Just who are the "22 million uninsured" under the CBO findings?

So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658

Only true idiots think that fewer people covered is a better deal.
how many people that go to a doctor actually use their insurance? It's called deductible and out of pocket money. 90% of those covered have these costs directly out of pocket when they go to a doctor visit. so, how is it they benefit? They only benefit with insurance when they reach their out of pocket and mine is $6,000 dollars. The most I pay to doctors a year is about 1,000. Insurance does not cover any of it. So I pay for insurance that I can't even use cause of out of pocket stipulations.

No one goes broke from a wellness visit, dope.

Your policy is meant to cover you financially if the need arises. Are you able to pay for the $200k surgery and week long ICU stay after your accident? Of course not. You would happily dump that on the rest of us.
you don't think that happens today under obummerfail? what fking world do you libs live in? my gawd you fks have no commone sense or logical thought. everything is a fking extreme.

is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no, you want me to pay double on all my shit, pay for someone else to get it for free? you all make me fking laugh.

BTW, I pay for all my maintenance on my car outside of my car insurance. That is to protect me in case I one total a car or hurt someone. not to go get oil changes and tire rotations. you want us to pay for the poor's doctor's visit. their maintenance. and then you all state it's a right. fk off.
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they do, it's their right. or do you think you should control them? Wow aren't you the little dictator.
Is it being a dictator to require car insurance to drive a car? How about to charge taxes to buy or sell goods and earn an income? Or charge a HOA fee to live in a residential community?
so where is the legislation that is written for that? You think everyone carries car insurance? LOL. only people who drive carry insurance.
Stupid logic.
You don't have to have health insurance at all. Just don't seek care then when you need it.
no, that isn't allowed, there is a fine. And I can go pay cash to a doctor. Why can't you?
You can't even follow your own post, dope.

You stated that you don't have to have car insurance if you don't drive. Well, then the same is true for health insurance. You don't have to have it, just don't seek care.
did you read my post? I can go to the doctor and pay cash can't I?
Most pay for themselves, hopefully we can get more people in the market and bring prices down. The ones that can pay are taken care of throw medicaid. Thinking that it's a good thing to take millions out of the health insurance market makes no sense
What's really stupid is forcing millions into socialized medicine thinking that's a good thing…
Why is it bad?
Because millions want nothing to do with it and will never use it. It's a freedom thing you may not understand
Because millions want nothing to do with it and will never use it. It's a freedom thing you may not understand

Except millions go to hospitals daily, dope.
Freedom to be a douchey free rider.
All most 125 thousand people have died from medical errors so far this year... a much larger problem than people using firearms in violence...
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America

Your point please because your response regarding medical errors has very little to do with emergency room visits.
Now if you are pointing out WHY "defensive Medicine" that creates over $1 trillion a year in claims is to protect against "medical errors" that is a good
My comment regarding Defensive medicine though is it according the people that are generating the claims account for over 30% of the claims filed,
i.e. $1 trillion a year. That is an expense. So do we want to continue to bear that expense then WE NEED to recognize it first!
Not many people do. They confuse tort reform issues with malpractice insurance or lawsuit settlements. It isn't! That is a small tip of the iceberg
that lawyers have caused by filing frivolous lawsuits that physicians then have to contest and as I've pointed out over 90% settled out of court!
So to prevent that physicians duplicate tests, refer to costlier specialists all to cover their BUTTS!
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658

Only true idiots think that fewer people covered is a better deal.
how many people that go to a doctor actually use their insurance? It's called deductible and out of pocket money. 90% of those covered have these costs directly out of pocket when they go to a doctor visit. so, how is it they benefit? They only benefit with insurance when they reach their out of pocket and mine is $6,000 dollars. The most I pay to doctors a year is about 1,000. Insurance does not cover any of it. So I pay for insurance that I can't even use cause of out of pocket stipulations.

No one goes broke from a wellness visit, dope.

Your policy is meant to cover you financially if the need arises. Are you able to pay for the $200k surgery and week long ICU stay after your accident? Of course not. You would happily dump that on the rest of us.

Just a point to what you said "after your accident".... If you were in an accident your health insurance wouldn't pay!
Either the home insurance if it were an accident your home or your car insurance if in a car pays the bills. Not the health insurance.

You are truly clueless.
Is it being a dictator to require car insurance to drive a car? How about to charge taxes to buy or sell goods and earn an income? Or charge a HOA fee to live in a residential community?
so where is the legislation that is written for that? You think everyone carries car insurance? LOL. only people who drive carry insurance.
Stupid logic.
You don't have to have health insurance at all. Just don't seek care then when you need it.
no, that isn't allowed, there is a fine. And I can go pay cash to a doctor. Why can't you?
You can't even follow your own post, dope.

You stated that you don't have to have car insurance if you don't drive. Well, then the same is true for health insurance. You don't have to have it, just don't seek care.
did you read my post? I can go to the doctor and pay cash can't I?
I'm not talking about a doctor visit, dope.
Are you prepared for a serious illness or injury?
Do you have $100K or more?
6 promises Trump has made about health care

promises Trump has made about health care

Before he was sworn in, President Trump made a bold promise: The as-yet-unreleased Obamacare repeal and replacement plan would have “insurance for everybody.”

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”


As his run for president took shape, candidate Trump boasted via Twitter, “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid”


Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway made a promise that almost certainly can’t be met with the House bill: “We don't want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance.”

As he campaigned for the White House that he declared in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes”: “I am going to take care of everybody … Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.” More recently, Trump has promised that repeal will end with “a beautiful picture.
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies
View attachment 135879
Question... do you find this list acceptable from your leader? Are you outraged by it?

Hey if YOU had no problem with these outrageous LIES I have no problem then with Trump!
The difference is though in motivation!
Plus another fact is Trump is RIGHT about cuts in SS/Medicare/Medicaid.
Where has there been ANY statement by Trump accepting cuts in SS/Medicare, Medicaid?
What Trump has been though is honest about his motives. He wants Americans to be proud again of being Americans!
He ENCOURAGES businesses to grow. Obama actually said he'd favor utilities going bankrupt, or higher gas prices, OR the US being MORE dependent on foreign OIL!
What kind of President denigrates police calling them stupid and then turns around hires a guy to design Obamacare who says the only way Obamacare passed
was due to the Stupidity of the American voter"!
Now you tell me. ONE obvious and most outstanding difference between Trump and Obama is TRUMP would never call his supporters "deplorable" and much
less stupid! This is what Obama did! For most of us true Americans that want as Trump does a better life for our children and grandchildren then what
Obama was putting into place! Obama was for destruction...Trump for CONSTRUCTION!
View attachment 135900
I have a problem with ANYBODY in leadership lying. No matter of it's obama, pelosi, schumer, etc. And why should my opinions impact how you act. Your saying if I'm a dirty hypocrite that makes it ok for you to be?
Sure you do.

We see you here everyday demanding that Schummer, Pelosi, Waters, Clinton and Obama apologize for knowingly lying about "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"
I see you here everyday demanding that Koskinen, Comey, Holder, Clinton Obama & Clapper, pay the price for perjury.
Why would I focus on that when there is a much bigger problem sitting in the oval office leading our country? The time to question and critique Obama was when he was in office, you sure did that... The time to question Hillary was during the campaign, you did more than enough. Now Trump has the spotlight. Don't be a hypocrite. If you are going to condemn lies and dishonesty from the last administration then do so for this one.
so where is the legislation that is written for that? You think everyone carries car insurance? LOL. only people who drive carry insurance.
Stupid logic.
You don't have to have health insurance at all. Just don't seek care then when you need it.
no, that isn't allowed, there is a fine. And I can go pay cash to a doctor. Why can't you?
You can't even follow your own post, dope.

You stated that you don't have to have car insurance if you don't drive. Well, then the same is true for health insurance. You don't have to have it, just don't seek care.
did you read my post? I can go to the doctor and pay cash can't I?
I'm not talking about a doctor visit, dope.
Are you prepared for a serious illness or injury?
Do you have $100K or more?
again, why can't I just buy a catastrophic plan? oh I can't. I have to buy an everything plan. so why are you against the same policy for humans as we have for cars?

Hey if YOU had no problem with these outrageous LIES I have no problem then with Trump!
The difference is though in motivation!
Plus another fact is Trump is RIGHT about cuts in SS/Medicare/Medicaid.
Where has there been ANY statement by Trump accepting cuts in SS/Medicare, Medicaid?
What Trump has been though is honest about his motives. He wants Americans to be proud again of being Americans!
He ENCOURAGES businesses to grow. Obama actually said he'd favor utilities going bankrupt, or higher gas prices, OR the US being MORE dependent on foreign OIL!
What kind of President denigrates police calling them stupid and then turns around hires a guy to design Obamacare who says the only way Obamacare passed
was due to the Stupidity of the American voter"!
Now you tell me. ONE obvious and most outstanding difference between Trump and Obama is TRUMP would never call his supporters "deplorable" and much
less stupid! This is what Obama did! For most of us true Americans that want as Trump does a better life for our children and grandchildren then what
Obama was putting into place! Obama was for destruction...Trump for CONSTRUCTION!
View attachment 135900
I have a problem with ANYBODY in leadership lying. No matter of it's obama, pelosi, schumer, etc. And why should my opinions impact how you act. Your saying if I'm a dirty hypocrite that makes it ok for you to be?
Sure you do.

We see you here everyday demanding that Schummer, Pelosi, Waters, Clinton and Obama apologize for knowingly lying about "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"
I see you here everyday demanding that Koskinen, Comey, Holder, Clinton Obama & Clapper, pay the price for perjury.
Why would I focus on that when there is a much bigger problem sitting in the oval office leading our country? The time to question and critique Obama was when he was in office, you sure did that... The time to question Hillary was during the campaign, you did more than enough. Now Trump has the spotlight. Don't be a hypocrite. If you are going to condemn lies and dishonesty from the last administration then do so for this one.
when there is one I will.
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658

Only true idiots think that fewer people covered is a better deal.
how many people that go to a doctor actually use their insurance? It's called deductible and out of pocket money. 90% of those covered have these costs directly out of pocket when they go to a doctor visit. so, how is it they benefit? They only benefit with insurance when they reach their out of pocket and mine is $6,000 dollars. The most I pay to doctors a year is about 1,000. Insurance does not cover any of it. So I pay for insurance that I can't even use cause of out of pocket stipulations.

No one goes broke from a wellness visit, dope.

Your policy is meant to cover you financially if the need arises. Are you able to pay for the $200k surgery and week long ICU stay after your accident? Of course not. You would happily dump that on the rest of us.
you don't think that happens today under obummerfail? what fking world do you libs live in? my gawd you fks have no commone sense or logical thought. everything is a fking extreme.

is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no, you want me to pay double on all my shit, pay for someone else to get it for free? you all make me fking laugh.

BTW, I pay for all my maintenance on my car outside of my car insurance. That is to protect me in case I one total a car or hurt someone. not to go get oil changes and tire rotations. you want us to pay for the poor's doctor's visit. their maintenance. and then you all state it's a right. fk off.
is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no,

Truly clueless. :laugh2:

You morons are trying to argue shit you have no idea about.
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658

Only true idiots think that fewer people covered is a better deal.
how many people that go to a doctor actually use their insurance? It's called deductible and out of pocket money. 90% of those covered have these costs directly out of pocket when they go to a doctor visit. so, how is it they benefit? They only benefit with insurance when they reach their out of pocket and mine is $6,000 dollars. The most I pay to doctors a year is about 1,000. Insurance does not cover any of it. So I pay for insurance that I can't even use cause of out of pocket stipulations.

No one goes broke from a wellness visit, dope.

Your policy is meant to cover you financially if the need arises. Are you able to pay for the $200k surgery and week long ICU stay after your accident? Of course not. You would happily dump that on the rest of us.
you don't think that happens today under obummerfail? what fking world do you libs live in? my gawd you fks have no commone sense or logical thought. everything is a fking extreme.

is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no, you want me to pay double on all my shit, pay for someone else to get it for free? you all make me fking laugh.

BTW, I pay for all my maintenance on my car outside of my car insurance. That is to protect me in case I one total a car or hurt someone. not to go get oil changes and tire rotations. you want us to pay for the poor's doctor's visit. their maintenance. and then you all state it's a right. fk off.
is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no,

Truly clueless. :laugh2:

You morons are trying to argue shit you have no idea about.
sure I do. I will pay all my own medical bills as I go, and carry catastrophic coverage in the event I need care outside my pocketbook. Just like I do with car insurance. you still haven't addressed what is different.
Stupid logic.
You don't have to have health insurance at all. Just don't seek care then when you need it.
no, that isn't allowed, there is a fine. And I can go pay cash to a doctor. Why can't you?
You can't even follow your own post, dope.

You stated that you don't have to have car insurance if you don't drive. Well, then the same is true for health insurance. You don't have to have it, just don't seek care.
did you read my post? I can go to the doctor and pay cash can't I?
I'm not talking about a doctor visit, dope.
Are you prepared for a serious illness or injury?
Do you have $100K or more?
again, why can't I just buy a catastrophic plan? oh I can't. I have to buy an everything plan. so why are you against the same policy for humans as we have for cars?

You're right. Don't by a plan. Natural selection will deal with you.
Only true idiots think that fewer people covered is a better deal.
how many people that go to a doctor actually use their insurance? It's called deductible and out of pocket money. 90% of those covered have these costs directly out of pocket when they go to a doctor visit. so, how is it they benefit? They only benefit with insurance when they reach their out of pocket and mine is $6,000 dollars. The most I pay to doctors a year is about 1,000. Insurance does not cover any of it. So I pay for insurance that I can't even use cause of out of pocket stipulations.

No one goes broke from a wellness visit, dope.

Your policy is meant to cover you financially if the need arises. Are you able to pay for the $200k surgery and week long ICU stay after your accident? Of course not. You would happily dump that on the rest of us.
you don't think that happens today under obummerfail? what fking world do you libs live in? my gawd you fks have no commone sense or logical thought. everything is a fking extreme.

is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no, you want me to pay double on all my shit, pay for someone else to get it for free? you all make me fking laugh.

BTW, I pay for all my maintenance on my car outside of my car insurance. That is to protect me in case I one total a car or hurt someone. not to go get oil changes and tire rotations. you want us to pay for the poor's doctor's visit. their maintenance. and then you all state it's a right. fk off.
is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no,

Truly clueless. :laugh2:

You morons are trying to argue shit you have no idea about.
sure I do. I will pay all my own medical bills as I go, and carry catastrophic coverage in the event I need care outside my pocketbook. Just like I do with car insurance. you still haven't addressed what is different.

You just claimed there is no catastrophic coverage, dope. :laugh2:
no, that isn't allowed, there is a fine. And I can go pay cash to a doctor. Why can't you?
You can't even follow your own post, dope.

You stated that you don't have to have car insurance if you don't drive. Well, then the same is true for health insurance. You don't have to have it, just don't seek care.
did you read my post? I can go to the doctor and pay cash can't I?
I'm not talking about a doctor visit, dope.
Are you prepared for a serious illness or injury?
Do you have $100K or more?
again, why can't I just buy a catastrophic plan? oh I can't. I have to buy an everything plan. so why are you against the same policy for humans as we have for cars?

You're right. Don't by a plan. Natural selection will deal with you.
so you won't address the question on what is different between maintenance on the body and maintenance on a car? does car insurance pay for car maintenance?
how many people that go to a doctor actually use their insurance? It's called deductible and out of pocket money. 90% of those covered have these costs directly out of pocket when they go to a doctor visit. so, how is it they benefit? They only benefit with insurance when they reach their out of pocket and mine is $6,000 dollars. The most I pay to doctors a year is about 1,000. Insurance does not cover any of it. So I pay for insurance that I can't even use cause of out of pocket stipulations.

No one goes broke from a wellness visit, dope.

Your policy is meant to cover you financially if the need arises. Are you able to pay for the $200k surgery and week long ICU stay after your accident? Of course not. You would happily dump that on the rest of us.
you don't think that happens today under obummerfail? what fking world do you libs live in? my gawd you fks have no commone sense or logical thought. everything is a fking extreme.

is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no, you want me to pay double on all my shit, pay for someone else to get it for free? you all make me fking laugh.

BTW, I pay for all my maintenance on my car outside of my car insurance. That is to protect me in case I one total a car or hurt someone. not to go get oil changes and tire rotations. you want us to pay for the poor's doctor's visit. their maintenance. and then you all state it's a right. fk off.
is there a policy around today for catastrophic care? no,

Truly clueless. :laugh2:

You morons are trying to argue shit you have no idea about.
sure I do. I will pay all my own medical bills as I go, and carry catastrophic coverage in the event I need care outside my pocketbook. Just like I do with car insurance. you still haven't addressed what is different.

You just claimed there is no catastrophic coverage, dope. :laugh2:
I know, it's what I want. let the obummerfail die. I give two shits.
Breaking news: Some republicans are asking dems to help them redo their failed bill.
Imagine... Congress working together for the good of America. It's been so long since the GOP has done this they're totally out of practice.
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
So the MSM/Democrats have been crying about 22 million will become UNINSURED!!
OH WOE!!! CBS/ABC/NBC all lead on the CBO findings "22 million will be UNINSURED!
ONLY Fox gave a fair assessment:"While 22 million will be uninsured the FEDERAL DEFICIT WOULD BE REDUCED BY $321 BILLION!!!!


The Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) have completed an estimate of the direct spending and revenue effects of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, a CBO and JCT estimate that enacting this legislation would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $321 billion. That amount is $202 billion more than the estimated net savings for the version of H.R. 1628 that was passed by the House of Representatives.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law—primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated.
The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number projected under current law would reach 19 million in 2020 and 22 million in 2026.
H.R. 1628, Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017
"primarily because the penalty for not having insurance"
Because they WON"T BE PENALIZED for not having insurance!

They won't be penalized i.e. forced to buy something they may not NEED!!!!
Again folks THERE NEVER WERE 46 million people that were legal citizens, that KNEW about Medicaid qualifications and that WANTE health insurance! IT WAS A FABRICATION!!!
View attachment 135658
lol if your only point is a small reduction to the deficit and the fact that they won't be penalized for not having insurance, then this thread is a waste.

Two things:

1) The senate version of the bill does include penalties for not having insurance

2) Trump will inevitably skyrocket the deficit anyway given his tax cuts.
lower taxes always brings in more revenue. It's what you want. more revenue. so, not sure how you get there. you must be a polly
It's astounding to me you actually believe that.
well it is a fact here:

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?
"The next time you find yourself engaged in this debate and someone tells you that you that taxes must be raised to pay down the debt, you can refer them to this article. In conclusion, as JFK, Reagan, and George W. Bush understood, reducing taxes has a stimulative effect on economic activity which leads to an increase in government reciepts. You can't argue with history!"
Okay I can't even load the article but I know it's bullshit because 1) it's Forbes so I know it's rightwing garbage and 2) it simply makes the point that there's a small increase in revenue. This may be true, but that doesn't at all mean the tax cut is paid for. The revenue gained does not even come close to the amount of revenue lost. How do we know this? Because Bush exploded the deficit.

You refer to tax receipts increasing but this isn't the accurate way to measure revenue. Because of rising inflation, more raw dollars are needed over time to pay the same value in a product. To accurately measure revenue, you have to compute it as a percentage of GDP. Under Bush this figure dipped from 20% of GDP to 15% of GDP. That was a loss in overall revenue even if the raw dollars were still high. It's also fallacious to conflate cutting taxes with receipts simply because of inflation.

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