Just when you thought there were no good Democrats left

There are plenty of reasons not to turn on a television set when the Cleveland Browns are playing and none of those reasons involves a non violent protest. They all do, in fact, involve the play of the Cleveland Browns.

The exception can be made when the Browns play the Steelers.
The NFL can live without me this year. I was only going to boycott the teams doing this shit but since the NFL itself has pretty much condoned it they can all pay the price.

Good bye. I feel better knowing you are not in the audience when I'm enjoying watching my beloved Browns.

I will buy the best seats available and much pizza and beer for two games this year instead of one, just to make up for you.

And yes I will stand tall and proud during the National Anthem because no one can stop me from doing that.

So Missouri how is your St Louis NFL team going to do without you this year.

We in in Cleveland fought and kept the name, colors and history in Cleveland where they belong and will always be loved.

Sorry about your loss.

Strongsville VFW bans Cleveland Browns viewings in response to anthem protest

So what.

Do you think the Browns and the NFL will cease to exist?

What a stupid complaint you've taken up.

No one has to choose between the flag and the Browns.

I love them both, always have and always wills.

Nothing has changed after a prayer circle on the sidelines.

For God's sake the flag is a symbol of freedom of speech and religion.

Yes it is, and for the most part, we have the right to freedom of speech and religion. For instance, I (and I'm sure many others) will not not turn on one Browns game, go to their games, or purchase their merchandise. See? That was simple.

My religion teaches me that when you do a dastardly deed, and sign God's name to it, it's a violation of the commandment Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. So simple.

From here, there will be a considerable amount of fans who will boycott all things Browns. Like the rest of the NFL, they will suffer lower viewership which means loss in sponsorship revenues. It may mean less people buying tickets. That means less money for the team to spend, and they will not be able to afford great players to make the team better.

Freedom of speech is a great thing, especially when your speech hurts the people that offended you.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18009996
Freedom of speech is a great thing, especially when your speech hurts the people that offended you.

The only people offended by a purely peaceful and prayerful act as an expression against social and racial injustice are people that run the gamut from supporting injustices or not wanting to be bothered about it as they sit down to watch their bread and circuses.

Honestly tell me that if the Browns win their first three games this year that you believe attendance and viewership will be down because if this protest.

Winning sells and always will.
The NFL can live without me this year. I was only going to boycott the teams doing this shit but since the NFL itself has pretty much condoned it they can all pay the price.

Good bye. I feel better knowing you are not in the audience when I'm enjoying watching my beloved Browns.

I will buy the best seats available and much pizza and beer for two games this year instead of one, just to make up for you.

And yes I will stand tall and proud during the National Anthem because no one can stop me from doing that.

So Missouri how is your St Louis NFL team going to do without you this year.

We in in Cleveland fought and kept the name, colors and history in Cleveland where they belong and will always be loved.

Sorry about your loss.
Go right ahead. I'm sure you won't be single handedly saving their profit margins but you do you. I'm from the Chiefs side btw.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18009996
Freedom of speech is a great thing, especially when your speech hurts the people that offended you.

The only people offended by a purely peaceful and prayerful act as an expression against social and racial injustice are people that run the gamut from supporting injustices or not wanting to be bothered about it as they sit down to watch their bread and circuses.

Honestly tell me that if the Browns win their first three games this year that you believe attendance and viewership will be down because if this protest.

Winning sells and always will.

Yes I do think they will lose viewers and supporters. I give some of my community credit when it comes to integrity. Not everybody is a sellout.

If you want to be anti-American or anti-cop, or anti-whatever, fine with me. But don't disrespect our flag or anthem that so many have died for to show your support for a pro-criminal uncivilized society.
Ray From Cleveland
you want to be anti-American or anti-cop, or anti-whatever, fine with me.

Sicko. That is why you are an embarrassment to Cleveland. You don't know what the National Anthem and flag stand for,

There is not one whiff of anti-American, anti-cop with a peaceful protest movement such as the proud brave players that expressed their concerns publically instead of hiding them as people like you haters demand.

You are propagating hate speech.

Hate speech is more unAmerican than what these players did.

You are sick, Shame on you.

There is no disrespect to the flag or anthem by anyone on one knee with
heads bowed in silence when the anthem is played.

There's more drunks and losers in the stands that keep talking during the anthem
Than the number of players on the field,

I'll bet you don't stand at attention at home when the anthem is played just like every one else. Do you not respect the flag and anthem if that is what you believe.

I marched in two protests against invading Iraq and there were many in the sidelines calling us anti-American, Saddam lovers, as if they were patriotic or special loyal Americans.

I never once have lost my respect for this country and its flag and what it stands for.

When America has something wrong that denands action rather than silence it is most patriotic to act rather than fear being hated by people like you.

Your boycott is going nowhere anyway. But it exposes who the haters are,
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Ray From Cleveland
you want to be anti-American or anti-cop, or anti-whatever, fine with me.

Sicko. That is why you are an embarrassment to Cleveland. You don't know what the National Anthem and flag stand for,

There is not one whiff of anti-American, anti-cop with a peaceful protest movement such as the proud brave players that expressed their concerns publically instead of hiding them as people like you haters demand.

You are propagating hate speech.

Hate speech is more unAmerican than what these players did.

You are sick, Shame on you.

There is no disrespect to the flag or anthem by anyone on one knee with
heads bowed in silence when the anthem is played.

There's more drunks and losers in the stands that keep talking during the anthem
Than the number of players on the field,

I'll bet you don't stand at attention at home when the anthem is played just like every one else. Do you not respect the flag and anthem if that is what you believe.

I marched in two protests against invading Iraq and there were many in the sidelines calling us anti-American, Saddam lovers, as if they were patriotic or special loyal Americans.

I never once have lost my respect for this country and its flag and what it stands for.

When America has something wrong that denands action rather than silence it is most patriotic to act rather than fear being hated by people like you.

Your boycott is going nowhere anyway. But it exposes who the haters are,

Typical leftist, you don't even understand why they were kneeling:

The NAACP is threatening a boycott of the NFL because free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick remains unsigned.

Kaepernick attracted national attention last season as a member of the San Francisco 49ers when he refused to stand for the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality.

NAACP Threatens NFL Boycott Over Colin Kaepernick

So there you have it, the birth of disrespecting our anthem, flag and country. Since that incident, many have emulated this anti-Americans actions. So before you go sticking up for people, maybe you should learn WTF you are sticking up for. I bet you quiver in delight when you see leftists burning the United States flag in public.
From here, there will be a considerable amount of fans who will boycott all things Browns

Kizer looking good first drive as starter. Many great throws. You watching curling re-runs?

Kizer just completes 15 yard pass on third down from own two yard line.

Such poise in a tough situation

I saw some black Browns fans in Tampa. Guess they aren't as pure white patriotic as you.

Kizer converted perfect third and ten with another pass to Coleman. Very exciting.
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From here, there will be a considerable amount of fans who will boycott all things Browns

Kizer looking good first drive as starter. Many great throws. You watching curling re-runs?

Kizer just completes 15 yard pass on third down from own two yard line.

Such poise in a tough situation

I saw some black Browns fans in Tampa. Guess they aren't as pure white patriotic as you.

Kizer converted perfect third and ten with another pass to Coleman. Very exciting.

I'm willing to bet that they never pull a stunt like that again.

One week later: Browns players stand during National Anthem in Tampa Bay

The pressure is on.
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COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio Supreme Court justice is criticizing some Cleveland Browns players who prayed in silent protest during the national anthem before a game.

Justice Bill O’Neill writes on Facebook he won’t attend any games at which “draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.” He said Tuesday “shame on you all.”

O’Neill notes he’s a Vietnam veteran whose family has a history of military service. He’s also the lone Democrat holding a statewide office in Ohio.

More than a dozen Browns players kneeled and formed a circle on the sideline during the anthem Monday. Tight end Seth DeValve says he wanted “to pray for our country.”

Browns linebacker Christian Kirksey talked to FOX 8 News on Tuesday, and said, “Respect to all the veterans, respect to the military — we are not protesting against them. We have our reasons for doing what we did, and last night felt like the right time to do it, and that’s why we did it.”

The protest was the largest in a social-consciousness movement started last season by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick currently a free agent.

Ohio Supreme Court justice blasts Browns over anthem protest

I say good for him. A man that served our country realizing the anti-American stances taken by these un-appreciative Americans who are millionaires because they do live in this great country.

I for one will never turn on a Browns game unless they apologize and take measures to assure us Clevelanders they will never allow their players to embarrass us again; especially on national TV. Like this Democrat judge, I find their actions distasteful, disrespectful, and using God and prayer to take the heat off is also sacrilegious and cowardly.

Screw them. Boycott all Cleveland Browns games and products if you are a real American.
This is Soros way of bringing the NFL down for not cooperating with him. Colin Kaepernick was paid to start the protest. If he were serious about the cause, then he wouldn't had came back to the NFL until the matter is completely resolve. I doesn't know why he will not play for other countries like Canada where the underground railroad had ended.
The NFL is going to have to overhaul its system. It going to have to start recruiting players just for one season, and or start putting players on call when needed. Or then hire new recruits each year, giving others the chance to play. And those that had played good the previous season. Give them the opportunity to play again.
But now we has players that are helping to bring the NFL down. I know a lot of people that are not interested in watching the sport anymore. And it is leaving the NFL to make a choice to submit to Soros by pushing out anti-Trump propaganda. And or shut down for a season and lose out on lots of money and start looking for all new recruits for the next season.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio Supreme Court justice is criticizing some Cleveland Browns players who prayed in silent protest during the national anthem before a game.

Justice Bill O’Neill writes on Facebook he won’t attend any games at which “draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.” He said Tuesday “shame on you all.”

O’Neill notes he’s a Vietnam veteran whose family has a history of military service. He’s also the lone Democrat holding a statewide office in Ohio.

More than a dozen Browns players kneeled and formed a circle on the sideline during the anthem Monday. Tight end Seth DeValve says he wanted “to pray for our country.”

Browns linebacker Christian Kirksey talked to FOX 8 News on Tuesday, and said, “Respect to all the veterans, respect to the military — we are not protesting against them. We have our reasons for doing what we did, and last night felt like the right time to do it, and that’s why we did it.”

The protest was the largest in a social-consciousness movement started last season by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick currently a free agent.

Ohio Supreme Court justice blasts Browns over anthem protest

I say good for him. A man that served our country realizing the anti-American stances taken by these un-appreciative Americans who are millionaires because they do live in this great country.

I for one will never turn on a Browns game unless they apologize and take measures to assure us Clevelanders they will never allow their players to embarrass us again; especially on national TV. Like this Democrat judge, I find their actions distasteful, disrespectful, and using God and prayer to take the heat off is also sacrilegious and cowardly.

Screw them. Boycott all Cleveland Browns games and products if you are a real American.
This is Soros way of bringing the NFL down for not cooperating with him. Colin Kaepernick was paid to start the protest. If he were serious about the cause, then he wouldn't had came back to the NFL until the matter is completely resolve. I doesn't know why he will not play for other countries like Canada where the underground railroad had ended.
The NFL is going to have to overhaul its system. It going to have to start recruiting players just for one season, and or start putting players on call when needed. Or then hire new recruits each year, giving others the chance to play. And those that had played good the previous season. Give them the opportunity to play again.
But now we has players that are helping to bring the NFL down. I know a lot of people that are not interested in watching the sport anymore. And it is leaving the NFL to make a choice to submit to Soros by pushing out anti-Trump propaganda. And or shut down for a season and lose out on lots of money and start looking for all new recruits for the next season.

What the NFL should do is just stay out of politics period. Many fans don't want to see politics in their sports anymore than people watching or listening to politics want to hear about sports.

The thing is when entertainers (and I'm including sports figures here) take a political stance, they get support from half of their audience and piss off the other half. If they stay out of politics altogether, they piss off no one and can continue to make maximum profits.

I'm sure the Browns thing is not a national story, but here in Cleveland people are expressing their disdain for the team. It's all over Facebook and various media outlets. If a football player wants to get into politics, quit the team and run for office. Other than that, the people don't want to hear about your politics.
The judge is wrong. Those men are honoring those who fought and still fight to preserve the right to demonstrate peacefully in this nation.
o you're telling a veteran he's wrong? Fk off jk squat
jc456, post: 18024225
o you're telling a veteran he's wrong? Fk off jk squat

I respect all who sacrificed and served, however I don't repect morons who think a veteran cannot ever be wrong.

That's just plain stupid.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18024210
What the NFL should do is just stay out of politics period. Many fans don't want to see politics in their sports anymore than people watching or listening to politics want to hear about sports.

Protesting against race based injustice is not a political act. You cannot bear to be reminded that problems actually exist in our country. So you are the one bringing politics along with some deep seated hatreds when you call the peaceful lawful protest anti-American.

If any registered Republican doesn't boycott the NFL with you are they anti-American? So why don't you boycott the Republican too.

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18009542
And if a man says he has a bridge for sale, I'm sure you'd be buying it from him.

In certainly not buying from someone making claims that can only be known by reading the minds of people he hates.
Protesting against race based injustice is not a political act. You cannot bear to be reminded that problems actually exist in our country. So you are the one bringing politics along with some deep seated hatreds when you call the peaceful lawful protest anti-American.

If any registered Republican doesn't boycott the NFL with you are they anti-American? So why don't you boycott the Republican too.

Of course it's political. Being anti-cop is political because the conservatives always side with the good and the liberals always side with evil.

Yes, we do have problems in this country; one of them being many blacks don't understand our laws. Many more don't know how to respect authority. Like I said, liberals are evil so those black mothers teach their children that the police are the bad guys.

There is a time and a place for everything. A sports arena at a sports event is not the time for politics. If you want to protest, then put on your pussy hat and protest in front of city hall or something. The rest of us don't want to see it. And if you want to protest, protest that does some good like hold a sign that says ALWAYS OBEY THE COMMANDS OF A POLICE OFFICER. At least maybe then, somebody would actually listen to the sign and you could save a life or two.
The NFL can live without me this year. I was only going to boycott the teams doing this shit but since the NFL itself has pretty much condoned it they can all pay the price.

Boycotting alone is an empty gesture, You might still buy the products of the sponsors.

Better to watch the games and make note of the advertisers and then buy the products of their competitors..
The NFL can live without me this year. I was only going to boycott the teams doing this shit but since the NFL itself has pretty much condoned it they can all pay the price.

Boycotting alone is an empty gesture, You might still buy the products of the sponsors.

Better to watch the games and make note of the advertisers and then buy the products of their competitors..

Advertisers pay by television ratings. The higher the ratings, the more money they can get from the advertisers. If people stop watching the Browns games, the team suffers financially. If people quit buying anything with the name Browns on it, they suffer financially.

Knowing this town, I don't foresee a half empty stadium, especially if they are doing well. They will continue to sell out games like they always have as bad as they played in the past. However, the pressure is already on and they are responding hoping that they can repair the damage from this idiotic move they made. But if they pull a stunt like that again, they are finished with a lot of their fans. So their best bet is to hope time heals and everybody eventually forgets about it.
jc456, post: 18024225
o you're telling a veteran he's wrong? Fk off jk squat

I respect all who sacrificed and served, however I don't repect morons who think a veteran cannot ever be wrong.

That's just plain stupid.
You don't make that decision though. He sacrificed for them and has every right to comment on why he sacrificed. Not you
The NFL can live without me this year. I was only going to boycott the teams doing this shit but since the NFL itself has pretty much condoned it they can all pay the price.

Boycotting alone is an empty gesture, You might still buy the products of the sponsors.

Better to watch the games and make note of the advertisers and then buy the products of their competitors..
It's empty cause they received their opportunity from the country they protest. And 70% of the players are black. Seems equal opportunities exist. Opposite of their fake protest that only pisses off the people who pay their millions.

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