Just when you thought there were no good Democrats left

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18112174,
The pod cast was Tuesday Sept 5th, hour 2 of the show. To get to the beginning of the interview, use the timeline and forward to 20:00 of the segment. To get to the part where Loomis suggested running out on the field with police was a possibility of reconciliation, that's on the timeline of 35:00 of the show, but I suggest you listen to the entire interview so you might seem like you know WTF you're talking about when you come back here.

Here is more proof you are full of crap about Loomis.

"Hello, Cleveland,

Recent statements made by the President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association would lead one to believe that members of the Cleveland Division of Police are against participating in events with our Cleveland Browns athletes. This is simply not the viewpoint of all of our officers. The Cleveland Browns Organization has been a longtime partner of the Cleveland Division of Police, donating and assisting (many times quietly) to our Police Athletic League and hosting events with kids in the city's Muny League Football . We know that we can count on this partnership to continue.

As law enforcement officers, we took an oath to serve and to protect. We protect the rights of all citizens to express their views as protected by the First Amendment of our constitution, no matter the issue. Our American flag is an important symbol to our great country and we, as officers, will continue to salute it.

More importantly, we as Cleveland Police Officers strive to open the lines of communication with all of our citizens--athletes and enthusiastic Browns fans alike. Who are we kidding?! We are CLEVELAND!! And we stay strong together. We stand together.

Moving forward, I can tell you that we within the Cleveland Division of Police are in communication with the Cleveland Browns Organization as we have been in the past. We want to hear from our players, the fans and our citizens of this great city. We want to bridge the gap. We want to talk.

I look forward to a continued partnership with our CLEVELAND athletes, our community and a great BROWNS season!!!"

Cleveland police chief responds to unions' choice to not hold flag at Browns' opener

That was a public statement dated September 5, 2017. Updated on Sep 05, 2017 at 11:49 AM EDT.

It was a direct rejection of Steve Loomis. And you believe Loomis thought up the idea of the players and the police running out of the tunnel together. You are being absurd.

Yes, Sept 5th, the day Loomis made that statement. The second hour of the Bob Frantz show is from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. This was put out over an hour after that interview.
es, Sept 5th, the day Loomis made that statement. The second hour of the Bob Frantz show is from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. This was put out over an hour after that interview.

I guess you are just too stupid to understand the concept that the police chief says he was communicating with the Browns team prior to the statement.

The Chief was renouncing Loomis so it is apparent that Loomis was not part of the player police unity idea.
es, Sept 5th, the day Loomis made that statement. The second hour of the Bob Frantz show is from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. This was put out over an hour after that interview.

I guess you are just too stupid to understand the concept that the police chief says he was communicating with the Browns team prior to the statement.

The Chief was renouncing Loomis so it is apparent that Loomis was not part of the player police unity idea.

Nothing of the sort is apparent. I gave you the audio clip right from the show. You posted the article after the interview. It was clear that Loomis came up with the idea unplanned; he just blurted it off the top of his head as a possible suggestion.

The Chief probably was talking with the Browns, but that doesn't mean he came up with the idea. I have proof--you don't. You are just speculating and then calling me stupid???
. It was clear that Loomis came up with the idea unplanned; he just blurted it off the top of his head as a possible suggestion.

You are so full of crap it ain't funny.

"According to WNCX-FM, the decision to take the field with first responders was made last week after team officials met with Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams. They discussed how they could move the dialogue about social justice forward without alienating fans with the controversial national anthem protest."

Redirect Notice

How does Loomis get credit for an idea wgen that very idea was to disavow Loomis and his hostile ignoramus decision to falsely and divisevly attack the Browns organization and its players.

While Loomis was wrapping himself in the flag and spewing his diviseve hate the Browns and the Police Chief were putting together a very uplifting and successful opening day ceremony.

Loomis had nothing to do with it at all.

He said he would end his ignorance and bias if it happened. So hopefully he did.

Nowhere on the face of this earth can Loomis be found taking credit for this idea.

McManamon also noted Browns players have "inquired about going on ride-alongs with the police, and they hope to host town halls with police officers to discuss relations between the police and the community."

The decision to have police officers, military and other city officials participate came at the suggestion of Browns players, according to McManamon.

Browns Players to Join with Cleveland Police, Military in Show of Unity

....except in your divisive flag waving head.
. It was clear that Loomis came up with the idea unplanned; he just blurted it off the top of his head as a possible suggestion.

You are so full of crap it ain't funny.

"According to WNCX-FM, the decision to take the field with first responders was made last week after team officials met with Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams. They discussed how they could move the dialogue about social justice forward without alienating fans with the controversial national anthem protest."

Redirect Notice

How does Loomis get credit for an idea wgen that very idea was to disavow Loomis and his hostile ignoramus decision to falsely and divisevly attack the Browns organization and its players.

While Loomis was wrapping himself in the flag and spewing his diviseve hate the Browns and the Police Chief were putting together a very uplifting and successful opening day ceremony.

Loomis had nothing to do with it at all.

He said he would end his ignorance and bias if it happened. So hopefully he did.

Nowhere on the face of this earth can Loomis be found taking credit for this idea.

McManamon also noted Browns players have "inquired about going on ride-alongs with the police, and they hope to host town halls with police officers to discuss relations between the police and the community."

The decision to have police officers, military and other city officials participate came at the suggestion of Browns players, according to McManamon.

Browns Players to Join with Cleveland Police, Military in Show of Unity

....except in your divisive flag waving head.

I don't know what you're trying to pull, but it's not working.

The first link claimed that they talked to the police chief on Thursday, but as I posted, Loomis was on the Fratnz show Tuesday (two days earlier) when he said going out of the tunnel and onto the field was a possible solution. Your second link only detailed what happened at the game.

So what you're trying to do is discredit Loomis for his idea that the chief adopted as one of his own.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18126573
I don't know what you're trying to pull, but it's not working.

Of course it doesn't work for you. My links say the players came up with the idea. And there is not one report where Loomis claims that not to be true.

ESPN reports it was the players idea. Can't you read.

Why should anyone believe your farfetched version.

So Loomis heard about what the players proposed and saw his way out of the divisive hate riddled position that he put himself in.

Where does Loomis ever claim it was his idea?

Just because you heard Loomis say something on right wing hate talk radio (Mark Levin is on that station) it does not mean the whole world revolves around it.

No public statements from Loomis since the game yesterday.

The cops and EMS went around his divisive ass.

It's best he keep his mouth shut on matters involving race in Cleveland from now on.

Maybe he can get a job in Trump's shitstain of a presidency.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18126573
I don't know what you're trying to pull, but it's not working.

Of course it doesn't work for you. My links say the players came up with the idea. And there is not one report where Loomis claims that not to be true.

ESPN reports it was the players idea. Can't you read.

Why should anyone believe your farfetched version.

So Loomis heard about what the players proposed and saw his way out of the divisive hate riddled position that he put himself in.

Where does Loomis ever claim it was his idea?

Just because you heard Loomis say something on right wing hate talk radio (Mark Levin is on that station) it does not mean the whole world revolves around it.

No public statements from Loomis since the game yesterday.

The cops and EMS went around his divisive ass.

It's best he keep his mouth shut on matters involving race in Cleveland from now on.

Maybe he can get a job in Trump's shitstain of a presidency.

Right, so if it was the players idea, why no reporting on it until after Loomis made the suggestion? This is really a fact vs fiction debate, and I have the facts.

As your earlier link showed, the Chief repeated what Loomis said by the next day. That was reported on the 6th, the day after the Loomis interview. The link you linked to today was posted yesterday.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18127577
Right, so if it was the players idea, why no reporting on it until after Loomis made the suggestion?

All the reporting is that the players came up with the idea and the Chief of Police confirms they were in talks with the team and the union.

That you think every move between the team players and police department must be reported and recorded in hate talk radio shows how absolutely clueless you are.

Loomis has shut up now that the team, the players and police department made a fool of him.

Has he been on your hate talk radio station declaring the Chief, players Browns management and ESPN are all liars?

Loomis is a dickhead. Should be dismissed
from his duties.

He can find a job in Dallas. Jerry Jones would love to have him protecting his all white dickhead team.
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As your earlier link showed, the Chief repeated what Loomis said by the next day. That was reported on the 6th, the day after the Loomis interview. The link you linked to today was posted yesterday.

Is your mind stuck in the mud? Do you really believe the chronology of events must be linked to when it is recorded on hate talk radio?
Michael told reporters during the preseason he planned to sit for the national anthem all season:

"The last week, with everything that's been going on in the last couple months—especially after the last couple days seeing everything in Virginia—just wanted to be able to continue to use my platform to be able to speak on injustice.

"First of all, I want to make sure that people understand I love the military. My father was in the military. I love hot dogs, like any other American. I love football like any other American.

"But I don't love segregation. I don't love riots. I don't love oppression. I don't love gender slander. And I just want to see people have equality that they deserve."

How NFL Teams, Players Observed National Anthem on Opening Sunday

So I wonder if Ray believes this player hates his father for serving in the military.
Michael told reporters during the preseason he planned to sit for the national anthem all season:

"The last week, with everything that's been going on in the last couple months—especially after the last couple days seeing everything in Virginia—just wanted to be able to continue to use my platform to be able to speak on injustice.

"First of all, I want to make sure that people understand I love the military. My father was in the military. I love hot dogs, like any other American. I love football like any other American.

"But I don't love segregation. I don't love riots. I don't love oppression. I don't love gender slander. And I just want to see people have equality that they deserve."

How NFL Teams, Players Observed National Anthem on Opening Sunday

So I wonder if Ray believes this player hates his father for serving in the military.

He may not hate him, but sure seems like he disrespects him.
All the reporting is that the players came up with the idea and the Chief of Police confirms they were in talks with the team and the union.

I see you wish to avoid answering the question. Good call on your part.

That you think every move between the team players and police department must be reported and recorded in hate talk radio shows how absolutely clueless you are.

No, clueless is making a claim with no evidence and sticking to it. Having a clue is making a claim and providing evidence.

Loomis has shut up now that the team, the players and police department made a fool of him.

How did they make a fool out of him by taking his suggestion?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18132174,
o, clueless is making a claim with no evidence and sticking to it. Having a clue is making a claim and providing evidence.

You have presented no evidence that Loomis thought up the opening day ceremony before the players did. All reports tell us it was the players.

Loomis has shut up about the entire affair. He certainly nowhere claims he dreamed up the idea before anyone else.

The world does not revolve around your hate talk radio station. Do you actually believe it does?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18132174,
o, clueless is making a claim with no evidence and sticking to it. Having a clue is making a claim and providing evidence.

You have presented no evidence that Loomis thought up the opening day ceremony before the players did. All reports tell us it was the players.

Loomis has shut up about the entire affair. He certainly nowhere claims he dreamed up the idea before anyone else.

The world does not revolve around your hate talk radio station. Do you actually believe it does?

Sure I provided proof. I gave you an audio clip of the interview when Loomis FIRST introduced the suggestion. You posted reports of what reporters "said" the players told them after Loomis's interview. If this argument could be taken to court, who do you think would win?

Oh...........I can't wait for this answer. :badgrin:
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18135067
ure I provided proof. I gave you an audio clip of the interview when Loomis FIRST introduced the suggestion. You posted reports of what reporters "said" the players told them after Loomis's interview. If this argument could be taken to court, who do you think would win?

It would never go to court since you are the only lunkhead in the entire world making a claim that Loomis himself is not making.

And in court the date of Loomis speaking on hate talk radio would mean nothing in contrast to what the Chief of Police would testify. The players came up with the idea. Loomis still does not dispute the public announcement by all parties involved that the players came up with the idea.

It does not matter that they did not call a hate talk radio station the second the proposed the idea to the Police Dept.

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