Kalipornia Dimocrats vote down bill outlawing sex-selection abortion

So which party is it that has a war on women?

The GOP, clearly, given its propensity to seek to violate a woman’s right to privacy.

This inane proposed measure by republicans being one such example; not only is it a ‘solution’ in search of a problem, but it would be impossible to ‘enforce.’

This is nothing more than partisan demagoguery by republicans.

A war on women's rights, or the DEATH of innocent human beings.... men of morals and ethics CAN pick out the one that is MOST IMPORTANT....we KNOW where you fall!:cuckoo:
If there were ever a test developed to determine if the child were gay, Republicans would change their position.
Or it's around about way for right wingers to outlaw abortion altogether. Nice try though.

Sex-selective Abortion Bans: A Disingenuous New Strategy to Limit Women's Access to Abortion

No, it's simply democrap/subverives continuing their war on women... why else kill ONLY FEMALES????.... Why not pick JUST MALES???

So, tell me, Vagisil, where are the EXACT statistics that show that anyone wants to use abortion selection to specifically kill female fetuses?

Time to put some facts on the table, Vagisil.

Full disclosure: I am pro-life and I personally think that abortion is wrong.


You're a PRO LIFE Subversive?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Or it's around about way for right wingers to outlaw abortion altogether. Nice try though.

Sex-selective Abortion Bans: A Disingenuous New Strategy to Limit Women's Access to Abortion

At the end of the day, these advocates are fiercely denouncing PRENDA and its copycats because of their deep-seated conviction that the true motivations of the measures’ proponents have everything to do with undermining abortion rights and nothing to do with fighting gender discrimination—and that, in fact, the measures themselves threaten only to exacerbate that very problem. In written testimony opposing PRENDA, 24 organizations from the reproductive justice community had this to say: “This anti-choice measure dressed as an anti-discrimination bill…further exacerbates inequities and diminishes the health, well-being, and dignity of women and girls by restricting their access to reproductive health care. We represent the women and people of color this bill purports to protect, and we are announcing our unequivocal condemnation of it.”18 -

Pathetic stretch
So which party is it that has a war on women?

The GOP, clearly, given its propensity to seek to violate a woman’s right to privacy.

This inane proposed measure by republicans being one such example; not only is it a ‘solution’ in search of a problem, but it would be impossible to ‘enforce.’

This is nothing more than partisan demagoguery by republicans.

A war on women's rights, or the DEATH of innocent human beings.... men of morals and ethics CAN pick out the one that is MOST IMPORTANT....we KNOW where you fall!:cuckoo:
Abortion is le:dance:gal and will be for the foreseeable future :badgrin:
No, it's simply democrap/subverives continuing their war on women... why else kill ONLY FEMALES????.... Why not pick JUST MALES???

So, tell me, Vagisil, where are the EXACT statistics that show that anyone wants to use abortion selection to specifically kill female fetuses?

Time to put some facts on the table, Vagisil.

Full disclosure: I am pro-life and I personally think that abortion is wrong.

Everyone’s pro-life and considers abortion wrong, the conflict arises as to the solution to the problem, and the desire of most on the right to violate citizens’ civil liberties in pursuit of their ‘solution’ that simply won’t work.

Having failed in the courts, the OP and others on the social right now resort to demagoguery, such as this inane proposed measure now thankfully defeated.

Not true at all. Do you really think the woman that has an abortion as a form of backup birth control considers it "wrong"?
Whether you agree with abortion or not, abortion is abortion. Why does the reasoning behind it matter?

As a great woman once said "What difference does it make?" :eusa_shifty:
CaféAuLait;9103335 said:
What's next, eye color?

Hair color?


What’s next is you and other rightists engaging in slippery slope fallacies, such as this.

Oh, please, I'm not a righty nor am I a leftie, I am firmly in the center.

Tell me the difference between the sex of a child as opposed to someone preferring a trait. There is none.

If one can decide they do not want a girl or a boy and abort, why not decide on its sexual orientation as well, if possible?

Many are against gender selection through abortion left, middle and right.

Now, you want some doc to assure you are going to have a boy verses a girl through insemination I have no issue with that, but to have an abortion after you planned a pregnancy and its the wrong whatever, that's fucked up.

And the next time you change my quote please assure you mention it-thanks.
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The GOP, clearly, given its propensity to seek to violate a woman’s right to privacy.

This inane proposed measure by republicans being one such example; not only is it a ‘solution’ in search of a problem, but it would be impossible to ‘enforce.’

This is nothing more than partisan demagoguery by republicans.

A war on women's rights, or the DEATH of innocent human beings.... men of morals and ethics CAN pick out the one that is MOST IMPORTANT....we KNOW where you fall!:cuckoo:
Abortion is le:dance:gal and will be for the foreseeable future :badgrin:

Yes asshole....slavery was also legal, shall we go back to it...I mean, just to make things FAIR?:cuckoo:
Or it's around about way for right wingers to outlaw abortion altogether. Nice try though.

Sex-selective Abortion Bans: A Disingenuous New Strategy to Limit Women's Access to Abortion

No, it's simply democrap/subverives continuing their war on women... why else kill ONLY FEMALES????.... Why not pick JUST MALES???

So, tell me, Vagisil, where are the EXACT statistics that show that anyone wants to use abortion selection to specifically kill female fetuses?

Time to put some facts on the table, Vagisil.

Full disclosure: I am pro-life and I personally think that abortion is wrong.

There are stats. Over all population the figures are about what they should be -male to female ratio. However, for immigrants from places like China, Korea and India the ratio was off since its cultural to prefer male over female.

While the majority of parents in United States do not practice sex-selective abortion, there is certainly a trend toward male preference. According to a 2011 Gallup poll, if they were only allowed to have one child, 40% of respondents said they would prefer a boy, while only 28% preferred a girl

Because of this movement toward sex preference and selection, many bans on sex-selective abortion have been proposed at the state and federal level. In 2010 and 2011, sex-selective abortions were banned in Oklahoma and Arizona, respectively. Legislators in Georgia, West Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York have also tried to pass acts banning the procedure

Sex-selective abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A war on women's rights, or the DEATH of innocent human beings.... men of morals and ethics CAN pick out the one that is MOST IMPORTANT....we KNOW where you fall!:cuckoo:
Abortion is le:dance:gal and will be for the foreseeable future :badgrin:

Yes asshole....slavery was also legal, shall we go back to it...I mean, just to make things FAIR?:cuckoo:
thatfully slavery is illegal now Villageidiot because of the will of the people, conversely Abortion is legal because of the will of the people. I know it is a concept you find hard to understand but you are going to have to live with it.:badgrin:
Abortion is le:dance:gal and will be for the foreseeable future :badgrin:

Yes asshole....slavery was also legal, shall we go back to it...I mean, just to make things FAIR?:cuckoo:
thatfully slavery is illegal now Villageidiot because of the will of the people, conversely Abortion is legal because of the will of the people. I know it is a concept you find hard to understand but you are going to have to live with it.:badgrin:

No, it was the WILL of SCOTUS, as was the Citizen United decision...sometimes they bite both ways!..FAGERAL!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yes asshole....slavery was also legal, shall we go back to it...I mean, just to make things FAIR?:cuckoo:
thatfully slavery is illegal now Villageidiot because of the will of the people, conversely Abortion is legal because of the will of the people. I know it is a concept you find hard to understand but you are going to have to live with it.:badgrin:

No, it was the WILL of SCOTUS, as was the Citizen United decision...sometimes they bite both ways!..FAGERAL!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
snap crackle and pop,thats the sound of a legal Scotus abortion, 33years and still popping the zygotes out:badgrin::badgrin:
thatfully slavery is illegal now Villageidiot because of the will of the people, conversely Abortion is legal because of the will of the people. I know it is a concept you find hard to understand but you are going to have to live with it.:badgrin:

No, it was the WILL of SCOTUS, as was the Citizen United decision...sometimes they bite both ways!..FAGERAL!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
snap crackle and pop,thats the sound of a legal Scotus abortion, 33years and still popping the zygotes out:badgrin::badgrin:

Your mother was a failure in your eyes, I'll wager! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
No, it was the WILL of SCOTUS, as was the Citizen United decision...sometimes they bite both ways!..FAGERAL!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
snap crackle and pop,thats the sound of a legal Scotus abortion, 33years and still popping the zygotes out:badgrin::badgrin:

Your mother was a failure in your eyes, I'll wager! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
my mother 99yrs and still supporting women's right of choice, was happy as a Doctor to provide abortion services after it was made legal here, and I am very proud of her.:badgrin::badgrin:
It’s official: the feminist movement and their willing servants in the California Democratic Party are willing to see in utero females killed because they are female in order to protect their existing legal right to abortion. You can’t make an abortion omelet without breaking a few zygotes. Daniel Nussbaum of Breitbart reports:
On Tuesday, thirteen Democrats on the California State Assembly Health Committee voted down a bill that would have outlawed the practice of sex selection through abortion.
The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (AB 2336) ran into opposition by all of the Democrats on the committee, who saw the bill as a prelude to broader abortion restrictions, according to a report from LifeNews.com. Instead, Democrats introduced a resolution to condemn sex-selection abortion--but not to outlaw it.
The bill was introduced on May 6th by Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), who said in her opening testimony that "the U.N. estimates that upwards of 200 million girls around the world have been aborted merely because they were 'the wrong gender.'" She explained that countries like India and China are dominated by a male-child mentality, with mothers preferring future working men and family providers over the "burden" of baby girls.
The bill was defeated 13-6 on a straight party line vote.

So which party is it that has a war on women?

American Thinker ^
What happened to gender equality? Oh yeah, they're liberals. Killing babies trumps everything else.
It’s official: the feminist movement and their willing servants in the California Democratic Party are willing to see in utero females killed because they are female in order to protect their existing legal right to abortion. You can’t make an abortion omelet without breaking a few zygotes. Daniel Nussbaum of Breitbart reports:
On Tuesday, thirteen Democrats on the California State Assembly Health Committee voted down a bill that would have outlawed the practice of sex selection through abortion.
The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (AB 2336) ran into opposition by all of the Democrats on the committee, who saw the bill as a prelude to broader abortion restrictions, according to a report from LifeNews.com. Instead, Democrats introduced a resolution to condemn sex-selection abortion--but not to outlaw it.
The bill was introduced on May 6th by Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield), who said in her opening testimony that "the U.N. estimates that upwards of 200 million girls around the world have been aborted merely because they were 'the wrong gender.'" She explained that countries like India and China are dominated by a male-child mentality, with mothers preferring future working men and family providers over the "burden" of baby girls.
The bill was defeated 13-6 on a straight party line vote.

So which party is it that has a war on women?

American Thinker ^
What happened to gender equality? Oh yeah, they're liberals. Killing babies trumps everything else.

Yes, it's all about the dumbass woman that took no personal responsibility when she went out looking to get laid!

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