Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

There's blind support, and there's honest support.
I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.
And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.
Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaire buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.
This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You said this about Republican Trump supporters:
"There's blind support, and there's honest support.
I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close."

You think that is a misquote? I summarized you poorly when I said: "but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?"

Can you essplain the difference there Lucy?

You seem to have missed the rest of your post.
I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.
What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???
Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
Lol, you dont grasp that what you said was condescending, a lie and slanderous of people you supposedly agree with?

If you took that statement personally then you need look no further than in a mirror for the reason.

One man said it best when he said "trust but verify"
Course by today's asinine standard that statement is probably also racist
OK, whatever broski
when trumpdrones smear an opponent lies are the foundation of the attack -
do they give 2 shits ?
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.

What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???

Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
You confirmed the leftist stereotype that Trump supporters accept what he says as gospel.

You're obviously just a leftwing douchebag. You can't help giving yourself away.
There's blind support, and there's honest support.
I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.
And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.
Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaire buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.
This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You said this about Republican Trump supporters:
"There's blind support, and there's honest support.
I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close."

You think that is a misquote? I summarized you poorly when I said: "but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?"

Can you essplain the difference there Lucy?

You seem to have missed the rest of your post.
The good story bro thing?

That was just aesthetic trim, lol.

I try to use humor to take the edge off.

Except with Amish people and Raiders fans. Dems be debils.
I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.
What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???
Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
Lol, you dont grasp that what you said was condescending, a lie and slanderous of people you supposedly agree with?

Grampa can't help giving himself away. Only a RINO or an all out TDS moron wouldn't recognize that as a cut.
when trumpdrones smear an opponent lies are the foundation of the attack -
do they give 2 shits ?
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.

What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???

Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
You confirmed the leftist stereotype that Trump supporters accept what he says as gospel.

You're obviously just a leftwing douchebag. You can't help giving yourself away.

You are literally coming apart at the seams with tears for every post I make. Go be obsessive somewhere else. Like maybe a treadmill or something
There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaier buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?

Yeah, got it, good story bro.
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.

This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You obviously do hold that position. You constantly accuse Trump supporters of "naked obedience" or "intellectual dishonesty," but never the supporters of any Dim candidate.

You're not fooling anyone.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

When you run as a Democrat, you don’t get a pass for things you say or do that perpetuate bullshit racist tropes.

Hillary lost votes because she had said “super predators”.

Unlike Republicans, who consider using bullshit racist tropes to be a positive political tactic, Dems will force candidates to fess up and express remorse.

That’s the way it is.

And Bloomberg will respond forcefully or he will be told to fuck off.
There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaier buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?

Yeah, got it, good story bro.
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.

This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You obviously do hold that position. You constantly accuse Trump supporters of "naked obedience" or "intellectual dishonesty," but never the supporters of any Dim candidate.

You're not fooling anyone.
It appears that, once again, I have made something too complicated for you.

I clearly said "...to this degree, at this intensity..." You even quoted it.

That means that such behaviors exist everywhere, including on the Left.

Does that help, at least a little?
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.

What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???

Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
You confirmed the leftist stereotype that Trump supporters accept what he says as gospel.

You're obviously just a leftwing douchebag. You can't help giving yourself away.

You are literally coming apart at the seams with tears for every post I make. Go be obsessive somewhere else. Like maybe a treadmill or something
ROFL! Any president, my ass. Show us were you ever accused Hillary supporters of taking her word as gospel. Only Trump supporters are accused of slavish devotion. Never the supporters of any Dim politician.
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.

What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???

Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
You confirmed the leftist stereotype that Trump supporters accept what he says as gospel.

You're obviously just a leftwing douchebag. You can't help giving yourself away.

You are literally coming apart at the seams with tears for every post I make. Go be obsessive somewhere else. Like maybe a treadmill or something

Oooooooh! Moron nutbag fight!
I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.
What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???
Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
Lol, you dont grasp that what you said was condescending, a lie and slanderous of people you supposedly agree with?

Grampa can't help giving himself away. Only a RINO or an all out TDS moron wouldn't recognize that as a cut.

First I was a leftist
Then I was a rino
Now I have tds

Do you have ANY IDEA how ridiculously stupid you sound right now?
I've LITERALLY NEVER voted for a Democrat for national or statewide office. EVER

Rino is what Trump is but you're too fucking stupid to realize it. Hell he just PARDONED Blago. A flaming leftist. Where is your condemnation and outright dismissal of Trump for that clear rino move?

Despite all the above TRUMP has easily earned my support based on his results. Get it? The shit that matters not his over the top and often juvenile rhetoric.

I feel sorry for people like you. Led around with a fucking nose ring attached to a leash. You're a shallow nitwit with tunnel vision and a SEVERE lack of critical thinking skills.
There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaier buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?

Yeah, got it, good story bro.
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.

This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You obviously do hold that position. You constantly accuse Trump supporters of "naked obedience" or "intellectual dishonesty," but never the supporters of any Dim candidate.

You're not fooling anyone.
It appears that, once again, I have made something too complicated for you.

I clearly said "...to this degree, at this intensity..."

That means that such behaviors exist everywhere, including on the Left.

Does that help, at least a little?
What "degree" or "intensity." It's the left that goes bonkers over Trump, not us. The left is who assaults anyone wearing a MAGA hat. A leftist just recently threatened Nazi Piglosi's opponent with murder!
I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.
What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???
Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
Lol, you dont grasp that what you said was condescending, a lie and slanderous of people you supposedly agree with?

Grampa can't help giving himself away. Only a RINO or an all out TDS moron wouldn't recognize that as a cut.

First I was a leftist
Then I was a rino
Now I have tds

Do you have ANY IDEA how ridiculously stupid you sound right now?
I've LITERALLY NEVER voted for a Democrat for national or statewide office. EVER

Rino is what Trump is but you're too fucking stupid to realize it. Hell he just PARDONED Blago. A flaming leftist. Where is your condemnation and outright dismissal of Trump for that clear rino move?

Despite all the above TRUMP has easily earned my support based on his results. Get it? The shit that matters not his over the top and often juvenile rhetoric.

I feel sorry for people like you. Led around with a fucking nose ring attached to a leash. You're a shallow nitwit with tunnel vision and a SEVERE lack of critical thinking skills.
You sound more and more like a leftist turd every time you post.
I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.

What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???

Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
You confirmed the leftist stereotype that Trump supporters accept what he says as gospel.

You're obviously just a leftwing douchebag. You can't help giving yourself away.

You are literally coming apart at the seams with tears for every post I make. Go be obsessive somewhere else. Like maybe a treadmill or something
ROFL! Any president, my ass. Show us were you ever accused Hillary supporters of taking her word as gospel. Only Trump supporters are accused of slavish devotion. Never the supporters of any Dim politician.
I told you earlier.

You can look at every post I've ever made on this forum to find the truth. Course I know you wont because you're all talk. Just a big fucking windbag
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

NOPE, he’s NOT racist. Now PLEASE nominate him. The DNC will need to bust out whips to get blacks and Latinos to vote for the little racist billionaire Jew.
There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaier buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?

Yeah, got it, good story bro.
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.

This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You obviously do hold that position. You constantly accuse Trump supporters of "naked obedience" or "intellectual dishonesty," but never the supporters of any Dim candidate.

You're not fooling anyone.
It appears that, once again, I have made something too complicated for you.

I clearly said "...to this degree, at this intensity..."

That means that such behaviors exist everywhere, including on the Left.

Does that help, at least a little?
What "degree" or "intensity." It's the left that goes bonkers over Trump, not us. The left is who assaults anyone wearing a MAGA hat. A leftist just recently threatened Nazi Piglosi's opponent with murder!


There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaier buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?

Yeah, got it, good story bro.
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.

This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You obviously do hold that position. You constantly accuse Trump supporters of "naked obedience" or "intellectual dishonesty," but never the supporters of any Dim candidate.

You're not fooling anyone.
It appears that, once again, I have made something too complicated for you.

I clearly said "...to this degree, at this intensity..."

That means that such behaviors exist everywhere, including on the Left.

Does that help, at least a little?
What "degree" or "intensity." It's the left that goes bonkers over Trump, not us. The left is who assaults anyone wearing a MAGA hat. A leftist just recently threatened Nazi Piglosi's opponent with murder!
My goodness, I have to hold your hand through every damn thing I say.

The "degree" or "intensity" is within the context of the blind support I mentioned, not individual behaviors.

Go back to losing your shit on Gramps. I'm tired of having to explain the simple.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.

There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.

When you run as a Democrat, you don’t get a pass for things you say or do that perpetuate bullshit racist tropes.

Hillary lost votes because she had said “super predators”.

Unlike Republicans, who consider using bullshit racist tropes to be a positive political tactic, Dems will force candidates to fess up and express remorse.

That’s the way it is.

And Bloomberg will respond forcefully or he will be told to fuck off.

"When you run as a Democrat, you don’t get a pass for things you say or do that perpetuate bullshit racist tropes."

Yes you do, asshole

"Unlike Republicans, who consider using bullshit racist tropes to be a positive political tactic, Dems will force candidates to fess up and express remorse."

ROFL! Yeah, sure they do.

In the case of Republicans, TDS douchebags try to get him fired, harass and threaten his family, and physically attack his supporters.

Who do you think you're fooling, scumbag?

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