Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.

The Stars and Bars as used today by many people is a symbol of rebellion. And more than southerners fly or wear the flag. Or it represents southern pride like used by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Not racism.
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.

Here ya go!


And a pickup in every driveway!

Ignorant lowlifes.......
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?

Pre or post 1960's?

Oh please don't try that game with me that one magical night with pixie dust from on high that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats and Dixiecrats all became Republican.

It's a fairytale. A sad pathetic fairytale.

It didn't happen overnight but it most certainly happened. Adult remedial Social Studies 101 can help you make up for those skipped classes in high school.

The party membership changed while the attitudes remained in the regions. The confederate flag belongs to the attitude, not the party.
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.

The Stars and Bars as used today by many people is a symbol of rebellion. And more than southerners fly or wear the flag. Or it represents southern pride like used by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Not racism.

Actually Lynyrd Skynyrd gave it up three years ago.

They note in the link, correctly:
"Through the years, people like the KKK and skinheads kinda kidnapped the Dixie or Southern flag from its tradition and the heritage of the soldiers, that's what it was about,"
They're correct that it's been used for nefarious symbology and that that certainly isn't the only meaning of it.

And you're correct that it stands for Southern pride, culture, history etc, and that it's disingenuous to pretend "it stands for what I say it stands for and that's it".

However you just committed exactly that fallacy in post 3.
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?
Who cares what party the governor belonged to? There are racists in both political parties. At one time there were more racists in the Democratic party.
Today the vasy majority of racists associate with the Republican party.
Get yourselves an education if you're even capable of reading:

"Black Confederates" by Charles Kelly Barrow

"Black Sourherners in Confederate Armies" by J.H. Segars

"Slavery was it the cause of the war between the states" by Gene Kizer Jr.

"Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong" by Lochlainn Seabrook

"Why I wave the Confederate Flag, written by a black man" by Anthony Hervey

"Black Southerners in Gray" by Arthur W. Bergeron & Thomas Y. Cartwright

Don't believe the radical communists desecration of the Confederacy or comply with their indoctrination in their efforts to turn America into the former Soviet Union.
Talk about begging the question.
Some, like Locke, cannot complicate their simple minds with too many facts; small minded; narrow minded; no minded.
Actually Locke and those like him are scared out of their wits of change. They act like they are tough and all knowing but they are actually pathetically scared human beings.
It was placed over state capitals and on state flags to protest desegregation.

Yeah, no racism there.

By Democrat Governors correct?
Who cares what party the governor belonged to? There are racists in both political parties. At one time there were more racists in the Democratic party.
Today the vasy majority of racists associate with the Republican party.

Again, racists, wherever they are, will associate with conservative values, because they'll find no place to go in Liberal values. Even when the "solid South" was one-party Democratic it wanted nothing to do with Liberals and several times either tried to veer the party their way, or literally walked out altogether and ran its own people (1860, 1948, 1968 for example).

One does notice that ever since said solid South shifted to the RP, they haven't found it necessary to bolt and run their own people because their party wasn't conservative enough. Not once.

Coincidence, I'm sure...
Oh please don't try that game with me that one magical night with pixie dust from on high that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats and Dixiecrats all became Republican.

It's a fairytale. A sad pathetic fairytale.
So how long did it take and when did it happen? Because I have the feeling the South was not Republican at some point in time.
Left wing radicals used to carry the Russian flag around in 60's and 70's just to piss people off in protests and strangely enough the right wing didn't blame the Russian flag for bombing and robberies and killing. They blamed the person. The same left wingers who fought all the way to the supreme court for the right to burn and shit on the American Flag in public now want to outlaw pieces of cloth that resemble the Confederate flag. They want to sell little Union Flag souvenirs at Civil War sites but pretend the Confederate flag didn't exist. The federal government issued a set of Civil War commemorative stamps in 1994 which included Confederate generals Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Joe Johnston and Robert E. Lee. Now they want to outlaw references to the Confederacy on federal and state property. The useful idiots on the left have even convinced themselves that the Dukes of Hazzard were really Confederate icons. Nothing makes sense in the liberal mind
Oh please don't try that game with me that one magical night with pixie dust from on high that Republicans became Democrats and Democrats and Dixiecrats all became Republican.

It's a fairytale. A sad pathetic fairytale.

You must have missed US history class.

In 1956 we also had pro-Union Republicans.
Left wing radicals used to carry the Russian flag around in 60's and 70's just to piss people off in protests and strangely enough the right wing didn't blame the Russian flag for bombing and robberies and killing. They blamed the person. The same left wingers who fought all the way to the supreme court for the right to burn and shit on the American Flag in public now want to outlaw pieces of cloth that resemble the Confederate flag. They want to sell little Union Flag souvenirs at Civil War sites but pretend the Confederate flag didn't exist. The federal government issued a set of Civil War commemorative stamps in 1994 which included Confederate generals Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Joe Johnston and Robert E. Lee. Now they want to outlaw references to the Confederacy on federal and state property. The useful idiots on the left have even convinced themselves that the Dukes of Hazzard were really Confederate icons. Nothing makes sense in the liberal mind

Or was the reason that the Dukes were canceled because the contract ended?

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