Just who are the "22 million uninsured" under the CBO findings?

Who are those affected?

People on SNAP and TANF and the like, for the most part, no doubt.

If true, that will impact a maximum of 6% of the White population in the US...

If true, that will impact a maximum of 28% of the Black population in the US...

The Pubs have long-since done this math...

Other than the occasional "local" mathematical aberration... it doesn't really impact the Pubs at the polls all that much, from the 30,000-foot nationwide perspective...

NO you are wrong!
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated."
Do you understand?
These are people that bought insurance ONLY because they didn't want to pay the penalty for not having it!
So naturally they go ahead pay the insurance premium so they WON"T be tAXED for NOT having insurance!
What a screwed up system! Again 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 didn't use their employers' health plan! Why because they saw no need to throw money out when they didn't have any bad experiences.
Remember Employer plans don't have "pre-existing conditions" clauses so any time any time that 18 million under 34 could sign up at the first sign of illness! Until then they didn't need their employers plan.

18 million were under 34 years, make over $50,000 and didn't WANT or need employers' health programs! Over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. -

Sorry! That part is not true.

Employees can only sign up during open enrollment periods unless they have a qualifying event. Getting sick is not one of them. Also, pre-existing conditions apply if you have not had continuous coverage.

I worked as benefits instructor for AT&T and that is the way every benefit I have had since works.
The bulk of the people who will lose insurance are those who were able to get it through Medicaid expansion.
Who are those affected?

People on SNAP and TANF and the like, for the most part, no doubt.

If true, that will impact a maximum of 6% of the White population in the US...

If true, that will impact a maximum of 28% of the Black population in the US...

The Pubs have long-since done this math...

Other than the occasional "local" mathematical aberration... it doesn't really impact the Pubs at the polls all that much, from the 30,000-foot nationwide perspective...

NO you are wrong!
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated."
Do you understand?
These are people that bought insurance ONLY because they didn't want to pay the penalty for not having it!
So naturally they go ahead pay the insurance premium so they WON"T be tAXED for NOT having insurance!
What a screwed up system! Again 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 didn't use their employers' health plan! Why because they saw no need to throw money out when they didn't have any bad experiences.
Remember Employer plans don't have "pre-existing conditions" clauses so any time any time that 18 million under 34 could sign up at the first sign of illness! Until then they didn't need their employers plan.

18 million were under 34 years, make over $50,000 and didn't WANT or need employers' health programs! Over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. -

Sorry! That part is not true.

Employees can only sign up during open enrollment periods unless they have a qualifying event. Getting sick is not one of them. Also, pre-existing conditions apply if you have not had continuous coverage.

I worked as benefits instructor for AT&T and that is the way every benefit I have had since works.

And THAT was at AT&T. Can you say with 100% certainty that is the way it is for ALL employer health plans?
I certainly wouldn't!
Why are we giving near a trillion $ tax break to the richest, while the rest of us will see higher deductibles, higher co-pay, less protections for pre existing conditions. and no control over drug prices.
Hilarious watching you fools try to polish a turd.
Trumpcare is dead on arrival and you now own it.
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...
Who pays for those 22 million people to get care? The people that are paying for those 22 million people cannot possibly afford that. So they are bankrupt now…
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...
Who pays for those 22 million people to get care? The people that are paying for those 22 million people cannot possibly afford that. So they are bankrupt now…
Most pay for themselves, hopefully we can get more people in the market and bring prices down. The ones that can pay are taken care of throw medicaid. Thinking that it's a good thing to take millions out of the health insurance market makes no sense
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...
Who pays for those 22 million people to get care? The people that are paying for those 22 million people cannot possibly afford that. So they are bankrupt now…
Most pay for themselves, hopefully we can get more people in the market and bring prices down. The ones that can pay are taken care of throw medicaid. Thinking that it's a good thing to take millions out of the health insurance market makes no sense
What's really stupid is forcing millions into socialized medicine thinking that's a good thing…
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...
Who pays for those 22 million people to get care? The people that are paying for those 22 million people cannot possibly afford that. So they are bankrupt now…
Most pay for themselves, hopefully we can get more people in the market and bring prices down. The ones that can pay are taken care of throw medicaid. Thinking that it's a good thing to take millions out of the health insurance market makes no sense
What's really stupid is forcing millions into socialized medicine thinking that's a good thing…
Why is it bad?
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...
Who pays for those 22 million people to get care? The people that are paying for those 22 million people cannot possibly afford that. So they are bankrupt now…
Most pay for themselves, hopefully we can get more people in the market and bring prices down. The ones that can pay are taken care of throw medicaid. Thinking that it's a good thing to take millions out of the health insurance market makes no sense
What's really stupid is forcing millions into socialized medicine thinking that's a good thing…
Why is it bad?
Because millions want nothing to do with it and will never use it. It's a freedom thing you may not understand
The fact is that low income people will lose their coverage. How do we know this? The Senate plan will get rid of all of the taxes yet will reduce the deficit. The only way that can happen is if people are forced out of their coverage and cannot use the subsidies. Also the increase after 2018 in the number of people who lose insurance proves that this is not people who didn't want insurance.
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.

Over 10 years 2.2 million per year of people who do not want the insurance in the first place and we save hundreds of billions.

Sounds good to me!
Who are those affected?

People on SNAP and TANF and the like, for the most part, no doubt.

If true, that will impact a maximum of 6% of the White population in the US...

If true, that will impact a maximum of 28% of the Black population in the US...

The Pubs have long-since done this math...

Other than the occasional "local" mathematical aberration... it doesn't really impact the Pubs at the polls all that much, from the 30,000-foot nationwide perspective...

NO you are wrong!
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated."
Do you understand?
These are people that bought insurance ONLY because they didn't want to pay the penalty for not having it!
So naturally they go ahead pay the insurance premium so they WON"T be tAXED for NOT having insurance!
What a screwed up system! Again 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 didn't use their employers' health plan! Why because they saw no need to throw money out when they didn't have any bad experiences.
Remember Employer plans don't have "pre-existing conditions" clauses so any time any time that 18 million under 34 could sign up at the first sign of illness! Until then they didn't need their employers plan.

18 million were under 34 years, make over $50,000 and didn't WANT or need employers' health programs! Over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. -

Sorry! That part is not true.

Employees can only sign up during open enrollment periods unless they have a qualifying event. Getting sick is not one of them. Also, pre-existing conditions apply if you have not had continuous coverage.

I worked as benefits instructor for AT&T and that is the way every benefit I have had since works.

And THAT was at AT&T. Can you say with 100% certainty that is the way it is for ALL employer health plans?
I certainly wouldn't!

Reading comprehension failure strikes again!

As far as pre-existing conditions, I said that is the way it has worked ever since. That includes 8 different employers for me and another dozen or so for my wife and children..

As to the open enrollment requirement, that is a federal law that has been in place for decades. You can't just get sick in March and sign up for benefits if your open enrollment is for the next calendar year the following December. Until then, you have no coverage. Obamacare was the same way.

The only exception to the requirement to enroll during the open enrollment period is that you have a qualifying event, such as having a child, getting married, someone dies, etc.
Last edited:
Don't confuse the issue!
The 22 million are people that bought insurance because they didn't want to pay a penalty!
NOT because they needed insurance, but because they were going to be penalized!

primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
Nice try, but not even close to true. The majority of the 22 million would be people who no longer qualify for Medicad and can't afford private insurance... Also, older people who don't yet qualify for Medicare who's premiums will go up as a result of young people dropping out. On top of all this, people are still going to get sick and people are still going to get in accidents. They will still go to the hospital and need care. The more uninsured that do this the higher the medical care costs are going to get, which will in turn raise costs all around. Yes a shit storm is coming.

If you honestly think that getting millions of people off insurance is going to be a good thing because it saves a few bucks, then I suggest you reevaluate your thinking...
Who pays for those 22 million people to get care? The people that are paying for those 22 million people cannot possibly afford that. So they are bankrupt now…
Most pay for themselves, hopefully we can get more people in the market and bring prices down. The ones that can pay are taken care of throw medicaid. Thinking that it's a good thing to take millions out of the health insurance market makes no sense

No, they don't pay for themselves! They don't WANT insurance because they have to pay for it. So getting them into the market means you are going to force them to buy insurance or pay a penalty. That would just be Obamacare II.
The fact is that low income people will lose their coverage. How do we know this? The Senate plan will get rid of all of the taxes yet will reduce the deficit. The only way that can happen is if people are forced out of their coverage and cannot use the subsidies. Also the increase after 2018 in the number of people who lose insurance proves that this is not people who didn't want insurance.

Wrong. You liberalism is overriding your ability to read for comprehension again.
Who are those affected?

People on SNAP and TANF and the like, for the most part, no doubt.

If true, that will impact a maximum of 6% of the White population in the US...

If true, that will impact a maximum of 28% of the Black population in the US...

The Pubs have long-since done this math...

Other than the occasional "local" mathematical aberration... it doesn't really impact the Pubs at the polls all that much, from the 30,000-foot nationwide perspective...

NO you are wrong!
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated."
Do you understand?
These are people that bought insurance ONLY because they didn't want to pay the penalty for not having it!
So naturally they go ahead pay the insurance premium so they WON"T be tAXED for NOT having insurance!
What a screwed up system! Again 18 million people under 34 making over $50,000 didn't use their employers' health plan! Why because they saw no need to throw money out when they didn't have any bad experiences.
Remember Employer plans don't have "pre-existing conditions" clauses so any time any time that 18 million under 34 could sign up at the first sign of illness! Until then they didn't need their employers plan.

18 million were under 34 years, make over $50,000 and didn't WANT or need employers' health programs! Over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. -

Sorry! That part is not true.

Employees can only sign up during open enrollment periods unless they have a qualifying event. Getting sick is not one of them. Also, pre-existing conditions apply if you have not had continuous coverage.

I worked as benefits instructor for AT&T and that is the way every benefit I have had since works.

And THAT was at AT&T. Can you say with 100% certainty that is the way it is for ALL employer health plans?
I certainly wouldn't!

Reading comprehension failure strikes again!

As far as pre-existing conditions, I said that is the way it has worked ever since. That includes 8 different employers for me and another dozen or so for my wife and children..

As to the open enrollment requirement, that is a federal law that has been in place for decades. You can't just get sick in March and sign up for benefits if your open enrollment is for the next calendar year the following December. Until then, you have no coverage. Obamacare was the same way.

The only exception to the requirement to enroll during the open enrollment period is that you have a qualifying event, such as having a child, getting married, someone dies, etc.

YUP and doing simple internet searches seems beyond an At&T employee?

Insurance companies that sell small-employer coverage must offer it year round. However, if an employer doesn’t meet the 75 percent participation requirement, an insurance company can make the employer wait until the open enrollment period to buy coverage. The open enrollment period is from November 15 through December 15 of each year.Small Employer Health Insurance

NOTE this is a STATE of Texas EXCEPTION to Obamacare rules.
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
Not worried. The United States will have a national poll on this issue in November 2018.
There are already millions without Health Insurance. An estimated 20 Million who refuse to sign up for Obamacare and instead pay the fines.
This number, "A WILD ASSED ESTIMATE" is primarily people who would voluntarily flee from mandated Health Care and take their chances.
Primarily The Young and Healthy.
Remember this?
Obama and other Democrats made it sound like there were tens of millions of Americans going uninsured because cruel insurers were refusing to cover them. The Obama administration even put out a report titled
At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans: 129 Million Could Be Denied Affordable Coverage Without Health Reform."

It was ludicrously dishonest. Here’s why.
First: prior to Obamacare, the vast majority of Americans with health insurance were already in plans that were required to offer them coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions.
Employer-based plans were required to offer coverage to everyone regardless of pre-existing conditions.
So were Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs like the VA.
Employer- and government-based plans, prior to Obamacare, represented 90 percent of Americans with health insurance.

The other 10 percent were people buying coverage on their own, on the individual market. In most—but not all—states prior to Obamacare,
people buying coverage on their own could, in theory, be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition.

That gets us to point number two: that in practice, a tiny percentage of Americans were being denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition prior to Obamacare.
We know this in general because surveys consistently indicated that this was the case, and in detail because of an Obamacare program called the
Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, or PCIP.
PCIP was designed to work from the years 2010 to 2014, as a bridge until Obamacare’s insurance regulations took effect.
During those years, Americans could sign up for heavily subsidized coverage under PCIP if they had documented proof that they had been denied coverage by an insurance company and had a pre-existing condition.
Suffice it to say that 129 million people didn’t sign up for the PCIP program. Indeed, not even 129 thousand people signed up for the program.
Enrollment in PCIP peaked in February 2013 at 114,959.
Thanks To Democrats, Pre-Existing Conditions Outweigh The Uninsured In The GOP Obamacare Deal

I'm going to shout now!!! ANOTHER GIGANTIC LIE FROM OBAMA:
"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."

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