Kalipornia Dimocrats vote down bill outlawing sex-selection abortion

This is atrocious. The very idea of aborting the child because she's a she is... misogynist is it not?

Uh, no, not really.

The thing is, much like Voter ID, this is the wingnuts creating a non-existent problem to further another agenda.

While sex selection abortion is common in places like China where the government limits births, it just isn't happening in the US.

What really has the wingnuts upset is that women are controlling their own bodies, not that they are doing it for sex selection.
Remove their tubes so they can't keep killing.

Watch it, or you'll be called Dr. Mengele by the 2 digit IQ crowd!

Naw, it's hilarious to watch you guys demonstrate your misogyny.

Because, honestly, that's what this is all about, your morbid fear that a woman might be having sex to enjoy herself rather than fulfilling her God-given duty to make babies.
Remove their tubes so they can't keep killing.

Watch it, or you'll be called Dr. Mengele by the 2 digit IQ crowd!

Naw, it's hilarious to watch you guys demonstrate your misogyny.

Because, honestly, that's what this is all about, your morbid fear that a woman might be having sex to enjoy herself rather than fulfilling her God-given duty to make babies.
Me, a misogynist? That depends on who I'm misogyn.
Remove their tubes so they can't keep killing.

Watch it, or you'll be called Dr. Mengele by the 2 digit IQ crowd!

Naw, it's hilarious to watch you guys demonstrate your misogyny.

Because, honestly, that's what this is all about, your morbid fear that a woman might be having sex to enjoy herself rather than fulfilling her God-given duty to make babies.

How fucked up??:D

Hyper-progressives like this asshole celebrate abortions......the more the merrier......then go call everybody else wingnuts.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
As soon as you start asking women "why" they elect to get a perfectly legal, though unpleasant medical procedure, you are invading their privacy.
Remove their tubes so they can't keep killing.

Watch it, or you'll be called Dr. Mengele by the 2 digit IQ crowd!

Naw, it's hilarious to watch you guys demonstrate your misogyny.

Because, honestly, that's what this is all about, your morbid fear that a woman might be having sex to enjoy herself rather than fulfilling her God-given duty to make babies.

You mean the PILL spoils it for her? JoeB, the medical consultant to the stars!
CaféAuLait;9103335 said:
What's next, eye color?

Hair color?

If the fetus can be tested to see if they are gay, transsexual, or straight, then aborted because the parent disagrees with such?

China is too the point in a few years 1 in every 4 adult men will not be able to marry because there are no women for them.

China needs to allow same sex marriage for that reason!
Watch it, or you'll be called Dr. Mengele by the 2 digit IQ crowd!

Naw, it's hilarious to watch you guys demonstrate your misogyny.

Because, honestly, that's what this is all about, your morbid fear that a woman might be having sex to enjoy herself rather than fulfilling her God-given duty to make babies.

You mean the PILL spoils it for her? JoeB, the medical consultant to the stars!

Pills don't always work, and women don't always take them.

Although I suspect if the Funditarded Christians had their way, pills wouldn't be available, either.
Naw, it's hilarious to watch you guys demonstrate your misogyny.

Because, honestly, that's what this is all about, your morbid fear that a woman might be having sex to enjoy herself rather than fulfilling her God-given duty to make babies.

You mean the PILL spoils it for her? JoeB, the medical consultant to the stars!

Pills don't always work, and women don't always take them.

Although I suspect if the Funditarded Christians had their way, pills wouldn't be available, either.
Yeah, no kidding.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GApbGZiKa4]Welfare Momma with 15 kids blames society - YouTube[/ame]
So which party is it that has a war on women?

The GOP, clearly, given its propensity to seek to violate a woman’s right to privacy.

This inane proposed measure by republicans being one such example; not only is it a ‘solution’ in search of a problem, but it would be impossible to ‘enforce.’

This is nothing more than partisan demagoguery by republicans.

A war on women's rights, or the DEATH of innocent human beings.... men of morals and ethics CAN pick out the one that is MOST IMPORTANT....we KNOW where you fall!:cuckoo:

A fertilized egg isn't a human. I do find it hypocritical that you are willing to call it a human yet you only give a damn about it when it's in the womb. So you'll force a woman against her will to have a child she doesn't want. Then when the child is born. No Food stamps, no WIC, no EIC, no child tax credit, no TANF, nothing. So now you have an unwanted child in a poor situation which leads to criminal behavior.

Unwanted pregnancy aren't a good thing. Not every pregnancy is wanted. For all you anti-government people to want the government involved in a woman's most personal decision of their life is so hypocritical. It's a constitutionally protected right. Courts never take away rights they give.
The GOP, clearly, given its propensity to seek to violate a woman’s right to privacy.

This inane proposed measure by republicans being one such example; not only is it a ‘solution’ in search of a problem, but it would be impossible to ‘enforce.’

This is nothing more than partisan demagoguery by republicans.

A war on women's rights, or the DEATH of innocent human beings.... men of morals and ethics CAN pick out the one that is MOST IMPORTANT....we KNOW where you fall!:cuckoo:

A fertilized egg isn't a human. I do find it hypocritical that you are willing to call it a human yet you only give a damn about it when it's in the womb. So you'll force a woman against her will to have a child she doesn't want. Then when the child is born. No Food stamps, no WIC, no EIC, no child tax credit, no TANF, nothing. So now you have an unwanted child in a poor situation which leads to criminal behavior.

Unwanted pregnancy aren't a good thing. Not every pregnancy is wanted. For all you anti-government people to want the government involved in a woman's most personal decision of their life is so hypocritical. It's a constitutionally protected right. Courts never take away rights they give.
What is it then, a tumor?
Naw, it's hilarious to watch you guys demonstrate your misogyny.

Because, honestly, that's what this is all about, your morbid fear that a woman might be having sex to enjoy herself rather than fulfilling her God-given duty to make babies.

You mean the PILL spoils it for her? JoeB, the medical consultant to the stars!

Pills don't always work, and women don't always take them.

Although I suspect if the Funditarded Christians had their way, pills wouldn't be available, either.

Then you give the baby away.... you DON'T kill the baby! That's still murder!
The GOP, clearly, given its propensity to seek to violate a woman’s right to privacy.

This inane proposed measure by republicans being one such example; not only is it a ‘solution’ in search of a problem, but it would be impossible to ‘enforce.’

This is nothing more than partisan demagoguery by republicans.

A war on women's rights, or the DEATH of innocent human beings.... men of morals and ethics CAN pick out the one that is MOST IMPORTANT....we KNOW where you fall!:cuckoo:

A fertilized egg isn't a human. I do find it hypocritical that you are willing to call it a human yet you only give a damn about it when it's in the womb. So you'll force a woman against her will to have a child she doesn't want. Then when the child is born. No Food stamps, no WIC, no EIC, no child tax credit, no TANF, nothing. So now you have an unwanted child in a poor situation which leads to criminal behavior.

Unwanted pregnancy aren't a good thing. Not every pregnancy is wanted. For all you anti-government people to want the government involved in a woman's most personal decision of their life is so hypocritical. It's a constitutionally protected right. Courts never take away rights they give.

A ZYGOTE is a HUMAN, you dumb bastard, without a ZYGOTE here are NO MORE HUMANS!!!
Many of us on the right realize ALL subversives movements are TIED TOGETHER!


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