Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

Am I the only one who wants to know what "cancel culture logic" means?

IT means absolutely NOTHING. Just one more MIND FART by a tired old confused fool who is on his way to realizing that the biggest problem of the Right is that we are not more like his true destiny, the Democrats.

Grandpa probably has a Nancy Pelosi bobble-head stuck on his dashboard.
I'm so triggered I'm going to cry endlessly and continually bump a thread that I have real issues with....

Too funny.

A smart person would have moved on by now rather than obsess over a sole opinion like a fat person with a box of chocolates.

Gramps, you better see this video of Mini-Mike on blacks and Latinos not being able to get jobs....

I’ve gotta wonder what the Dems strategy is backing this guy. Are they hoping to steal all the supposed racist Trump supporters?
A smart person would have moved on by now rather than obsess over a sole opinion like a fat person with a box of chocolates.
Gramps, you better see this video of Mini-Mike on blacks and Latinos not being able to get jobs....
I’ve gotta wonder what the Dems strategy is backing this guy. Are they hoping to steal all the supposed racist Trump supporters?

What really makes me wonder Hawk is how someone defends Bloomberg obstinately in the light of so many glaringly racist, sexist and condescending remarks? Is it stupidity, stubbornness or just getting paid to do so?

Zander said it best in saying that you have to judge a person by the way they would judge you. They have called Trump a racist and a sexist despite being pro-minority and female long before these were even issues. And never made a show of it. Yet he cannot address any issue: illegal immigration, inner city poverty, without being called racist.

Yet here is Bloomberg saying things FAR WORSE than anything Trump has ever said being defended as certainly NOT a racist! I just wonder:
  • When Bloomberg was a Republican mayor, was he really a closet liberal lying to all of his constituents?
  • Or now that the Zebra candidate Bloomberg is running as a Democrat, is he really a closet Republican lying to all of the 2020 voters?
  • And how do you "unite" people when you are always so busy looking down upon and condescending to them all? Is there really anyone Mike really respects other than his elite white friends at his local exclusive club for Billionaires?
A smart person would have moved on by now rather than obsess over a sole opinion like a fat person with a box of chocolates.
Gramps, you better see this video of Mini-Mike on blacks and Latinos not being able to get jobs....
I’ve gotta wonder what the Dems strategy is backing this guy. Are they hoping to steal all the supposed racist Trump supporters?

What really makes me wonder Hawk is how someone defends Bloomberg obstinately in the light of so many glaringly racist, sexist and condescending remarks? Is it stupidity, stubbornness or just getting paid to do so?

Zander said it best in saying that you have to judge a person by the way they would judge you. They have called Trump a racist and a sexist despite being pro-minority and female long before these were even issues. And never made a show of it. Yet he cannot address any issue: illegal immigration, inner city poverty, without being called racist.

Yet here is Bloomberg saying things FAR WORSE than anything Trump has ever said being defended as certainly NOT a racist! I just wonder:
  • When Bloomberg was a Republican mayor, was he really a closet liberal lying to all of his constituents?
  • Or now that the Zebra candidate Bloomberg is running as a Democrat, is he really a closet Republican lying to all of the 2020 voters?
  • And how do you "unite" people when you are always so busy looking down upon and condescending to them all? Is there really anyone Mike really respects other than his elite white friends at his local exclusive club for Billionaires?
Gramps MAY just be a bit confused about this, he IS getting up there in age.
I can't remember the last time you criticized any leftist, and whenever you do you always manage to include right-wingers in your lamentations.
If your hardcore ideology had not robbed you of any intellectual curiosity you (may have once) had, you would utilize the search engine here. It works pretty well.

I just typed in "regressive" and "mac1958" and hit "search". Bingo! A bunch of recent postings.

True story!
It isn't my ideology that has robbed me of any curiosity about leftists. It's having been exposed to all their sleazy vacuous ideas 10000 times that has done it.
And yet, one of your fellow Trump Devotion Syndrome sufferers said this:
Maybe you should take it up with him.

So I "pretty much" nailed it. Again.

You could take it up with him, but we both know you don't have the balls to go off the reservation.
Who is "him?" Are you trying to say that Trump is responsible for the fact that extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies hate him?
Um, no, I was talking about you.

It really wasn't that complicated.
Then why did you say "you should take it up with HIM?"

Are you able to compose simple English sentences?
Yes, but you're a Trumpster, so.....
Trumpster, Trumpett, Trumpanzee.... gee, Mac, you guys really do need to stop complimenting people while too dumb to realize that it's no loss or shame to support the best most successful and resilient, pro-American, best liked president in at least the last 40-50 years! When you use such aspersions, all you're really accomplishing is showing your envy at having the likes of Hillary, Uncle Joe and Comrade Sanders on your side! Now you've sunk so low as to take aboard a rich republican who openly flaunts that he can BUY/BRIBE/STEAL your votes!!! :21::21::21:
Remember, kids!

If you're not an obedient, shallow, gutless Trumpster who gets his information and opinions from talk radio and Gateway Pundit, you must be an extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commie!

MAC-TRANSLATION: Won't you guys PLEEEEAZE let up on the Democrats! They stand little chance of winning as it is! :CryingCow: Maybe I can try calling you names and make you conform out of white shame!
And yet, one of your fellow Trump Devotion Syndrome sufferers said this:
It's pretty much a fact that those who hate Trump are extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies.
Maybe you should take it up with him.

So I "pretty much" nailed it. Again.

You could take it up with him, but we both know you don't have the balls to go off the reservation.
Who is "him?" Are you trying to say that Trump is responsible for the fact that extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies hate him?
Um, no, I was talking about you.
It really wasn't that complicated.
It's not that you're hard to understand, Mac, just that you are impossible to believe.
Um, no, I was talking about you.

It really wasn't that complicated.
Then why did you say "you should take it up with HIM?"

Are you able to compose simple English sentences?
Yes, but you're a Trumpster, so.....
hmmm,so? Are you able to make sense?
Probably not to someone like you.

That's okay. I've given up trying to get through.

Yes, of course, Mac. Your lofty wavelengths are simply too refined to get through to the vulgar, unwashed rabble of the uncouth Right. We are still too used to communicating in grunts with scratches on the cave wall of our Rush-infused, molding minds with charcoal and stone.

We are only so honored that you even graced us with your lofty intellectual blessings in the short attempt.
Good. Get it all out.
I can't remember the last time you criticized any leftist, and whenever you do you always manage to include right-wingers in your lamentations.
If your hardcore ideology had not robbed you of any intellectual curiosity you (may have once) had, you would utilize the search engine here. It works pretty well.

I just typed in "regressive" and "mac1958" and hit "search". Bingo! A bunch of recent postings.

True story!
It isn't my ideology that has robbed me of any curiosity about leftists. It's having been exposed to all their sleazy vacuous ideas 10000 times that has done it.

Amazing how Mac lectures others of their need for "intellectual curiosity" to further explore the mental mangoes of progressive-socialist dogma yet exhibits none of that same curiosity to better understand the time-tested virtue of conservatism. Hmm.
31 fucking pages lol
And most of it from TWO PEOPLE
This is when you know you've nailed it and triggered the nutters.

Look at them go full drama queen. Well done. And all you did was ask for honesty.
You know how you can tell a TDS douchebag? They call people "nutters."

He asked us to help the enemy. TDS morons are not just political opponents, they are the fucking enemy.
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You no how you can tell a TDS douchebag? They call people "nutters."

He asked us to help the enemy. TDS morons are not just political opponents, they are the fucking enemy.
And you call people "douchebags", "morons" and "the fucking enemy".

You're no better than those you loathe. Maybe that's why you guys are always so cranky.
31 fucking pages lol
And most of it from TWO PEOPLE
This is when you know you've nailed it and triggered the nutters.

Look at them go full drama queen. Well done. And all you did was ask for honesty.

Oh do you show your LACK of honesty and institutionalized bias in calling people here you do not understand "nutters." No one here has asked for "honestly" you bullshiter! What has been asked for is for one side of the political aisle already more inherently true to the Founders of this country to further compromise themselves (in this case by refraining from calling Bloomberg a racist even in the now mounting evidence of his racism! And now it is coming out he has offended and slandered the transgender community as well), while asking nothing from the OTHER side of the aisle most known for its dishonesty in the first place!

And this in the wake of months of the most DISHONEST political proceedings in the history of this country! For years here I have watched as Trump has been attacked vociferously as a racist; number of times I have seen you come out in his defense demanding greater honesty and decorum from the Left? ZERO. I'm starting to think I can get a straighter answer from Rightwinger, Crepitus or Pogo than you!

No, Mac, no one here is asking for "honesty;" that is just the new euphemism trying to be perpetrated here in lieu of the real goal: to lighten up on Bloomberg and give him an unqualified free pass on things that would NEVER be afforded Donald trump.

Fuck you.

Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right, you have NO credibility with me, Schmuck. You're a political HACK.
You no how you can tell a TDS douchebag? They call people "nutters."

He asked us to help the enemy. TDS morons are not just political opponents, they are the fucking enemy.
And you call people "douchebags", "morons" and "the fucking enemy".

You're no better than those you loathe. Maybe that's why you guys are always so cranky.
They are "douchebags", "morons" and "the fucking enemy." They lie incessantly, use the sleaziest tactics imaginable, destroy people's lives simply for disagreeing with their idiocies, and they want to loot and enslave us all. Why anyone thinks these people deserve fair treatment is beyond me. They wouldn't hesitate to plunge a knife into your back and sell your children into slavery.

Just consider this transgender shit going on in our schools. They are forcing young girls to take showers with guys who have dicks. It takes a sick mind to believe there's something OK about that.
You no how you can tell a TDS douchebag? They call people "nutters."

He asked us to help the enemy. TDS morons are not just political opponents, they are the fucking enemy.
And you call people "douchebags", "morons" and "the fucking enemy".

You're no better than those you loathe. Maybe that's why you guys are always so cranky.

Seems you just slapped yourself in the face with your own comment there, Mac.

Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right,

Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right, you have NO credibility with me, Schmuck. You're a political HACK.
this is a really stupid comment. I have spent nearly a decade on this site BLASTING the left for the games they play. On a rare occasion I call out the right when I see it as egregious.
So no, equal treatment is not what you are looking for. What you're looking for is an excuse to act like those you call the enemy. You're exercising the same logic a toddler does when he knows he did something wrong.
Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right,

Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right, you have NO credibility with me, Schmuck. You're a political HACK.
this is a really stupid comment. I have spent nearly a decade on this site BLASTING the left for the games they play. On a rare occasion I call out the right when I see it as egregious.
So no, equal treatment is not what you are looking for. What you're looking for is an excuse to act like those you call the enemy. You're exercising the same logic a toddler does when he knows he did something wrong.

Sooo, Gramps, what about that $1,000 you promised me in writing if I voted for Romney and McCain? Don't tell me you are going to run out on your word.

ITMT, I'm still waiting for your proof that Bloomberg isn't a racist and many other things in the wake of the mounting evidence? That's really the dirty little question you've kept buried away in all this divisive talk of the Right's need to be more open, fair and honest.

Let's be honest by starting with that.
Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right,

Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right, you have NO credibility with me, Schmuck. You're a political HACK.
this is a really stupid comment. I have spent nearly a decade on this site BLASTING the left for the games they play. On a rare occasion I call out the right when I see it as egregious.
So no, equal treatment is not what you are looking for. What you're looking for is an excuse to act like those you call the enemy. You're exercising the same logic a toddler does when he knows he did something wrong.
Here's the lesson for you: don't call out the right, especially for crimes that the left commits 10,000 times more often and 10,000 times worse. Furthermore, no one on the right lied about Bloomberg. They simply pointed out his racist garbage. You attacked conservatives who did nothing wrong. That's why you're being attacked. No one gives a shit about our rarefied system of values. This is politics. There are no rules.
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Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right,

Until people like you and "Grandpa" ask for as much "honesty" from the Left as you demand from the Right, you have NO credibility with me, Schmuck. You're a political HACK.
this is a really stupid comment. I have spent nearly a decade on this site BLASTING the left for the games they play. On a rare occasion I call out the right when I see it as egregious.
So no, equal treatment is not what you are looking for. What you're looking for is an excuse to act like those you call the enemy. You're exercising the same logic a toddler does when he knows he did something wrong.

Sooo, Gramps, what about that $1,000 you promised me in writing if I voted for Romney and McCain? Don't tell me you are going to run out on your word.

ITMT, I'm still waiting for your proof that Bloomberg isn't a racist and many other things in the wake of the mounting evidence? That's really the dirty little question you've kept buried away in all this divisive talk of the Right's need to be more open, fair and honest.

Let's be honest by starting with that.
Gramps doesn't want to be honest. He only wants conservatives to obey his commandments.
You attacked conservatives who did nothing wrong.

The op is in full below. Feel free to point out an "attack" on ANYONE.
Can't wait for you to explain why you're triggered by a generalized opening post that was pointed at no one in particular and certainly not an "ATTACK"

How soft are you?

All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

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