Kalifornionions Can Thank dims For Their Stupid Outages, Fires, etc

Brainwashed means believing misinformation and lies and character assassination that journalists and respected media around the world has discredited

Nice grammar, moron. "journalists" has.... LOL!!!!

And hence, the only "truth" comes from 100% pure parroting of CNN and MSNBC, and no questions allowed....
What a total load of crap all of that is.

Ususally, if it is published in the NYT, it actually is crap, but in this case, it is what initially sent the LOONY LEFT like yourself at Donald's throat.

The Donald absolutely EMBARRASSED the entire Dem political establishment and PROVED to anyone beyond a doubt that the DEMS were STEALING and the STEALING was guaranteed by Dems to be NEVER PROSECUTED, so Trump OUTED IT HIMSELF.
This was 1986 for crying out loud. Trump has proven nothing but that he is a brainwashed functional moron. Or else the best liar ever. Hard to tell- he's no genius that's for sure.... Except at being a con man fraud liar....
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the GOP cutting spending on infrastructure for 37 years or the greatest inequality in our history by far. And of course then there is GOP obstruction of ideas to cut pollution and global warming forever. my advice is to go tell people in California that global warming is a hoax because of two professors fudging results at some ridiculous obscure English University. then prepare yourself to be thrown into a forest fire or dried out winery.... Then there is the GOP refusal to pass a national ID card that would end the immigration scam. You are a brainwashed functional moron dingbat.

This is an excellent example of what I meant in the OP when I remarked about dimocrap scum never take responsibility for anything.

And that is why, both collectively and individually, they are so incredibly fucking stupid.

When you refuse to take responsibility for your mistakes, you can't learn from them.

Think about it.

There is a debate out there about whether dimocrap scum are evil pieces of shit or whether they're just fucking stupid.


They start out stupid and because of that, they end up being evil. Think about that one while you're at it.

People who refuse to learn Life's Lessons invariably end up miserable, mean, nasty and just downright evil.

As are dimocrap scum. Both collectively and individually.

You can't fix that. You just can't.

You must remove them from power by whatever means necessary.
Just another in a long line of failures brought to you courtesy of dims. Homelessness, disease, poverty, illegals and now -- Fire. And millions (yes, Virginia, MILLIONS) of people losing their power. No biggie you say? Hardly. It is a big deal for non-apartment-dwelling people. Or, in the case of most dims, basement dwellers.

Are Environmentalists To Blame For All These Fires?

With rise in wildfires, prescribed burns may be a solution

One thing you can count on..... Like children, like the spoiled, recalcitrant immature spoiled brats that dims are......

They'll deny all responsibility. They always do.

Funny, isn't it? Every time dims take over, every place they take over....... It turns to shit.

The most beautiful place on the Planet and dims have managed to turn into a literal shithole.

But, somehow, I'm sure it's Trump's fault.

The immutable character of the people.

low-life dims. Losers, all
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the GOP cutting spending on infrastructure for 37 years or the greatest inequality in our history by far. And of course then there is GOP obstruction of ideas to cut pollution and global warming forever. my advice is to go tell people in California that global warming is a hoax because of two professors fudging results at some ridiculous obscure English University. then prepare yourself to be thrown into a forest fire or dried out winery.... Then there is the GOP refusal to pass a national ID card that would end the immigration scam. You are a brainwashed functional moron dingbat.
Does the GOP vote in China?
Idiotic nonsensical Pseudo argument. What the hell are you talkin about dingbat?
Why sweet cakes! I am encouraging you not to be ignorant. Go to school.
Trump has proven

1. that Democrats STEAL
2. that Democrats LIE
3. that "infrastructure spending" is more than 75% stolen when Dems do it
Absolute baloney. You are basing these ridiculous statements on one 33 year old article? Absolute idiocy. So let's have one example of Democrats stealing money from infrastructure. And I don't mean stupid propaganda that nobody cares about in the real world, super duper.
Just another in a long line of failures brought to you courtesy of dims. Homelessness, disease, poverty, illegals and now -- Fire. And millions (yes, Virginia, MILLIONS) of people losing their power. No biggie you say? Hardly. It is a big deal for non-apartment-dwelling people. Or, in the case of most dims, basement dwellers.

Are Environmentalists To Blame For All These Fires?

With rise in wildfires, prescribed burns may be a solution

One thing you can count on..... Like children, like the spoiled, recalcitrant immature spoiled brats that dims are......

They'll deny all responsibility. They always do.

Funny, isn't it? Every time dims take over, every place they take over....... It turns to shit.

The most beautiful place on the Planet and dims have managed to turn into a literal shithole.

But, somehow, I'm sure it's Trump's fault.

The immutable character of the people.

low-life dims. Losers, all
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the GOP cutting spending on infrastructure for 37 years or the greatest inequality in our history by far. And of course then there is GOP obstruction of ideas to cut pollution and global warming forever. my advice is to go tell people in California that global warming is a hoax because of two professors fudging results at some ridiculous obscure English University. then prepare yourself to be thrown into a forest fire or dried out winery.... Then there is the GOP refusal to pass a national ID card that would end the immigration scam. You are a brainwashed functional moron dingbat.
Does the GOP vote in China?
Idiotic nonsensical Pseudo argument. What the hell are you talkin about dingbat?
Why sweet cakes! I am encouraging you not to be ignorant. Go to school.
What does your stupid question mean, dingbat? Another GOP troll I am stunned. I have a masters in history and speak three languages. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the GOP cutting spending on infrastructure for 37 years or the greatest inequality in our history by far. And of course then there is GOP obstruction of ideas to cut pollution and global warming forever. my advice is to go tell people in California that global warming is a hoax because of two professors fudging results at some ridiculous obscure English University. then prepare yourself to be thrown into a forest fire or dried out winery.... Then there is the GOP refusal to pass a national ID card that would end the immigration scam. You are a brainwashed functional moron dingbat.

This is an excellent example of what I meant in the OP when I remarked about dimocrap scum never take responsibility for anything.

And that is why, both collectively and individually, they are so incredibly fucking stupid.

When you refuse to take responsibility for your mistakes, you can't learn from them.

Think about it.

There is a debate out there about whether dimocrap scum are evil pieces of shit or whether they're just fucking stupid.


They start out stupid and because of that, they end up being evil. Think about that one while you're at it.

People who refuse to learn Life's Lessons invariably end up miserable, mean, nasty and just downright evil.

As are dimocrap scum. Both collectively and individually.

You can't fix that. You just can't.

You must remove them from power by whatever means necessary.
Our entire federal budget is in the hands of the GOP after 37 years of this crap, dumbass. All your belief that Democrats are corrupt is based on total garbage propaganda that has never gone anywhere in the real world. It is so ridiculous that now you have the deep state conspiracy, every intelligent person in the world is part of it I guess. Brainwashed functional moron. Breaking Hillary is not a criminal neither is Obama Biden Lerner the FBI the CIA. The give away to the rich screw everyone else GOP is the swamp idiot. Only propaganda garbage make this possible. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Brainwashed means believing misinformation and lies and character assassination that journalists and respected media around the world has discredited

Nice grammar, moron. "journalists" has.... LOL!!!!

And hence, the only "truth" comes from 100% pure parroting of CNN and MSNBC, and no questions allowed....
that is the smartphone I am talking into, dingbat. I also watch the BBC France 24 newspapers from every single other country in the world and you are moron LOL. You believe a bunch of bought off High School grad ex Coke head DJs who will say anyting a couple of billionaires will tell them to do. Find me any other media in the world d****** that agrees with any of your crap. They have this thing called journalism it's very important for democracy. You people are a disgrace that believe all kinds of ridiculous bologna. Hillary is a criminal Obama Biden. It's a huge conspiracy of every intelligent person in the world LOL
No one wants to understand how and who is the base cause of the current state of California's forests in this thread.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the GOP cutting spending on infrastructure for 37 years or the greatest inequality in our history by far. And of course then there is GOP obstruction of ideas to cut pollution and global warming forever. my advice is to go tell people in California that global warming is a hoax because of two professors fudging results at some ridiculous obscure English University. then prepare yourself to be thrown into a forest fire or dried out winery.... Then there is the GOP refusal to pass a national ID card that would end the immigration scam. You are a brainwashed functional moron dingbat.

This is an excellent example of what I meant in the OP when I remarked about dimocrap scum never take responsibility for anything.

And that is why, both collectively and individually, they are so incredibly fucking stupid.

When you refuse to take responsibility for your mistakes, you can't learn from them.

Think about it.

There is a debate out there about whether dimocrap scum are evil pieces of shit or whether they're just fucking stupid.


They start out stupid and because of that, they end up being evil. Think about that one while you're at it.

People who refuse to learn Life's Lessons invariably end up miserable, mean, nasty and just downright evil.

As are dimocrap scum. Both collectively and individually.

You can't fix that. You just can't.

You must remove them from power by whatever means necessary.
In the last 55 years a Democratic president has had power and control for 35 days in session under Obama. coincidentally the only social progress we've had in the last 50 years is Obamacare... That is why we are the only country in the modern world that does not tax the rich more than the rest, has no living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college in training great vacations and infrastructure. Great job GOP. Also no ID card to end illegal immigration. Thanks GOP. And you silly dupes also of course.....and I am happily retired for the thousandth time....
Those fires are 100% about too many humans sucking too much fresh water from finite natural sources on land.

This is the later part of a "Stage 1" of human overpopulation of Earth.

The longer we tolerate out-of-control breeding by religious people, the closer we come to the "we are out of food" situation....

Says the man that supports unlimited Third World immigration to the US.
Those fires are 100% about too many humans sucking too much fresh water from finite natural sources on land.

This is the later part of a "Stage 1" of human overpopulation of Earth.

The longer we tolerate out-of-control breeding by religious people, the closer we come to the "we are out of food" situation....

The real problem is you invited illegals in to replace all the prevented pregnancies & aborted babies! So everyone now sees that slowing reproduction means extinction of their countrymen, people or race. Stop lecturing & kill yourself to save the planet.

Those trees should have been harvested for lumber instead of burned in forest fires releasing global warming carbon into the atmosphere.
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Californicators better be prepared tonite!

Hurricane force winds will be moving in with another cold front.
Did Cal Fire get all those embers out today?
releasing global warming carbon

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temperatures, satellites and balloons.... and this was the DATA and the CHOICE in 2005....

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"While surface thermometers have clearly shown that the Earth's surface is warming, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."

Hyperbole - a flat line that goes up and down a bit and ends down is not "cooling," it is flat, but definitely not WARMING. Atmospheric Co2 went UP and TEMPERATURE did NOT....

What did your heroes do?

They FUDGED both series with uncorrelated "corrections"

There is NO EVIDENCE other than FUDGE that Co2 causes WARMING....

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