Just the facts, Jack!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Key Tax Facts

15,753: The number of households in 1961 with $1 million in taxable income (adjusted for inflation).
361,000: The number of households in 2011 estimated to have $1 million in taxable income.
43.1: Percent of total reported income that Americans earning $1 million paid in taxes in 1961 (adjusted for 2011 dollars)
23.1: Percent of total reported income that Americans earning $1 million are likely to pay in taxes in 2011, estimated from latest IRS data.
47.4: Percent of profits corporations paid in taxes in 1961.
11.1: Percent of profits corporations paid in taxes in 2011.

It's completely irrational to insist that corporations and the ones who hoovered up all the money, and have all the money, shouldn't have to pay the taxes inherent TO the money.

More facts:

1961 saw America in a sever recession.
Kennedy cut taxes more than Reagan or GW Bush and began a recovery.

You're suggesting Kennedy was a right wing evil corp tool because it's not a question of revenue or jobs, it's like Obama said "it's a question of fairness".
More facts:

1961 saw America in a sever recession.
Kennedy cut taxes more than Reagan or GW Bush and began a recovery.

You're suggesting Kennedy was a right wing evil corp tool because it's not a question of revenue or jobs, it's like Obama said "it's a question of fairness".

Its a macro-economy, not a chemistry experiment, X.

There are times when supply side policies (like cutting taxes) are a good idea and times when they serve no good purpose and even make things worse.

Seriously, do you not understand that?

Do you think there is a one action fits all situations formula for the economy?

That's is exactly the argument that has been foisted on this nation by the GOP for the last 40 years -- All supply side econ policies all the time.

Sometimes they've been right, but at other times they've been dead wrong.

Like now.

Now I am not saying taxes ought to be increased now.

But to imagine that cutting taxes solves all woes in all circumstances is flat out wrong.

It's the DEMAND side that's hosed, right now, not the supply side.
Corporations should have to pay very little if any income taxes...period.
They already pay a portion of SS tax for every employee, property taxes, inventory taxes and collect mountains of sales taxes for the government...for free.
Corporations also provide healthcare coverage, provide jobs for their employees - but more importantly they are a cog in the wheel that provides jobs for suppliers, vendors, raw material manufacturers, transportation etc. etc. etc.

It is fantastically stupid to insist on raising taxes on businesses - I mean COW stupid.
Just as stupid as it was to pass NAFTA so thousands of "spokes in the jobs wheel" disappeared so investors could make more money.


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More facts:

1961 saw America in a sever recession.
Kennedy cut taxes more than Reagan or GW Bush and began a recovery.

You're suggesting Kennedy was a right wing evil corp tool because it's not a question of revenue or jobs, it's like Obama said "it's a question of fairness".
....do you not understand that? Do you think there is...
This isn't going well; switching the subject over from facts to personalities and opinions may feel a good move considering how poorly the facts were going, but opinions contrary to fact and based on fondly held beliefs are a waste of time.

We can get out the historical record and see if recessions end and revenue soars when rates are cut, but the goal has to be opinions based on reality.
And furthermore...as a guy who runs a business...we are not "hoarding" money.
I don't have a secret room behind my office where I get naked and roll in the cash and smoke Cuban cigars...I realize that is the vision many leftist dead-heads have.
It is true that I have not purchased any capital items since 2008. It is true that I have more liquid cash in assets than normal - but I don't do this to "hoard" it. I have a responsibility to protect the families that work for me. I can't predict what is going to happen, if there is a significant double-dip in the economy - that new piece of equipment might just be the thing that makes us go under. I need more liquid assets to get through tough months. This year we lost money 3 out of the 7 months...that means without cash in the bank - I would have to lay someone off. There is noooo way that I can see investing money into an economy that is so shaky...I just can't.
And 100,000's of other business owners/operators feel the same way.

But yeah...let's tax 'em more - that'll do the trick! Maybe instead of 51% of the working population paying zero income taxes - let's see if we can increase that to 60%!!! Yeah!!!...make them filthy corporations pay!!!!!

Corporations should have to pay very little if any income taxes...period.
They already pay a portion of SS tax for every employee, property taxes, inventory taxes and collect mountains of sales taxes for the government...for free.
Corporations also provide healthcare coverage, provide jobs for their employees - but more importantly they are a cog in the wheel that provides jobs for suppliers, vendors, raw material manufacturers, transportation etc. etc. etc.

It is fantastically stupid to insist on raising taxes on businesses - I mean COW stupid.
Just as stupid as it was to pass NAFTA so thousands of "spokes in the jobs wheel" disappeared so investors could make more money.

Lest we forget......Corporations are people too!
Corporations should have to pay very little if any income taxes...period.
They already pay a portion of SS tax for every employee, property taxes, inventory taxes and collect mountains of sales taxes for the government...for free.
Corporations also provide healthcare coverage, provide jobs for their employees - but more importantly they are a cog in the wheel that provides jobs for suppliers, vendors, raw material manufacturers, transportation etc. etc. etc.

It is fantastically stupid to insist on raising taxes on businesses - I mean COW stupid.
Just as stupid as it was to pass NAFTA so thousands of "spokes in the jobs wheel" disappeared so investors could make more money.

Lest we forget......Corporations are people too!

Yay!! Way to throw in some dumbass non-response there.
keep the Kool-Aid flowing baby!!
More facts:

1961 saw America in a sever recession.
Kennedy cut taxes more than Reagan or GW Bush and began a recovery.

You're suggesting Kennedy was a right wing evil corp tool because it's not a question of revenue or jobs, it's like Obama said "it's a question of fairness".

Accidental rep was extended, but it won't kill me. I misread your post, though so removed my thanks.
Corporations should have to pay very little if any income taxes...period.
They already pay a portion of SS tax for every employee, property taxes, inventory taxes and collect mountains of sales taxes for the government...for free.
Corporations also provide healthcare coverage, provide jobs for their employees - but more importantly they are a cog in the wheel that provides jobs for suppliers, vendors, raw material manufacturers, transportation etc. etc. etc.

It is fantastically stupid to insist on raising taxes on businesses - I mean COW stupid.
Just as stupid as it was to pass NAFTA so thousands of "spokes in the jobs wheel" disappeared so investors could make more money.

Corporations don't give their employees anything. In return for labor, they offer compensation that includes wages, health insurance, SS. They make more money off of that labor than they pay to the employee.
Over the last 30 years, the ability of that compensation to pay for homes, healthcare, energy and education has decreased. The taxpayer has had to step in and supplement that declining employee compensation.
People who used to be able to support their family on one job, now need 2-3, and some have taken to selling plasma (don't laugh, I personally know 'these people').
Yeah...Now one works to support the family while the other works to pay the taxes.
People who used to be able to support their family on one job, now need 2-3, and some have taken to selling plasma (don't laugh, I personally know 'these people').
Yeah...Now one works to support the family while the other works to pay the taxes.

How is that when taxes are lower than they were 30 years ago?

It used to be that a blue collar worker could support his wife, children, house, cars,medical insurance......AND pay his taxes on one salary
People who used to be able to support their family on one job, now need 2-3, and some have taken to selling plasma (don't laugh, I personally know 'these people').
Yeah...Now one works to support the family while the other works to pay the taxes.

How is that when taxes are lower than they were 30 years ago?

It used to be that a blue collar worker could support his wife, children, house, cars,medical insurance......AND pay his taxes on one salary

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Sales Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

a sloppily thrown list together, missing tons of other taxs AND just as many REGULATIONS, that choke todays bus., ( and raising prices) that didn't exist 50 years ago, many of these taxes and the atmosphere that exists now where in gov. city county state fed. see corps and citizens as ATM's for their lack of management skills and ideology that everyone can have everything....forgetting that that burden sooner or later chokes the golden goose, the bus's and people they count to pay for their folly who do everything possible to avoid and evade the burden.
Corporations should have to pay very little if any income taxes...period.
They already pay a portion of SS tax for every employee, property taxes, inventory taxes and collect mountains of sales taxes for the government...for free.
Corporations also provide healthcare coverage, provide jobs for their employees - but more importantly they are a cog in the wheel that provides jobs for suppliers, vendors, raw material manufacturers, transportation etc. etc. etc.

It is fantastically stupid to insist on raising taxes on businesses - I mean COW stupid.
Just as stupid as it was to pass NAFTA so thousands of "spokes in the jobs wheel" disappeared so investors could make more money.

Corporations don't give their employees anything. In return for labor, they offer compensation that includes wages, health insurance, SS. They make more money off of that labor than they pay to the employee.
Over the last 30 years, the ability of that compensation to pay for homes, healthcare, energy and education has decreased. The taxpayer has had to step in and supplement that declining employee compensation.

Sorry Bub, but as usual the Kool-Aid affect gets in the way of your thinking.
Price of a product or service, except when there is a captive customer base, is driven solely by what people will pay for it.
Americans over and over and over and over choose cheap price over anything else...this forces corporations to find anyway they can to lower costs to continue to make a profit.
You wanna know who is the most at fault for declining wages?
Start by looking in the mirror.
Corporations should have to pay very little if any income taxes...period.
They already pay a portion of SS tax for every employee, property taxes, inventory taxes and collect mountains of sales taxes for the government...for free.
Corporations also provide healthcare coverage, provide jobs for their employees - but more importantly they are a cog in the wheel that provides jobs for suppliers, vendors, raw material manufacturers, transportation etc. etc. etc.

It is fantastically stupid to insist on raising taxes on businesses - I mean COW stupid.
Just as stupid as it was to pass NAFTA so thousands of "spokes in the jobs wheel" disappeared so investors could make more money.

Corporations don't give their employees anything. In return for labor, they offer compensation that includes wages, health insurance, SS. They make more money off of that labor than they pay to the employee.
Over the last 30 years, the ability of that compensation to pay for homes, healthcare, energy and education has decreased. The taxpayer has had to step in and supplement that declining employee compensation.

Sorry Bub, but as usual the Kool-Aid affect gets in the way of your thinking.
Price of a product or service, except when there is a captive customer base, is driven solely by what people will pay for it.
Americans over and over and over and over choose cheap price over anything else...this forces corporations to find anyway they can to lower costs to continue to make a profit.
You wanna know who is the most at fault for declining wages?
Start by looking in the mirror.

Doesnt matter. Employers are still making a profit off of every employee.

Why can't people continue to pay for product and service? Consumers have cut back because of declining spending power.

Typical blame the victim conservative talking point
Corporations don't give their employees anything. In return for labor, they offer compensation that includes wages, health insurance, SS. They make more money off of that labor than they pay to the employee.
Over the last 30 years, the ability of that compensation to pay for homes, healthcare, energy and education has decreased. The taxpayer has had to step in and supplement that declining employee compensation.

Sorry Bub, but as usual the Kool-Aid affect gets in the way of your thinking.
Price of a product or service, except when there is a captive customer base, is driven solely by what people will pay for it.
Americans over and over and over and over choose cheap price over anything else...this forces corporations to find anyway they can to lower costs to continue to make a profit.
You wanna know who is the most at fault for declining wages?
Start by looking in the mirror.

Doesnt matter. Employers are still making a profit off of every employee.

Why can't people continue to pay for product and service? Consumers have cut back because of declining spending power.

Typical blame the victim conservative talking point

Exactly! Spending will go up when people are paid what they are worth. Not sure that will happen any time soon, but you gotta have money to spend money.

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