Just stop with the Bloomberg is a racist nonsense

when trumpdrones smear an opponent lies are the foundation of the attack -
do they give 2 shits ?
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

Right-wingers never accused Bloomberg of being racist
apparently you skipped about 40% of the rights posts in this thread as well as a few other threads.

Bloomberg slammed for saying blacks, Latinos ā€˜donā€™t know how to behave in the workplaceā€™

ā€œBlacks and Latinos score terribly in school testing compared to whites and Asians,ā€ Mr. Bloomberg said during the interview. ā€œIf you look at our jails, itā€™s predominantly minorities. If you look at where crime takes place, itā€™s in minority neighborhoods. If you look at who the victims and the perpetrators are, itā€™s virtually all minorities. This is something that has gone on for a long time.
ā€œThereā€™s this enormous cohort of black and Latino males aged, letā€™s say 16 to 25, that donā€™t have jobs, donā€™t have any prospects, donā€™t know how to find jobs, donā€™t know what their skill sets are, donā€™t know how to behave in the workplace where they have to work collaboratively and collectively,ā€ Mr. Bloomberg said later during the interview.​

Are the above statements true or false?
They are true and they are not racist. That is the basis for this thread. If simply citing facts is racist then we are all racist.
If you think those statements are racist then you have real problems.
Racially insensitive, perhaps but that is more a reflection of someone taking statements too personally.
Similar statements could be made of whites in trailer parks and while offensive to some they would not be racist.
when trumpdrones smear an opponent lies are the foundation of the attack -
do they give 2 shits ?
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
All you're doing is using the cancel culture logic and that shit is already poisonous enough without conservatives stooping to such a pathetic level. Essentially YOU ARE CONDONING the race baiting the left traffics in.
Stating the FACTS about crime in NY is not racist. If anything you should applaud his former honesty and mock his sudden cowardice. Calling him a racist makes you look stupid and no better than the wackadoodle left.
There are PLENTY of Avenues to challenge Bloomberg. RACISM IS NOT ONE OF THEM.
Beat the left HONESTLY and stop playing their dumbass games.
Bloomberg is a racist, dumbass.

He is not a cross burning white sheet wearing standard Democrat racist, no, but he is an authoritarian, condescending patronistic fascist racist, that is plain.

Now go back to your bowling show, start your massaging easy chair and drink your Bud Lite, loser pantywad.
Right-wingers never accused Bloomberg of being racist
apparently you skipped about 40% of the rights posts in this thread as well as a few other threads.

Bloomberg slammed for saying blacks, Latinos ā€˜donā€™t know how to behave in the workplaceā€™

ā€œBlacks and Latinos score terribly in school testing compared to whites and Asians,ā€ Mr. Bloomberg said during the interview. ā€œIf you look at our jails, itā€™s predominantly minorities. If you look at where crime takes place, itā€™s in minority neighborhoods. If you look at who the victims and the perpetrators are, itā€™s virtually all minorities. This is something that has gone on for a long time.
ā€œThereā€™s this enormous cohort of black and Latino males aged, letā€™s say 16 to 25, that donā€™t have jobs, donā€™t have any prospects, donā€™t know how to find jobs, donā€™t know what their skill sets are, donā€™t know how to behave in the workplace where they have to work collaboratively and collectively,ā€ Mr. Bloomberg said later during the interview.​

Are the above statements true or false?
They are true and they are not racist. That is the basis for this thread. If simply citing facts is racist then we are all racist.
If you think those statements are racist then you have real problems.
Racially insensitive, perhaps but that is more a reflection of someone taking statements too personally.
Similar statements could be made of whites in trailer parks and while offensive to some they would not be racist.
According to the left, citing facts is racist, and Bloomberg deserves to be flogged. If he doesn't want to be held to the leftwing standard, then he shouldn't be running as a Democrat candidate for President. It doesn't matter what a rational person thinks about Bloomberg's statements. All that matters is how the left would characterize them.

By defending Bloomberg's racism, you're only proving that you're as hypocritical, sleazy and dishonest as the left.
when trumpdrones smear an opponent lies are the foundation of the attack -
do they give 2 shits ?
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.

What a douchebag.
According to the left, citing facts is racist, and Bloomberg deserves to be flogged. If he doesn't want to be held to the leftwing standard, then he shouldn't be running as a Democrat candidate for President. It doesn't matter what a rational person thinks about Bloomberg's statements. All that matters is how the left would characterize them.
By defending Bloomberg's racism, you're only proving that you're as hypocritical, sleazy and dishonest as the left.
Bloomberg has said publicly what Democrat leadership has always said privately. That is why they all support gun control laws, to keep black people unarmed and under control.
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

Oh, Puleeze!

We can support Trump without going full Democrat, OK?

There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
when trumpdrones smear an opponent lies are the foundation of the attack -
do they give 2 shits ?
The Borg do and say whatever Limbaugh & Hannity & Levin instruct them to do and say.

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.

What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???

Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaier buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?

Yeah, got it, good story bro.
There's blind support, and there's honest support.

I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.

And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.

Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaier buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?

Yeah, got it, good story bro.
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.

This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.
What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???
Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
Lol, you dont grasp that what you said was condescending, a lie and slanderous of people you supposedly agree with?

I like Limbaugh and especially Levin. Hannity not so much.
Having said that no person is infallible and no person including any president should have their words taken as if they were the gospel of god.
Once again, you're attacking Republicans and confirming a leftwing stereotype of them.
What a douchebag.
There was an attack in that post???
Jesus H Christ you are a sensitive little bitch.
Lol, you dont grasp that what you said was condescending, a lie and slanderous of people you supposedly agree with?

If you took that statement personally then you need look no further than in a mirror for the reason.

One man said it best when he said "trust but verify"
Course by today's asinine standard that statement is probably also racist
There's blind support, and there's honest support.
I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close.
And I thought the chills up the leg for Obama were bad.
Support, or even partisanship, do not require intellectual dishonesty or naked obedience.
So when Democrats go against all their previous moralizing and let a billionaire buy their whole party like a big cheap crack whore, that is AOK, but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?
I didn't say that. You just made up a position I don't hold.
This is exactly what I mean when I bring up intellectual honesty.
You said this about Republican Trump supporters:
"There's blind support, and there's honest support.
I've never seen the former, to this degree, at this intensity, ever, not even close."

You think that is a misquote? I summarized you poorly when I said: "but supporting Trump means you cant think independently?"

Can you essplain the difference there Lucy?


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