Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

  • Yes

  • No

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Speed doesn't matter... HE WAS MOVING BACKWARDS. How can you possibly not understand such a simple physics principle?

so you're saying that he was incapable of changing direction?

He was still close enough to strike again but you don't know shit about hand to hand combat so you don't know how quick a person can change direction

He was going to strike again with a gun pointed at him? If he did, he deserved to be shot, but not before he made a threatening move!
He certainly was close enough to

but then again you know as much about hand to hand combat as you do anything else

and he was shot because he committed assault and battery and his victim felt his life was in danger

you weren't the one on the receiving end of that hit were you?

Shit the police press conference confirmed that there were no threats made by the victim of the assault.

I'll bet I have more experience hand to hand than you realize. You apparently are an expert in ass to mouth. You do not shoot someone for pushing you down and possibly hurting your boo-boo!

No you shoot them if you fear for your safety

it's easy for an internet bad ass like you to say who should and shouldn't do this or that but you weren't the guy who got blindsided by a much bigger person were you?


Thank you for posting your picture!

Keep that attitude and you'll be sitting in a 6 by 8 for the rest of your life, or pushing up daisies because of your big mouth. Karma is a bitch!

I am done with your idiocy. You bore me. I will waste no more time pointing out your lack of intelligence.
so you're saying that he was incapable of changing direction?

He was still close enough to strike again but you don't know shit about hand to hand combat so you don't know how quick a person can change direction

He was going to strike again with a gun pointed at him? If he did, he deserved to be shot, but not before he made a threatening move!
He certainly was close enough to

but then again you know as much about hand to hand combat as you do anything else

and he was shot because he committed assault and battery and his victim felt his life was in danger

you weren't the one on the receiving end of that hit were you?

Shit the police press conference confirmed that there were no threats made by the victim of the assault.

I'll bet I have more experience hand to hand than you realize. You apparently are an expert in ass to mouth. You do not shoot someone for pushing you down and possibly hurting your boo-boo!

No you shoot them if you fear for your safety

it's easy for an internet bad ass like you to say who should and shouldn't do this or that but you weren't the guy who got blindsided by a much bigger person were you?


Thank you for posting your picture!

Keep that attitude and you'll be sitting in a 6 by 8 for the rest of your life, or pushing up daisies because of your big mouth. Karma is a bitch!

I am done with your idiocy. You bore me. I will waste no more time pointing out your lack of intelligence.

Bye bye tough guy
Admiral is sweeping Skull's arguments away. The video clearly shows the shooter verbally abusing the wife and whose attitude is one that is offering assault. The murdered was protecting his wife from a bad guy with a gun, who killed him.
Admiral is sweeping Skull's arguments away. The video clearly shows the shooter verbally abusing the wife and whose attitude is one that is offering assault. The murdered was protecting his wife from a bad guy with a gun, who killed him.
Yelling at someone is not a crime

Assault and battery are crimes
Admiral is sweeping Skull's arguments away. The video clearly shows the shooter verbally abusing the wife and whose attitude is one that is offering assault. The murdered was protecting his wife from a bad guy with a gun, who killed him.
Yelling at someone is not a crime

Assault and battery are crimes
It could possibly be Public Disorderly Conduct.

victimless crime
The person being yelled at would be a victim. Other (orderly) people in the vicinity could also be victims.

If a guy much larger than you blind sided you and laid you out on the pavement would you think your life might be in danger?
Would depend on what he did it for.. If I felt I deserved it, then I could take the hit no problem.. Of course I'm a former boxer in my youth, so taking hits would be no problem really. If I was in the right then I still wouldn't have shot him under the circumstances that transpired next.

Boxer or no if a much larger guy blindsided you you would not feel your life danger?

And it's easy to say what you would or wouldn't have done while sitting at a computer.

The fact is you have no idea what you would have done if it was you who was blindsided and knocked on your ass
Off work now, and no I wasn't sitting at a computer all day either.. To answer you in your post, all I will say is that "I got eyes don't I" ?????

Sometimes it don't take experiencing something to understand it, and seeing a video opens up many people's eyes in these cases. Same with the cops abusing their authority. The new age of compact video devices has changed the situation big time these days. Of course it matters upon who is interpreting the content of the video, but for the most part consensus is always met.

Who do you believe. Me, or your lyin eyes?

Yes, it's obvious in the video the victim was far enough away from the shooter, moving backwards and since he was unarmed he wasn't a threat. He just wanted the psycho away from his family. If the murderer hadn't been armed and screaming at people who park where it's none of his business anyway, this never would have happened.

The guy's woman and two kids were in the car and he had another son with him. Yet those princes of virtue say things like for him to get involved made him a "white knight" meaning he had no business interfering in a guy threatening his wife and two kids and he was "blindsided," again clearly presenting it as the guy accosting his family was none of his business.

The shooter set it up, initiated the aggression and executed him. It's murder one
Ignorant nonsense.

The legal standard is whether the person using deadly force as a means of self-defense perceived a threat to himself or others.

Your subjective perception is thankfully irrelevant.

So to

If a guy much larger than you blind sided you and laid you out on the pavement would you think your life might be in danger?
Would depend on what he did it for.. If I felt I deserved it, then I could take the hit no problem.. Of course I'm a former boxer in my youth, so taking hits would be no problem really. If I was in the right then I still wouldn't have shot him under the circumstances that transpired next.

Boxer or no if a much larger guy blindsided you you would not feel your life danger?

And it's easy to say what you would or wouldn't have done while sitting at a computer.

The fact is you have no idea what you would have done if it was you who was blindsided and knocked on your ass
Off work now, and no I wasn't sitting at a computer all day either.. To answer you in your post, all I will say is that "I got eyes don't I" ?????

Sometimes it don't take experiencing something to understand it, and seeing a video opens up many people's eyes in these cases. Same with the cops abusing their authority. The new age of compact video devices has changed the situation big time these days. Of course it matters upon who is interpreting the content of the video, but for the most part consensus is always met.

Who do you believe. Me, or your lyin eyes?

Yes, it's obvious in the video the victim was far enough away from the shooter, moving backwards and since he was unarmed he wasn't a threat. He just wanted the psycho away from his family. If the murderer hadn't been armed and screaming at people who park where it's none of his business anyway, this never would have happened.

The guy's woman and two kids were in the car and he had another son with him. Yet those princes of virtue say things like for him to get involved made him a "white knight" meaning he had no business interfering in a guy threatening his wife and two kids and he was "blindsided," again clearly presenting it as the guy accosting his family was none of his business.

The shooter set it up, initiated the aggression and executed him. It's murder one
Ignorant nonsense.

The legal standard is whether the person using deadly force as a means of self-defense perceived a threat to himself or others.

Your subjective perception is thankfully irrelevant.

I didnt say anything about florida, you angry, bitter little man. Figures you'd want to turn the streets into shooting galleries
The murdered was protecting his wife, pushed the offender to the ground, who pulled a gun and shot the other man who had made no further threatening moves toward him.

The victim was the woman the shooter was verbally assaulting.

It's murder.

Investigating law enforcement didnt think so.

Said it was self-defense. No charges.
If the battle of facts versus feelings, taking place on this board are any indicator of what a jury pool would look like... The case is a loser and no sane DA would bring it.

Just wondering if you knew who is the instigator.
Verbally assaulting his wife. Do you just stand there watch and play pussy?
Then he got shoved for minding other people’s business. Pulled a gun killing someone just because of handicap parking space. Murderer.
Just wondering if you knew who is the instigator.
Verbally assaulting his wife. Do you just stand there watch and play pussy?
Then he got shoved for minding other people’s business. Pulled a gun killing someone just because of handicap parking space. Murderer.

You cant put your hands on people for words. What every kindergartener knows.
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"Ma Baby didndunutin".

Family, attorney question stand your ground ruling

Family, attorney question stand your ground ruling in shooting death

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- The family and attorney of a man shot and killed last week in a Clearwater parking lot dispute are upset that the shooter hasn't been charged.

Michael Drejka, 47, shot Markeis McGlockton, 28, on Thursday outside a convenience store on Sunset Point Road.

At a Tuesday afternoon news conference, questions were raised about why the "stand your ground" law resulted in Drejka not being arrested.

The measure allows people to use deadly force if their lives are in danger.

The family's attorney, Michele Raynor, believes that law shouldn't have been applied in this case.

"This is not a stand your ground case. You meet deadly force with deadly force. There was no imminent danger that Mr. Drejka was going to die," said Attorney Michele Raynor.

According to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Drejka shot McGlockton as the two argued over the space and after Drejka was pushed to the ground.

"Any kind of law that allows a man to kill another one and doesn't even getting fingerprinted?" asked Markeis' father, Michael McGlockton.
Shooting in self defense is not punishment for a crime is what I said

How the fuck you got the idea that I want to shoot people from that statement is beyond me.

I said you want to shoot people because your story is that you can scream at someone's family then kill them if they touch you.

Sure, you say oh, no, you don't want to do that. But you're calling that a justified shooting. Sure you don't. I would never want to live with having shot someone at all the rest of my life much less that I provoked them into it.

You've either never killed anything and have no idea what you're talking about or you're a sociopath that you believe that.
I said you want to shoot people because your story is that you can scream at someone's family then kill them if they touch you.

You cant assault someone because they scream at you. Or your wife, Your kids, Law in all 50 states

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