Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

Has this asshole ever posted a single right oriented statement in his posting career?
if you have to ask this after nearly a decade you're dumber than I thought.

My posting history is public so get to your homework, pussy.

Looks to me like your posting history is so forgettable after nine years. Honestly, I cannot think of even ONE post of yours that I can remember as funny, erudite or memorable. You are about as forgettable as Rightwinger. Even your choice of topics to argue in defense of Bloomberg and down on the GOP is dull, and lacking any crystal of insight, forethought, wisdom or wit. You must have been a pretty dull baby. Did your parents ever play with you?
The most dangerous kind of conservative: he is a McCain/Romney/Dole Republican who sees the way to fixing corruption in the Democratic Party is to jump on even the slightest hint of hyperbole within the GOP.
1000.00 says YOU voted for McCain and Romney so fuck off with your double standard.

Such a shallow idiot
We held our noses when we voted for McCain or Romney. They wee the only choice we had because of douchebags like you.

You, on the other hand, dived into the pig slop with gusto.
You have no evidence for your asinine statement of course but carry on.
You're CLEARLY a Rino by your own standard since YOU supported McCain and Romney.
There's plenty of evidence, like your defense of Tiny Mike.
Me saying he isn't a racist isn't proof of anything but my honesty.

You're too damn stupid to bother with. You've SINGLE HANDEDLY kept this thread alive with your triggered nonsense so you got no one to blame but yourself. All you had to do was ignore it and let it die but you lack self control

No, sorry, GrandPa, your saying he isn't a racist is just YOUR FRICKING OPINION. Do you personally know Bloomberg? You personally vouching for him? He got you on his parole? You have a GRAMPS FOR BLOOMY sign on your front lawn? You sleep with Bloomberg bed sheets? The only one that's been triggered here is YOU. Can't you see that NO ONE here agrees with you? Oh, except MAC, the single biggest hypocrite and constant advocate for all things Dem good and all things Trump and GOP bad. Congratulations, Pa, you got a real winner of an ally there. You found yourself a schmuck.
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1000.00 says YOU voted for McCain and Romney so fuck off with your double standard.

Such a shallow idiot
We held our noses when we voted for McCain or Romney. They wee the only choice we had because of douchebags like you.

You, on the other hand, dived into the pig slop with gusto.
You have no evidence for your asinine statement of course but carry on.
You're CLEARLY a Rino by your own standard since YOU supported McCain and Romney.
There's plenty of evidence, like your defense of Tiny Mike.
Me saying he isn't a racist isn't proof of anything but my honesty.

You're too damn stupid to bother with. You've SINGLE HANDEDLY kept this thread alive with your triggered nonsense so you got no one to blame but yourself. All you had to do was ignore it and let it die but you lack self control
It's proof that you're an idiot and a RINO. Intelligent right wingers don't defend a potential Dim candidate. That is just plain stupid. Furthermore, it sure as hell looks racist to me.

I wasn't about to ignore a douchebag who claims he's a conservative but defends a Dim candidate. If you don't like the meal you've been served, then shut your fucking yap.

Funny, a year or so ago, we had this same topic with two "conservative" members (I won't name names) arguing up and down that conservatives needed to tow the line on being nice because they were just driving away votes to the other side! In other words, Dems can be as vicious and lying as they want (this was when all those people were getting attacked, spit on and chased out of restaurants because they were on Trump's Administration) without concern for losing one vote but Repubs have to kiss ass to be liked!

I argued up and down with both of them for weeks--- --- the one guy I think eventually left the board and joined the merchant marines, the other guy eventually came around and realized I was right and is now a bigger Trump ally than ever.

The way to beat Democrats is to beat them every way you can. Show them no mercy. Beat them senseless then hold their heads under water until the bubbles stop coming up. If you think Nancy and her ilk are going to "learn their lesson" and lighten up, try to "get along" or "work with the other side," you are a total idiot. The Democrats are planning an all out assault on Trump as we speak, that will make their impeachment look like a July 4 firecracker.

They've taken aboard their enemy Bloomberg because that schmuck will spend 10 billion dollars in the hopes of getting Donald out of office! That alone has to tell you something, no one is that altruistic! They are prepared to go to the ENDS OF THE EARTH to stop Trump from unmasking them and breaking up their little globalist scheme.

And here we sit with idiots trying to tell us we really need to play more fair with them?! :confused:
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Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.


  • You ADMIT that you are seeking more constraints on the GOP while NONE from the real offenders, the Left!
  • You ADMIT that the Left are so bad, like an incorrigible child, you won't even waste your time asking them!
  • You ADMIT you call the republicans dishonest, and offer as proof that Bloomberg has had some racist and sexist past incidents?
Congratulations, Gramps! You are the first "conservative" to create a thread about nothing trolling your own thread with hypocrisy as a faux "conservative!" You even won the badge of Left-wing honor! You got a "Winner" from Mr. Liberal Attack The Right, himself, the MACadoodle!!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are hereby awarded the badge of full Leftardship: The John McCain Medal of Honor.

Let's make it HARDER for the Republicans to win, while helping to clear the path for the Democrats!!! :21:

I haven't been following this moron. Is he actually a conservative, or just a leftist masquerading as one?

The other way around.
Bloomberg always was openly a republican, and only recently decided to switch, even if just in name only.
He was registered as a Republican, but he's always been viewed as a RINO.

RINOS are perhaps more dangerous than Democrats. At least Democrats KNOW they are out to subvert the nation and steal an election. RINOs think they are actually doing good and taking the high road by helping them---- Like loaning a pack of matches to a fellow who can't keep his flame lit as he attempts to light a bomb.
We held our noses when we voted for McCain or Romney. They wee the only choice we had because of douchebags like you.

You, on the other hand, dived into the pig slop with gusto.
You have no evidence for your asinine statement of course but carry on.
You're CLEARLY a Rino by your own standard since YOU supported McCain and Romney.
There's plenty of evidence, like your defense of Tiny Mike.
Me saying he isn't a racist isn't proof of anything but my honesty.

You're too damn stupid to bother with. You've SINGLE HANDEDLY kept this thread alive with your triggered nonsense so you got no one to blame but yourself. All you had to do was ignore it and let it die but you lack self control
It's proof that you're an idiot and a RINO. Intelligent right wingers don't defend a potential Dim candidate. That is just plain stupid. Furthermore, it sure as hell looks racist to me.

I wasn't about to ignore a douchebag who claims he's a conservative but defends a Dim candidate. If you don't like the meal you've been served, then shut your fucking yap.

Funny, a year or so ago, we had this same topic with two "conservative" members (I won't name names) arguing up and down that conservatives needed to tow the line on being nice because they were just driving away votes to the other side! In other words, Dems can be as vicious and lying as they want (this was when all those people were getting attacked, spit on and chased out of restaurants because they were on Trump's Administration) without concern for losing one vote but Repubs have to kiss ass to be liked!

I argued up and down with both of them for weeks--- --- the one guy I think eventually left the board and joined the merchant marines, the other guy eventually came around and realized I was right and is now a bigger Trump ally than ever.

The way to beat Democrats is to beat them every way you can. Show them no mercy. Beat them senseless then hold their heads under water until the bubbles stop coming up. If you think Nancy and her ilk are going to "learn their lesson" and lighten up, try to "get along" or "work with the other side," you are a total idiot. The Democrats are planning an all out assault on Trump as we speak, that will make their impeachment look like a July 4 firecracker.

They've taken aboard their enemy Bloomberg because that schmuck will spend 10 billion dollars in the hopes of getting Donald out of office! That alone has to tell you something, no one is that altruistic! They are prepared to go to the ENDS OF THE EARTH to stop Trump from unmasking them and breaking up their little globalist scheme.

And here we sit with idiots trying to tell us we really need to play more fair with them?! :confused:

I agree 100%. I've been saying the same thing for years. It always pisses me off when right wingers pull their punches on some douchebag lefty. Barr is pissing me off right now because he refuses to indict any of the traitors.
1000.00 says YOU voted for McCain and Romney so fuck off with your double standard.

Such a shallow idiot
We held our noses when we voted for McCain or Romney. They wee the only choice we had because of douchebags like you.

You, on the other hand, dived into the pig slop with gusto.
You have no evidence for your asinine statement of course but carry on.
You're CLEARLY a Rino by your own standard since YOU supported McCain and Romney.
There's plenty of evidence, like your defense of Tiny Mike.
Me saying he isn't a racist isn't proof of anything but my honesty.

You're too damn stupid to bother with. You've SINGLE HANDEDLY kept this thread alive with your triggered nonsense so you got no one to blame but yourself. All you had to do was ignore it and let it die but you lack self control

No, sorry, GrandPa, your saying he isn't a racist is just YOUR FRICKING OPINION. Do you personally know Bloomberg? You personally vouching for him? He got you on his parole? You have a GRAMPS FOR BLOOMY sign on your front lawn? You sleep with Bloomberg bed sheets? The only one that's been triggered here is YOU. Can't you see that NO ONE here agrees with you? Oh, except MAC, the single biggest hypocrite and constant advocate for all things Dem good and all things Trump and GOP bad. Congratulations, Pa, you got a real winner of an ally there. You found yourself a schmuck.

I'm so stupid I'm going to keep bumping a thread that I have a real problem with....

And a couple of posters throwing caniption fits over my op =/= everyone. Multiple people have expressed agreement you just don't have the balls to single all of them out as well.
3 or 4 of you are acting like a pack of hyenas. Course we all know how those animals act when confronted alone. Despite your best circle jerk efforts I walk away knowing I am right.

Great job kid
I'm so triggered I'm going to cry endlessly and continually bump a thread that I have real issues with....

Too funny.

A smart person would have moved on by now rather than obsess over a sole opinion like a fat person with a box of chocolates.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.


  • You ADMIT that you are seeking more constraints on the GOP while NONE from the real offenders, the Left!
  • You ADMIT that the Left are so bad, like an incorrigible child, you won't even waste your time asking them!
  • You ADMIT you call the republicans dishonest, and offer as proof that Bloomberg has had some racist and sexist past incidents?
Congratulations, Gramps! You are the first "conservative" to create a thread about nothing trolling your own thread with hypocrisy as a faux "conservative!" You even won the badge of Left-wing honor! You got a "Winner" from Mr. Liberal Attack The Right, himself, the MACadoodle!!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are hereby awarded the badge of full Leftardship: The John McCain Medal of Honor.

Let's make it HARDER for the Republicans to win, while helping to clear the path for the Democrats!!! :21:

I haven't been following this moron. Is he actually a conservative, or just a leftist masquerading as one?

The other way around.
Bloomberg always was openly a republican, and only recently decided to switch, even if just in name only.
He was registered as a Republican, but he's always been viewed as a RINO.

RINOS are perhaps more dangerous than Democrats. At least Democrats KNOW they are out to subvert the nation and steal an election. RINOs think they are actually doing good and taking the high road by helping them---- Like loaning a pack of matches to a fellow who can't keep his flame lit as he attempts to light a bomb.
Just look at Romney. His vote to impeach is a great propaganda victory for the left. 40 douchebag Dim senators couldn't accomplish what he did.
Bloomberg has bigger problems than his racism.

News is breaking by the hour on his idiotic quotes.

Dude has pissed of minorities, gays, farmers, trannies....................more to come.

He is toast.
We held our noses when we voted for McCain or Romney. They wee the only choice we had because of douchebags like you.

You, on the other hand, dived into the pig slop with gusto.
You have no evidence for your asinine statement of course but carry on.
You're CLEARLY a Rino by your own standard since YOU supported McCain and Romney.
There's plenty of evidence, like your defense of Tiny Mike.
Me saying he isn't a racist isn't proof of anything but my honesty.

You're too damn stupid to bother with. You've SINGLE HANDEDLY kept this thread alive with your triggered nonsense so you got no one to blame but yourself. All you had to do was ignore it and let it die but you lack self control

No, sorry, GrandPa, your saying he isn't a racist is just YOUR FRICKING OPINION. Do you personally know Bloomberg? You personally vouching for him? He got you on his parole? You have a GRAMPS FOR BLOOMY sign on your front lawn? You sleep with Bloomberg bed sheets? The only one that's been triggered here is YOU. Can't you see that NO ONE here agrees with you? Oh, except MAC, the single biggest hypocrite and constant advocate for all things Dem good and all things Trump and GOP bad. Congratulations, Pa, you got a real winner of an ally there. You found yourself a schmuck.

I'm so stupid I'm going to keep bumping a thread that I have a real problem with....

And a couple of posters throwing caniption fits over my op =/= everyone. Multiple people have expressed agreement you just don't have the balls to single all of them out as well.
3 or 4 of you are acting like a pack of hyenas. Course we all know how those animals act when confronted alone. Despite your best circle jerk efforts I walk away knowing I am right.

Great job kid
You showed the whole forum what a douchebag you are. You help the enemy, then you become the enemy.
You showed the whole forum what a douchebag you are.

I do that fairly often. Doesn't make me wrong lol.

You just can't help yourself chump. Some 20 or so pages ago you demanded this thread be shut down yet here you are DOZENS of posts later keeping it alive and well.

Tell me, how smart does that make you?

I'll check back in after your next dozen or so rants. See you then!
You have no evidence for your asinine statement of course but carry on.
You're CLEARLY a Rino by your own standard since YOU supported McCain and Romney.
There's plenty of evidence, like your defense of Tiny Mike.
Me saying he isn't a racist isn't proof of anything but my honesty.

You're too damn stupid to bother with. You've SINGLE HANDEDLY kept this thread alive with your triggered nonsense so you got no one to blame but yourself. All you had to do was ignore it and let it die but you lack self control
It's proof that you're an idiot and a RINO. Intelligent right wingers don't defend a potential Dim candidate. That is just plain stupid. Furthermore, it sure as hell looks racist to me.

I wasn't about to ignore a douchebag who claims he's a conservative but defends a Dim candidate. If you don't like the meal you've been served, then shut your fucking yap.

Funny, a year or so ago, we had this same topic with two "conservative" members (I won't name names) arguing up and down that conservatives needed to tow the line on being nice because they were just driving away votes to the other side! In other words, Dems can be as vicious and lying as they want (this was when all those people were getting attacked, spit on and chased out of restaurants because they were on Trump's Administration) without concern for losing one vote but Repubs have to kiss ass to be liked!

I argued up and down with both of them for weeks--- --- the one guy I think eventually left the board and joined the merchant marines, the other guy eventually came around and realized I was right and is now a bigger Trump ally than ever.

The way to beat Democrats is to beat them every way you can. Show them no mercy. Beat them senseless then hold their heads under water until the bubbles stop coming up. If you think Nancy and her ilk are going to "learn their lesson" and lighten up, try to "get along" or "work with the other side," you are a total idiot. The Democrats are planning an all out assault on Trump as we speak, that will make their impeachment look like a July 4 firecracker.

They've taken aboard their enemy Bloomberg because that schmuck will spend 10 billion dollars in the hopes of getting Donald out of office! That alone has to tell you something, no one is that altruistic! They are prepared to go to the ENDS OF THE EARTH to stop Trump from unmasking them and breaking up their little globalist scheme.

And here we sit with idiots trying to tell us we really need to play more fair with them?! :confused:

I agree 100%. I've been saying the same thing for years. It always pisses me off when right wingers pull their punches on some douchebag lefty. Barr is pissing me off right now because he refuses to indict any of the traitors.

I think the Deep State has gotten to Barr just as they got to Jesse Ventura when he was governor and they took him into a room in the basement and told him that as governor, he was just a figurehead and didn't run or decide a thing. That if Barr pursues his targets, that some people he loves very much might turn up missing.

Democrats are dead. Those still around are irrelevant. They have been replaced by Progressives, and Progressives are a subversive blight like a flesh-eating bacteria eating away at the nation. There can be no debate on this for the proof stares us in the face every day. The whole point to political correctness is to train people to ignore their eyes and believe that what they see didn't really happen, or to at least be afraid to speak out that it is wrong.

The vilification of Trump to the MANNER and DEGREE they have gone is proof what an absolute threat he is, of just how right he really is. This country is being taken right out from under us and the only way to fight back is to be informed and make others understand. As we stand now, this nation is UNRECOGNIZABLE to the country my parents knew and raised me to believe in. A nation where people are attacked and scorned for holding the flag, believing America is great and putting their nation first as the shining beacon by which others should be measured.

Trump is a warrior. He goes it alone. He alone walks the path HE believes in whether others agree or like it or not. He is the General Patton of politics. You know Patton believed he was a reincarnated general from many lifetimes? That he had been a general many other lifes reborn over and over to fight new wars?

When I think of Trump and how to fight democrats today, I think of the speech in the movie Patton. This is Trump, and simply substitute the word Democrat or Progressive for where he refers to the enemy.

Trump got to where he is and will win reelection this November by doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what every other politician does. He will be Trump, take no prisoners and like Trump, Patton says it best how to fight the political war here about 3:20 in. I love this speech.

Take no prisoners. Hold the enemy down by the nose, kick him in the ass and use his guts to grease your treads. Long live Donald. No one ever won a war by being nice.

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We held our noses when we voted for McCain or Romney. They wee the only choice we had because of douchebags like you.

You, on the other hand, dived into the pig slop with gusto.
You have no evidence for your asinine statement of course but carry on.
You're CLEARLY a Rino by your own standard since YOU supported McCain and Romney.
There's plenty of evidence, like your defense of Tiny Mike.
Me saying he isn't a racist isn't proof of anything but my honesty.

You're too damn stupid to bother with. You've SINGLE HANDEDLY kept this thread alive with your triggered nonsense so you got no one to blame but yourself. All you had to do was ignore it and let it die but you lack self control

No, sorry, GrandPa, your saying he isn't a racist is just YOUR FRICKING OPINION. Do you personally know Bloomberg? You personally vouching for him? He got you on his parole? You have a GRAMPS FOR BLOOMY sign on your front lawn? You sleep with Bloomberg bed sheets? The only one that's been triggered here is YOU. Can't you see that NO ONE here agrees with you? Oh, except MAC, the single biggest hypocrite and constant advocate for all things Dem good and all things Trump and GOP bad. Congratulations, Pa, you got a real winner of an ally there. You found yourself a schmuck.

I'm so stupid I'm going to keep bumping a thread that I have a real problem with....

And a couple of posters throwing caniption fits over my op =/= everyone. Multiple people have expressed agreement you just don't have the balls to single all of them out as well.
3 or 4 of you are acting like a pack of hyenas. Course we all know how those animals act when confronted alone. Despite your best circle jerk efforts I walk away knowing I am right.

Great job kid

Gramps, you've become irrelevant in your own thread. There can be no doubt that IN AN IDEAL WORLD, politics would be nice, open, honest and fair, but this is not nor ever will be an ideal world. There can be no defense of the idea that attacking one's own party to clean up its act, minor as it is, isn't very wrongheaded unless and until you get the other side to capitulate and reform themselves as well.

And that means getting money out of politics. And look who the Democrats have for them now, Mr. Moneybags himself. Too bad Doomberg fails to realize that it isn't the money, he lacks the message and personality and charisma to reach the millions and inspire. The guy has all the personality of a wood doorknob.

You've made it clear your head is so far up your ass that you'll never understand this. Let me know when you get democrats to agree that politics as usual must end and both sides need to come together, work in harmony for the greater good of the People, instead of their own party and personal political aspersions.

And don't forget, you still owe me $1,000.00.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

Am I the only one who wants to know what "cancel culture logic" means?
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.
I agree with you but I come at it from the other way, I'm a democrat and believe that all this "identity politics" is whats killing the party...every single thing is judged by group identity...it seems that we are so deeply buried in it that our only hope of ever winning anything is for the right to fall into the same abyss.
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