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Turns Out There Is A "Deep State"

Your list contains wars DEEPLY rooted in religious dogma.
We went from burning witches (lol at that nutbaggery) to molesting little boys.
Organized religion is evil in every sense of the world and mankind is likely hundreds of years behind in knowledge and technology as a result.

To blame ALL Christians for the misguided deeds of SOME is to blame all Americans past & present for early American slavery. And you also would be incorrect.
As if ALL Christians burned witches and ALL Christians molest little boys.

You paint with far too wide a brush. Those who oppose religion, also resist the notion that much good has been done in the name of religion, to the benefit of mankind.

Among the early scientists of note who held the Biblical creationist world view are Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), and Samuel Morse (1791-1872) - what motivated them was a confidence in the "rationality" behind the universe and the "goodness" of the material world.

Christianity and Technological Advance - The Astonishing Connection

Religious belief is not inherently a bad thing. And bad people can distort intent.
A good post. As I stated earlier I did not wish to dog on religion but only respond when quoted.
I never ment to suggest all Christians are bad and in fact don't believe that. I do believe they are all misguided but that means little in the grand scheme of things.
My main point is that ORGANIZED religion is a farce and has held back the human race from advancements because of the dogma it is founded upon.
I have noticed a slight change in the practice of denying science but at this point the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, so the church can no longer fight the flood waters. At this point they are trying to co opt scientific study with grand announcements about how they don't disprove the bible despite not being contained in the book who's very pages say anything added to them is false. (Run on sentence, I know)

I've disprove every one of your claims.

Nor have I stated support for any particular iteration of religion, simply pointed out that religion is a step forward for humanity, as opposed to the secular iterations of religion: communism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Fascism and Nazism.

All of the above six subscribe to the very antithesis of Judeo-Christian tradition.....this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
Your list contains wars DEEPLY rooted in religious dogma.
We went from burning witches (lol at that nutbaggery) to molesting little boys.
Organized religion is evil in every sense of the world and mankind is likely hundreds of years behind in knowledge and technology as a result.

To blame ALL Christians for the misguided deeds of SOME is to blame all Americans past & present for early American slavery. And you also would be incorrect.
As if ALL Christians burned witches and ALL Christians molest little boys.

You paint with far too wide a brush. Those who oppose religion, also resist the notion that much good has been done in the name of religion, to the benefit of mankind.

Among the early scientists of note who held the Biblical creationist world view are Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), and Samuel Morse (1791-1872) - what motivated them was a confidence in the "rationality" behind the universe and the "goodness" of the material world.

Christianity and Technological Advance - The Astonishing Connection

Religious belief is not inherently a bad thing. And bad people can distort intent.
A good post. As I stated earlier I did not wish to dog on religion but only respond when quoted.
I never ment to suggest all Christians are bad and in fact don't believe that. I do believe they are all misguided but that means little in the grand scheme of things.
My main point is that ORGANIZED religion is a farce and has held back the human race from advancements because of the dogma it is founded upon.
I have noticed a slight change in the practice of denying science but at this point the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, so the church can no longer fight the flood waters. At this point they are trying to co opt scientific study with grand announcements about how they don't disprove the bible despite not being contained in the book who's very pages say anything added to them is false. (Run on sentence, I know)

I've disprove every one of your claims.

Nor have I stated support for any particular iteration of religion, simply pointed out that religion is a step forward for humanity, as opposed to the secular iterations of religion: communism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Fascism and Nazism.

All of the above six subscribe to the very antithesis of Judeo-Christian tradition.....this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
You can not disprove a non belief in religion or its impact on humanity anymore than you can prove God is real.

A bit full of yourself I think.
Your list contains wars DEEPLY rooted in religious dogma.
We went from burning witches (lol at that nutbaggery) to molesting little boys.
Organized religion is evil in every sense of the world and mankind is likely hundreds of years behind in knowledge and technology as a result.

To blame ALL Christians for the misguided deeds of SOME is to blame all Americans past & present for early American slavery. And you also would be incorrect.
As if ALL Christians burned witches and ALL Christians molest little boys.

You paint with far too wide a brush. Those who oppose religion, also resist the notion that much good has been done in the name of religion, to the benefit of mankind.

Among the early scientists of note who held the Biblical creationist world view are Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), and Samuel Morse (1791-1872) - what motivated them was a confidence in the "rationality" behind the universe and the "goodness" of the material world.

Christianity and Technological Advance - The Astonishing Connection

Religious belief is not inherently a bad thing. And bad people can distort intent.
A good post. As I stated earlier I did not wish to dog on religion but only respond when quoted.
I never ment to suggest all Christians are bad and in fact don't believe that. I do believe they are all misguided but that means little in the grand scheme of things.
My main point is that ORGANIZED religion is a farce and has held back the human race from advancements because of the dogma it is founded upon.
I have noticed a slight change in the practice of denying science but at this point the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, so the church can no longer fight the flood waters. At this point they are trying to co opt scientific study with grand announcements about how they don't disprove the bible despite not being contained in the book who's very pages say anything added to them is false. (Run on sentence, I know)

I've disprove every one of your claims.

Nor have I stated support for any particular iteration of religion, simply pointed out that religion is a step forward for humanity, as opposed to the secular iterations of religion: communism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Fascism and Nazism.

All of the above six subscribe to the very antithesis of Judeo-Christian tradition.....this:

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
You can not disprove a non belief in religion or its impact on humanity anymore than you can prove God is real.

A bit full of yourself I think.

"You can not disprove a non belief in religion or its impact on humanity..."

Of course I can, you dunce.

If you missed the century of slaughter, the 20th, here it is:





Pol Pot...2,397,000



#14 Liberal Demagoguery, Hate and Violence – A Compendium

And here is the reason:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by thedemocratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

This is the basis, the explanation, for the anti-Religion view you've been taught in government schools, and by the secular media.

It comes directly from communist, Marxist, Soviet ideology.

"This concept is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universewithout a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report Essays

Even in the 19th century, as religious conviction waned, the warnings were there. Ivan Karamazov, in “The Brothers Karamazov,” exclaimed ‘if God does not exist, then everything is permitted.’

And so it was.

"A bit full of yourself I think."

Guilty as charged.
The real Deep State looks more like this.

Project Veritas: Deep State Deeper than you want to believe


Our investigation found several revelations:

DOJ employee claims that her colleagues discuss how to resist President Trump from the inside, including "slowing what they do." She is not concerned about repercussions and brags, "at the DOJ, we can't like get fired.

Rogue agents reportedly using DOJ resources to target political opponents; run their license plates; and target them at their homes.

Employees leaking confidential informationat the Department of Health and Human Services to undermine the administration.

But the roots of the Deep State run deep. There is more to uproot and unmask.

From Political Pistachio: Project Veritas: Deep State Deeper than you want to believe
Add this to the long list of actions people like Comey, Brennan, Clinton, Obama, Strozk, McCabe, Baker, Ohr, Page, Yates, and others took against the president, and plots they hatched to derail his presidency, with their obstructing of justice, withholding information, leaking classified intel, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, Surveilling a presidential candidate, leaking Classified Conversations between The President, and other heads of state, knowingly using Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama Bin Lying and Hillary "Cankles" Clinton to launch an "Insurance Policy" Coup against the president, and we ought to be having trials and hangings reminiscent of Nuremberg in Washington DC instead of having to listen to these liars vomit forth their venom on Marxist News Networks nightly.

Then add that to how The FBI and DOJ Comey & Lynch and how they bent OVER BACKWARDS to IGNORE THE LAW and grant Clinton's whole gang of criminals Immunity, exonerating them before they even testified and then conveniently not recording the interviews, intentionally not taking any notes on them, allowing the Clinton team to hand over wiped phones without SIM cards, allowing her to violate two Court Orders not to delete anything on her server, let alone 30,000 emails, and allowing her to lie under oath multiple times and then NEVER PROSECUTING her for it. She has 17 devices, not one she smashed with a ballpeen hammer. For Heaven's sake, the woman gave her Maid and a Pedophile classified documents as well as her inner circle of friends for purposes of insider trading. Comey and Mueller never noticed apparently, just like they never noticed Millions in bribes paid out to politicians who had influence over the Uranium One Approval.

She used Burner Phones, Secret Email Accounts, Secret Servers, and lied about it. The President and his Staff lied about Clinton's Secret Server saying they didn't know it existed yet there were thousands of emails on Clinton's server back and forth between her and his staff and him, and not from OFFICIAL GOV EMAIL ADDRESSES, NO, they used ALIASES and ACCOUNTS OUTSIDE of the CONTROL of GOV IT and SECURITY.

No administration, and NO single Group have people have went to those Extraordinary Lengths to cover their tracks, to conceal their communications and intentions, and to violate THE LAW claiming to be "transparent" while engaging in cloak and dagger operations, and being extremely secretive and opaque.

If there was a DEEP STATE, this is IT, From Gun Running to Terrorists and Drug Cartels, to plotting the assassinations of world leaders, to planning COUPS in places like Egypt, Libya, and Turkey.....its all there....even right down to giving Billions Illegally given to a Terrorist State in Violation of International Law, and releasing mass murders back in to the battlefield, and aiding and abetting our enemies in to achieving Nuclear Weapons and building more reliable ICBMs.

If you ask me, Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton were and are actively engaged in Undermining American Interests around the globe and actively assisted our adversaries.
Obama in my book is what I would call The Marxist Manchurian Candidate, and he far more dangerous than any boogieman like Putin to our American way of life.
Last edited:
There is that aroma of irony around the topic: the same folks who rant that there is no God, are the very same ranting that there is no 'Deep State'.....while big government and its Deep State IS their god!

1." I know opponents of President Donald Trump roll their eyes in ridicule at the mere suggestion of a deep state committed to undermining Trump's agenda. That's the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theorists or unhinged Trumpublican tribalists, they say.

2. Well, James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, has shown, again, that there is a "there" there.

3. ...unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in.

4. The Obama administration's IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn't an empty partisan allegation from an imaginary "right-wing conspiracy." In 2013, an IRS official admitted scrutinizing groups with right wing identifying names, such as "Tea Party" and "patriots." An inspector general's report that year confirmed this nefarious practice.

5. At least two groups of cases were settled in 2017 with the IRS agreeing to a "substantial financial settlement" in one and expressing "its sincere apology" in another. This is the kind of tyrannical behavior that liberals used to care about.

6. In a case involving the Linchpins of Liberty and some 40 other conservative organizations, the IRS confessed that it used "heighted scrutiny and inordinate delays" and required unnecessary information in its review of applications for tax-exemptions.

7. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots case, involving more than 400 groups, plaintiffs contended the IRS used their tax information for improper purposes.

8. ...James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, ....recently released secret videotapes in which some of these boorish bureaucrats brazenly admit their chicanery, and even brag about it.

9. On Tuesday, Project Veritas released the first of its tapes unmasking these proud pinheads boasting of sabotaging the Trump agenda. The video features State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, a smarmy, self-proclaimed socialist using his government position to resist official Trump administration policies. Karaffa is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America...

10. He admits to drafting DSA communications at his worksite. "I'm careful about it," says Karaffa. "I don't leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s--- that comes up, I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out." Precious."
Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded


a deep state of conservatives and evangelicals....behind the scenes.......working to make America a christian nation.....

newt gingrich "we must change the laws of the land to reflect our religious (christian) beliefs and see to it that they can NEVER be changed again!"


"I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.
There is that aroma of irony around the topic: the same folks who rant that there is no God, are the very same ranting that there is no 'Deep State'.....while big government and its Deep State IS their god!

1." I know opponents of President Donald Trump roll their eyes in ridicule at the mere suggestion of a deep state committed to undermining Trump's agenda. That's the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theorists or unhinged Trumpublican tribalists, they say.

2. Well, James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, has shown, again, that there is a "there" there.

3. ...unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in.

4. The Obama administration's IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn't an empty partisan allegation from an imaginary "right-wing conspiracy." In 2013, an IRS official admitted scrutinizing groups with right wing identifying names, such as "Tea Party" and "patriots." An inspector general's report that year confirmed this nefarious practice.

5. At least two groups of cases were settled in 2017 with the IRS agreeing to a "substantial financial settlement" in one and expressing "its sincere apology" in another. This is the kind of tyrannical behavior that liberals used to care about.

6. In a case involving the Linchpins of Liberty and some 40 other conservative organizations, the IRS confessed that it used "heighted scrutiny and inordinate delays" and required unnecessary information in its review of applications for tax-exemptions.

7. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots case, involving more than 400 groups, plaintiffs contended the IRS used their tax information for improper purposes.

8. ...James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, ....recently released secret videotapes in which some of these boorish bureaucrats brazenly admit their chicanery, and even brag about it.

9. On Tuesday, Project Veritas released the first of its tapes unmasking these proud pinheads boasting of sabotaging the Trump agenda. The video features State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, a smarmy, self-proclaimed socialist using his government position to resist official Trump administration policies. Karaffa is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America...

10. He admits to drafting DSA communications at his worksite. "I'm careful about it," says Karaffa. "I don't leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s--- that comes up, I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out." Precious."
Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded


a deep state of conservatives and evangelicals....behind the scenes.......working to make America a christian nation.....

newt gingrich "we must change the laws of the land to reflect our religious (christian) beliefs and see to it that they can NEVER be changed again!"


"I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I can save you some time and effort: it is not necessary for you to re-prove that you are a lying moron, on a daily basis.

Consider the description eternal.
There is that aroma of irony around the topic: the same folks who rant that there is no God, are the very same ranting that there is no 'Deep State'.....while big government and its Deep State IS their god!

1." I know opponents of President Donald Trump roll their eyes in ridicule at the mere suggestion of a deep state committed to undermining Trump's agenda. That's the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theorists or unhinged Trumpublican tribalists, they say.

2. Well, James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, has shown, again, that there is a "there" there.

3. ...unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in.

4. The Obama administration's IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn't an empty partisan allegation from an imaginary "right-wing conspiracy." In 2013, an IRS official admitted scrutinizing groups with right wing identifying names, such as "Tea Party" and "patriots." An inspector general's report that year confirmed this nefarious practice.

5. At least two groups of cases were settled in 2017 with the IRS agreeing to a "substantial financial settlement" in one and expressing "its sincere apology" in another. This is the kind of tyrannical behavior that liberals used to care about.

6. In a case involving the Linchpins of Liberty and some 40 other conservative organizations, the IRS confessed that it used "heighted scrutiny and inordinate delays" and required unnecessary information in its review of applications for tax-exemptions.

7. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots case, involving more than 400 groups, plaintiffs contended the IRS used their tax information for improper purposes.

8. ...James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, ....recently released secret videotapes in which some of these boorish bureaucrats brazenly admit their chicanery, and even brag about it.

9. On Tuesday, Project Veritas released the first of its tapes unmasking these proud pinheads boasting of sabotaging the Trump agenda. The video features State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, a smarmy, self-proclaimed socialist using his government position to resist official Trump administration policies. Karaffa is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America...

10. He admits to drafting DSA communications at his worksite. "I'm careful about it," says Karaffa. "I don't leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s--- that comes up, I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out." Precious."
Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded


a deep state of conservatives and evangelicals....behind the scenes.......working to make America a christian nation.....

newt gingrich "we must change the laws of the land to reflect our religious (christian) beliefs and see to it that they can NEVER be changed again!"


"I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

But Gingrich is Catholic
There is that aroma of irony around the topic: the same folks who rant that there is no God, are the very same ranting that there is no 'Deep State'.....while big government and its Deep State IS their god!

1." I know opponents of President Donald Trump roll their eyes in ridicule at the mere suggestion of a deep state committed to undermining Trump's agenda. That's the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theorists or unhinged Trumpublican tribalists, they say.

2. Well, James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, has shown, again, that there is a "there" there.

3. ...unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in.

4. The Obama administration's IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn't an empty partisan allegation from an imaginary "right-wing conspiracy." In 2013, an IRS official admitted scrutinizing groups with right wing identifying names, such as "Tea Party" and "patriots." An inspector general's report that year confirmed this nefarious practice.

5. At least two groups of cases were settled in 2017 with the IRS agreeing to a "substantial financial settlement" in one and expressing "its sincere apology" in another. This is the kind of tyrannical behavior that liberals used to care about.

6. In a case involving the Linchpins of Liberty and some 40 other conservative organizations, the IRS confessed that it used "heighted scrutiny and inordinate delays" and required unnecessary information in its review of applications for tax-exemptions.

7. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots case, involving more than 400 groups, plaintiffs contended the IRS used their tax information for improper purposes.

8. ...James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, ....recently released secret videotapes in which some of these boorish bureaucrats brazenly admit their chicanery, and even brag about it.

9. On Tuesday, Project Veritas released the first of its tapes unmasking these proud pinheads boasting of sabotaging the Trump agenda. The video features State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, a smarmy, self-proclaimed socialist using his government position to resist official Trump administration policies. Karaffa is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America...

10. He admits to drafting DSA communications at his worksite. "I'm careful about it," says Karaffa. "I don't leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s--- that comes up, I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out." Precious."
Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded
Okeefe is a fraud.

should be in jail.
YES Hillary=The Deep State and SHE is trying to win from behind the scenes and SHE tried to win by pushing Bernie Sanders aside.
Osama Bin Laden could not schedule multiple war games on 9/11 which would leave the nation defenseless. The Deep State can... Wake up you fuktards.

9-11 Research: War Games

Multiple War Games Were Being Conducted on 9/11/01
Several different war game exercises were in play on the day of the attack. The limited public information on these exercises shows that they simulated the following events:

  • Hijackings
  • Attacks on buildings using aircraft as missiles
  • Attacks using toxic or infectious substances
These events are all elements of the actual attack, which involved four alleged hijackings, three jetliner crashes into buildings, and the toxic calamity at Ground Zero in the wake of the World Trade Center's destruction.

Operation Northern Vigilance
Conducted from September 9-11, this exercise redeployed jets that normally patrolled the northeast sector to northern Canada and Alaska. It echoed a Russian exercise scheduled from September 10-14 in which long-range bombers were dispatched to their northern territory. 1

The Vigilant Warrior and Vigilant Guardian Training Exercises
These were apparently a pair of war games (attacker versus defender) which involved live-fly simulations of hijackings. Both this pair of exercises and Northern Vigilance probably involved the use of "injects" into screens to simulate aircraft. These games apparently resembled the actual attack sufficiently to confuse military officers, as suggested by the following transcript.

FAA Boston Center contacts NEADS, saying, "We need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out."

“Is this real world or an exercise?” asked the military liaison officer?

"No, this is not an exercise," responded the FAA official. "Not a test." 2
The only known source for the exercise named Vigilant Warrior is Richard Clarke's book, Against All Enemies. 3 It is possible that the exercise referred to by Clarke was actually Amalgam Warrior, a NORAD field training exercise involving life-fly air interception, held twice yearly, in the spring on the East Coast and the fall on the East Coast. 4

The Global Guardian Exercise
On the morning of the attack, a large-scale military training exercise called Global Guardian was "in full swing." Global Guardian is an annual exercise involving Stratcom (the US Strategic Command), the US Space Command, and NORAD. 5

There is evidence that the date of the 2001 Global Guardian exercise was changed to correspond with the the terrorist attack. NBC News military analyst William Arkin, in his book Code Names, gives the date of the exercise as October 22-31, 2001. 6 Also, a military newspaper, the Space Observer, reported in an article dated 3/23/01 that the exercise was scheduled for October of that year.

Stratcon directed the exercise, which included all the US strategic forces, from Offutt Air Force Base. 7

The National Reconnaissance Office Plane Crash Drill
The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) "provides our nation its eyes and ears in space." It operates a system of reconnaissance satellites to provide real-time monitoring of objects in the skies. On 9/11/01 the NRO headquarters in Chantilly, VA, were evacuated as part of a "plane into building" drill. The scenario involved a small corporate jet crashing into one of the campus' four towers. 8

The Timely Alert II Terrorism Drill
On the morning of the attack, personnel at the Fort Monmouth Army base in New Jersey were preparing to hold a drill, for the days of September 11 and 12, to test preparedness to respond to a chemical attack. The exercise was to involve law enforcement and emergency responders including the New Jersey State Police and Fort Monmouth Fire Department. 9 Just before the exercise was to commence, reports of the attack in New York City surfaced and "real world events overtook the exercise," in the words of Army spokesman Timothy L. Rider. 10


FEMA training manual cover
The Tripod II Biowarfare Exercise
FEMA had deployed to New York City on September 10 to set up a command post at Pier 29, supposedly in preparation for a biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. 11


1. [cached]
2. [cached]
3. Complete 911 Timeline: Military Exercises Up to 9/11, CooperativeResearch.org,
5. Code Names, 2005
7. Stratcom commander: Mission is broadening in fight against terrorism, Associated Press, 2/21/02 [cached]
8. [cached]
9. Exercise tests force protection, monmouth.army.mil, [cached]
10. Training exercise quickly became reality, the Hub, [cached]
11. Tripod II and FEMA: Lack of NORAD Response on 9/11 Explained, FromTheWilderness.com, 2004 [cached]
There is that aroma of irony around the topic: the same folks who rant that there is no God, are the very same ranting that there is no 'Deep State'.....while big government and its Deep State IS their god!

1." I know opponents of President Donald Trump roll their eyes in ridicule at the mere suggestion of a deep state committed to undermining Trump's agenda. That's the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theorists or unhinged Trumpublican tribalists, they say.

2. Well, James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, has shown, again, that there is a "there" there.

3. ...unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in.

4. The Obama administration's IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn't an empty partisan allegation from an imaginary "right-wing conspiracy." In 2013, an IRS official admitted scrutinizing groups with right wing identifying names, such as "Tea Party" and "patriots." An inspector general's report that year confirmed this nefarious practice.

5. At least two groups of cases were settled in 2017 with the IRS agreeing to a "substantial financial settlement" in one and expressing "its sincere apology" in another. This is the kind of tyrannical behavior that liberals used to care about.

6. In a case involving the Linchpins of Liberty and some 40 other conservative organizations, the IRS confessed that it used "heighted scrutiny and inordinate delays" and required unnecessary information in its review of applications for tax-exemptions.

7. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots case, involving more than 400 groups, plaintiffs contended the IRS used their tax information for improper purposes.

8. ...James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, ....recently released secret videotapes in which some of these boorish bureaucrats brazenly admit their chicanery, and even brag about it.

9. On Tuesday, Project Veritas released the first of its tapes unmasking these proud pinheads boasting of sabotaging the Trump agenda. The video features State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, a smarmy, self-proclaimed socialist using his government position to resist official Trump administration policies. Karaffa is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America...

10. He admits to drafting DSA communications at his worksite. "I'm careful about it," says Karaffa. "I don't leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s--- that comes up, I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out." Precious."
Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded

Your proof of a 'deep state' today.....is the IRS scandal from 2013?
Osama Bin Laden could not schedule multiple war games on 9/11 which would leave the nation defenseless. The Deep State can... Wake up you fuktards.

9-11 Research: War Games

Multiple War Games Were Being Conducted on 9/11/01
Several different war game exercises were in play on the day of the attack. The limited public information on these exercises shows that they simulated the following events:

  • Hijackings
  • Attacks on buildings using aircraft as missiles
  • Attacks using toxic or infectious substances
These events are all elements of the actual attack, which involved four alleged hijackings, three jetliner crashes into buildings, and the toxic calamity at Ground Zero in the wake of the World Trade Center's destruction.

Operation Northern Vigilance
Conducted from September 9-11, this exercise redeployed jets that normally patrolled the northeast sector to northern Canada and Alaska. It echoed a Russian exercise scheduled from September 10-14 in which long-range bombers were dispatched to their northern territory. 1

The Vigilant Warrior and Vigilant Guardian Training Exercises
These were apparently a pair of war games (attacker versus defender) which involved live-fly simulations of hijackings. Both this pair of exercises and Northern Vigilance probably involved the use of "injects" into screens to simulate aircraft. These games apparently resembled the actual attack sufficiently to confuse military officers, as suggested by the following transcript.

FAA Boston Center contacts NEADS, saying, "We need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out."

“Is this real world or an exercise?” asked the military liaison officer?

"No, this is not an exercise," responded the FAA official. "Not a test." 2
The only known source for the exercise named Vigilant Warrior is Richard Clarke's book, Against All Enemies. 3 It is possible that the exercise referred to by Clarke was actually Amalgam Warrior, a NORAD field training exercise involving life-fly air interception, held twice yearly, in the spring on the East Coast and the fall on the East Coast. 4

The Global Guardian Exercise
On the morning of the attack, a large-scale military training exercise called Global Guardian was "in full swing." Global Guardian is an annual exercise involving Stratcom (the US Strategic Command), the US Space Command, and NORAD. 5

There is evidence that the date of the 2001 Global Guardian exercise was changed to correspond with the the terrorist attack. NBC News military analyst William Arkin, in his book Code Names, gives the date of the exercise as October 22-31, 2001. 6 Also, a military newspaper, the Space Observer, reported in an article dated 3/23/01 that the exercise was scheduled for October of that year.

Stratcon directed the exercise, which included all the US strategic forces, from Offutt Air Force Base. 7

The National Reconnaissance Office Plane Crash Drill
The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) "provides our nation its eyes and ears in space." It operates a system of reconnaissance satellites to provide real-time monitoring of objects in the skies. On 9/11/01 the NRO headquarters in Chantilly, VA, were evacuated as part of a "plane into building" drill. The scenario involved a small corporate jet crashing into one of the campus' four towers. 8

The Timely Alert II Terrorism Drill
On the morning of the attack, personnel at the Fort Monmouth Army base in New Jersey were preparing to hold a drill, for the days of September 11 and 12, to test preparedness to respond to a chemical attack. The exercise was to involve law enforcement and emergency responders including the New Jersey State Police and Fort Monmouth Fire Department. 9 Just before the exercise was to commence, reports of the attack in New York City surfaced and "real world events overtook the exercise," in the words of Army spokesman Timothy L. Rider. 10


FEMA training manual cover
The Tripod II Biowarfare Exercise
FEMA had deployed to New York City on September 10 to set up a command post at Pier 29, supposedly in preparation for a biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. 11


1. [cached]
2. [cached]
3. Complete 911 Timeline: Military Exercises Up to 9/11, CooperativeResearch.org,
5. Code Names, 2005
7. Stratcom commander: Mission is broadening in fight against terrorism, Associated Press, 2/21/02 [cached]
8. [cached]
9. Exercise tests force protection, monmouth.army.mil, [cached]
10. Training exercise quickly became reality, the Hub, [cached]
11. Tripod II and FEMA: Lack of NORAD Response on 9/11 Explained, FromTheWilderness.com, 2004 [cached]

And who said the 'nation was defenseless' on 911? Your premise is not supported by the evidence.
There is that aroma of irony around the topic: the same folks who rant that there is no God, are the very same ranting that there is no 'Deep State'.....while big government and its Deep State IS their god!

1." I know opponents of President Donald Trump roll their eyes in ridicule at the mere suggestion of a deep state committed to undermining Trump's agenda. That's the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theorists or unhinged Trumpublican tribalists, they say.

2. Well, James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, has shown, again, that there is a "there" there.

3. ...unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in.

4. The Obama administration's IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn't an empty partisan allegation from an imaginary "right-wing conspiracy." In 2013, an IRS official admitted scrutinizing groups with right wing identifying names, such as "Tea Party" and "patriots." An inspector general's report that year confirmed this nefarious practice.

5. At least two groups of cases were settled in 2017 with the IRS agreeing to a "substantial financial settlement" in one and expressing "its sincere apology" in another. This is the kind of tyrannical behavior that liberals used to care about.

6. In a case involving the Linchpins of Liberty and some 40 other conservative organizations, the IRS confessed that it used "heighted scrutiny and inordinate delays" and required unnecessary information in its review of applications for tax-exemptions.

7. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots case, involving more than 400 groups, plaintiffs contended the IRS used their tax information for improper purposes.

8. ...James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, ....recently released secret videotapes in which some of these boorish bureaucrats brazenly admit their chicanery, and even brag about it.

9. On Tuesday, Project Veritas released the first of its tapes unmasking these proud pinheads boasting of sabotaging the Trump agenda. The video features State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, a smarmy, self-proclaimed socialist using his government position to resist official Trump administration policies. Karaffa is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America...

10. He admits to drafting DSA communications at his worksite. "I'm careful about it," says Karaffa. "I don't leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s--- that comes up, I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out." Precious."
Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded


a deep state of conservatives and evangelicals....behind the scenes.......working to make America a christian nation.....

newt gingrich "we must change the laws of the land to reflect our religious (christian) beliefs and see to it that they can NEVER be changed again!"


"I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I can save you some time and effort: it is not necessary for you to re-prove that you are a lying moron, on a daily basis.

Consider the description eternal.
Quite a list of phony scandals you have there, all investigated, nothing.
There is that aroma of irony around the topic: the same folks who rant that there is no God, are the very same ranting that there is no 'Deep State'.....while big government and its Deep State IS their god!

1." I know opponents of President Donald Trump roll their eyes in ridicule at the mere suggestion of a deep state committed to undermining Trump's agenda. That's the stuff of paranoid conspiracy theorists or unhinged Trumpublican tribalists, they say.

2. Well, James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, has shown, again, that there is a "there" there.

3. ...unelected leftist bureaucrats embedded in the bowels of the federal government have been lawlessly targeting conservatives and abusing their power to thwart the agenda of duly elected Republican policymakers. The proof keeps pouring in.

4. The Obama administration's IRS deliberately discriminated against conservative groups in their applications for tax-exempt status. This isn't an empty partisan allegation from an imaginary "right-wing conspiracy." In 2013, an IRS official admitted scrutinizing groups with right wing identifying names, such as "Tea Party" and "patriots." An inspector general's report that year confirmed this nefarious practice.

5. At least two groups of cases were settled in 2017 with the IRS agreeing to a "substantial financial settlement" in one and expressing "its sincere apology" in another. This is the kind of tyrannical behavior that liberals used to care about.

6. In a case involving the Linchpins of Liberty and some 40 other conservative organizations, the IRS confessed that it used "heighted scrutiny and inordinate delays" and required unnecessary information in its review of applications for tax-exemptions.

7. In the NorCal Tea Party Patriots case, involving more than 400 groups, plaintiffs contended the IRS used their tax information for improper purposes.

8. ...James O'Keefe, and his Project Veritas, ....recently released secret videotapes in which some of these boorish bureaucrats brazenly admit their chicanery, and even brag about it.

9. On Tuesday, Project Veritas released the first of its tapes unmasking these proud pinheads boasting of sabotaging the Trump agenda. The video features State Department employee Stuart Karaffa, a smarmy, self-proclaimed socialist using his government position to resist official Trump administration policies. Karaffa is a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America...

10. He admits to drafting DSA communications at his worksite. "I'm careful about it," says Karaffa. "I don't leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s--- that comes up, I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out." Precious."
Project Veritas Catches Deep State Redhanded


a deep state of conservatives and evangelicals....behind the scenes.......working to make America a christian nation.....

newt gingrich "we must change the laws of the land to reflect our religious (christian) beliefs and see to it that they can NEVER be changed again!"


"I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag.

Ralph E. Reed, Jr.

I can save you some time and effort: it is not necessary for you to re-prove that you are a lying moron, on a daily basis.

Consider the description eternal.
Quite a list of phony scandals there Paul investigated not a damn thing except on your propaganda machine.

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