Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

You seem upset.
I am not kissing the ring of ideology so he has lost his shit and we need a cleanup on isle 9
You're stabbing Republicans in the back. You may believe that's trivial, but as you can see, most Republicans don't.
I am holding my party accountable. The party I have been a lifelong member of. The party whom I have supported because they don't jump on the racist bandwagon or any of the other "ists"

When your children misbehave do you point at the neighbors kids to excuse the behavior of your own or do you clean your own house?

And no, I'm not suggesting anyone is a child, it was just a good metaphor
That's what you're getting wrong, and it's why we're seeing this meltdown from our fellow poster.

You're not supposed to hold your party accountable. You're supposed to spin and deflect and lie and attack for it.

That's it. That's where things are now. Fuck intellectual honesty, that's for fairies. Divide, divide, divide.
When you hold your party responsible, perhaps someone will listen to your malodorous out-gassing.
You must not have "seen" the few thousand squabbles I've had with the Regressive Left here.

Intellectual myopia: A symptom of the disease.
Remember, kids!

If you're not an obedient, shallow, gutless Trumpster who gets his information and opinions from talk radio and Gateway Pundit, you must be an extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commie!

It's pretty much a fact that those who hate Trump are extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies.

What is funny is that I am an extreme, radical, pinko socialist, and I don't mind Trump very much.
He has not made health care worse, and has not started any wars.
So that makes him slightly better than all the other presidents in the last 50 years.
He also has not changed abortion or tax laws very much.
And I don't really care much about immigration issues.
I am holding my party accountable... When your children misbehave do you point at the neighbors kids to excuse the behavior of your own or do you clean your own house?
That's what you're getting wrong, and it's why we're seeing this meltdown from our fellow poster.

You're not supposed to hold your party accountable. You're supposed to spin and deflect and lie and attack for it.

Whichever party is yours, of course. That doesn't matter.

That's it. That's where things are now. Fuck intellectual honesty, that's for fairies. Divide, divide, divide.
It's not a "meltdown." I'm simply properly addressing an idiot sailor who is pointing his guns in the wrong direction.
What is funny is that I am an extreme, radical, pinko socialist, and I don't mind Trump very much.
He has not made health care worse, and has not started any wars.
So that makes him slightly better than all the other presidents in the last 50 years.
He also has not changed abortion or tax laws very much.
And I don't really care much about immigration issues.
Trumps biggest contribution is to the rights future...he has loaded up the courts and that will have residual effects for them for many many decades.
What is funny is that I am an extreme, radical, pinko socialist, and I don't mind Trump very much.
He has not made health care worse, and has not started any wars.
So that makes him slightly better than all the other presidents in the last 50 years.
He also has not changed abortion or tax laws very much.
And I don't really care much about immigration issues.
Trumps biggest contribution is to the rights future...he has loaded up the courts and that will have residual effects for them for many many decades.

Good point.
I am wary of Kavanaugh.
Right-wingers never accused Bloomberg of being racist
apparently you skipped about 40% of the rights posts in this thread as well as a few other threads.

Bloomberg slammed for saying blacks, Latinos ‘don’t know how to behave in the workplace’

“Blacks and Latinos score terribly in school testing compared to whites and Asians,” Mr. Bloomberg said during the interview. “If you look at our jails, it’s predominantly minorities. If you look at where crime takes place, it’s in minority neighborhoods. If you look at who the victims and the perpetrators are, it’s virtually all minorities. This is something that has gone on for a long time.
“There’s this enormous cohort of black and Latino males aged, let’s say 16 to 25, that don’t have jobs, don’t have any prospects, don’t know how to find jobs, don’t know what their skill sets are, don’t know how to behave in the workplace where they have to work collaboratively and collectively,” Mr. Bloomberg said later during the interview.​

Are the above statements true or false?

Doesn't matter if they're true or false. A racist is still a racist.

So you can't say the truth, because you don't like it, and therefore it is racists.

You know what that makes you intellectually speaking?
I am not kissing the ring of ideology so he has lost his shit and we need a cleanup on isle 9
You're stabbing Republicans in the back. You may believe that's trivial, but as you can see, most Republicans don't.
I am holding my party accountable. The party I have been a lifelong member of. The party whom I have supported because they don't jump on the racist bandwagon or any of the other "ists"

When your children misbehave do you point at the neighbors kids to excuse the behavior of your own or do you clean your own house?

And no, I'm not suggesting anyone is a child, it was just a good metaphor
That's what you're getting wrong, and it's why we're seeing this meltdown from our fellow poster.

You're not supposed to hold your party accountable. You're supposed to spin and deflect and lie and attack for it.

That's it. That's where things are now. Fuck intellectual honesty, that's for fairies. Divide, divide, divide.
When you hold your party responsible, perhaps someone will listen to your malodorous out-gassing.
You must not have "seen" the few thousand squabbles I've had with the Regressive Left here.

Intellectual myopia: A symptom of the disease.
I can't remember the last time you criticized any leftist, and whenever you do you always manage to include right-wingers in your lamentations.
What is funny is that I am an extreme, radical, pinko socialist, and I don't mind Trump very much.
He has not made health care worse, and has not started any wars.
So that makes him slightly better than all the other presidents in the last 50 years.
He also has not changed abortion or tax laws very much.
And I don't really care much about immigration issues.
Trumps biggest contribution is to the rights future...he has loaded up the courts and that will have residual effects for them for many many decades.
If he doesn't build the wall, then the right doesn't have a future.
I can't remember the last time you criticized any leftist, and whenever you do you always manage to include right-wingers in your lamentations.
If your hardcore ideology had not robbed you of any intellectual curiosity you (may have once) had, you would utilize the search engine here. It works pretty well.

I just typed in "regressive" and "mac1958" and hit "search". Bingo! A bunch of recent postings.

True story!
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

When you say something these days that isn’t politically correct and are white, you are racist. Just ask Don. I wouldn’t vote for that guy if you paid me. And that’s what he’s trying to do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I thought he was a 1%er.
Don't democrats hate those?

He is a lot more than a one percenter. He is literally in the top 10.

Seems that the democrat's worst enemy, the ultra rich, have bought the party.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.
Live by the sword. Die by the sword. We need to use Dim tactics against them. The time for playing by the Queensbury rules is over. The best way to challenge Bloomberg is by using Dim tactics against him.

This election is gonna get brutal. It’s on!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Right-wingers never accused Bloomberg of being racist
apparently you skipped about 40% of the rights posts in this thread as well as a few other threads.

Bloomberg slammed for saying blacks, Latinos ‘don’t know how to behave in the workplace’

“Blacks and Latinos score terribly in school testing compared to whites and Asians,” Mr. Bloomberg said during the interview. “If you look at our jails, it’s predominantly minorities. If you look at where crime takes place, it’s in minority neighborhoods. If you look at who the victims and the perpetrators are, it’s virtually all minorities. This is something that has gone on for a long time.
“There’s this enormous cohort of black and Latino males aged, let’s say 16 to 25, that don’t have jobs, don’t have any prospects, don’t know how to find jobs, don’t know what their skill sets are, don’t know how to behave in the workplace where they have to work collaboratively and collectively,” Mr. Bloomberg said later during the interview.​

Are the above statements true or false?

Doesn't matter if they're true or false. A racist is still a racist.

So you can't say the truth, because you don't like it, and therefore it is racists.

You know what that makes you intellectually speaking?

Ain't that some idiot logic, you must be a fricken liberal.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

NOPE, he’s NOT racist. Now PLEASE nominate him. The DNC will need to bust out whips to get blacks and Latinos to vote for the little racist billionaire Jew.
It doesn't matter who they nominate. They all lose.
I'm just asking the right to not act like the left.
Trends are down for the left for a reason. Why the fuck would we want to mimic their antics when those are the results????

Hellooooooo, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me.....is there anyone home?

How is pointing out their candidate’s hypocrisy and his own words “stooping to their level”?
Remember, kids!

If you're not an obedient, shallow, gutless Trumpster who gets his information and opinions from talk radio and Gateway Pundit, you must be an extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commie!

MAC-TRANSLATION: Won't you guys PLEEEEAZE let up on the Democrats! They stand little chance of winning as it is! :CryingCow: Maybe I can try calling you names and make you conform out of white shame!
And yet, one of your fellow Trump Devotion Syndrome sufferers said this:
It's pretty much a fact that those who hate Trump are extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies.
Maybe you should take it up with him.

So I "pretty much" nailed it. Again.

You could take it up with him, but we both know you don't have the balls to go off the reservation.
Who is "him?" Are you trying to say that Trump is responsible for the fact that extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies hate him?
Um, no, I was talking about you.
It really wasn't that complicated.
It's not that you're hard to understand, Mac, just that you are impossible to believe.
MAC-TRANSLATION: Won't you guys PLEEEEAZE let up on the Democrats! They stand little chance of winning as it is! :CryingCow: Maybe I can try calling you names and make you conform out of white shame!
And yet, one of your fellow Trump Devotion Syndrome sufferers said this:
It's pretty much a fact that those who hate Trump are extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies.
Maybe you should take it up with him.

So I "pretty much" nailed it. Again.

You could take it up with him, but we both know you don't have the balls to go off the reservation.
Who is "him?" Are you trying to say that Trump is responsible for the fact that extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies hate him?
Um, no, I was talking about you.

It really wasn't that complicated.
Then why did you say "you should take it up with HIM?"

Are you able to compose simple English sentences?
Yes, but you're a Trumpster, so.....
Trumpster, Trumpett, Trumpanzee.... gee, Mac, you guys really do need to stop complimenting people while too dumb to realize that it's no loss or shame to support the best most successful and resilient, pro-American, best liked president in at least the last 40-50 years! When you use such aspersions, all you're really accomplishing is showing your envy at having the likes of Hillary, Uncle Joe and Comrade Sanders on your side! Now you've sunk so low as to take aboard a rich republican who openly flaunts that he can BUY/BRIBE/STEAL your votes!!! :21::21::21:
Who is "him?" Are you trying to say that Trump is responsible for the fact that extreme radical pinko Hitler Stalin socialist Nazi fascist ultra double commies hate him?
Um, no, I was talking about you.

It really wasn't that complicated.
Then why did you say "you should take it up with HIM?"

Are you able to compose simple English sentences?
Yes, but you're a Trumpster, so.....
hmmm,so? Are you able to make sense?
Probably not to someone like you.

That's okay. I've given up trying to get through.

Yes, of course, Mac. Your lofty wavelengths are simply too refined to get through to the vulgar, unwashed rabble of the uncouth Right. We are still too used to communicating in grunts with scratches on the cave wall of our Rush-infused, molding minds with charcoal and stone.

We are only so honored that you even graced us with your lofty intellectual blessings in the short attempt.
Seek honesty from them. Leave us the hell alone, and shut the fuck up if you can't do that.
First of all I am seeking honesty from YOU not the left. I have no expectations of them being honest. That does not give us a free pass to also be dishonest tools.
Secondly you are in MY FUCKING THREAD so telling me to shut up is as retarded as it gets.


  • You ADMIT that you are seeking more constraints on the GOP while NONE from the real offenders, the Left!
  • You ADMIT that the Left are so bad, like an incorrigible child, you won't even waste your time asking them!
  • You ADMIT you call the republicans dishonest, and offer as proof that Bloomberg has had some racist and sexist past incidents?
Congratulations, Gramps! You are the first "conservative" to create a thread about nothing trolling your own thread with hypocrisy as a faux "conservative!" You even won the badge of Left-wing honor! You got a "Winner" from Mr. Liberal Attack The Right, himself, the MACadoodle!!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are hereby awarded the badge of full Leftardship: The John McCain Medal of Honor.

Let's make it HARDER for the Republicans to win, while helping to clear the path for the Democrats!!! :21:

I haven't been following this moron. Is he actually a conservative, or just a leftist masquerading as one?

The most dangerous kind of conservative: he is a McCain/Romney/Dole Republican who sees the way to fixing corruption in the Democratic Party is to jump on even the slightest hint of hyperbole within the GOP.
1000.00 says YOU voted for McCain and Romney so fuck off with your double standard.

Such a shallow idiot

Thanks! A contract in writing with a promise to pay! You can forward the money to the Administrators who can send the money to me via my Paypal account, with of course, their keeping 10% for their trouble to go towards USMB. And since they have your IP address, my attorney will take legal action against you if you renege on your offer.

You're damn right I voted for both of them, sorry they were the GOP choices, but far preferable to seeing the likes of Obama voted in or reelected! There is no double standard involved, you hapless twit, in supporting your party when they are the better choice, even when that choice is one of the worst candidates they ever had.

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