in are not representing the interests of those who voted them in, they are turning their backs on citizens to stuff their pockets with lobbyist cash while instead forcing lobbyist dictation on Canada and lobbyist dictation is quite obviously not democracy.

I'm working on ridding Canada of such excrement on the grounds of treason because our citizens are for example getting less privileges than muslim immigrants while muslims pose an obvious threat to the lives of every non muslim on the planet. Government doesn't expect them to work, gives them thousands of dollars a month (more than they give Canadian citizens on subsidy to my understanding and even better benefits with better drug coverage etc.) while they destroy the economy as citizens are losing jobs. These traitors in office I see obviously doing this because they do not want citizens to be able to afford to have large families while they fund muslims to procreate like rabbits thus with all of the immigration and muslim incentive to populate the obvious is that they are pushing for a muslim majority so they can then try and force islam on Canada as they attempt on several countries so our children / grandchildren will be running for their lives from being beheaded or stoned to death for not being muslim, gang raped for not wearing muslim garbage bags while those who follow islam the religion of hate and paedophilia also deem acceptable paedophilia because islam also deems sex with 9 year olds as acceptable.

Our current government consist of those deliberately out to kill off Canadian citizens with these violent hate crimes deemed as acceptable in islam of which again every single muslim on the planet follows islam and there is no denying this fact with so much as a shred of validity!

I am not about to sit back and do not anything while this happens, I'll continue to fight the compulsive obsessive greedy selfish liars deceivers and traitors around the world and the ones we have in office committing treason against the citizens of Canada. I want them all jailed for treason, every single one of them and all muslims deported asap.

I don't care what colour your skin is or where you are from, if you are a follower of islam you factually pose a threat to the lives of non muslims and therefor must be deported for the well being and safety of citizens otherwise if you want to stay you respect the laws of the country you immigrate too, you throw islam in the garbage where it belongs, all mosques face a wrecking ball to be destroyed, and islam criminalized permanently.

I applaud your efforts and raising global awareness towards your similar fight in the Netherlands MP Geert Wilders and all of those standing strong with this champion! You are welcome to email me with any questions to help you fight these globalists and their filthy agenda of forcing muslims on you while destroying many countries socially and economically.

Thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people over factually proven foundations of religious lies right to this very day and here we are seeing it happen again. Those of any religion is any country are those who are holding the door open to this very real muslim threat through freedom of religion. Do you value human life more than you value religious lies? It is time for us to throw religion in the garbage where it belongs and start believing in ourselves and one another.

I will leave you with the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.

The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be in existence. For some religions it is a god/allah for example. These religious followers are also those who claim through prayer or worship that this god/allah must have intellect o be able to understand worship or prayer. They also claim this god/allah to be the creator of everything.

The factual evidence which proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is the simple fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Proof that everything always was is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Proof that everything always will be is that not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

If anyone wants to prove that the existence of a god/ allah is even a remote possibility then just share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness.

Let alone can develop and intelligence out of nothing, or make things go poof into existence out of nothing to create from nothing! Creator of everything my derriere!

This is also the very same factual evidence proving that the big bang theory as proof of origin is not even a remote possibility because no bang no matter how large or small can occur without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

This is the factual evidence proving beyond any shadow of doubt that everything that exists always did exist and always will exist enduring an endless duration of constant change.

We have the greedy and the selfish who use religious lies to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many and cower from accepting responsibility of taking advantage of the many with factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies, then we have the brainwashed trained to lie obsessively and compulsively because they do not want to accept the shame of being taken advantage of like the fools they prove to be. Deliberate ignorance towards fact is religions only defence. The religious only fool themselves, but in the end the question remains, do the religious really value lies more than the lives of their own families etc.?

I'm confident I can get through to the world despite the current insanity manifestation imposed by mainly greedy selfish individuals with money and mentalities like children without restrictions or boundaries.

People need to understand that ridding the world of filthy religious lies will soon after open the doors to trusting and believing in one another as could have always been instead of believing in pathetic lies.

Time to graduate from primitive humans otherwise we destroy ourselves along with the life on this planet. It's time to grow up and act like care takers of Earth and one another.

Now I suspect MP Geert Wilders can kick his feet back and blow this rhetoric away with me and the information I share in his corner and in the corner of all of you who are with Geert and for every human around the world who is not muslim and are also having globalist agenda threatening to destroy your country socially and economically. Again feel free to contact me. Please do pardon any typos etc. which may be found within this composition.

Photo of Geert Wilders MP of the Netherlands



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
This was also just sent to the elected officials of Germany to help them combat traitor scum.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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