Kamala Admits It Will Be a ‘Harris Administration…Together with Joe Biden’

Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.

Well for someone you consider not qualified he's done a damned fine job.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for someone you consider not qualified. Oh and if Biden or Hitlery had been POTUS at the same time I doubt UE, jobs or the economy would have done any better than they did under Trump.

And of course we wouldn't hear you say how unqualified they both are.

Carry on jackass.
The country is a mess. 4 more years will destroy it.
the country zoomed past any admin. , until the demoncrats colluded w/ the chinese asswipes and gave AMERICA the chinese flu!!!
You are really an idiot if you believe that.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.

Well for someone you consider not qualified he's done a damned fine job.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for someone you consider not qualified. Oh and if Biden or Hitlery had been POTUS at the same time I doubt UE, jobs or the economy would have done any better than they did under Trump.

And of course we wouldn't hear you say how unqualified they both are.

Carry on jackass.
The country is a mess. 4 more years will destroy it.
the country zoomed past any admin. , until the demoncrats colluded w/ the chinese asswipes and gave AMERICA the chinese flu!!!
You are really an idiot if you believe that.
go commit yourself retard--your brain is warpped
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.

Well for someone you consider not qualified he's done a damned fine job.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for someone you consider not qualified. Oh and if Biden or Hitlery had been POTUS at the same time I doubt UE, jobs or the economy would have done any better than they did under Trump.

And of course we wouldn't hear you say how unqualified they both are.

Carry on jackass.
The country is a mess. 4 more years will destroy it.

The country is a mess because leftists have been on a 3 and half year tantrum because they didnt get their way.

They should be ignored like parents do with children until they learn to act properly.
This no surprise to me...

From the second Biden got the nod I've been saying that the vote is not for Biden but for his running-mate, that he wouldn't serve a full term, probably not even a full year. He'll step down for health reasons, to spend more time with his family, something... anything.

I suppose I could be wrong...

But if it does happen that way, you'll be hard pressed to convince me that it wasn't the plan along... back door their real candidate by running the candidate they think could beat Trump...

Of course, Trump could win... in which case I will do two things: laugh my ass off because Biden lost, then weep because Trump won.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump because of . . . ?

Who ACTUALLY is not qualified because of . . . ?

Remember, you said WE were dumb, so I expect fairly intelligent, obvious, clear answers to this, an easy task for a person as smart as you.
They voted for someone who is in way above his head, has no leadership qualities and lacks a moral compass.

Are we talking about Joe Biden now???
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump because of . . . ?

Who ACTUALLY is not qualified because of . . . ?

Remember, you said WE were dumb, so I expect fairly intelligent, obvious, clear answers to this, an easy task for a person as smart as you.
They voted for someone who is in way above his head, has no leadership qualities and lacks a moral compass.

You failed to answer his questions.

You never get answers. Just comments and accusations, then cryptic evasions that satisfy themselves.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump because of . . . ?

Who ACTUALLY is not qualified because of . . . ?

Remember, you said WE were dumb, so I expect fairly intelligent, obvious, clear answers to this, an easy task for a person as smart as you.
They voted for someone who is in way above his head, has no leadership qualities and lacks a moral compass.

You failed to answer his questions.
My answer is as plain as day.

Then you must live on the dark side of the Moon.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.

Well for someone you consider not qualified he's done a damned fine job.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for someone you consider not qualified. Oh and if Biden or Hitlery had been POTUS at the same time I doubt UE, jobs or the economy would have done any better than they did under Trump.

And of course we wouldn't hear you say how unqualified they both are.

Carry on jackass.
The country is a mess. 4 more years will destroy it.
the country zoomed past any admin. , until the demoncrats colluded w/ the chinese asswipes and gave AMERICA the chinese flu!!!
You are really an idiot if you believe that.
You certainly are the unchallenged expert in unmitigated stupidity, no doubt about that.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.

Well for someone you consider not qualified he's done a damned fine job.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for someone you consider not qualified. Oh and if Biden or Hitlery had been POTUS at the same time I doubt UE, jobs or the economy would have done any better than they did under Trump.

And of course we wouldn't hear you say how unqualified they both are.

Carry on jackass.
The country is a mess. 4 more years will destroy it.
the country zoomed past any admin. , until the demoncrats colluded w/ the chinese asswipes and gave AMERICA the chinese flu!!!
You are really an idiot if you believe that.
you must be living in china asswipe
That wasn't a slip, that was a statement of fact. It will be her administration, there is little doubt in my mind and I'm Canadian ffs. If someone voting doesn't understand this, well...
they don't care.

they're still convinced trump colluded with russia even though their own side couldn't find a thing to prove it.
they still think trump told people to drink bleach, even though they can never provide a direct quote
they still think trump didn't take covid seriously even though he took measures and 6+ weeks later pelosi was partying in the chinese new year.

they just don't care. their hate for a single person has demented them to shit for brains beyond all reason.

Don't forget Denazio telling people to go about their lives and Cuomo telling the citizens of NY that he had everything under control, both were long after the initial travel ban from China.

That wasn't a slip, that was a statement of fact. It will be her administration, there is little doubt in my mind and I'm Canadian ffs. If someone voting doesn't understand this, well...
they don't care.

they're still convinced trump colluded with russia even though their own side couldn't find a thing to prove it.
they still think trump told people to drink bleach, even though they can never provide a direct quote
they still think trump didn't take covid seriously even though he took measures and 6+ weeks later pelosi was partying in the chinese new year.

they just don't care. their hate for a single person has demented them to shit for brains beyond all reason.

Don't forget Denazio telling people to go about their lives and Cuomo telling the citizens of NY that he had everything under control, both were long after the initial travel ban from China.

people are being told what they want to hear. seems to be enough for those people. they sold them TRUMP = EVIL INCARNATE and they took the bait and swallowed like a $2 hooker at a vegas shriners convention.
That wasn't a slip, that was a statement of fact. It will be her administration, there is little doubt in my mind and I'm Canadian ffs. If someone voting doesn't understand this, well...
they don't care.

they're still convinced trump colluded with russia even though their own side couldn't find a thing to prove it.
they still think trump told people to drink bleach, even though they can never provide a direct quote
they still think trump didn't take covid seriously even though he took measures and 6+ weeks later pelosi was partying in the chinese new year.

they just don't care. their hate for a single person has demented them to shit for brains beyond all reason.

Don't forget Denazio telling people to go about their lives and Cuomo telling the citizens of NY that he had everything under control, both were long after the initial travel ban from China.

dude, they can't get out of their own way. their so evil they trip over themselves to get to that piece of evil. timeline says they are full of shite
That wasn't a slip, that was a statement of fact. It will be her administration, there is little doubt in my mind and I'm Canadian ffs. If someone voting doesn't understand this, well...
they don't care.

they're still convinced trump colluded with russia even though their own side couldn't find a thing to prove it.
they still think trump told people to drink bleach, even though they can never provide a direct quote
they still think trump didn't take covid seriously even though he took measures and 6+ weeks later pelosi was partying in the chinese new year.

they just don't care. their hate for a single person has demented them to shit for brains beyond all reason.

Don't forget Denazio telling people to go about their lives and Cuomo telling the citizens of NY that he had everything under control, both were long after the initial travel ban from China.

people are being told what they want to hear. seems to be enough for those people. they sold them TRUMP = EVIL INCARNATE and they took the bait and swallowed like a $2 hooker at a vegas shriners convention.
he ran on bringing jobs back from China. Whether or not that succeeds is anyone's guess today, however, it did piss of the chink lovers in this country to include all of the NBA. too fking funny. They can all go live in Beijing.

It would do this old man's heart good to have one demofk who is at least honest enough to say yep, that's why.
View attachment 388852

Kamala Harris really thinks she's running for president, not VP.

Nobody in their right mind would call it "The Harris Administration" because traditionally you never name the administration after the Vice President. You name it after the President.

Biden will be disappeared but January.
That wasn't a slip, that was a statement of fact. It will be her administration, there is little doubt in my mind and I'm Canadian ffs. If someone voting doesn't understand this, well...
they don't care.

they're still convinced trump colluded with russia even though their own side couldn't find a thing to prove it.
they still think trump told people to drink bleach, even though they can never provide a direct quote
they still think trump didn't take covid seriously even though he took measures and 6+ weeks later pelosi was partying in the chinese new year.

they just don't care. their hate for a single person has demented them to shit for brains beyond all reason.

Don't forget Denazio telling people to go about their lives and Cuomo telling the citizens of NY that he had everything under control, both were long after the initial travel ban from China.

people are being told what they want to hear. seems to be enough for those people. they sold them TRUMP = EVIL INCARNATE and they took the bait and swallowed like a $2 hooker at a vegas shriners convention.

No about 4 commiecrat governors proved themselves to be evil incarnate when they pushed covid positive patients back into nursing homes. They killed 10s of thousands. But how did denazio and cuomo get you to vote for Trump?

If the dems win, I don't think Biden will be stored in a nursing home, I think he will be dealt with Clinton style. He'll have a fall, or be killed in a robbery.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.

Well for someone you consider not qualified he's done a damned fine job.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for someone you consider not qualified. Oh and if Biden or Hitlery had been POTUS at the same time I doubt UE, jobs or the economy would have done any better than they did under Trump.

And of course we wouldn't hear you say how unqualified they both are.

Carry on jackass.
The country is a mess. 4 more years will destroy it.

The country is a mess because leftists have been on a 3 and half year tantrum because they didnt get their way.

They should be ignored like parents do with children until they learn to act properly.
Blame the left for everything? That sounds like a childish tantrum to me.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump because of . . . ?

Who ACTUALLY is not qualified because of . . . ?

Remember, you said WE were dumb, so I expect fairly intelligent, obvious, clear answers to this, an easy task for a person as smart as you.
They voted for someone who is in way above his head, has no leadership qualities and lacks a moral compass.

You failed to answer his questions.

You never get answers. Just comments and accusations, then cryptic evasions that satisfy themselves.
Or you do not understand the answers.
Now we can all see the Harris agenda. She's no more qualified to be POTUS than Biden is. Yet there she is. "The Harris" presidency. Good Lord. Talk about an open agenda.

Anyone voting for those two is dumber than a box or rocks.
The Dumb ones vote for Trump who ACTUALLY is not qualified.

Well for someone you consider not qualified he's done a damned fine job.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. Not bad for someone you consider not qualified. Oh and if Biden or Hitlery had been POTUS at the same time I doubt UE, jobs or the economy would have done any better than they did under Trump.

And of course we wouldn't hear you say how unqualified they both are.

Carry on jackass.
The country is a mess. 4 more years will destroy it.
the country zoomed past any admin. , until the demoncrats colluded w/ the chinese asswipes and gave AMERICA the chinese flu!!!
You are really an idiot if you believe that.
You certainly are the unchallenged expert in unmitigated stupidity, no doubt about that.
Another idiot speaks.

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