Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

You attacked conservatives who did nothing wrong.

The op is in full below. Feel free to point out an "attack" on ANYONE.
Can't wait for you to explain why you're triggered by a generalized opening post that was pointed at no one in particular and certainly not an "ATTACK"

How soft are you?

All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

Here's the attack, asshole:

"All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left."
You defend Bloomberg and attack conservatives. That's an open-and-shut case.
Dang, Gramps, kudos.
he's getting a dose of trumpbot horseshit like the rest of the country because he pissed across trumps path.
Nothing triggers a nutter more than someone who can think for themselves. It exposes nutters for what they are, more than anything else.
ROFL! What could be more hilarious than a couple of TDS morons pretending they can think for themselves.
No white man with an R by his name could get away with saying blacks should be thrown against the wall and frisked to remove their guns.
Totally false, Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five even after they were proven not guilty, which is even worse. As he himself has said, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street...

As for the Central Park Five, Bloomberg has fought them in court so they won't get reparations.
No white man with an R by his name could get away with saying blacks should be thrown against the wall and frisked to remove their guns.
Totally false, Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five even after they were proven not guilty, which is even worse. As he himself has said, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street...

As for the Central Park Five, Bloomberg has fought them in court so they won't get reparations.
They were not proven not innocent, moron. This issue has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum. What a few politicians say is meaningless. The Central Park 5 were released because of a political agenda, not because of evidence.
No white man with an R by his name could get away with saying blacks should be thrown against the wall and frisked to remove their guns.
Totally false, Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five even after they were proven not guilty, which is even worse. As he himself has said, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street...

As for the Central Park Five, Bloomberg has fought them in court so they won't get reparations.
They were not proven not innocent, moron. This issue has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum. What a few politicians say is meaningless. The Central Park 5 were released because of a political agenda, not because of evidence.
The DNA evidence proved them innocent, numbskull.
Bripat & Toob I have said my piece. You aggressively disagree and there is clearly no common ground on the issue. I am not one to carry on endlessly about shit and I HATE harboring animosity and negativity so at this point I am bowing out. If y'all consider me a leftist or an enemy so be it. I think that is retarded as fuck but this is the internet and lunacy seems to be the norm more often than not.
You get the last word so have at it and I'll see you in the next thread.
No white man with an R by his name could get away with saying blacks should be thrown against the wall and frisked to remove their guns.
Totally false, Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five even after they were proven not guilty, which is even worse. As he himself has said, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street...

As for the Central Park Five, Bloomberg has fought them in court so they won't get reparations.
They were not proven not innocent, moron. This issue has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum. What a few politicians say is meaningless. The Central Park 5 were released because of a political agenda, not because of evidence.
The DNA evidence proved them innocent, numbskull.
No it didn't, turd.

DNA evidence didn't convict them, so it couldn't "exonerate" them. This was a gang attack. It was always known that other rapists "got away," as the prosecutor told the jury, and that none of the defendants' DNA was found in the jogger's cervix or on her sock -- the only samples that were taken.

While it blows most people away to find out that none of the suspects' DNA was found on Meili, this is a sleight of hand. The trick is that we're looking at it through a modern lens. True, today, these kids' DNA would have been found all over the crime scene. But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Cops wouldn't have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.

The case was solved with other evidence -- and there was a lot of it.

On the drive to the precinct, Raymond Santana blurted out, "I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman's t*ts." The cops didn't even know about a rape yet.

Yusef Salaam announced to the detective interviewing him, "I was there, but I didn't rape her." Even if true, under the law, anyone who participated in the attack on Meili is guilty of her rape.

Two of Korey Wise's friends said that when they ran into him on the street the day after the attack, he told them the cops were after him. "You heard about that woman that was beat up and raped in the park last night? That was us!"

Taken to the scene of the crime by a detective and a prosecutor, he said, "Damn, damn, that's a lot of blood. ... I knew she was bleeding, but I didn't know how bad she was. It was dark. I couldn't see how much blood there was at night."

Wise also told a detective that someone he thought was named "Rudy" stole the jogger's Walkman and belt pouch. The jogger was still in a coma. The police did not know yet that a Walkman had been stolen from her.

Wise told a friend's sister, Melody Jackson, that he didn't rape the jogger; he "only held her legs down while Kevin (Richardson) f---ed her." Jackson volunteered this information to the police, thinking it would help Wise.

The night of the attack, Richardson told an acquaintance, "We just raped somebody." The crotch of his underwear was suspiciously stained with semen, grass stains, dirt and debris. Walking near the crime scene with a detective the next day, Richardson said, "This is where we got her ... where the raping occurred."

Santana and Richardson independently brought investigators to the precise location of the attack on the jogger.

Recall that, when all these statements were made, no one -- not the police, the witnesses, the suspects, or their friends and acquaintances -- knew whether Meili would emerge from her coma and be able to identify her attackers.

Sarah Burns, who co-wrote and co-directed the propaganda film "The Central Park Five" with her father (whose reputation she has now destroyed), waved away the defendants' confessions -- forget all the other evidence -- in a 2016 New York Times op-ed, explaining: "The power imbalance in an interrogation room is extreme, especially when the suspects are young teenagers, afraid of the police and unfamiliar with the justice system or their rights."

Far from trembling and afraid, as Burns imagines, the suspects were singing the rap song "Wild Thing" for hours in the precinct house, laughing and joking about raping the jogger. One of the attackers said, "It was fun."

When a cop told Santana that he should have been out with a girlfriend rather than mugging people in Central Park, Santana responded, "I already got mines," and laughed with another boy from the park.

One of the youths arrested that night stated on videotape that he heard Santana and another boy laughing about "how they 'made a woman bleed.'"

Guilty as charged.
Last edited:
No white man with an R by his name could get away with saying blacks should be thrown against the wall and frisked to remove their guns.
Totally false, Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five even after they were proven not guilty, which is even worse. As he himself has said, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street...

As for the Central Park Five, Bloomberg has fought them in court so they won't get reparations.
They were not proven not innocent, moron. This issue has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum. What a few politicians say is meaningless. The Central Park 5 were released because of a political agenda, not because of evidence.
The DNA evidence proved them innocent, numbskull.
No it didn't, turd.
Trump Expresses Outrage Over the Exoneration of the Central Park Five

Is that you at 1:27?

although you probably also worked at the office from 0:50
No white man with an R by his name could get away with saying blacks should be thrown against the wall and frisked to remove their guns.
Totally false, Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five even after they were proven not guilty, which is even worse. As he himself has said, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street...

As for the Central Park Five, Bloomberg has fought them in court so they won't get reparations.
They were not proven not innocent, moron. This issue has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum. What a few politicians say is meaningless. The Central Park 5 were released because of a political agenda, not because of evidence.
The DNA evidence proved them innocent, numbskull.
No it didn't, turd.
Trump Expresses Outrage Over the Exoneration of the Central Park Five

Is that you at 1:27?

although you probably also worked at the office from 0:50

None of that contradicts what I posted. They confessed to the crime. All the non DNA evidence indicates they are guilty. The only thing the DNA evidence shows is that one guy is especially guilty.
Totally false, Trump called for the execution of the Central Park Five even after they were proven not guilty, which is even worse. As he himself has said, he could shoot someone in the middle of the street...

As for the Central Park Five, Bloomberg has fought them in court so they won't get reparations.
They were not proven not innocent, moron. This issue has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum. What a few politicians say is meaningless. The Central Park 5 were released because of a political agenda, not because of evidence.
The DNA evidence proved them innocent, numbskull.
No it didn't, turd.
Trump Expresses Outrage Over the Exoneration of the Central Park Five

Is that you at 1:27?

although you probably also worked at the office from 0:50

None of that contradicts what I posted. They confessed to the crime. All the non DNA evidence indicates they are guilty. The only thing the DNA evidence shows is that one guy is especially guilty.

That one guy with the DNA is not part of the Central Park 5.
They were not proven not innocent, moron. This issue has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum. What a few politicians say is meaningless. The Central Park 5 were released because of a political agenda, not because of evidence.
The DNA evidence proved them innocent, numbskull.
No it didn't, turd.
Trump Expresses Outrage Over the Exoneration of the Central Park Five

Is that you at 1:27?

although you probably also worked at the office from 0:50

None of that contradicts what I posted. They confessed to the crime. All the non DNA evidence indicates they are guilty. The only thing the DNA evidence shows is that one guy is especially guilty.

That one guy with the DNA is not part of the Central Park 5.

What part of this makes this guy sound innocent?

on the drive to the precinct, Raymond Santana blurted out, "I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman's t*ts." The cops didn't even know about a rape yet.
They were all there. They all participated. They are all guilty.
The DNA evidence proved them innocent, numbskull.
No it didn't, turd.
Trump Expresses Outrage Over the Exoneration of the Central Park Five

Is that you at 1:27?

although you probably also worked at the office from 0:50

None of that contradicts what I posted. They confessed to the crime. All the non DNA evidence indicates they are guilty. The only thing the DNA evidence shows is that one guy is especially guilty.

That one guy with the DNA is not part of the Central Park 5.

They were all there. They all participated. They are all guilty.

They did not and were not there. You're just being stupid.
No it didn't, turd.
Trump Expresses Outrage Over the Exoneration of the Central Park Five

Is that you at 1:27?

although you probably also worked at the office from 0:50

None of that contradicts what I posted. They confessed to the crime. All the non DNA evidence indicates they are guilty. The only thing the DNA evidence shows is that one guy is especially guilty.

That one guy with the DNA is not part of the Central Park 5.

They were all there. They all participated. They are all guilty.

They did not and were not there. You're just being stupid.

They admitted to being their, dumbass. They admitted it even before the cops knew about the rape.

Did you read the Coulter article?
Trump Expresses Outrage Over the Exoneration of the Central Park Five

Is that you at 1:27?

although you probably also worked at the office from 0:50

None of that contradicts what I posted. They confessed to the crime. All the non DNA evidence indicates they are guilty. The only thing the DNA evidence shows is that one guy is especially guilty.

That one guy with the DNA is not part of the Central Park 5.

They were all there. They all participated. They are all guilty.

They did not and were not there. You're just being stupid.

They admitted to being their, dumbass. They admitted it even before the cops knew about the rape.

Did you read the Coulter article?

They were told they had to admit to it.

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