Just what is the point of Trump's appointing Tony Scaramucci?


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Okay, yes, Trump needs a communications director, so, fine, Tony's his new one. That is what it is. What's the strategy of choosing Scaramucci? It's not as though Trump's problems accrue from lack of vocally ardent defenses; there are plenty of germane and serious policy failings.
  • Is Trump desirous of a comms director who at heart espouses Democratic policies? Perhaps because Trump once did and wants to return to doing so?
  • Does Trump think adding yet another person with nearly no politics experience (beyond writing checks), governance experience and no communications experience will be a boon to his Administration?
  • Does Trump think merely having a brazen and cocky New Yorker in the role will make things work?
  • Does Trump think bringing another billionaire into his Administration will aid him in "draining the swamp?"
  • Does Trump feel he needs a communications director who seems even more willing and more able than Spicer and Dubke to show even greater degrees of obsequiousness and fealty?

Some of Scaramucci's deleted tweets are below.



In a Fox News Sunday interview, Chris Wallace pulled up the following Scaramucci tweet:

"We (the USA) has 5% of the world's population but 50% o f the world's guns. Enough is enough. It is just common sense to apply more controls."​

Asked if he still believes that, Scaramucci did not directly answer the question, instead talking about why he deleted tweets, why he took the job of WH communications director, and something Ed Koch once said. ???

It's not as though the man has any sense about managing communications and communications professionals. It's not as though the man has any apparent distinctive competencies that militate for his being given the job. And it's not as though the man has long been an advocate for Trump; however, now he's going to be his chief apologist.

So, just what the hell is the point of hiring "The Mooch?"

I get that "The Mooch" is personally good at defending Trump, but there's a lot more to his job than being a vocal champion. And there's a lot more amiss in Trump's Administration and policies.
Scaramucci, indeed no communications director, is not going to be the answer for those problems. So for what problem is "The Mooch" the answer?
The point is that Scaramucci is a political mercenary who will kiss anyone's ass for the right price and Trump is desperate for more dedicated asskissers in his inner circle.
The point is that Scaramucci is a political mercenary who will kiss anyone's ass for the right price and Trump is desperate for more dedicated asskissers in his inner circle.

Well, that is part of what I was getting at when I wrote, "Does Trump feel he needs a communications director who seems even more willing and more able than Spicer and Dubke to show even greater degrees of obsequiousness and fealty?"

The point is that Scaramucci is a political mercenary who will kiss anyone's ass for the right price and Trump is desperate for more dedicated asskissers in his inner circle.

It does seem that's so....Apparently the price he feels appropriate is that of information, the information he'll acquire as WH Communications Director and that'll be useful to him should he return to Wall Street. It's certainly not the salary or the access to political power; he's had plethoras of that well before joining the WH.
Okay, yes, Trump needs a communications director, so, fine, Tony's his new one. That is what it is. What's the strategy of choosing Scaramucci? It's not as though Trump's problems accrue from lack of vocally ardent defenses; there are plenty of germane and serious policy failings.
  • Is Trump desirous of a comms director who at heart espouses Democratic policies? Perhaps because Trump once did and wants to return to doing so?
  • Does Trump think adding yet another person with nearly no politics experience (beyond writing checks), governance experience and no communications experience will be a boon to his Administration?
  • Does Trump think merely having a brazen and cocky New Yorker in the role will make things work?
  • Does Trump think bringing another billionaire into his Administration will aid him in "draining the swamp?"
  • Does Trump feel he needs a communications director who seems even more willing and more able than Spicer and Dubke to show even greater degrees of obsequiousness and fealty?

Some of Scaramucci's deleted tweets are below.



In a Fox News Sunday interview, Chris Wallace pulled up the following Scaramucci tweet:

"We (the USA) has 5% of the world's population but 50% o f the world's guns. Enough is enough. It is just common sense to apply more controls."​

Asked if he still believes that, Scaramucci did not directly answer the question, instead talking about why he deleted tweets, why he took the job of WH communications director, and something Ed Koch once said. ???

It's not as though the man has any sense about managing communications and communications professionals. It's not as though the man has any apparent distinctive competencies that militate for his being given the job. And it's not as though the man has long been an advocate for Trump; however, now he's going to be his chief apologist.

So, just what the hell is the point of hiring "The Mooch?"

I get that "The Mooch" is personally good at defending Trump, but there's a lot more to his job than being a vocal champion. And there's a lot more amiss in Trump's Administration and policies.
Scaramucci, indeed no communications director, is not going to be the answer for those problems. So for what problem is "The Mooch" the answer?

  • Does Trump feel he needs a communications director who seems even more willing and more able than Spicer and Dubke to show even greater degrees of obsequiousness and fealty?
That's it. That's all it is. Scaramucci sounds like he's taking holy orders. Subjugating his politics to Trump's? Deleting his opinion on topics? Scaramucci THINKS he's figured out how to tame the bear, but he's wrong.
As someone said on Face the Nation this weekend, the communication isn't the problem. The problem is the problem.
Personally, Scaramucci is easy on the eyes, unfailingly pleasant and fittingly full of shit to work for the Trump administration. So it's fine. I hope Sean finds a decent job soon, though--I feel sorry for him.
I think I have found out what the point of "The Mooch" is: he's just as batsh*t crazy as Trump and Trump needed more of his own "flavor" of nuts in the WH. To wit...
  • In commenting on the Department of Labor rule that requires financial advisors to disclose investment risks to consumers, Tony likened it directly to the SCOTUS' infamous 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford decision which held that black people aren't citizens of the United States.

    "It's about like the Dred Scott decision. [...] The Department of Labor has made a decision to discriminate against a class of people who they deem to be adding no value. They are judging what should happen in a free market and attempting to put financial advisers out of work. When market forces cyclically adjust again, they will be having congressional hearings about how big the mistake was to do this."

    Finally, someone willing to take a stand for the civil rights of... financial advisors. LOL

  • Look at how many people the man is following on Twitter!


    Really? He considers 168,000 people worthy of his purview! Really? He keeps up with what that many people have to say? How the hell is the man going to do his job? (Are there truly that many tweeters who have something to say that's worth knowing about?)

    Anthony Scaramucci is likely going to be the first senior White House official in history to add you to a list.
Okay, yes, Trump needs a communications director, so, fine, Tony's his new one. That is what it is. What's the strategy of choosing Scaramucci? It's not as though Trump's problems accrue from lack of vocally ardent defenses; there are plenty of germane and serious policy failings.
  • Is Trump desirous of a comms director who at heart espouses Democratic policies? Perhaps because Trump once did and wants to return to doing so?
  • Does Trump think adding yet another person with nearly no politics experience (beyond writing checks), governance experience and no communications experience will be a boon to his Administration?
  • Does Trump think merely having a brazen and cocky New Yorker in the role will make things work?
  • Does Trump think bringing another billionaire into his Administration will aid him in "draining the swamp?"
  • Does Trump feel he needs a communications director who seems even more willing and more able than Spicer and Dubke to show even greater degrees of obsequiousness and fealty?

Some of Scaramucci's deleted tweets are below.



In a Fox News Sunday interview, Chris Wallace pulled up the following Scaramucci tweet:

"We (the USA) has 5% of the world's population but 50% o f the world's guns. Enough is enough. It is just common sense to apply more controls."​

Asked if he still believes that, Scaramucci did not directly answer the question, instead talking about why he deleted tweets, why he took the job of WH communications director, and something Ed Koch once said. ???

It's not as though the man has any sense about managing communications and communications professionals. It's not as though the man has any apparent distinctive competencies that militate for his being given the job. And it's not as though the man has long been an advocate for Trump; however, now he's going to be his chief apologist.

So, just what the hell is the point of hiring "The Mooch?"

I get that "The Mooch" is personally good at defending Trump, but there's a lot more to his job than being a vocal champion. And there's a lot more amiss in Trump's Administration and policies.
Scaramucci, indeed no communications director, is not going to be the answer for those problems. So for what problem is "The Mooch" the answer?

This is merely the new propaganda minister.

Like Adolf had Goebbels, Trump needs Scaramucci.
Okay, yes, Trump needs a communications director, so, fine, Tony's his new one. That is what it is. What's the strategy of choosing Scaramucci? It's not as though Trump's problems accrue from lack of vocally ardent defenses; there are plenty of germane and serious policy failings.
  • Is Trump desirous of a comms director who at heart espouses Democratic policies? Perhaps because Trump once did and wants to return to doing so?
  • Does Trump think adding yet another person with nearly no politics experience (beyond writing checks), governance experience and no communications experience will be a boon to his Administration?
  • Does Trump think merely having a brazen and cocky New Yorker in the role will make things work?
  • Does Trump think bringing another billionaire into his Administration will aid him in "draining the swamp?"
  • Does Trump feel he needs a communications director who seems even more willing and more able than Spicer and Dubke to show even greater degrees of obsequiousness and fealty?

Some of Scaramucci's deleted tweets are below.



In a Fox News Sunday interview, Chris Wallace pulled up the following Scaramucci tweet:

"We (the USA) has 5% of the world's population but 50% o f the world's guns. Enough is enough. It is just common sense to apply more controls."​

Asked if he still believes that, Scaramucci did not directly answer the question, instead talking about why he deleted tweets, why he took the job of WH communications director, and something Ed Koch once said. ???

It's not as though the man has any sense about managing communications and communications professionals. It's not as though the man has any apparent distinctive competencies that militate for his being given the job. And it's not as though the man has long been an advocate for Trump; however, now he's going to be his chief apologist.

So, just what the hell is the point of hiring "The Mooch?"

I get that "The Mooch" is personally good at defending Trump, but there's a lot more to his job than being a vocal champion. And there's a lot more amiss in Trump's Administration and policies.
Scaramucci, indeed no communications director, is not going to be the answer for those problems. So for what problem is "The Mooch" the answer?

The point is give a friend a job day and to start surrounding Trump with friends of the family and New Yorkers. People wanted the swamp drained lol. Scaramucci looks like one of the wise guys.
He can say outrageous things as if they make perfect sense, that's it.
Love knows no reasons, this is Love Story II. The swamp is refilled.

"We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it means danger, revolution, anarchy." Henry Miller

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