Juxtaposition of Savages, and Gates


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
It would be incorrect to claim that "the savages are at the gates."
They have long since breached the gates....they are the gatekeepers themselves.

1. The radicals of the sixties control the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.”
Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

The following can not be called a cautionary tale...it is far too late for caution. Instead, it is a view of the apocalypse. It was written by a junior at Swathmore....

2. "... a case study in the illiberalism that has taken over liberal arts colleges... has centered on the school's radical environmentalist club, Mountain Justice, which has led a multiyear campaign calling on the college to divest its $1.5 billion endowment—one of the highest endowments-per-student in the nation—of fossil-fuel companies.
Numerous professors and the entire history department have endorsed the effort, and administrators and board members have met with Mountain Justice members 25 times over the past two years.

3. On May 4, the school scheduled an open board meeting on the divestment initiative so that the opinions of board members, faculty, administrators and students would receive a fair hearing.... The board had invited two representatives from Mountain Justice to sit on a panel with them for the first half of the meeting.

a. What the board didn't realize was that those same students were positioning themselves to grab the microphone and disrupt the proceedings.

4. The chairman of the Board Investment Committee, ... was in the middle of delivering the opening PowerPoint presentation...when more than 100 student protesters burst into the room, waving signs and shouting.

a. One of the student panelists grabbed the microphone out of turn and handed it to a line of protestors who delivered speeches that condemned the "liberal script" in the name of "radical, emancipatory change" and "institutional transformation." ... classmates defended their behavior because they were smashing "hegemonic power structures" and "flipping the power dynamic."

5. I stood up and reminded the protesters that other members of the college were there to hear various perspectives. But rather than listen to what I had to say, the students began to shout and clap in unison, drowning out what I was saying. Professors sat silent in the audience.

a.... the college president, Rebecca Chopp... conceded that what was unfolding was "outrageous" but said there was nothing she could do.

6. I'm an English major who wants Swarthmore to be a place where ideas are freely exchanged. To me, overthrowing a meeting of board members, who are all alumni, is wrong and juvenile.

Apparently the college doesn't see things that way. The day after disrupting the open board meeting, the protesters insisted on mandatory campus "teach-ins" for all students. Though it was the day before exams at a school that prides itself on its academic rigor, the administration acquiesced and endorsed the teach-ins to heal our "fractured community."

7. ... student "demands," which included making courses in ethnic studies and gender and sexuality required for graduation. The activists also demanded that Swarthmore revise its judicial process so that "sexual assault cases are no longer confidential."

8. No administrator has condemned the takeover of the board meeting. If that tantrum doesn't qualify as disorderly conduct and outright intimidation, what does? If moderate or conservative students—no doubt also a "marginalized" group on campus—behaved similarly, would they be held accountable?" Danielle Charette: My Top-Notch Illiberal Arts Education - WSJ.com

This is the reality of 'university education.'

What is produced is cookie-cutter fascists for whom silencing opposition voices is all that matters.

How many times have we seen the same from posters who's message is 'shut up,' or 'go away.'

Look at the future.
It is now.
Good for you, Political Chic, for bringing this to the Board. Do you have other examples of such behavior on campuses this school year?
Why? Because this is one institution of HE among thousands. If you are simply posting "this is interesting", I agree with you. Do you have other examples?
It would be incorrect to claim that "the savages are at the gates."
They have long since breached the gates....they are the gatekeepers themselves.

1. The radicals of the sixties control the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.”
Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.
Many of my Komrades from the 60's have Finance Degrees from Ivy League schools, wear $5,000 suits and work at the IRS and Federal Reserve.
Why? Because this is one institution of HE among thousands. If you are simply posting "this is interesting", I agree with you. Do you have other examples?

Does this ring a bell?

" Teaching at Cornell, Mr. Kagan watched armed black students occupy a university building in 1969. The administration caved to their demands without asking them to give up their rifles and bandoliers."
The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day' - WSJ.com
I am talking about this last college year, not 44 years ago.

What's the diff?

The point is that this is the trajectory of university milieu for half a century.

So....you talk about what you wish....and I'll do the same.
Why? Because this is one institution of HE among thousands. If you are simply posting "this is interesting", I agree with you. Do you have other examples?

Does this ring a bell?

" Teaching at Cornell, Mr. Kagan watched armed black students occupy a university building in 1969. The administration caved to their demands without asking them to give up their rifles and bandoliers."
The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day' - WSJ.com
Communist Goals Numbers #17,#18 and #19:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Gain control of all student newspapers.

Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
It would be incorrect to claim that "the savages are at the gates."
They have long since breached the gates....they are the gatekeepers themselves.

1. The radicals of the sixties control the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.”
Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.
Many of my Komrades from the 60's have Finance Degrees from Ivy League schools, wear $5,000 suits and work at the IRS and Federal Reserve.

So...the Obamunists used the IRS against pro-livers, Tea Party, constitutionalists.....

Oh, noooooozzzzzz!

They wouldn't happen to also be on the ObamaCare Death Panels, too......

...would they????
We see the far right and libertarian wings are emulating the communist ideals in the small number of colleges they control. I am sure far lefties are trying the same thing. Nonetheless, America generally rejects the extremes of the huggys and the Political Chics. We will be fine.

We see the far right and libertarian wings are emulating the communist ideals in the small number of colleges they control. I am sure far lefties are trying the same thing. Nonetheless, America generally rejects the extremes of the huggys and the Political Chics. We will be fine.


"We," Jakal??

You and your gang meet in a phone booth.

It sure isn't a small number of colleges controlled by you Leftists....

1. Liberal democrats have always emphasized free speech. However, as the more than three hundred speech codes on North American campuses indicate, cultural democrats do not accept this traditional liberal ideal of free expression. Instead, they work to restrict speech that, as they see it, "promotes" racism and sexism, or creates a "hostile environment" for "diversity."

a. Central to the West's ideological war against communism was the defense of a private sphere free from political inference. Liberalism holds that private life is by nature non-political and that it should be free from ideological pressure. During the cold war defenders of the West would have considered the feminist proposition "the personal is political" to be inherently totalitarian.
Hudson Institute > Will Liberal Democracy Survive?

2. Professor Frank Kauffman of Missouri State University assigned his students the project of writing to the state legislature to demand the passage of a bill allowing gay adoption…Emily Brooker refused to do so, and the professor filed a grievance against her.

“Emily Brooker, a student in the Missouri State University's School of Social Work, sued the university after being punished by a professor for refusing to lobby in favour of homosexual adoption. Only weeks after launching the suit, the university has settled out of court and disciplined the professor in question.

Professor Frank Kauffman had assigned Brooker, and her classmates, to write a letter to the Missouri Legislature expressing support for homosexual adoption. She refused to do so because of her religious objections and was charged with a "Level 3 Grievance," the most serious charge possible, and faced the possibility of having her degree withheld.
In addition, Brooker faced a 2 1/2 hour interrogation from an "ethics" committee, which asked her personally invasive questions such as "Do you think gays and lesbians are sinners?" and "Do you think I am a sinner?"
(see coverage: http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2006/oct/06103101.html )

3. "My name is Michael Wiesner and I am a former student at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, California. I am writing this article in the wake of an incident in which a teacher at the college recommended psychological therapy to an Arab student who had praised the U.S. Constitution.

On December 1st, a professor named Joseph Woolcock suggested a Kuwaiti Arab Muslim student named Ahmad al-Qloushi should seek therapy after the student submitted a paper arguing that the U.S. Constitution was a step forward for America and the world. The Foothill College Republicans reported Dr. Woolcock’s behavior to the media, and Dr. Woolcock issued a grievance in a further attempt to silence the student. The college is treating the matter as if it is an isolated incident. They are doing everything they can to distance themselves from the matter. But in truth, teacher intimidation goes to the very heart of the Foothill College bureaucracy. It has become commonplace for the school to silence students with ideas or opinions contrary to those of their professors."
Michael Wiesner, “Collegiate Intimidation,” Frontpagemag.com, December 15, 2004.

4. It is not an education when a mid-term exam contains a required essay on the topic “Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal,” as did a criminology exam at the University of Northern Colorado, in 2003.

This is what passes for education in Jakal's world.
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Yep. Dang that liberal education I am getting. Implicit differentiation is so damned communistic. Enthalpy of fusion a leftist plot.

I suppose I could do the 'Conservative' thing and just refuse to learn any of these obviously socialistic dogmas. LOL
Yep. Dang that liberal education I am getting. Implicit differentiation is so damned communistic. Enthalpy of fusion a leftist plot.

I suppose I could do the 'Conservative' thing and just refuse to learn any of these obviously socialistic dogmas. LOL

Now...see....I'm force to point you in the Right direction once again, Rocks.

What is education? Is it politicization?

1. Universities have abandoned intellect because it represented the barrier that rationality places in the way of politicization.

a. The move is toward ever more insistent and radical egalitarianism which is the very heart of modern liberalism, as “intellect in America is resented as a kind of excellence, as a claim to distinction, as a challenge to egalitarianism, as a quantity which almost certainly deprives a man or woman of the common touch.”
Richard Hofstadter, “Anti-intellectualism in American Life,” p. 51.

b. One can trace the anti-intellectualism, modern liberalism, and the passion for an evangelical equality as moving in tandem.

c. In light of the fact that rational thought can imperil many of the premises of the radical left, there has grown what is called post-modernism, an outright denial of truth.

Even in science…

d. Students are taught by left-wing professors that traditional respect for logic, evidence, intellectual honesty, and the other requirements for scholastic discipline are not merely passé, but repressive, attempting to support a society that benefits only white, heterosexual males.

I'm going to post an OP about education today....hope you'll comment on it.

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