Justice Roberts says what?

What will happen when the 2nd Impeachment Trial convenes?

  • It will proceed as a democrat Kangaroo Court with Kamala presiding

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • It will be challenged for constitutionality and sent to the USSC for a decision

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Other?

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
8 other Justices.

Why put an obviously partisan senator from the opposing party in charge?
That would defeat his purpose of not wanting the supreme court justices viewed as part of the partisan ranks....

The Senate president is who presides over all impeachment regardless of party affiliation of the impeached person, except for a sitting president...because the VP has a direct conflict of interest with the President.

The VP, recused herself, for conflict of interest. The rules replaces a votes, with the longest serving member, of the Senate.

The rules replaces a votes, with the longest serving member, of the Senate.

Who should also recuse himself, for the same reason
impeachment is a specific delegated partisan process, by our founders.... but a direct conflict of Interest, should still be good cause, to recuse!

Well hell's bells, you could say the whole Senate has a conflict of interest, they were all witnesses.

Well hell's bells, you could say the whole Senate has a conflict of interest, they were all witnesses.


Therefore, if the Chief Justice isn't doing it, it should fall to the longest serving Justice, to preserve impartiality.

Putting a senator that has spent the last 4-5 years bashing Trump in charge is NOT a good idea.
More shit show incoming from elected and bogusly elected politicians so fake News media can provide entertainment to the few walking dead out will keep up their hatred and madness.
8 other Justices.

Why put an obviously partisan senator from the opposing party in charge?
That would defeat his purpose of not wanting the supreme court justices viewed as part of the partisan ranks....

The Senate president is who presides over all impeachment regardless of party affiliation of the impeached person, except for a sitting president...because the VP has a direct conflict of interest with the President.

The VP, recused herself, for conflict of interest. The rules replaces a votes, with the longest serving member, of the Senate.

The rules replaces a votes, with the longest serving member, of the Senate.

Who should also recuse himself, for the same reason
impeachment is a specific delegated partisan process, by our founders.... but a direct conflict of Interest, should still be good cause, to recuse!

Well hell's bells, you could say the whole Senate has a conflict of interest, they were all witnesses.
Besides Hawley and Cruz who were arguably co-conspirators. (-:

I think the const is clear that here has to be a "trial" in the Senate. But the issue and facts are pretty clear. The dems could agree to just submit it all in documentation and take a vote. There's no way Trump's gonna be convicted anyway. We should be focusing on getting the senate operating to pass covid relief without giving up any potential removal of the fillibuster
it is first sign that Roberts might have a tiny backbone
He shows backbone by refusing to do his job? the man is a coward
He is doing his job. The Senate can't try any civilian and Trump is now a civilian.

CORRECT. Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution states: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The Constitution also allows for involuntary removal from office of
the president, vice president, Cabinet secretaries, and other executive officers, as well as judges, who may be impeached by the House of Representatives and tried in the Senate.

official convicted by the Senate is immediately removed from office, and the Senate may also order, by a simple majority, that the removed official be forever disqualified from holding any federal office.

The Constitution makes no allowance for impeaching a person from office who HOLDS NO OFFICE and is not a civil officer of the United States. Period. End of story.

Before Nancy can have her pound of flesh, she would need to have an amendment ratified to the Constitution first making allowance for the Senate to try civilians and FORMER officers of the United States
, which they cannot do as this would create a legal quandry of giving the Senate unlimited power to cross legal boundaries into civilian courts.
Last edited:
The reason the chief justice presides over presidential impeachment, is because the normal person presiding over impeachment is the President of the Senate, which is the vice president.

The vice president of a sitting president being impeached, presiding over this kind of impeachment of his partner and boss, is a known conflict of interest.

Since the President is no longer a sitting president, and his own vice pres is no longer the President of the Senate, the chief justice is no longer needed.

Since the president isn't the president, that would mean this isn't an impeachment, but rather a "lynching."
The reason the chief justice presides over presidential impeachment, is because the normal person presiding over impeachment is the President of the Senate, which is the vice president.

The vice president of a sitting president being impeached, presiding over this kind of impeachment of his partner and boss, is a known conflict of interest.

Since the President is no longer a sitting president, and his own vice pres is no longer the President of the Senate, the chief justice is no longer needed.

And on that Constitutional basis, the former president can no longer be impeached.

From Toobfreak: post #28
"The Constitution makes no allowance for impeaching a person from office who HOLDS NO OFFICE and is not a civil officer of the United States. Period". End of story.
Sure, it can bar Trump from running for president again,

I don't think so. As per Article Two Section Four, the Senate cannot bar Trump without a conviction of a crime, and the Senate has no power to convict a civilian who is not an acting officer of the United States.

This is yet one more lawless bullshit maneuver by the democrats.
Sure, it can bar Trump from running for president again,

I don't think so. As per Article Two Section Four, the Senate cannot bar Trump without a conviction of a crime, and the Senate has no power to convict a civilian who is not an acting officer of the United States.

This is yet one more lawless bullshit maneuver by the democrats.
You may be correct; however, for your point to be adjudicated, the senate would have to convict trump and bar him from holding federal office so that he could adjudicate the action in court. Until then, the senate will do what it wants to do, constitutional or not.
JUST IN: Chief Justice Roberts Will Not Preside Over Trump Senate Impeachment Trial

JUST IN: Chief Justice Roberts Will Not Preside Over Trump Senate Impeachment Trial (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Chief Justice John Roberts will not preside over Trump’s Senate impeachment trial.
If was previously reported that Roberts was eager to avoid presiding over the sham impeachment of Trump because he doesn’t want to become a political lightning rod.
Senate President Pro Tempore, Pat Leahy (VT) will preside over the sham trial instead.
The Hill reported:
A Senate source said Leahy, a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is expected to preside at the trial.​
A spokesman for Leahy said the decision on presiding over the trial is up to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).​

There is also talk that Republican senators may choose a secret ballot so their voting base will not know how each member voted.
If they do that the party is over. It’s already floundering after House leaders Kevin McCarthy and Liz Cheney blamed President Trump for the violence in the US Capitol on January 6th.
The Democrats are also floating barring Donald Trump from ever running for office.

Damn the law and the Constitution, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will use any means to destroy Trump and American Conservatism.
Chief Justice Roberts realizes that the sham trial of former President Trump is Un-Constitional.
Attorneys Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley both agree that the impeachment trial is not only wrong but violates the tenets of the U.S. Constitution....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their quisling media have hit the ground running to reverse Trump' s policies. They'll soon begin to CLEANSE Trump supporters too. It's the Marxist communist wet dream come true.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by their actions have proved that President Trump is actually the president now because they're trying like "Hell" to impeach him.
The majority of Americans do not believes that China Joey Xi was legitimately elected. Especially after he said, while signing 29 FAKE executive orders, that he obviously didn't even know what he was signing, but his Marxist handlers told him to sign it anyway. So as a good puppet he followed orders and signed the Executive Orders.
Americans that resist and pledge to restore America must Stay The Course.
I see you are using quite a credible source, the Gateway Pundit.
"The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[8] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[16]
The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue.[17][18]"
The edition I looked at had ads for false teeth. They know that most Trump minion demographic are missing teeth if they any teeth at all. Smart advertising.
Sure, it can bar Trump from running for president again,

I don't think so. As per Article Two Section Four, the Senate cannot bar Trump without a conviction of a crime, and the Senate has no power to convict a civilian who is not an acting officer of the United States.

This is yet one more lawless bullshit maneuver by the democrats.
You may be correct; however, for your point to be adjudicated, the senate would have to convict trump and bar him from holding federal office so that he could adjudicate the action in court. Until then, the senate will do what it wants to do, constitutional or not.

Since the Senate has no power to try or convict a private citizen, such an act is useless..

Roberts and the court have a Constitutional duty to put the Nazis back into their place.
Sure, it can bar Trump from running for president again,

I don't think so. As per Article Two Section Four, the Senate cannot bar Trump without a conviction of a crime, and the Senate has no power to convict a civilian who is not an acting officer of the United States.

This is yet one more lawless bullshit maneuver by the democrats.
You may be correct; however, for your point to be adjudicated, the senate would have to convict trump and bar him from holding federal office so that he could adjudicate the action in court. Until then, the senate will do what it wants to do, constitutional or not.

Since the Senate has no power to try or convict a private citizen, such an act is useless..

Roberts and the court have a Constitutional duty to put the Nazis back into their place.
Until the Supreme Court (or perhaps federal court) says the act is useless....The senate can bar Trump from running again. But the senate would need 67 votes to do it.....I don't see that happening.
Edit: Uncensored, I agree with your point that it is unconstitutional, but if the Senate doesn't agree with us on that then they may try to bar Trump from running again. If the Supreme Court doesn't strike it down, Trump will not be able to run again. What we think doesn't matter.
JUST IN: Chief Justice Roberts Will Not Preside Over Trump Senate Impeachment Trial

JUST IN: Chief Justice Roberts Will Not Preside Over Trump Senate Impeachment Trial (thegatewaypundit.com)
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Chief Justice John Roberts will not preside over Trump’s Senate impeachment trial.
If was previously reported that Roberts was eager to avoid presiding over the sham impeachment of Trump because he doesn’t want to become a political lightning rod.
Senate President Pro Tempore, Pat Leahy (VT) will preside over the sham trial instead.
The Hill reported:
A Senate source said Leahy, a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is expected to preside at the trial.​
A spokesman for Leahy said the decision on presiding over the trial is up to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).​

There is also talk that Republican senators may choose a secret ballot so their voting base will not know how each member voted.
If they do that the party is over. It’s already floundering after House leaders Kevin McCarthy and Liz Cheney blamed President Trump for the violence in the US Capitol on January 6th.
The Democrats are also floating barring Donald Trump from ever running for office.

Damn the law and the Constitution, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will use any means to destroy Trump and American Conservatism.
Chief Justice Roberts realizes that the sham trial of former President Trump is Un-Constitional.
Attorneys Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley both agree that the impeachment trial is not only wrong but violates the tenets of the U.S. Constitution....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and their quisling media have hit the ground running to reverse Trump' s policies. They'll soon begin to CLEANSE Trump supporters too. It's the Marxist communist wet dream come true.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists by their actions have proved that President Trump is actually the president now because they're trying like "Hell" to impeach him.
The majority of Americans do not believes that China Joey Xi was legitimately elected. Especially after he said, while signing 29 FAKE executive orders, that he obviously didn't even know what he was signing, but his Marxist handlers told him to sign it anyway. So as a good puppet he followed orders and signed the Executive Orders.
Americans that resist and pledge to restore America must Stay The Course.
I see you are using quite a credible source, the Gateway Pundit.
"The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[8] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[16]
The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue.[17][18]"
The edition I looked at had ads for false teeth. They know that most Trump minion demographic are missing teeth if they any teeth at all. Smart advertising.

I see you are using quite a credible source, Newsguard Tech.

Newsguard is a radical left, Soros funded propaganda site that rides the wave of fake "fact checkers." Newsguard exists to slander and defame sources of information that question or impugn the Reich. Though there is utterly no reason anyone should accept even a word from the Soros funded hacks, leftists on message boards attempt to present this, and other questionable sources as authoratative.
The reason the chief justice presides over presidential impeachment, is because the normal person presiding over impeachment is the President of the Senate, which is the vice president.

The vice president of a sitting president being impeached, presiding over this kind of impeachment of his partner and boss, is a known conflict of interest.

Since the President is no longer a sitting president, and his own vice pres is no longer the President of the Senate, the chief justice is no longer needed.
Wrong, Sugar Tits!
The Constitution requires the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to preside over the matter
to rule in procedural questions and such.
Look it up. The Vice President has nothing to do with this point of order.

Are you making this all up or did HuffPo put this idea in your head?
The reason the chief justice presides over presidential impeachment, is because the normal person presiding over impeachment is the President of the Senate, which is the vice president.

The vice president of a sitting president being impeached, presiding over this kind of impeachment of his partner and boss, is a known conflict of interest.

Since the President is no longer a sitting president, and his own vice pres is no longer the President of the Senate, the chief justice is no longer needed.
Wrong, Sugar Tits!
The Constitution requires the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to preside over the matter
to rule in procedural questions and such.
Look it up. The Vice President has nothing to do with this point of order.

Are you making this all up or did HuffPo put this idea in your head?

SOME leftist hate site put ANY thought she has in her tiny little brain.

Huffpo, CNN, NBC, DailyKOS - but one of the cesspools of hate to be sure.
8 other Justices.

Why put an obviously partisan senator from the opposing party in charge?
That would defeat his purpose of not wanting the supreme court justices viewed as part of the partisan ranks....

The Senate president is who presides over all impeachment regardless of party affiliation of the impeached person, except for a sitting president...because the VP has a direct conflict of interest with the President.

The VP, recused herself, for conflict of interest. The rules replaces a votes, with the longest serving member, of the Senate.

The rules replaces a votes, with the longest serving member, of the Senate.

Who should also recuse himself, for the same reason
impeachment is a specific delegated partisan process, by our founders.... but a direct conflict of Interest, should still be good cause, to recuse!

Well hell's bells, you could say the whole Senate has a conflict of interest, they were all witnesses.
Besides Hawley and Cruz who were arguably co-conspirators. (-:

I think the const is clear that here has to be a "trial" in the Senate. But the issue and facts are pretty clear. The dems could agree to just submit it all in documentation and take a vote. There's no way Trump's gonna be convicted anyway. We should be focusing on getting the senate operating to pass covid relief without giving up any potential removal of the fillibuster
McConnell wants to save the party. Right now, the GoP lost their cash cow corporate donors, because of Trump's Big Lie that caused the insurrection... He also lost his Majority Leader status, he blames the selfish TRUMP for Georgia loss.

I heard this made him burning mad...in my opinion he loves his party. He wants the Republicans to be able to continue, with their younger generations.... He feels if Trump is left out there to tease about running in 2024, his GOP and future republican 2024 presidential candidates will be snuffed out, and cash deprived if Trump continues to steal the limelight....he's a ball n chain for the party's foreseeable future.....only to find in 2024 when Trump is 78, he changed his mind and won't run.

One way for the republican survival and future, is to convict and vote to keep him from ever holding office. It nips it now. Likely nips his Pac funding too. Anger from trump supporters have time to let off steam, years before the 2024 election.

If those things above are true, the closer to the vote, Mitch could basically whip 17 senators to vote to remove.

YES. I KNOW it is a long shot!!! :lol:
Trump was i
it is first sign that Roberts might have a tiny backbone
He shows backbone by refusing to do his job? the man is a coward
He is doing his job. The Senate can't try any civilian and Trump is now a civilian.

CORRECT. Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution states: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The Constitution also allows for involuntary removal from office of
the president, vice president, Cabinet secretaries, and other executive officers, as well as judges, who may be impeached by the House of Representatives and tried in the Senate.

official convicted by the Senate is immediately removed from office, and the Senate may also order, by a simple majority, that the removed official be forever disqualified from holding any federal office.

The Constitution makes no allowance for impeaching a person from office who HOLDS NO OFFICE and is not a civil officer of the United States. Period. End of story.

Before Nancy can have her pound of flesh, she would need to have an amendment ratified to the Constitution first making allowance for the Senate to try civilians and FORMER officers of the United States
, which they cannot do as this would create a legal quandry of giving the Senate unlimited power to cross legal boundaries into civilian courts.

Trump was impeached while he was President. So the impeachment is valid.

Once impeached the Senate must put him on trial. It's up to the Senate when to schedule the trial.

The fact that he is no longer President is not relevant.

When Sen. Blount was impeached in 1797, the fact that he had already been expelled from the Senate was deemed not relevant.

U.S. Senate: Blount Expulsion

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