Just when you thought there were no good Democrats left

I used to be an Avid Browns fan
And an NFL fan.
I bought tickets
Went to training camps
Blogged on team websites.

I have been in a total boycott of The NFL for two years.
I used to be an Avid Browns fan
And an NFL fan.
I bought tickets
Went to training camps
Blogged on team websites.

I have been in a total boycott of The NFL for two years.

This has been a discussion around here the last couple of days. Many have said what you just did. I guess that would explain their poor ratings for the Super Bowl last year. May it continue.
Justice Bill O’Neill writes on Facebook he won’t attend any games at which “draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.” He said Tuesday “shame on you all.”

I for one will never turn on a Browns game unless they apologize and take measures to assure us Clevelanders they will never allow their players to embarrass us again; especially on national TV. Like this Democrat judge, I find their actions distasteful, disrespectful, and using God and prayer to take the heat off is also sacrilegious and cowardly.

Good. We don't need racists in our fan base.
Being Cleveland they had better be praying that they win more then one game. Of all the losers they shouldn't be drawing attention to their anti-American BS. Especially considering how much they get paid to play a game.
Being Cleveland they had better be praying that they win more then one game. Of all the losers they shouldn't be drawing attention to their anti-American BS. Especially considering how much they get paid to play a game.

That chick is so on point...she's a badass!
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18002552
I for one will never turn on a Browns game unless they apologize and take measures to assure us Clevelanders they will never allow their players to embarrass us again; especially on national TV. Like this Democrat judge, I find their actions distasteful, disrespectful, and using God and prayer to take the heat off is also sacrilegious and cowardly.

Those players have not embarrassed you. You are an embarrassment to Cleveland.

Now you attack their religion as well. Sicko.
e won’t attend any games at which “draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.”

Not to rain on the judge's valuable sentiment ... but I highly doubt any of those athletes are old enough to ever have dodged a draft. They'd have to be over 60.
Obviously he meant service not draft. Give him a little leeway he is a democrat, how smart can he really be?
Most (or all) have probably never voluntary joined the military either.

To fight in Bush's dumb war as Obama predicted it would be andcTrump acknowledged after the fact. What's wrong with you?

You hate too much to be a good American.
What war are you talking about, the Afghanistan war which Obama fully supported? At least until he didn't.

I assume you are one of those that the judge talked about, draft dodger (not serving). If so that disqualifies you from any opinion on what our military does. It doesn't effect those who stay home.
Freewill, post: 18002833
What war are you talking about, the Afghanistan war which Obama fully supported? At least until he didn't.

The one Obama predicted to be a dumb war before Bush lied to start it. That's according to Trump.

Obama never abandoned Afghanistan. That was Bush when he pulled most assets out to deal with the quagmire he started in Iraq.
Freewill, post: 18002833
What war are you talking about, the Afghanistan war which Obama fully supported? At least until he didn't.

The one Obama predicted to be a dumb war before Bush lied to start it. That's according to Trump.

Obama never abandoned Afghanistan. That was Bush when he pulled most assets out to deal with the quagmire he started in Iraq.
No Obama just let our troops bleed in Afghanistan with no real chance of winning. BTW Bush's surge did work. Obama's didn't.
Freewill, post: 18002833
What war are you talking about, the Afghanistan war which Obama fully supported? At least until he didn't.

The one Obama predicted to be a dumb war before Bush lied to start it. That's according to Trump.

Obama never abandoned Afghanistan. That was Bush when he pulled most assets out to deal with the quagmire he started in Iraq.

Says the far left drone that supported the illegal wars of Obama!

More far left debunked religious dogma.

Obama said he would never support a surge of any kind and yet he did.
Obama said in his illegal war that he would not accept any calls from Congress for any artificial time tables.

See how the far left shows they will support illegal wars from Clinton and Obama, but not sanctioned wars from anyone not far left!
I'm sorry, what draft were they dodging?

The NFL Draft. and fucktard Kaepernick NAILED IT! :thup:

It's a business, Stalinists - piss on your customers and you go OUT of business.

You Stalinsts are some DUMB motherfuckers...
Quit buying their shit and dump sports with your TV provider....most satellite and cable companies are offering non sports packages. The only way to hit them is in the wallet
There's a better chance of Trump gaining a conscience and not lying for a week than Americans going without their sports.
They watch sports to take their minds off the freak show known as the Trump circus.
Kosh, post: 18002902
Obama said he would never support a surge of any kind and yet he did

Liar. Never said that about Afghanistan.

He said invading Iraq would be dumb. He didn't oppose all war, only dumb wars. Like Iraq. He was absolutely right about Iraq.

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