Justice Department apologizes, finally admits Obama IRS singled out conservatives

Even when the official Leftists come out and ADMIT they broke the law and lied snowflakes on this board still argue that it isn't true.


Except leftists didn't. The goons Trump put in charge did.
Re-read the article. Obama's IRS wrote the letter / admitted Guilt. In an earlier link I posted it showed Lois Lerner apologized to reporters for her department engaging in the targeting...right before she stepped in front of Congress to quasi-plead the 5th. And, again, Koskinen was caught red-handed in a lie before Congress. During his 2nd testimony, Gowdy stopped Koskinen after he made a statement and replayed his earlier testimony, revealing his Perjury. Your attempt to claim it was only Trump that claimed / admitted Obama IRS guilt has failed. For once 'man up', be honest...instead of continuing to prove me right how even in the face of admission snowflakes will go as far as call their own liars to claim it did not happen.
Even when the official Leftists come out and ADMIT they broke the law and lied snowflakes on this board still argue that it isn't true.


Except leftists didn't. The goons Trump put in charge did.

Here's the thing. Lerner did apply the law appropriately. These groups were not Social Welfare groups, which is what they were applying for (allowing them a tax exemption and not having to list their donors). These groups were political advocacy groups (where they were still entitled to a tax exemption, but had to make their donors public).

It's just another sign that our system is broken.
trump put the IRS in charge to target conservative groups?

wow. will wonders ever cease?
Even when the official Leftists come out and ADMIT they broke the law and lied snowflakes on this board still argue that it isn't true.


Except leftists didn't. The goons Trump put in charge did.

Here's the thing. Lerner did apply the law appropriately. These groups were not Social Welfare groups, which is what they were applying for (allowing them a tax exemption and not having to list their donors). These groups were political advocacy groups (where they were still entitled to a tax exemption, but had to make their donors public).

It's just another sign that our system is broken.

So Lois pleads the 5th and they apologized for being the dirty scum they are and you still dont believe it?
You're taking denial to a whole nother level...to the point of psychosis really.
The IRS ADMITTED what it did, and you still attempt to argue it did not happen / 'nothing to see here'.

Trumps goons giving in to the right winger nutters proves nothing, buddy.

but instead of sending him to Prison like the Democrats did to Scooter Libby for the same offense,

Scooter Libby never went to prison, and it was a Republican who prosecuted him.

A 'deal' was struck (like we would be able to strike such a deal if found guilty of perjury), and he is going to be allowed to finish out his time, stepping down on 13 Nov 2017 without any punishment for his proven crimes.

Well, the thing was, they didn't have a case, so there's that. Unlike Libby, who actually was caught in lies.



The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determination process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding some Plaintiffs’ information that TIGTA determined, was unnecessary to the agency’s determination of their tax-exempt status, was wrong,” the IRS said in court documents. “For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.”


Now all we need is for all the lying, denying, justifying, and / or ignorant snowflakes on this board who claimed this never happened while insulting and attacking anyone who said differently to apologize like the IRS did and admit they were wrong, too.

(Don't worry - I won't hold my breath.....)

Trump DOJ settles lawsuits over Tea Party targeting by Obama IRS

I'm thinking reparations are in order.

I'll take a cool million.
So Lois pleads the 5th and they apologized for being the dirty scum they are and you still dont believe it?
You're taking denial to a whole nother level...to the point of psychosis really.

Hey, she'd be dumb not to plead the fifth.

You do realize the fifth is in the constitution for a reason, right?

For crooked politicians to avoid prosecution?
The IRS didn't target Conservatives ... which does not explain why the IRS used questions, word-for-word, Lerner declared were more detailed / specific than what was legally required, questions sent to them by CUMMINGS, in the scrutiny of Conservative groups.
Funny how none of the conservative groups were ever turned down and any delay can easily be explained by the huge number of their duped idiot TP groups LOL. Another stupid phony scandal... Comes down to the Cincinnati IRS office tried to figure out a way to make their jobs a little easier... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. But carry on, dupes.
Funny how you are full of crap and continue to prove my point - despite Lois Lerner and the IRS ADMITTING they did it, snowflakes continue to argue they didn't.

The IRS didn't target Conservatives ... which does not explain why the IRS used questions, word-for-word, Lerner declared were more detailed / specific than what was legally required, questions sent to them by CUMMINGS, in the scrutiny of Conservative groups.

Again, conservatives were the ones trying to game the system, not liberals.
The IRS didn't target Conservatives ... which does not explain why the IRS used questions, word-for-word, Lerner declared were more detailed / specific than what was legally required, questions sent to them by CUMMINGS, in the scrutiny of Conservative groups.

Again, conservatives were the ones trying to game the system, not liberals.

How were they trying to game the system?
The IRS didn't target Conservatives ... which does not explain why the IRS used questions, word-for-word, Lerner declared were more detailed / specific than what was legally required, questions sent to them by CUMMINGS, in the scrutiny of Conservative groups.

Again, conservatives were the ones trying to game the system, not liberals.


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