Kamala Harris Attempted to Keep Prisoners Locked Up for Cheap Labor — Used Inmates to Fight Forest Fires for $2 per Day

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

It figures.
In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

I can see you have no idea what goes on in the US penal system, what you think is an isolated incident occurs in every state...In fact it is perfectly legal according to the Constitution....
she is a piece of shit....i lived in OC when she fucked over inmates in the OC jail by ignoring what the OC DA was illegally doing to get convictions....the feds had to come in and clean it up and get the DA out of there....a guy i knew spent 2 years in jail for possessing a half once of pot because of her...

In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

Are you trying to make me LIKE Harris?

I'm a big fan of Chain Gangs.

Allowing prisoners to sit on their asses, free room, board, medical, tv/cable, better gyms and facilities than I have access to while my taxes pay for it all, how is that 'repaying their debt to society'? That's adding more debt to society.

Cleaning up highways, cleaning up city dump properties and changing them into parks, filling pot holes, etc...put their asses to work.

Harris hates police and is an ad locate for looters, rioters, rapists, and murderers....she is one of Biden's biggest fans now...so how can she be for such strict law-enforcement / justice issues?

Sorry, I don't believe it...

In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

Are you trying to make me LIKE Harris?

I'm a big fan of Chain Gangs.

Allowing prisoners to sit on their asses, free room, board, medical, tv/cable, better gyms and facilities than I have access to while my taxes pay for it all, how is that 'repaying their debt to society'? That's adding more debt to society.

Cleaning up highways, cleaning up city dump properties and changing them into parks, filling pot holes, etc...put their asses to work.

Harris hates police and is an ad locate for looters, rioters, rapists, and murderers....she is one of Biden's biggest fans now...so how can she be for such strict law-enforcement / justice issues?

Sorry, I don't believe it...

You tune in to one right wing media outlet and she's a flaming soft on crime liberal, next day another one says she incarcerated thousands over petty crimes...go figure
Using fire fighting teams made up of inmates has been going for decades..what planet did you just get in from?

Keeping people UNJUSTLY in prison, so they can continue to work as fire fighters, that's the problem.
Agreed. Using them while they serve out their sentence is something else.

Makes sense Harris would be for that .... Her ancestors did own slaves...

Trump isn't going to have to do anything. The attacks will be coming from all sides. The Libertarians are hitting her pretty hard.
In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

The flexibility of the RWNJ can be amazing. On a regular day their feelings towards the incarcerated cannot be expressed with enough hatred.

However, they quickly become advocates for prison reform when it suits their agenda of hypocrisy. Firefighting pays the prisoners who volunteer more than their prison jobs. But all their labor does not come close to what it costs taxpayers for their upkeep.

So, crawl down off your high horse RWNJ, falling from a height to which you are quite unaccustomed could injure you severely.

In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

Are you trying to make me LIKE Harris?

I'm a big fan of Chain Gangs.

Allowing prisoners to sit on their asses, free room, board, medical, tv/cable, better gyms and facilities than I have access to while my taxes pay for it all, how is that 'repaying their debt to society'? That's adding more debt to society.

Cleaning up highways, cleaning up city dump properties and changing them into parks, filling pot holes, etc...put their asses to work.

Harris hates police and is an ad locate for looters, rioters, rapists, and murderers....she is one of Biden's biggest fans now...so how can she be for such strict law-enforcement / justice issues?

Sorry, I don't believe it...

You tune in to one right wing media outlet and she's a flaming soft on crime liberal, next day another one says she incarcerated thousands over petty crimes...go figure

Now we loves Karmala and her Jihad against black folk
In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

Are you trying to make me LIKE Harris?

I'm a big fan of Chain Gangs.

Allowing prisoners to sit on their asses, free room, board, medical, tv/cable, better gyms and facilities than I have access to while my taxes pay for it all, how is that 'repaying their debt to society'? That's adding more debt to society.

Cleaning up highways, cleaning up city dump properties and changing them into parks, filling pot holes, etc...put their asses to work.

Harris hates police and is an ad locate for looters, rioters, rapists, and murderers....she is one of Biden's biggest fans now...so how can she be for such strict law-enforcement / justice issues?

Sorry, I don't believe it...

You tune in to one right wing media outlet and she's a flaming soft on crime liberal, next day another one says she incarcerated thousands over petty crimes...go figure

Kamala is whatever she thinks is politically advantageous to her at any point in time.

More of a fake than the other Kamala Harris of WWE fame. Makes her a particularly great target for Trump and Pence to focus in on. Can attack her as a socialist to ordinary Americans, but attack her as a stooge of law enforcement when addressing the Democrat base.
In a way, Kamala was carrying on the traditions of her slave owning ancestors. It runs in her blood. Trump's campaign attack ads against her are going to be one for the ages.

Looks like she wanted to bring back her family's slave owning heritage.

Plantation style! I am not against putting incarcerated individuals to work but for $2.00 a day?

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