Justice Gorsuch on COVID-19 and Emergency Government


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale.

Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on. They threatened violators not just with civil penalties but with criminal sanctions too.

They surveilled church parking lots, recorded license plates, and issued notices warning that attendance at even outdoor services satisfying all state social-distancing and hygiene requirements could amount to criminal conduct.

They divided cities and neighborhoods into color-coded zones, forced individuals to fight for their freedoms in court on emergency timetables, and then changed their color-coded schemes when defeat in court seemed imminent.

Federal executive officials entered the act too. Not just with emergency immigration decrees. They deployed a public-health agency to regulate landlord-tenant relations nationwide.

They used a workplace-safety agency to issue a vaccination mandate for most working Americans. They threatened to fire noncompliant employees, and warned that service members who refused to vaccinate might face dishonorable discharge and confinement. Along the way, it seems federal officials may have pressured social-media companies to suppress information about pandemic policies with which they disagreed.

While executive officials issued new emergency decrees at a furious pace, state legislatures and Congress—the bodies normally responsible for adopting our laws—too often fell silent. Courts bound to protect our liberties addressed a few—but hardly all—of the intrusions upon them. In some cases, like this one, courts even allowed themselves to be used to perpetuate emergency public-health decrees for collateral purposes, itself a form of emergency-lawmaking-by-litigation.

Much more but it's a wall of text worth the read in the link

Well reasoned, educated, and aware. Just the kind of man that SHOULD be sitting on the highest Court in the land.

Compare that to the arguments of the wise Latina and her recently appointed cohort that does not know what a woman is.

I’ll wait.
In many parts of the country, particularly the deep blue areas, they enacted an equivalent to martial law on a compliant populace of scared sheeple. The only thing missing was troops patrolling for the most part.

Other areas- country, rural, red state- we pretty much continued life almost as normal.
Social distancing & masking were for the bed wetters that refused to see through the obvious psyop of a DEMPANIC!!!

It was all extra-legal because there are no legit laws that can restrict basic freedoms.
Just because so many willingly went along doesn't make it a lawful requirement
Here's a link to the whole statement ...

I don't think States can dictate border policies to the Feds ... I vote "no standing" for Arizona et. al. ... or do you want California telling you what smog controls to put on your rigs ...

The whole point of all this was to help hospitals and doctors deal with all the sickness ... they don't get paid enough to deal with illnesses ... see how much is being paid for corporate dividends? ... doesn't leave enough money behind to deal with epidemics ...

We've been warned ... next time it might be an ebola mutation ... mass graves miles long ... forget jails, we need to build more morgues ...
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In many parts of the country, particularly the deep blue areas, they enacted an equivalent to martial law on a compliant populace of scared sheeple. The only thing missing was troops patrolling for the most part.

Other areas- country, rural, red state- we pretty much continued life almost as normal.
Social distancing & masking were for the bed wetters that refused to see through the obvious psyop of a DEMPANIC!!!

It was all extra-legal because there are no legit laws that can restrict basic freedoms.
Just because so many willingly went along doesn't make it a lawful requirement
I did sort of enjoy the social distancing part. ;)
I did sort of enjoy the social distancing part. ;)

Oregon passed a state constitutional amendment stating that medical is a right ... I assume that means mandatory vaxxing is illegal ...

I enjoyed local law enforcement telling the Governor to go get bent ... send the State Police in if you want them orders enforced ... stupids let the militia go moribund ...

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