Justice Jackson asks Incredibly Stupid Question

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
It was really not a question, but a prompt to the justice department to make an argument in the guise of a question. At about one minute:

She invites the justice department, lawyer, to speculate that the issue of future presidents prosecuting their former political opponents is mitigated by the idea that every current president would have an interest in not prosecuting the former guy because they will soon be the former guy and just as vulnerable.

At least two reasons why that is illogical come to mind.

First of all, most former president, I have been effectively neutered, politically speaking. I don’t remember any talk about Bus, the younger running against Clinton Clinton’s reelection

After losing in 2020, Trump has only become stronger and more popular politically due to concerns about the validity of that particular process. Biden and Biden DOJ is going after him because he is a political threat.

Second, it is assuming an alternate reality to say that a current president would not go after the former guy in a hearing about a case in which the current administration is going after the former guy.

I think one of the biggest challenges for lawyers arguing in front of the Supreme Court in the next couple of decades will be avoiding, laughing out loud at DEI selected justice. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of the reasons that justice Elena Kagan won’t step down to avoid stepping down during the trump administration, is that, even though as a far left liberal, she hates the idea of a another Trump appointed Justice, she would hate the idea of another Kenjate Brown Jackson even worse.
It was really not a question, but a prompt to the justice department to make an argument in the guise of a question. At about one minute:

She invites the justice department, lawyer, to speculate that the issue of future presidents prosecuting their former political opponents is mitigated by the idea that every current president would have an interest in not prosecuting the former guy because they will soon be the former guy and just as vulnerable.

At least two reasons why that is illogical come to mind.

First of all, most former president, I have been effectively neutered, politically speaking. I don’t remember any talk about Bus, the younger running against Clinton Clinton’s reelection

After losing in 2020, Trump has only become stronger and more popular politically due to concerns about the validity of that particular process. Biden and Biden DOJ is going after him because he is a political threat.

Second, it is assuming an alternate reality to say that a current president would not go after the former guy in a hearing about a case in which the current administration is going after the former guy.

I think one of the biggest challenges for lawyers arguing in front of the Supreme Court in the next couple of decades will be avoiding, laughing out loud at DEI selected justice. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of the reasons that justice Elena Kagan won’t step down to avoid stepping down during the trump administration, is that, even though as a far left liberal, she hates the idea of a another Trump appointed Justice, she would hate the idea of another Kenjate Brown Jackson even worse.

What kind of bullshit babble is that? The mother-fucker committed multiple felonies. Trump deserves to be prosecuted. It has nothing to do with Biden.

Fuck Trump and fuck the right wing members of SCOTUS. They are un-American and batshit crazy!
The Scotus hasn't even decided whether a president picking his nose in public is a personal or official act!

As it applies to there being any recourse to punishment of a president by the law the Fanding Fouthers dumped on America.
What kind of bullshit babble is that? The mother-fucker committed multiple felonies. Trump deserves to be prosecuted. It has nothing to do with Biden.
Then why was Nathan Wade communicating with the White House? Looking for another sugar mamma?

Fuck Trump and fuck the right wing members of SCOTUS. They are un-American and batshit crazy!
They live in your head. It’s rent free for them, but it must be costing you years off your life.
Then why was Nathan Wade communicating with the White House? Looking for another sugar mamma?

They live in your head. It’s rent free for them, but it must be costing you years off your life.
Who knows why he was communicating with the WH. It doesn't change the fact that Trump committed multiple felonies.
Who knows why he was communicating with the WH.
I do. Couldn't be easier to figure out. He was getting advice on how to "GET TRUMP." What else would it be?

If you dont' know why he was communicating with the WH, do you know why he shouldn't have been?
It doesn't change the fact that Trump committed multiple felonies.
It shows that all of the legal cases against amount to one big plan to GET TRUMP. They should all be prosecuted immediately for official corruption, malicious prosecution and being a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization.

But, we'll have to wait for Trump's AG for that.
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There is no guilt until a conviction .. they are just charges. Just like OJ was charged with murder and left a free man.

Try taking some basic government and economics .. I have a 6th grade book you can borrow.
Why are you acting like you are the only one who knows this.
I do. Couldn't be easier to figure out. He was getting advice on how to "GET TRUMP." What else would it be?

If you dont' know why he was communicating with the WH, do you know why he shouldn't have been?

It shows that all of the legal cases against amount to one big plan to GET TRUMP. They should all be prosecuted immediately for official corruption, malicious prosecution and being a Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization.

But, we'll have to wait for Trump's AG for that.
I don't give a shit if him and Biden were having a couple of beers and talking about how to decorate Trump's jail cell, Biden didn't commit the crimes, Trump did. And no one is above the law.

Has Biden ever said he would fire any prosecutor who didn't charge Trump with felonies? Well, that's what Trump said this past week in the Times interview. That he would fire any prosecutor that didn't prosecute his political rivals.
I don't give a shit if him and Biden were having a couple of beers and talking about how to decorate Trump's jail cell, Biden didn't commit the crimes, Trump did. And no one is above the law.
Trump hasn’t been found guilty of any crimes, so your statement is not based on the law.
Has Biden ever said he would fire any prosecutor who didn't charge Trump with felonies? Well, that's what Trump said this past week in the Times interview. That he would fire any prosecutor that didn't prosecute his political rivals.
Why would Biden need to say that? His prosecutors are literally making things up to prosecute Trump for.

It will be very amusing to hear Democrats cry over Trump 2.0 prosecuting rivals. That gander sauce never tastes good to them.

What excuses will they use to claim it is different when Trump does it, do you think?
Trump hasn’t been found guilty of any crimes, so your statement is not based on the law.

Why would Biden need to say that? His prosecutors are literally making things up to prosecute Trump for.

It will be very amusing to hear Democrats cry over Trump 2.0 prosecuting rivals. That gander sauce never tastes good to them.

What excuses will they use to claim it is different when Trump does it, do you think?
What crimes were made up? You shot your mouth off, now back it up! What crimes were made up?
What crimes were made up? You shot your mouth off, now back it up! What crimes were made up?
I didn't say that they were making up "crimes." I said they are making up "things."

That's why we are seeing a lengthy trial in which no crime has yet been mentioned by any prosecution witness.
I didn't say that they were making up "crimes." I said they are making up "things."

That's why we are seeing a lengthy trial in which no crime has yet been mentioned by any prosecution witness.
Nice tap dance! We only have one trial going on right now and the prosecution is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump committed campaign violations.

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