Just who are the "22 million uninsured" under the CBO findings?

As to the percentage of Blacks (28%) and Whites (6%) on SNAP...

Raw numbers are one thing...

Raw numbers, reduced to percentages of total population for ethnic bloc A or B, are much more telling...

And those percentage numbers say...

7% of Whites are on SNAP...

28% of Blacks are on SNAP...

Was there anything else?
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
Okay I can't even load the article but I know it's bullshit because 1) it's Forbes so I know it's rightwing garbage and 2) it simply makes the point that there's a small increase in revenue. This may be true, but that doesn't at all mean the tax cut is paid for. The revenue gained does not even come close to the amount of revenue lost. How do we know this? Because Bush exploded the deficit.

You refer to tax receipts increasing but this isn't the accurate way to measure revenue. Because of rising inflation, more raw dollars are needed over time to pay the same value in a product. To accurately measure revenue, you have to compute it as a percentage of GDP. Under Bush this figure dipped from 20% of GDP to 15% of GDP. That was a loss in overall revenue even if the raw dollars were still high. It's also fallacious to conflate cutting taxes with receipts simply because of inflation.

So for your simple mind...
You do understand that there are 3 basic tax revenue types right:
1) Individual
2) Corporate
3) payroll consisting of SS/Medicare... here is the proof!
Policy Basics: Where Do Federal Tax Revenues Come From?
Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 6.50.49 PM.png

So Now that YOU understand there are just 3 sources of INCOME TAXES
Therefore... IF YOU CUT corporate taxes or income taxes OR both you are encouraging JOB EXPANSIONS.. and GUESS WHAT DUMMY???
More JOBS mean:
1) More SS/Medicare revenue because JUST in case you are as dumb about SS/Medicare tax revenue... EMPLOYERS match the 6.2% payment!
That is one major reason there has ALWAYS been a cap on the maximum salary because it would be just plain stupid.
2) SO now that you comprehend that...
If employment increases by 3 million at average salary of $ $50,756
According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
So 3 million times $50,000 times 12.4% equals $18.6 billion MORE in gross tax revenue... EVEN if there is NO increase in Corporate income BUT remember
there will be an increase in INCOME taxes... That gives the average American family a federal tax rate of 14.3%.
How Much Does the Average American Pay in Taxes? -- The Motley Fool
So that would mean another $21.4 billion!
Add those two together and it is a gross tax revenue increase of almost $40 billion more a year!

I know this is too hard to comprehend but one more thing!
All those people added to the work force ALSO spend that $50,000... and the multiplier affect well you do the math!
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
Okay I can't even load the article but I know it's bullshit because 1) it's Forbes so I know it's rightwing garbage and 2) it simply makes the point that there's a small increase in revenue. This may be true, but that doesn't at all mean the tax cut is paid for. The revenue gained does not even come close to the amount of revenue lost. How do we know this? Because Bush exploded the deficit.

You refer to tax receipts increasing but this isn't the accurate way to measure revenue. Because of rising inflation, more raw dollars are needed over time to pay the same value in a product. To accurately measure revenue, you have to compute it as a percentage of GDP. Under Bush this figure dipped from 20% of GDP to 15% of GDP. That was a loss in overall revenue even if the raw dollars were still high. It's also fallacious to conflate cutting taxes with receipts simply because of inflation.

So for your simple mind...
You do understand that there are 3 basic tax revenue types right:
1) Individual
2) Corporate
3) payroll consisting of SS/Medicare... here is the proof!
Policy Basics: Where Do Federal Tax Revenues Come From?
View attachment 136084
So Now that YOU understand there are just 3 sources of INCOME TAXES
Therefore... IF YOU CUT corporate taxes or income taxes OR both you are encouraging JOB EXPANSIONS.. and GUESS WHAT DUMMY???
More JOBS mean:
1) More SS/Medicare revenue because JUST in case you are as dumb about SS/Medicare tax revenue... EMPLOYERS match the 6.2% payment!
That is one major reason there has ALWAYS been a cap on the maximum salary because it would be just plain stupid.
2) SO now that you comprehend that...
If employment increases by 3 million at average salary of $ $50,756
According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
So 3 million times $50,000 times 12.4% equals $18.6 billion MORE in gross tax revenue... EVEN if there is NO increase in Corporate income BUT remember
there will be an increase in INCOME taxes... That gives the average American family a federal tax rate of 14.3%.
How Much Does the Average American Pay in Taxes? -- The Motley Fool
So that would mean another $21.4 billion!
Add those two together and it is a gross tax revenue increase of almost $40 billion more a year!

I know this is too hard to comprehend but one more thing!
All those people added to the work force ALSO spend that $50,000... and the multiplier affect well you do the math!
Here is why you people are too dumb to understand trickle down. When corporations get a tax cut in this day and age, they don't invest most the money for the good of the country as you would like to pretend they would - they keep that money. Why? BECAUSE CORPORATE PROFITS ARE ALREADY AT AN ALL TIME HIGH AND THOSE EXECUTIVES ARE ALREADY WEALTHIER THAN EVER BEFOR SO THERE IS NO INCENTIVE TO INVEST MOST OF IT INTO LABOR. Check your facts. Investment is less and less common since Bush became president.
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
Okay I can't even load the article but I know it's bullshit because 1) it's Forbes so I know it's rightwing garbage and 2) it simply makes the point that there's a small increase in revenue. This may be true, but that doesn't at all mean the tax cut is paid for. The revenue gained does not even come close to the amount of revenue lost. How do we know this? Because Bush exploded the deficit.

You refer to tax receipts increasing but this isn't the accurate way to measure revenue. Because of rising inflation, more raw dollars are needed over time to pay the same value in a product. To accurately measure revenue, you have to compute it as a percentage of GDP. Under Bush this figure dipped from 20% of GDP to 15% of GDP. That was a loss in overall revenue even if the raw dollars were still high. It's also fallacious to conflate cutting taxes with receipts simply because of inflation.

So for your simple mind...
You do understand that there are 3 basic tax revenue types right:
1) Individual
2) Corporate
3) payroll consisting of SS/Medicare... here is the proof!
Policy Basics: Where Do Federal Tax Revenues Come From?
View attachment 136084
So Now that YOU understand there are just 3 sources of INCOME TAXES
Therefore... IF YOU CUT corporate taxes or income taxes OR both you are encouraging JOB EXPANSIONS.. and GUESS WHAT DUMMY???
More JOBS mean:
1) More SS/Medicare revenue because JUST in case you are as dumb about SS/Medicare tax revenue... EMPLOYERS match the 6.2% payment!
That is one major reason there has ALWAYS been a cap on the maximum salary because it would be just plain stupid.
2) SO now that you comprehend that...
If employment increases by 3 million at average salary of $ $50,756
According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
So 3 million times $50,000 times 12.4% equals $18.6 billion MORE in gross tax revenue... EVEN if there is NO increase in Corporate income BUT remember
there will be an increase in INCOME taxes... That gives the average American family a federal tax rate of 14.3%.
How Much Does the Average American Pay in Taxes? -- The Motley Fool
So that would mean another $21.4 billion!
Add those two together and it is a gross tax revenue increase of almost $40 billion more a year!

I know this is too hard to comprehend but one more thing!
All those people added to the work force ALSO spend that $50,000... and the multiplier affect well you do the math!
Oh and by the way, 2/3 of corporations do not pay federal taxes because of deductions and loopholes they take advantage of.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
Okay I can't even load the article but I know it's bullshit because 1) it's Forbes so I know it's rightwing garbage and 2) it simply makes the point that there's a small increase in revenue. This may be true, but that doesn't at all mean the tax cut is paid for. The revenue gained does not even come close to the amount of revenue lost. How do we know this? Because Bush exploded the deficit.

You refer to tax receipts increasing but this isn't the accurate way to measure revenue. Because of rising inflation, more raw dollars are needed over time to pay the same value in a product. To accurately measure revenue, you have to compute it as a percentage of GDP. Under Bush this figure dipped from 20% of GDP to 15% of GDP. That was a loss in overall revenue even if the raw dollars were still high. It's also fallacious to conflate cutting taxes with receipts simply because of inflation.

So for your simple mind...
You do understand that there are 3 basic tax revenue types right:
1) Individual
2) Corporate
3) payroll consisting of SS/Medicare... here is the proof!
Policy Basics: Where Do Federal Tax Revenues Come From?
View attachment 136084
So Now that YOU understand there are just 3 sources of INCOME TAXES
Therefore... IF YOU CUT corporate taxes or income taxes OR both you are encouraging JOB EXPANSIONS.. and GUESS WHAT DUMMY???
More JOBS mean:
1) More SS/Medicare revenue because JUST in case you are as dumb about SS/Medicare tax revenue... EMPLOYERS match the 6.2% payment!
That is one major reason there has ALWAYS been a cap on the maximum salary because it would be just plain stupid.
2) SO now that you comprehend that...
If employment increases by 3 million at average salary of $ $50,756
According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
So 3 million times $50,000 times 12.4% equals $18.6 billion MORE in gross tax revenue... EVEN if there is NO increase in Corporate income BUT remember
there will be an increase in INCOME taxes... That gives the average American family a federal tax rate of 14.3%.
How Much Does the Average American Pay in Taxes? -- The Motley Fool
So that would mean another $21.4 billion!
Add those two together and it is a gross tax revenue increase of almost $40 billion more a year!

I know this is too hard to comprehend but one more thing!
All those people added to the work force ALSO spend that $50,000... and the multiplier affect well you do the math!
Oh and by the way, 2/3 of corporations do not pay federal taxes because of deductions and loopholes they take advantage of.

OK where are YOU FACTS!!! Guesses opinions! NO FACTS!!!! AND YOU are a LIAR!
Because every business in the USA pays payroll taxes! Dummy! Where do you think HALF of all the revenue I showed regarding this chart..
know as "PAYROLL TAXES" come from Dummy! Businesses, those corporations. Again how dumb do you have to be to be shown the FACTS!
NOW further more.. your DUMB comment "2/3" pay no federal taxes!
Where did you get that dumb idea because here are the FACTS!

So my analysis of the data shows two things: first, the GAO claim that 70% of companies paid no income tax is largely
because more than 50% of these companies had zero profits or net incomes, and therefore they had zero tax liability.
Even tax reform is unlikely to get us to the point where we would start taxing unprofitable companies.
Why 70% Of Companies Paid Zero In Corporate Taxes: They Had Zero Profits

Again for simple minds such as yours: The reason 35% paid no taxes because they had ZERO PROFITS. How are you to pay taxes if you make no money?
PLUS to answer your other totally stupid comment..."because of deductions..."
HERE FACTS regarding DEDUCTIONS companies take.
GUESS what dummy the largest single TAX deduction companies take?????
YOU have no idea because you are too lazy to do a simple research!
"What is the largest tax deduction taken by businesses"?
Such any easy thing to find out!
The largest deduction for dummies like yOU Medical insurance premiums!!!! $235.8 Billion!
Also pension plans..etc. $140 Billion.
These are legal tax deductions for the BENEFIT of the EMPLOYEES!!!!!!!
Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 9.40.47 PM.png

What are the largest tax expenditures?

Screen Shot 2017-06-28 at 6.50.49 PM.png
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
Okay I can't even load the article but I know it's bullshit because 1) it's Forbes so I know it's rightwing garbage and 2) it simply makes the point that there's a small increase in revenue. This may be true, but that doesn't at all mean the tax cut is paid for. The revenue gained does not even come close to the amount of revenue lost. How do we know this? Because Bush exploded the deficit.

You refer to tax receipts increasing but this isn't the accurate way to measure revenue. Because of rising inflation, more raw dollars are needed over time to pay the same value in a product. To accurately measure revenue, you have to compute it as a percentage of GDP. Under Bush this figure dipped from 20% of GDP to 15% of GDP. That was a loss in overall revenue even if the raw dollars were still high. It's also fallacious to conflate cutting taxes with receipts simply because of inflation.

So for your simple mind...
You do understand that there are 3 basic tax revenue types right:
1) Individual
2) Corporate
3) payroll consisting of SS/Medicare... here is the proof!
Policy Basics: Where Do Federal Tax Revenues Come From?
View attachment 136084
So Now that YOU understand there are just 3 sources of INCOME TAXES
Therefore... IF YOU CUT corporate taxes or income taxes OR both you are encouraging JOB EXPANSIONS.. and GUESS WHAT DUMMY???
More JOBS mean:
1) More SS/Medicare revenue because JUST in case you are as dumb about SS/Medicare tax revenue... EMPLOYERS match the 6.2% payment!
That is one major reason there has ALWAYS been a cap on the maximum salary because it would be just plain stupid.
2) SO now that you comprehend that...
If employment increases by 3 million at average salary of $ $50,756
According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
So 3 million times $50,000 times 12.4% equals $18.6 billion MORE in gross tax revenue... EVEN if there is NO increase in Corporate income BUT remember
there will be an increase in INCOME taxes... That gives the average American family a federal tax rate of 14.3%.
How Much Does the Average American Pay in Taxes? -- The Motley Fool
So that would mean another $21.4 billion!
Add those two together and it is a gross tax revenue increase of almost $40 billion more a year!

I know this is too hard to comprehend but one more thing!
All those people added to the work force ALSO spend that $50,000... and the multiplier affect well you do the math!
Oh and by the way, 2/3 of corporations do not pay federal taxes because of deductions and loopholes they take advantage of.

OK where are YOU FACTS!!! Guesses opinions! NO FACTS!!!! AND YOU are a LIAR!
Because every business in the USA pays payroll taxes! Dummy! Where do you think HALF of all the revenue I showed regarding this chart..
know as "PAYROLL TAXES" come from Dummy! Businesses, those corporations. Again how dumb do you have to be to be shown the FACTS!
NOW further more.. your DUMB comment "2/3" pay no federal taxes!
Where did you get that dumb idea because here are the FACTS!

So my analysis of the data shows two things: first, the GAO claim that 70% of companies paid no income tax is largely
because more than 50% of these companies had zero profits or net incomes, and therefore they had zero tax liability.
Even tax reform is unlikely to get us to the point where we would start taxing unprofitable companies.
Why 70% Of Companies Paid Zero In Corporate Taxes: They Had Zero Profits

Again for simple minds such as yours: The reason 35% paid no taxes because they had ZERO PROFITS. How are you to pay taxes if you make no money?
PLUS to answer your other totally stupid comment..."because of deductions..."
HERE FACTS regarding DEDUCTIONS companies take.
GUESS what dummy the largest single TAX deduction companies take?????
YOU have no idea because you are too lazy to do a simple research!
"What is the largest tax deduction taken by businesses"?
Such any easy thing to find out!
The largest deduction for dummies like yOU Medical insurance premiums!!!! $235.8 Billion!
Also pension plans..etc. $140 Billion.
These are legal tax deductions for the BENEFIT of the EMPLOYEES!!!!!!!
View attachment 136107
What are the largest tax expenditures?

View attachment 136106
Lol you never said all that idiot. You just found out about the GAO report. Just admit it. Of course you should know that within that 70% of those corporations, were some mega corporations. And since HALF were profitable, it makes the 35% official income tax rate a joke.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
Okay I can't even load the article but I know it's bullshit because 1) it's Forbes so I know it's rightwing garbage and 2) it simply makes the point that there's a small increase in revenue. This may be true, but that doesn't at all mean the tax cut is paid for. The revenue gained does not even come close to the amount of revenue lost. How do we know this? Because Bush exploded the deficit.

You refer to tax receipts increasing but this isn't the accurate way to measure revenue. Because of rising inflation, more raw dollars are needed over time to pay the same value in a product. To accurately measure revenue, you have to compute it as a percentage of GDP. Under Bush this figure dipped from 20% of GDP to 15% of GDP. That was a loss in overall revenue even if the raw dollars were still high. It's also fallacious to conflate cutting taxes with receipts simply because of inflation.

So for your simple mind...
You do understand that there are 3 basic tax revenue types right:
1) Individual
2) Corporate
3) payroll consisting of SS/Medicare... here is the proof!
Policy Basics: Where Do Federal Tax Revenues Come From?
View attachment 136084
So Now that YOU understand there are just 3 sources of INCOME TAXES
Therefore... IF YOU CUT corporate taxes or income taxes OR both you are encouraging JOB EXPANSIONS.. and GUESS WHAT DUMMY???
More JOBS mean:
1) More SS/Medicare revenue because JUST in case you are as dumb about SS/Medicare tax revenue... EMPLOYERS match the 6.2% payment!
That is one major reason there has ALWAYS been a cap on the maximum salary because it would be just plain stupid.
2) SO now that you comprehend that...
If employment increases by 3 million at average salary of $ $50,756
According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an average income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia
So 3 million times $50,000 times 12.4% equals $18.6 billion MORE in gross tax revenue... EVEN if there is NO increase in Corporate income BUT remember
there will be an increase in INCOME taxes... That gives the average American family a federal tax rate of 14.3%.
How Much Does the Average American Pay in Taxes? -- The Motley Fool
So that would mean another $21.4 billion!
Add those two together and it is a gross tax revenue increase of almost $40 billion more a year!

I know this is too hard to comprehend but one more thing!
All those people added to the work force ALSO spend that $50,000... and the multiplier affect well you do the math!
Oh and by the way, 2/3 of corporations do not pay federal taxes because of deductions and loopholes they take advantage of.

OK where are YOU FACTS!!! Guesses opinions! NO FACTS!!!! AND YOU are a LIAR!
Because every business in the USA pays payroll taxes! Dummy! Where do you think HALF of all the revenue I showed regarding this chart..
know as "PAYROLL TAXES" come from Dummy! Businesses, those corporations. Again how dumb do you have to be to be shown the FACTS!
NOW further more.. your DUMB comment "2/3" pay no federal taxes!
Where did you get that dumb idea because here are the FACTS!

So my analysis of the data shows two things: first, the GAO claim that 70% of companies paid no income tax is largely
because more than 50% of these companies had zero profits or net incomes, and therefore they had zero tax liability.
Even tax reform is unlikely to get us to the point where we would start taxing unprofitable companies.
Why 70% Of Companies Paid Zero In Corporate Taxes: They Had Zero Profits

Again for simple minds such as yours: The reason 35% paid no taxes because they had ZERO PROFITS. How are you to pay taxes if you make no money?
PLUS to answer your other totally stupid comment..."because of deductions..."
HERE FACTS regarding DEDUCTIONS companies take.
GUESS what dummy the largest single TAX deduction companies take?????
YOU have no idea because you are too lazy to do a simple research!
"What is the largest tax deduction taken by businesses"?
Such any easy thing to find out!
The largest deduction for dummies like yOU Medical insurance premiums!!!! $235.8 Billion!
Also pension plans..etc. $140 Billion.
These are legal tax deductions for the BENEFIT of the EMPLOYEES!!!!!!!
View attachment 136107
What are the largest tax expenditures?

View attachment 136106
Lol you never said all that idiot. You just found out about the GAO report. Just admit it. Of course you should know that within that 70% of those corporations, were some mega corporations. And since HALF were profitable, it makes the 35% official income tax rate a joke.

Of course I found it! What was your excuse! Not one time have you provided ANY backup for your subjective, purely made up in your head statements!
And so what if "some were mega corporations"??? What's that got to do with the FACTS that
A) ALL including Mega corporations PAY taxes... i.e. payroll taxes! And that constitutes 33% of all tax revenue of which those evil disgusting corporations ALL pay
half of that 33%! But you said they paid nothing!
B) And of course 35% made NO PROFITS but they STILL PAID their employees benefits/etc.!!! Hence their DEDUCTIONS!

Hey do away with ALL the deductions ALL of them... and guess who gets hurt the most?
Child care deductions! Insurance. Pensions. mortgage interest! all of it. Do away with it and guess who'll be paying more?
The fact is that low income people will lose their coverage. How do we know this? The Senate plan will get rid of all of the taxes yet will reduce the deficit. The only way that can happen is if people are forced out of their coverage and cannot use the subsidies. Also the increase after 2018 in the number of people who lose insurance proves that this is not people who didn't want insurance.

Wrong. You liberalism is overriding your ability to read for comprehension again.

Right. I am not a Trump sycophant. I am a compassionate Reagan conservative. There are a few things that is right about Obamacare and I would keep it. However I would give more people the chance to choose the type of package they want. I would get rid of a lot of the bureaucracy surrounding it. I would also keep the subsidies. We need to help people get better paying jobs. That is how you reduce healthcare payments.
why is the government in our healthcare anyway? explain. They aren't in my car insurance. my home owners insurance. why health insurance?

Car insurance is mandated by the states.

Can you guess why?

Car insurance is for liability in case you harm others. If you own your car and maim yourself by smacking a rock wall at 100 mph, you won't affect my health at all.
The fact is that low income people will lose their coverage. How do we know this? The Senate plan will get rid of all of the taxes yet will reduce the deficit. The only way that can happen is if people are forced out of their coverage and cannot use the subsidies. Also the increase after 2018 in the number of people who lose insurance proves that this is not people who didn't want insurance.

Wrong. You liberalism is overriding your ability to read for comprehension again.

Right. I am not a Trump sycophant. I am a compassionate Reagan conservative. There are a few things that is right about Obamacare and I would keep it. However I would give more people the chance to choose the type of package they want. I would get rid of a lot of the bureaucracy surrounding it. I would also keep the subsidies. We need to help people get better paying jobs. That is how you reduce healthcare payments.
why is the government in our healthcare anyway? explain. They aren't in my car insurance. my home owners insurance. why health insurance?

Car insurance is mandated by the states.

Can you guess why?

Car insurance is for liability in case you harm others. If you own your car and maim yourself by smacking a rock wall at 100 mph, you won't affect my health at all.

Ah, but it does in the exact same way it does with uninsured drivers.
Wrong. You liberalism is overriding your ability to read for comprehension again.

Right. I am not a Trump sycophant. I am a compassionate Reagan conservative. There are a few things that is right about Obamacare and I would keep it. However I would give more people the chance to choose the type of package they want. I would get rid of a lot of the bureaucracy surrounding it. I would also keep the subsidies. We need to help people get better paying jobs. That is how you reduce healthcare payments.
why is the government in our healthcare anyway? explain. They aren't in my car insurance. my home owners insurance. why health insurance?

Car insurance is mandated by the states.

Can you guess why?

Car insurance is for liability in case you harm others. If you own your car and maim yourself by smacking a rock wall at 100 mph, you won't affect my health at all.

Ah, but it does in the exact same way it does with uninsured drivers.

Uh, no. Thanks for playing.

My having or not having health insurance has no impact on your life.
Right. I am not a Trump sycophant. I am a compassionate Reagan conservative. There are a few things that is right about Obamacare and I would keep it. However I would give more people the chance to choose the type of package they want. I would get rid of a lot of the bureaucracy surrounding it. I would also keep the subsidies. We need to help people get better paying jobs. That is how you reduce healthcare payments.
why is the government in our healthcare anyway? explain. They aren't in my car insurance. my home owners insurance. why health insurance?

Car insurance is mandated by the states.

Can you guess why?

Car insurance is for liability in case you harm others. If you own your car and maim yourself by smacking a rock wall at 100 mph, you won't affect my health at all.

Ah, but it does in the exact same way it does with uninsured drivers.

Uh, no. Thanks for playing.

My having or not having health insurance has no impact on your life.

As long as you don't become ill or injured and need care beyond what you can afford.
why is the government in our healthcare anyway? explain. They aren't in my car insurance. my home owners insurance. why health insurance?

Car insurance is mandated by the states.

Can you guess why?

Car insurance is for liability in case you harm others. If you own your car and maim yourself by smacking a rock wall at 100 mph, you won't affect my health at all.

Ah, but it does in the exact same way it does with uninsured drivers.

Uh, no. Thanks for playing.

My having or not having health insurance has no impact on your life.

As long as you don't become ill or injured and need care beyond what you can afford.

I agree with you Starskey.

The problem is though, health insurance's number one HIGHEST single component causing escalating insurance premiums is this and if a SINGLE payer were the solution which people like you support, this would go away ...100%! Saving nearly $1 trillion in health expenses!
BUT do you want this to go away? See you can't have insurance companies paying this single largest component without premiums increasing...
BUT if you took this element that a government run Single Payer restriction would apply (which is ALREADY in place on federal medical personnel), then you'd give up this
Car insurance is mandated by the states.

Can you guess why?

Car insurance is for liability in case you harm others. If you own your car and maim yourself by smacking a rock wall at 100 mph, you won't affect my health at all.

Ah, but it does in the exact same way it does with uninsured drivers.

Uh, no. Thanks for playing.

My having or not having health insurance has no impact on your life.

As long as you don't become ill or injured and need care beyond what you can afford.

I agree with you Starskey.

The problem is though, health insurance's number one HIGHEST single component causing escalating insurance premiums is this and if a SINGLE payer were the solution which people like you support, this would go away ...100%! Saving nearly $1 trillion in health expenses!
BUT do you want this to go away? See you can't have insurance companies paying this single largest component without premiums increasing...
BUT if you took this element that a government run Single Payer restriction would apply (which is ALREADY in place on federal medical personnel), then you'd give up this
View attachment 136280

So what? That has nothing to do with the point I made about individuals having coverage. I'm not opposed to any measure that produces efficiencies as long as legit cases can still proceed. Is it included in the current iteration of the bill?
Car insurance is for liability in case you harm others. If you own your car and maim yourself by smacking a rock wall at 100 mph, you won't affect my health at all.

Ah, but it does in the exact same way it does with uninsured drivers.

Uh, no. Thanks for playing.

My having or not having health insurance has no impact on your life.

As long as you don't become ill or injured and need care beyond what you can afford.

I agree with you Starskey.

The problem is though, health insurance's number one HIGHEST single component causing escalating insurance premiums is this and if a SINGLE payer were the solution which people like you support, this would go away ...100%! Saving nearly $1 trillion in health expenses!
BUT do you want this to go away? See you can't have insurance companies paying this single largest component without premiums increasing...
BUT if you took this element that a government run Single Payer restriction would apply (which is ALREADY in place on federal medical personnel), then you'd give up this
View attachment 136280

So what? That has nothing to do with the point I made about individuals having coverage. I'm not opposed to any measure that produces efficiencies as long as legit cases can still proceed. Is it included in the current iteration of the bill?

There was a "token" tort reform in Obamacare but with Obama a lawyer and Congress today
at 41% lawyers (168 in the House, 50 in the Senate) in this 115th Congress there is not a chance!


Now with President Trump NOT a lover of lawyers we might some some actions but I strongly doubt it.
The only real way of attacking the $1 trillion a year in "defensive medicine" is building awareness as
this study has done!

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