Justified use of force.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
People who worship the cops like to say I am a cop hater. I say it isn’t true. I saw this news story, and read the information, and watched the video. This was a justified use of lethal force.

Charlotte police bodycam captures moment a man is shot dead by cops | Daily Mail Online

Even if the baddie had not fired on police, he had an actual gun. Not a cell phone, a wallet, or a toothbrush. The gun was not in his belt, in his car, or hidden under the floorboards of his Mother’s house. It was in his hand.

I would never argue that the cops were not justified in shooting. I would never argue that the cops acted too soon in this kind of situation. But most of the situations are not like this. Far too many of the situations are where we are to,d the baddie might have been going for the gun, and the cops could not wait to see.

You may have noticed I haven’t said it was a good shooting. No shooting is ever good. It may be necessary. It may be justified. It may be self defense. It can never be good that someone died.

I am happy that the police were not killed. I do not want to see anyone’s life ended by violence. But I never argue that people do not have the right of self defense. In this situation the baddie initiated violence, and died. It was justified. No doubt in my mind. I only wish that all police shootings were as obvious and as clear cut.

If they were, you would not hear any complaints from me.
Last contact I had with a cop, he waited til he got the 2nd cuff snapped, then used the chain to curb-slam me. That was St. Patty's day. Young black cop, I was pissed.
Last contact I had with a cop, he waited til he got the 2nd cuff snapped, then used the chain to curb-slam me. That was St. Patty's day. Young black cop, I was pissed.

What you endured is a daily occourance through the nation. It is a disgrace whenever it happens. The problem goes back to when the cop is actually hired.

The problem is that the person doing the hiring sees himself as a good cop. He has the attitude that it is us versus them. That recruiter picks people with the same attitude, the same basic ideals. This is the foundation. That erroneous attitude is reinforce as trainers with the same beliefs and ideas continue to educate the rookie. Anyone who does not is washed out, sent home, unsuitable.

So by the time the cop is patrolling as a full blown out of probation officer, the attitude is now ingrained and the lies that he will tell are routine. Trained into him. Instead of taking people who have the potential of being sheepdogs, they took those people and turned them into wolves.

It happens all the time, and I’d like to say the police are unique. It requires a dedication at the top, and the willingness at the middle levels to implement differing ideals. To hold a cop accountable for the curb slam is practically impossible. At most, his superiors will say to take it easy in the future. Almost certainly that cop will have the idea he can get away with it reinforced and then the next situation he sweeps the legs out from under a cuffed suspect, and blithely says that the guy tripped and fell. They all get a good laugh.

Then one day, the cop is caught on video pummeling someone, perhaps, and then when the department can no longer cover for him, brings him up on charges.

The book Starship Troopers covered this with the raising of children. It was a brilliant discussion on the merits of punishing bad behavior in children. If you haven’t read the book, I highly suggest it. A lot of philosophy is covered in the book but not the movie.

This explains why the cops get so touchy when someone is video taping them. They get all sorts of upset, and claim that laws prohibit it. They break the camera phones, or delete the recordings. Because they know that they will get in trouble one of these days if the truth is out there, instead of the narrative. The professional sounding voice saying that the suspect was combative is destroyed by the video showing the cop smash the woman against a concrete wall while wearing handcuffs. Or by the cop curb slamming you after the cuffs are on.

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