Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy.

I'd rather have a descendant of Jefferson Davis educate me on the Confederate Flag and the Confederacy.

Actually you should check into one of the Confederacy's biggest heroes to learn more about the Confederacy.

His name is Nathan Bedford Forrest. You'd learn a lot about the Democrat Party's roots too.


Nathan Bedford Forrest has nothing to do with the Democratic Party's roots. Forrest wasn't even a politician; he was a general in the Civil War noted by both sides as a tactician and skilled swordsman. He was also a slave trader, a racist, a plantation owner and later after the war, a failure businessman. In 1867 the vigilante elements that had taken over the activities of the Ku Klux Klan, then a year and a half old, went to Forrest to be its figurehead so as to give the organization a status of "legitimacy". Less than two years later (January 1869), Forrest judged that the violent fringe elements had gotten completely out of control and issued a proclamation disbanding the KKK, even later denying that he had ever been part of it. Said fringe elements ignored the order and continued their violence anyway, just as they had infiltrated the group before they took on Forrest. Later Forrest went to Alabama to head a railroad, which soon went bankrupt.

But none of that has anything to do with the Democratic Party's "roots", which go back to 1828 (when Forrest was just turning seven years old) and already had five Presidents in office before the Civil War --- not seven Presidents, as your previous wacko bullet list of a few days ago alleged.

I have to wonder about your grip on the concept of linear time...

Oh for Pete's sake. Forrest was THE Grand Wizard. I swear Pogo, the Brothers Grimm can't top Democrats for freaking fairy tales.

And his family claimed that their family went all the way back to the founding of the D party.

"Georgia-born Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wrote on page 21 of the September 1928 edition of the Klan’s “The Kourier Magazine”: “I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat.

My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days….

My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.”

KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party National Black Republican Association

That's another crock of shit. Forrest was born in Tennessee, not Georgia. He had nothing to do with fucking Georgia. And whether his ancestors were part of the founding of the Democratic Party or not (link?) it doesn't make HIM a founder of it. Again, he was SEVEN FRICKING YEARS OLD. I don't think seven-year-olds found political parties. The guy you're quoting there is the GRANDSON of Nathan Bedford Forrest.

And nor did he found the Ku Klux Klan. I've spelled that out repeatedly. He was hired on to be a figurehead after it was already established. Then after exactly 21 months, disbanded it, quit and denied having been part of it, though that denial was false.

And again -- nobody in the South (who was white) voted for anyone who was not a Democrat in those days. The Republican Party didn't even have a presence, or run a candidate, until after the Civil War. This political scoreboard you think you're putting points up on is a joke that ignores every context of history.

I never said he was born in Georgia. I was quoting his grandson who was from Georgia.

I never claimed to be quoting Forrest. I don't have a clue why you are harping on the fact that Bedford was seven years old. It's his grandson claiming his great great grandfather was one of the founders.

If you're going to get your knickers in a twist please get it right. Go bitch at the grandson not me.

So who the fuck is the "great great grandfather" and wtf does he have to do with Nathan Bedford Forrest?
You do realize those are two different people, do you not?

The great great grandfather of Forrest's grandson, the Georgia native you quote, would be NBF's grandfather.

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