Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the Igloo, another blast of a Polar Vortex is coming. Brrr, bundle up people. Global Warming is here


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
espite a brief respite from the bitter cold that gripped the nation, a leading climate scientist has cautioned against prematurely declaring an end to winter.
Judah Cohen, an atmospheric and environmental research scientist at VERISK, has told Fox News that a second round of winter could be looming.
The recent taste of spring, following a deadly cold outbreak, may be short-lived, according to Cohen.
The polar vortex, a band of strong winds encircling the North Pole, plays a pivotal role in shaping weather patterns, and its influence is far from over.

What is sad is that i remember back when i was quite young and people call the warming period between the cold spells "Indian Summer". It might last a day or even a week, then that cold would smack US right back into reality. You know mom out there saying "Put a coat on, this is pneumonia weather", and then we go out and hit the hills with our sleds and come home looking for some hot chocolate. But alas, too many progressive voters cant remember what they ate last week let alone what the weather was like when they were growing up, which is why the Marxists/Demofascists can tell them there is globull warming, and they actually believe it. But i digress, bundle up folks, its going to be cold outside, just in time for "Groundhog Day".....

Going to be high 40's next week in MN, up from high 30's this week. Thank you all for taking our portion of winter weather. One for the ages
Global warming has increased the Arctic temperature, but can cause other areas to cool from the "polar vortex".
If you want an explanation, it has to do with the speed of the earth's spin.
If there were no spin, then heat would rise at the equator move north until it would drop at the pole from being cooled off. That would result in just 2 convection currents. One in the north and one in the south.
But does not happen because the earths spin.
The rotational speed of air at the equator is vastly faster than at the pole, which is essentially not rotating at all.
So the cold air dropping at the pole and heading south, does not make it to the equator.
It appears to be on a diagonal from the rotation of the earth underneath it, and it eventually gets heated up enough to rise again in a total of 6 bands around the globe, 3 in the north and 3 in the south.
In the past, weather normally did not cross out of one of these bands.
It was very rare.
But now that weather has more heat energy, is it happening far more often.
And that is what a polar vortex is.


Global Atmospheric Circulations | Physical Geography
It’s colder, because Manmade global warming driven by American high per capita CO2, er, or something. All we know for certain is that the science is settled
Global warming has increased the Arctic temperature, but can cause other areas to cool from the "polar vortex".
If you want an explanation, it has to do with the speed of the earth's spin.
If there were no spin, then heat would rise at the equator move north until it would drop at the pole from being cooled off. That would result in just 2 convection currents. One in the north and one in the south.
But does not happen because the earths spin.
The rotational speed of air at the equator is vastly faster than at the pole, which is essentially not rotating at all.
So the cold air dropping at the pole and heading south, does not make it to the equator.
It appears to be on a diagonal from the rotation of the earth underneath it, and it eventually gets heated up enough to rise again in a total of 6 bands around the globe, 3 in the north and 3 in the south.
In the past, weather normally did not cross out of one of these bands.
It was very rare.
But now that weather has more heat energy, is it happening far more often.
And that is what a polar vortex is.


Global Atmospheric Circulations | Physical Geography
You are using the weather, the daily temperature average, to make a claim that the climate has changed at the Arctic.

Sorry, climate and weather are two very different things, that science is settled. That is a pretty colored drawing of the earth though.

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