Justice League: Leviathan


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The upcoming Justice League movie has me reminiscent of the Superfriends and JLA cartoons as well as the colorful Legion of Doom characters and how the storyboards signified an American fascination with re-presenting democratic values.


The Justice League (Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Hawkgirl, and Flash) members were pondering what the new coalition of evil, member of the ominous Legion of Doom (Captain Cold, Joker, Count Vertigo, Black Manta, Poison Ivy, and Lex Luthor) were planning to do at SeaWorld in San Diego, California. The JLA decided to fortify SeaWorld and have Aquaman head the initiative, while Green Arrow inspected the California earthquake fault-lines. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor told Poison Ivy to drive a wedge between Aquaman and Wonder Woman (who were romantically involved) by planting seeds of adultery.

Lantern believed the Legion of Doom intended to release a sea-beast or lab-engineered super-monster called 'leviathan' into the killer whale tank at SeaWorld. He ordered Aquaman to ensure that all security measures were recorded properly. Arrow discovered that Captain Cold intended to freeze the San Andreas fault-line with a deadly ice-ray and then have Black Manta create enough turbulence to induce a terrible earthquake. Arrow reported these findings back to the JLA, and Lantern decided that Lex Luthor planned the entire SeaWorld terrorist-initiative to create mass panic.

As Wonder Woman boarded her invisible jet and planned to fly over the San Andreas fault-line area for inspection, Poison Ivy went to lure Aquaman into a deadly love-trap, insisting to the aquatic superhero who was about to be wed to Wonder Woman that Lex Luthor's SeaWorld initiative was simply meant to draw attention to the need for more eco-consciousness. Aquaman was at first very suspicious but then began to ponder the practicality of using terrorism to stir attention towards Earth's ecosystems. Poison Ivy made the offer to Aquaman that he join the Legion of Doom just for this one eco-initiative involving Sea World. Wonder Woman started getting psychic waves and decided to swoop down to meet Aquaman.

After Wonder Woman dispelled Poison Ivy and brought Aquaman back to his senses, the aquatic superhero continued his anti-terrorism defense initiative surrounding SeaWorld, while Green Arrow ad Hawkgirl secured the San Andreas fault-line areas and thwarted the submarine missile attack of Black Manta with well-placed sonic arrows that confounded Black Manta's submarine computer-navigation systems. When the members of the JLA met back at their headquarters, Green Lantern congratulated everyone on a job well done and reminded the superheroes that defending SeaWorld from any monstrosity required teamwork and a love of the democratic values that made America great.

Lex Luthor was in his quarters at the Legion of Doom fortress doodling away, making drawings of his lab-engineered super-seabeast called 'leviathan.' Luthor suspected that Green Lantern had already surmised that this creature had been generated by the Legion of Doom, but he still plotted to release the 'dragon' somewhere and somehow (if not in SeaWorld!). Luthor sneered to himself and said, "If the JLA can foil my plan to release leviathan into SeaWorld, it will surely have a greater challenge stopping leviathan once I release the slimy creature into the Atlantic Ocean!" Poison Ivy was going to be part of this new plan to wreak havoc into the Atlantic, and only Wonder Woman knew how to stop her. Lantern's biggest worry was that tackling Luthor would bring out the worst qualities in the JLA and subvert America's 'wish-song' for democracy!



Green Lantern Diary Entry:

"January 2017

Taking stock of the events that unfolded in the last 20 years, including 9/11, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Paris Bombing, and the WikiLeaks initiative suggests to me that the high traffic of the modern era is drawing not only profiteers but also terrorists.

The JLA is in a position to assert its authority as the premier defender of democracy in America and elsewhere in the world. If Arrow, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, and the other JLA members continue to work within the system and through the system, Americans and everyone around the world will feel generally better about traffic-stability infrastructures such as Facebook, Subway, the European Union, and NAFTA.

Therefore, I believe it is necessary to elucidate the matter that the priority of the JLA is to root out terrorism and any 'sea leviathan' Lex Luthor and his anti-social Legion of Doom plan to drop, before other terrorist organizations such as ISIS plant a foothold and create global panic.

The key will be the coordination of leadership and citizenry, and that will require the cooperation of movie studios (Hollywood) heads-of-state (Donald Trump), media moguls (Ted Turner), and local authorities (NYPD). With a little bit of luck, the role of the JLA should cement America's status as the 'true diplomat' of democracy marketing.

I plan to have Aquaman lead a pro-eco mission to protect America's national parks and oceans. With Aquaman protecting Earth's ecosystems, Lex Luthor will have a hard time releasing an 'engineered leviathan' into the Atlantic! Our biggest obstacle is anti-democracy journalists in America who may paint our activities as simply 'pro-capitalism propaganda! We don't want a Salman Rushdie scenario in the USA!"

dont say justice league members without using the words batman and superman ever again or delete your account
Cobra Commander: A New Leviathan?


Green Lantern wanted the advice of Batman and Superman in determining the future of the JLA. Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom were subsided, and Aqualad (sidekick of Aquaman) and Nightwing (sidekick of Batman) wanted to start a 'Junior Justice League' to handle a new and more human but equally unruly terrorist element known as Cobra. Cobra was led by a masked maniac and super-terrorist named Cobra Commander who was determined to destroy Aqualad and Nightwing, and Green Lantern wanted to ask Batman and Superman if they thought Aqualad and Nightwing were capable of handling a menace such as Cobra. Batman and Superman suggested to Green Lantern that the future generation of the Justice League must work to embrace their own challenges which should include Cobra.

Aqualad and Nightwing began their 'mission' with a philosophy portfolio of the menacing Cobra Commander:

"Cobra Commander is a snake-like masked fascist with dreams of global domination. His stance is one primarily of power and self-aggrandizement, and he represents the anti-social 'fervor' of Cobra as a sort of 'propaganda diplomat.' Unlike Lex Luthor who plans with a team in mind (the Legion of Doom), Cobra Commander leads Cobra almost as if Cobra is simply a tentacle-like slave extension of his domineering cruel mind. Cobra Commander wants to make himself supreme leader of Cobra, and he is sometimes undermined by the power-challenges of the Cobra vizier Destro (a metal-head minion) and Serpentor (a genetically-engineered brute)."

After Green Lantern read Aqualad and Nightwing's report on Cobra Commander, he gave it to Batman and Superman to read who agreed with the two idealistic young super-sidekicks' interpretations. Batman advised Green Lantern to have Green Arrow help Aqualad and Nightwing (in a consultancy capacity), so the two young sidekicks would not feel alone in their mission. Superman advised Green Lantern to have Wonder Woman instruct the two sidekicks on the dangers of underestimating terrorists who exhibited ambitions of terrible global domination. Green Lantern agreed to have the two sidekicks be assigned to 'mentors' so they would be trained to handle this 'new leviathan' called Cobra.

Meanwhile, back at the Cobra headquarters in an under-water fortress in the Pacific Ocean, Cobra Commander planned an invasion of Washington, D.C., and he intended to use the invasion as a means to attack and destroy Aqualad and Nightwing (once the two idealistic JLA sidekicks showed up to tackle Cobra with forces assembled with the likely help of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman). "We'll see if Green Lantern had the foresight to ask Batman and Superman for advice on how to train Aqualad and Nightwing to tackle Cobra. If not, the two romantic sidekicks will discover that Cobra is no small force to reckon with and that I have just as much relentless will as the devilish Lex Luthor. I too am leviathan!"



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