JUST THINK! If this guy had had a gun....

Just think! If that bitch had only had gun, that guy would be dead!


My step-daughter had a gun, a S&W .38 that her Dad gave her in order to defend herself after she moved to L.A.

Her boyfriend stole it, held up an Exxon station in El Toro and shot an attendant in the leg. He's serving 14 years.

Sorry, you still lose.

Sounds like you made a huge impact on your step daughter. She sounds like she really knows how to pick a winner.

I guess I should have read the whole thread. Looks like common sense got here early.
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Typical of liberal thinking. It's full-retard. Not only do they accept anecdotal evidence is the same as proof, but only anecdotal evidence that supports a left wing idea, for example:

Liberal: "My step-daughter had a gun, her ex-boyfriend stole it and killed someone"...valid argument.

Conservative: "I have a dozen guns in the house and 5 kids who are all grown and none of my guns killed or hurt anyone."...invalid argument.

Liberalism is a grave mental disorder.

We need to ban fire.

Or matches, or maybe limit the number of matches someone is allowed to have to not more than 5. No one needs to carry that many matches.
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We need to ban fire.

Or matches, or maybe limit the number of matches someone is allowed to have to not more than 5. No one needs to carry that many matches.

And dont get caught with a Bic lighter or God forbid a propane torch. You'll do some serious time.
Typical of liberal thinking. It's full-retard. Not only do they accept anecdotal evidence is the same as proof, but only anecdotal evidence that supports a left wing idea, for example:

Liberal: "My step-daughter had a gun, her ex-boyfriend stole it and killed someone"...valid argument.

Conservative: "I have a dozen guns in the house and 5 kids who are all grown and none of my guns killed or hurt anyone."...invalid argument.

Liberalism is a grave mental disorder.

You made a direct hit with that observation.
Just think! If that bitch had only had gun, that guy would be dead!


My step-daughter had a gun, a S&W .38 that her Dad gave her in order to defend herself after she moved to L.A.

Her boyfriend stole it, held up an Exxon station in El Toro and shot an attendant in the leg. He's serving 14 years.

Sorry, you still lose.

Was the gun registered by her, in her name? If it wasn't, then it's very clear that there were three very distinct crimes being committed.

My step-daughter had a gun, a S&W .38 that her Dad gave her in order to defend herself after she moved to L.A.

Her boyfriend stole it, held up an Exxon station in El Toro and shot an attendant in the leg. He's serving 14 years.

Sorry, you still lose.

Thanks for proving the point that someone doesn't need a gun to harm someone. Also your step daughter made a stupid mistake and two people are paying the price.

No, a gun is not needed to harm someone, but the immediate availability makes it 1000% easier and with far more dire consequences.
You are using the mantra of a bi-polar, adolescent prostitute customer as your spokesman now? That's laughable.
My step-daughter had a gun, a S&W .38 that her Dad gave her in order to defend herself after she moved to L.A.

Her boyfriend stole it, held up an Exxon station in El Toro and shot an attendant in the leg. He's serving 14 years.

Sorry, you still lose.

Thanks for proving the point that someone doesn't need a gun to harm someone. Also your step daughter made a stupid mistake and two people are paying the price.
You are blaming her step daughter for the fact someone stole her gun and shot someone, ending up in jail?

Then a huge percentage of 'ordinary' joes who own guns are responsible for all the violence caused when those guns are stolen.

Yup. Thanks for your critical thinking skills. Something you don't see very often on this board.
Just think! If that bitch had only had gun, that guy would be dead!

Good point, and justifiably dead, at that!

Given few details in this story, one just has to ask the really stupid question of when she would have gotten her gun.
1) While they were yelling at each other?
2) After he reached for the perfume bottle?
a) When he reached for the perfume bottle did she think he just wanted her to smell
better or did she anticipate he was going for matches too?
3) While she's doused with perfume and seeing him strike the match?

Just think! If that bitch had only had gun, that guy would be dead!

Good point, and justifiably dead, at that!

Given few details in this story, one just has to ask the really stupid question of when she would have gotten her gun.
1) While they were yelling at each other?
2) After he reached for the perfume bottle?
a) When he reached for the perfume bottle did she think he just wanted her to smell
better or did she anticipate he was going for matches too?
3) While she's doused with perfume and seeing him strike the match?

You're right, "when would she have gotten her gun" is a stupid question.
My step-daughter had a gun, a S&W .38 that her Dad gave her in order to defend herself after she moved to L.A.

Her boyfriend stole it, held up an Exxon station in El Toro and shot an attendant in the leg. He's serving 14 years.

Sorry, you still lose.

Thanks for proving the point that someone doesn't need a gun to harm someone. Also your step daughter made a stupid mistake and two people are paying the price.

No, a gun is not needed to harm someone, but the immediate availability makes it 1000% easier and with far more dire consequences.

Lack of access to a gun certainly did not stop this creep from trying to kill his girlfriend.
Thanks for proving the point that someone doesn't need a gun to harm someone. Also your step daughter made a stupid mistake and two people are paying the price.

No, a gun is not needed to harm someone, but the immediate availability makes it 1000% easier and with far more dire consequences.

Lack of access to a gun certainly did not stop this creep from trying to kill his girlfriend.

In one of the most horrific ways imaginable for that matter.

My step-daughter had a gun, a S&W .38 that her Dad gave her in order to defend herself after she moved to L.A.

Her boyfriend stole it, held up an Exxon station in El Toro and shot an attendant in the leg. He's serving 14 years.

Sorry, you still lose.

Thanks for proving the point that someone doesn't need a gun to harm someone. Also your step daughter made a stupid mistake and two people are paying the price.

these limpwristers cant connect the dots
Or maybe not. This guy reads like some sadistic nut who tried to kill the woman any way. Why is it so difficult to understand that there are some people in this world who will hurt others? Guns have nothing to do with this kind of evil.

On the contrary, guns have everything to do with this kind of evil. It gives them a tool with which they are capable of destroying many lives quickly and easily, and the victims have little chance of fighting back.
Thanks for proving the point that someone doesn't need a gun to harm someone. Also your step daughter made a stupid mistake and two people are paying the price.

No, a gun is not needed to harm someone, but the immediate availability makes it 1000% easier and with far more dire consequences.

Lack of access to a gun certainly did not stop this creep from trying to kill his girlfriend.

Now if he had had a gun, the word would not be 'trying', would it.

= not "trying".

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