Kali/Trump: Commerce Doctorate


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Commerce culture defines the modern age, and consumerism makes very culturally-symbolic items or toys very popular (e.g., Lucky Charms breakfast cereal).

The Hindu deity Kali (goddess of feminine rage and maternal fury) carries a prophetic 'scimitar' weapon which signifies her 'stance' on self-control and the will to remove the limbs of terrorists.

We might imagine that Kali 'descends' upon modern America to inspect how commerce-culture are affecting politics wed to religion (e.g., Syria/Iran Sunni-Shia relations) and how 'TrumpUSA' is playing a role.

Americans appreciate pedestrianism-relevant urban-vigilance television shows such as Spin City and Gotham.

What would Kali say about Americans watching EWTN and Al Jazeera while their kids purchase water-guns from Toys 'R Us? Would she talk about the marketing of kitchen-goods in the East and West such as the Indian boti and the American blender which symbolize the 'normalization' of consumerism-consciousness?

Here's a yarn about Kali dealing with a 'toy-centric' human consciousness and how Sunni-Shia relations reflect Western angst as well.

Maybe we'll look back someday on consumerism-culture and realize it was much more 'complex' than we first thought (e.g., Reaganomics)!

Signing off,



Kali was concerned that human beings did not appreciate how so many women in India labored in kitchen floors with the rustic and challenging cooking-tool, the boti (a rough blade-and-board item used for cutting foods with hand-and-foot). Kali thought about how, simultaneously, American women were not appreciated for laboring with the blender (a food slashing-and-mashing device used to make dicing and grinding much more efficient). Kali thought about her own feminism-oriented fury-weapon, the scimitar, and how it symbolized strength, wisdom, and patience with female virtue and maternal instincts. Kali realized consumerism-culture was so global and pervasive that she wanted to descend on Earth to inspect 'TrumpUSA' and the European Union and NATO and even monitor Al Jazeera and Western TV!


Kali noticed that Sunni-Shia relations and troubles within Islam were neglected by Westerners more interested in OPEC and mercantilism. Sunnis and Shiites might both use botis, Kali realized, but Westerners only saw 'primitive religious differences' obstructing 'pure commerce.' Kali wondered how so many Americans could watch EWTN (Catholic TV) and even subscribe to Al Jazeera broadcasts (Muslim TV) and listen to pro-TrumpUSA speeches without really caring about Sunni-Shia problems and how they might 'complicate' the West's dealings with OPEC. Kali realized consumerism was a double-curse --- a 'convenience system' which was ironically breeding as much laziness (in political monitoring) as it was breeding efficient trade.


Kali visited the homes of Americans and noticed kids were purchasing water-guns and creating 'pretend fights' while watching vigilantism-daydream shows such as Gotham (Fox TV). Meanwhile, a Los Angeles gang-war was brewing involving rival groups copycatting the styles and aesthetics of the Gotham criminals Joker (and his girlfriend Harley Quinn) and his rival the Red Hood Gang. The 'Joker-gang' wanted L.A. to be a pit of narcotics, while the Red Hood Gang wanted the city to be a 'doorway' for ethnic crime-bosses working their way into politics. Kali realized that the Joker-gang and the Red Hood Gang both reflected a general new age angst towards urbanization-related confluence and wondered if American kids purchasing water-guns from Toys 'R Us reflected a real 'modern hypocrisy' problem and if television itself was merely a 'sedative.'


One member of the Joker-gang was a giant sledgehammer-wielding ghoul named Mr. Hammer who dressed up as a clown. One member of the Red Hood Gang (who never wore a red hood!) was an ogre named Hugo who carried (just like Kali!) a nefarious scimitar. Mr. Hammer and Hugo hated each other, and Kali witnessed their brutal street-fighting fury and realized that the American landscape was as convoluted in 'pedestrian passions' as the Muslim world was by Sunni-Shia complications (in Syria and Iran!). Kali wondered if Mr. Hammer's sledgehammer and Hugo's scimitar would literally frighten Indian and Muslim women watching news on TV while working laboriously (as usual) with their botis and blenders in their kitchens. Kali wondered if 'TrumpUSA' had a 'real' media solution to this consumerism psychiatry 'issue.'


Kali ascended back to heaven and remembered fondly her investigations and inquiries into commerce-culture and Sunni-Shia and TrumpUSA issues in the modern world. She thought about water-guns, Gotham, the Joker and Red Hood, Los Angeles, and of course, CNN. As Kai laid her scimitar down on her pedestal to take a nap, she asked herself if commerce could truly remedy the modern problem of capitalism-related competitive 'fury' (e.g., the Gulf War). Fortunately, Kali concluded that if consumerism could breed a natural curiosity about media (e.g., CNN, Al Jazeera), it could potentially stir public-forum discussions about the 'accessibility' of modern 'pocketbook politics.' Kali wondered pensively, however, if U.S. President Donald Trump agreed!



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