Just who are the "22 million uninsured" under the CBO findings?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
See I doubt so sincerely these numbers from the CBO because they have as well as millions of people along with Congress continued even Rush to buy into that stupid "46 million uninsured" Figure!

Why is it so hard to understand?
10 million counted as part of the 46 million are NOT LEGAL citizens!
14 million QUALIFIED for Medicaid but didn't KNOW it and this was before Obamacare!
18 million people age under 34. Make over $50,000 a year. Did NOT want their employers health plan and
decided not to have insurance. They can pay out of pocket OR better yet use Health savings accounts!
That adds up to 42 million of the 46 million!
GEEZ 4 million of those may also be veterans covered under the VA!
So why didn't people comprehend there NEVER WERE 46 million Americans especially 18 million under
age 34 that didn't WANT it?
NOW do you understand how screwed up the CBO is? They are counting THOSE people as UNINSURED
as if that were a BAD THING!
Who are those affected?

People on SNAP and TANF and the like, for the most part, no doubt.

If true, that will impact a maximum of 6% of the White population in the US...

If true, that will impact a maximum of 28% of the Black population in the US...

The Pubs have long-since done this math...

Other than the occasional "local" mathematical aberration... it doesn't really impact the Pubs at the polls all that much, from the 30,000-foot nationwide perspective...
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Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Who are those affected?

People on SNAP and TANF and the like, for the most part, no doubt.

If true, that will impact a maximum of 6% of the White population in the US...

If true, that will impact a maximum of 28% of the Black population in the US...

The Pubs have long-since done this math...

Other than the occasional "local" mathematical aberration... it doesn't really impact the Pubs at the polls all that much, from the 30,000-foot nationwide perspective...

NO you are wrong!
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated."
Do you understand?
These are people that bought insurance ONLY because they didn't want to pay the penalty for not having it!
So naturally they go ahead pay the insurance premium so they WON"T be tAXED for NOT having insurance!
What a screwed up system! Again 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 didn't use their employers' health plan! Why because they saw no need to throw money out when they didn't have any bad experiences.
Remember Employer plans don't have "pre-existing conditions" clauses so any time that 18 million under 34 could sign up at the first sign of illness! Until then they didn't need their employers plan.

18 million were under 34 years, make over $50,000 and didn't WANT or need employers' health programs! Over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. -
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So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658

If Hillary was President, you could be PC whipped, referred to the IRS and worse for this!...and thanks...:thup:
Wait a second. You mean people won't buy shit they don't need or want unless forced by law? Get the hell out of here with that crazy.
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...
So in reading the CBO's finding they had the link to download the data underlying the report.
Here is a screenshot of a chart:
NOTE: the MISLEADING headline from the CBO and they USED these figures to come to their
grand conclusions that there were age 19-29 made up 17.6 million!
HEY CBO.... didn't Obamacare allow up to age 26 to be covered by their family insurance?????
See how screwed up this is!
Also again the key question is: HOW MANY wanted to have HEALTH INSURANCE ?
Screen Shot 2017-06-26 at 6.50.40 PM.png

Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...

Did YOU read the report? That is NOT what the report said:e 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!

Remember 14 million people BEFORE Obamacare didn't know they qualified for Medicaid!
And those people all Medicaid needed to do was cover them BEFORE Obamacare! Didn't happen!
In fact:
FACT: An estimated 4.9 million individuals now enrolled in Medicaid were previously eligible for the program
How Many Are Newly Insured as a Result of the ACA? - AAF
So in reading the CBO's finding they had the link to download the data underlying the report.
Here is a screenshot of a chart:
NOTE: the MISLEADING headline from the CBO and they USED these figures to come to their
grand conclusions that there were age 19-29 made up 17.6 million!
HEY CBO.... didn't Obamacare allow up to age 26 to be covered by their family insurance?????
See how screwed up this is!
Also again the key question is: HOW MANY wanted to have HEALTH INSURANCE ?
View attachment 135672
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Raising the age of "children" to 26 is ridiculous. 18 was too high. They aren't kids any more.
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...

And you need to understand how health insurance works and worked FINE before the stupid ass comment by
Obama that "46 million uninsured Americans"! Bold face LIE when 10 million were not citizens!
14 million all need to do was register with Medicaid and 18 million UNDER 34 making over $50,000 didn't want health insurance as many were happy with their medical savings accounts that accumulated money tax free and from there they paid any expenses! But you and the CBO and Obama YOU knew better then these 18 million that were still counted erroneously and fraudulently as part of the 46 million uninsured LIE!
So in reading the CBO's finding they had the link to download the data underlying the report.
Here is a screenshot of a chart:
NOTE: the MISLEADING headline from the CBO and they USED these figures to come to their
grand conclusions that there were age 19-29 made up 17.6 million!
HEY CBO.... didn't Obamacare allow up to age 26 to be covered by their family insurance?????
See how screwed up this is!
Also again the key question is: HOW MANY wanted to have HEALTH INSURANCE ?
View attachment 135672
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Raising the age of "children" to 26 is ridiculous. 18 was too high. They aren't kids any more.

Well I agree but water over the dam. The point is CBO didn't appear to take in consideration on their
table of 19-29 stating 17.6 million were uninsured when in fact some of those were covered by their family plan!
That's what I was pointing out.
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
You covered my response well

I was gonna say it's people that didn't want/need it to start with.
No, the point is this: the dishonest Leftists and their fellow travelers in the MSM are lying to the public in how the figure is presented. Tens of millions of people are not going g to "lose their insurance coverage." Most will simply choose not to buy insurance. The decision to insure ANYTHING (house, car, life, health) is a balancing of cost versus perceived benefit. The WORKING MIDDLE CLASS (for whom Democrats could give a shit) is getting squeezed big time by the exploding rates of O'Care, but this fact is never mentioned. They will be helped by the new republican system if it is passed, while the millions and millions of new govern,ent dependents spawned by ACA will revert to the status quo ante, when they were, according to Democrats, dying in the streets.
So in reading the CBO's finding they had the link to download the data underlying the report.
Here is a screenshot of a chart:
NOTE: the MISLEADING headline from the CBO and they USED these figures to come to their
grand conclusions that there were age 19-29 made up 17.6 million!
HEY CBO.... didn't Obamacare allow up to age 26 to be covered by their family insurance?????
See how screwed up this is!
Also again the key question is: HOW MANY wanted to have HEALTH INSURANCE ?
View attachment 135672
View attachment 135671
Raising the age of "children" to 26 is ridiculous. 18 was too high. They aren't kids any more.

Well I agree but water over the dam. The point is CBO didn't appear to take in consideration on their
table of 19-29 stating 17.6 million were uninsured when in fact some of those were covered by their family plan!
That's what I was pointing out.
I agree and kind of off tracked there for a minute. You shouldn't be 26 and even be on your parents cell phone plan. It pisses me off this is the new standard for being a "child".
No, the point is this: the dishonest Leftists and their fellow travelers in the MSM are lying to the public in how the figure is presented. Tens of millions of people are not going g to "lose their insurance coverage." Most will simply choose not to buy insurance. The decision to insure ANYTHING (house, car, life, health) is a balancing of cost versus perceived benefit. The WORKING MIDDLE CLASS (for whom Democrats could give a shit) is getting squeezed big time by the exploding rates of O'Care, but this fact is never mentioned. They will be helped by the new republican system if it is passed, while the millions and millions of new govern,ent dependents spawned by ACA will revert to the status quo ante, when they were, according to Democrats, dying in the streets.
300 million people had obiecare shoved up their asses. The dems didn't care about that. Now they worry about 22 million that make a voluntary choice not to participate. The stupid is only over shadowed by the volume of their freak outs.
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...

And you need to understand how health insurance works and worked FINE before the stupid ass comment by
Obama that "46 million uninsured Americans"! Bold face LIE when 10 million were not citizens!
14 million all need to do was register with Medicaid and 18 million UNDER 34 making over $50,000 didn't want health insurance as many were happy with their medical savings accounts that accumulated money tax free and from there they paid any expenses! But you and the CBO and Obama YOU knew better then these 18 million that were still counted erroneously and fraudulently as part of the 46 million uninsured LIE!
It worked fine? I remember it being a disaster... crazy high rate increases, millions uninsured... Think you need to recheck your history
Weren't there ~28M who lost their HC under that BS democrats shoved down our throats?

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