Kalipornia Dimocrats vote down bill outlawing sex-selection abortion


Let's spell it out for you. Have a legal abortion, doctor is require to sterilize that woman as part o the process..... Do we need to go any further,...we can!

Buddy, you can't even get doctors to go along with executions anymore, must less one who is going to completely ignore the Hippocratic Oath and mangle a healthy woman because a few misogynists can't stand the thought of them having fun with their lady-parts.

I mean, now you've just graduated from "Misogynist' to "completely nuts".

Mangle!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I see you know as much about a tubal ligation, as you do the rest of politics! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I imagine you also think wearing a condom SPOILS SEX..... Yes, YOU are completely nuts!

Let's spell it out for you. Have a legal abortion, doctor is require to sterilize that woman as part o the process..... Do we need to go any further,...we can!

Buddy, you can't even get doctors to go along with executions anymore, must less one who is going to completely ignore the Hippocratic Oath and mangle a healthy woman because a few misogynists can't stand the thought of them having fun with their lady-parts.

I mean, now you've just graduated from "Misogynist' to "completely nuts".

Mangle!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I see you know as much about a tubal ligation, as you do the rest of politics! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I imagine you also think wearing a condom SPOILS SEX..... Yes, YOU are completely nuts!

Um, okay, guy, I want to see you suggest to a woman, "You need to have a tubal ligation, you slut".

I want to see the video on that. It should be amusing.

Hey, other Wingnuts, any of you want to support Vagisil's position.


Buehler? Buehler?
Buddy, you can't even get doctors to go along with executions anymore, must less one who is going to completely ignore the Hippocratic Oath and mangle a healthy woman because a few misogynists can't stand the thought of them having fun with their lady-parts.

I mean, now you've just graduated from "Misogynist' to "completely nuts".

Mangle!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I see you know as much about a tubal ligation, as you do the rest of politics! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I imagine you also think wearing a condom SPOILS SEX..... Yes, YOU are completely nuts!

Um, okay, guy, I want to see you suggest to a woman, "You need to have a tubal ligation, you slut".

I want to see the video on that. It should be amusing.

Hey, other Wingnuts, any of you want to support Vagisil's position.


Buehler? Buehler?

Easy solution, make it THE LAW!....Sooner or later the sluts will either take RESPONSIBILTY for THEIR DECISIONS, or we'll tubal ligate them into compliance. If you can FORCE us to pay for healthcare, you can force the sluts to comply, or she gets a PENALTY as it says in obumacare!
Easy solution, make it THE LAW!....Sooner or later the sluts will either take RESPONSIBILTY for THEIR DECISIONS, or we'll tubal ligate them into compliance. If you can FORCE us to pay for healthcare, you can force the sluts to comply, or she gets a PENALTY as it says in obumacare!

in case you missed 2012, the "sluts" can still vote.

Also, surgically mangling a woman isn't quite the same as making you pay a fine to subsidize your insurance.
Easy solution, make it THE LAW!....Sooner or later the sluts will either take RESPONSIBILTY for THEIR DECISIONS, or we'll tubal ligate them into compliance. If you can FORCE us to pay for healthcare, you can force the sluts to comply, or she gets a PENALTY as it says in obumacare!

in case you missed 2012, the "sluts" can still vote.

Also, surgically mangling a woman isn't quite the same as making you pay a fine to subsidize your insurance.

According to the poll, 27% say that abortion should be legal in all circumstances, 13% say it should be legal in most circumstances, 38% say that it should be legal in few circumstances, and 20% say abortion should always be illegal....Most Americans have never favored using public funds for abortions for women who cannot afford them. According to the survey, 56% remain opposed, with only 39% favoring public funding for abortions.

March 2014... CNN Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Oppose Abortion in All or Most Cases - Guy Benson

Seems your THEY WILL LOSE VOTE FOR YOU argument, is like most of the lefts propaganda...PROPAGANDA!

Takes no more effort to do a tubal ligation while DESTROYING ANOTHER HUMANS LIFE..... But you baby killers knew that...Pathetic examples of humanity you people are!
According to the poll, 27% say that abortion should be legal in all circumstances, 13% say it should be legal in most circumstances, 38% say that it should be legal in few circumstances, and 20% say abortion should always be illegal....Most Americans have never favored using public funds for abortions for women who cannot afford them. According to the survey, 56% remain opposed, with only 39% favoring public funding for abortions.

March 2014... CNN Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Oppose Abortion in All or Most Cases - Guy Benson

Seems your THEY WILL LOSE VOTE FOR YOU argument, is like most of the lefts propaganda...PROPAGANDA!

Takes no more effort to do a tubal ligation while DESTROYING ANOTHER HUMANS LIFE..... But you baby killers knew that...Pathetic examples of humanity you people are!

Actually, if you want to use polls.

Only 6% of the electorate votes based on their opinion on abortion.

Poll: Abortion views not a litmus test for most voters - CBS News

Actually, a tubal ligation is a more complicated procedure than an abortion. (Both of my sisters had them after they were done having babies.)

They also involve something called "consent'.

No doctor worthy of the title is going to 'consent" to do a procedure on a patient the patient hasn't agreed to.
According to the poll, 27% say that abortion should be legal in all circumstances, 13% say it should be legal in most circumstances, 38% say that it should be legal in few circumstances, and 20% say abortion should always be illegal....Most Americans have never favored using public funds for abortions for women who cannot afford them. According to the survey, 56% remain opposed, with only 39% favoring public funding for abortions.

March 2014... CNN Poll: 58 Percent of Americans Oppose Abortion in All or Most Cases - Guy Benson

Seems your THEY WILL LOSE VOTE FOR YOU argument, is like most of the lefts propaganda...PROPAGANDA!

Takes no more effort to do a tubal ligation while DESTROYING ANOTHER HUMANS LIFE..... But you baby killers knew that...Pathetic examples of humanity you people are!

Actually, if you want to use polls.

Only 6% of the electorate votes based on their opinion on abortion.

Poll: Abortion views not a litmus test for most voters - CBS News

Actually, a tubal ligation is a more complicated procedure than an abortion. (Both of my sisters had them after they were done having babies.)

They also involve something called "consent'.

No doctor worthy of the title is going to 'consent" to do a procedure on a patient the patient hasn't agreed to.

Why CONSENT, as it is NO LONGER NEEDED in several states (Kalipornia, Conn., Hawaii, Maine, Nev., N.J., N.M., N.Y., Oregon, VT., & Wash.) for a girl UNDER AGE, to get an abortion!

So why bother with CONSENT, when you just make it mandatory! The girl always has A CHOICE! Inform her of what is required BY LAW and she makes her mind up!

BTW, how many women have DIED while having an abortion compared to those that DIED from a tubal ligation???:cuckoo:
Easy solution, make it THE LAW!....Sooner or later the sluts will either take RESPONSIBILTY for THEIR DECISIONS, or we'll tubal ligate them into compliance. If you can FORCE us to pay for healthcare, you can force the sluts to comply, or she gets a PENALTY as it says in obumacare!

So your opinion is that any woman who has an abortion must be a slut?

Typical conservative.
Easy solution, make it THE LAW!....Sooner or later the sluts will either take RESPONSIBILTY for THEIR DECISIONS, or we'll tubal ligate them into compliance. If you can FORCE us to pay for healthcare, you can force the sluts to comply, or she gets a PENALTY as it says in obumacare!

So your opinion is that any woman who has an abortion must be a slut?

Typical conservative.

Your choice kid, either a murderer, or a fucking slut.... which one would you like me to use.... decide wisely, grasshopper!
Easy solution, make it THE LAW!....Sooner or later the sluts will either take RESPONSIBILTY for THEIR DECISIONS, or we'll tubal ligate them into compliance. If you can FORCE us to pay for healthcare, you can force the sluts to comply, or she gets a PENALTY as it says in obumacare!

So your opinion is that any woman who has an abortion must be a slut?

Typical conservative.

Your choice kid, either a murderer, or a fucking slut.... which one would you like me to use.... decide wisely, grasshopper!

Do you even know the definition of the word?
Or it's around about way for right wingers to outlaw abortion altogether. Nice try though.

Sex-selective Abortion Bans: A Disingenuous New Strategy to Limit Women's Access to Abortion

At the end of the day, these advocates are fiercely denouncing PRENDA and its copycats because of their deep-seated conviction that the true motivations of the measures’ proponents have everything to do with undermining abortion rights and nothing to do with fighting gender discrimination—and that, in fact, the measures themselves threaten only to exacerbate that very problem. In written testimony opposing PRENDA, 24 organizations from the reproductive justice community had this to say: “This anti-choice measure dressed as an anti-discrimination bill…further exacerbates inequities and diminishes the health, well-being, and dignity of women and girls by restricting their access to reproductive health care. We represent the women and people of color this bill purports to protect, and we are announcing our unequivocal condemnation of it.”18 -

You guys would know about that, because that's what you do with gun restriction laws. Chip away, until guns are outlawed completely.
In other words, you are trolling for attention.

You, and I have had this little talk before, and you just can't seem to refute anything I say, so you go back into SPIN CYCLE!

I'll wait if you want to call a friend for help on this, perhaps the guy who knocked you up...the first time?
I haven't had sex so am hardly a slut. Douche.

An Aussie Chick that hasn't been screwing?..... Do your parents know you play with their computer?...Or you lie, which is it? BTW, is that YOU in your Avatar?

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