Just to enlighten you on how the newthink works to address equity and equality.

Equality is everyone has the use of the same shopping cart
Equity provides electric carts for those who need them
Equity is you have more of something that they do not, no matter how hard anyone made an effort to accomplish it, so we will take from you and give some of it to them, and we expect you to like it or you're an Asshole to the Hive. What kind of results do you think this will result in?
Yeah, I’ve seen this bologna before. Long before this article was written. Both my parents were teachers at one point in their lives. I won’t deny it was a very useful tool to have at home when trying to get through schoolwork.

I had issues with math in high school. When I asked the teacher (who had taught with my dad) for assistance his response was “Talk to your dad. I don’t have time for you.” Then the teacher marked my work down because my fathers waybof doing it wasn’t the same way the instructor wanted it done.
Schools have always used the concept of Equity

Not just every child receives the exact same education….Equality

But those who need extra help, receive extra help…..Equity

Good example. Rich democrats love to push stuff like this, while they send their kids to private schools. Same thing with democrats who suggest people should open their homes to house illegals, while they build a fence around theirs. Or tell people they don't need guns while they have armed security.
It is rather telling that you find the concepts of divert and inclusion to be the product of a sick mind.

Not sure what else anyone needs to know about you.
There's nothing wrong with diversity and inclusion.....Just as long as it does not get in the way of pure merit.

Coddling lesser people at the expense of those of greater merit is a fool's game.....I guess that's why DEI is DIEing. It should DIE quicker.
I really don't get this popular meme. Did this father need government to to move the boxes so both his children could see the game?

Think of those boxes as being provided by the government.

A policy of equality would say everyone gets one box
A policy of equity says the short child gets two, the medium sized child gets two and the tall child doesn’t need a box
Yes, they took the tall guy's (self motivating in the real world) box and gave it to the short guy ( who's not as successful because he thinks he's behind because the tall guy is taller) and pretty soon we will run out of boxes because China has raised the price and no one wants to make them here anymore.
It is not fair to other kids or parent(s) that don't read to their kids if you try to get your family a head start. People actually believe this and some politicians see this as viable. It's like saying it's not fair to teach your kid to change the oil in their car because other people don't bother, How did we get so screwed up and where will it end? Is having a loving family an unfair advantage? - ABC listen

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Yes, they took the tall guy's (self motivating in the real world) box and gave it to the short guy ( who's not as successful because he thinks he's behind because the tall guy is taller) and pretty soon we will run out of boxes because China has raised the price and no one wants to make them here anymore.

When it comes to handing out boxes, you give it to those who need one.
Forcing unnatural results that lead to inevitable failure, equity, screws everyone equally. Liberals got all the bases covered.
Any parent that calls themselves a parent should desperately want to impart all the knowledge they possibly can into their child. A real parent wants their child to be better than they were.

Additionally every American should want every child to be better, stronger, smarter, tougher, more responsible, more capable, more ambitious and more self reliant so the country itself can be all those things.

My parents, my grandparents, my uncle, everyone growing up tried to reach me what they knew. I was made to do my homework, do chores, have manners, read books, watch and listen to a variety of music and movies, take swim lessons, learn to cook somewhat, hunt and fish, fix things, learn about money, be able to do math, and so on. My dad took time to sit and watch mr wizard with me so I would learn simple physics and science when it was on tv because it wasn't his strong point.

If you don't want to help your child, or if you don't other parents/teachers to help children be the best they can be then you're doing a disservice to that child and in essence to America itself.

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