Kamala Harris proposes $100 billion plan for black homeownership


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Kamala Harris proposes $100 billion plan for black homeownership

Hopefully you just voted yourself right the hell out of that position you stupid racist bitch!!!
Even your own will turn on you pathetic DUMBASS.

This should be for everyone !!! Better fight back dumb fk leftist whites.

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We should do this for those who are at least 1/1064th native Americans too. That way, Liz Warren will be able to finally by a house.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, I'm too busy trapping garbage pandas to drop off in your back yard. :aargh:
Has Ben Carson done away with that Obama program that puts project dwellers into million dollar homes anywhere yet?
O.K. In the race to become the nominee of the Free Shit Party, Kamala Harris bids 100 billion in Reparations.

Do we have any more bids?

Out of this pack of outrageous half-wit Socialists....absolutely. They will be coming. And the Race-Baiting Jessie Jackson/Al Sharpton Federal Plantation Dwellers are eagerly waiting for higher bids.

Fortunately, under the Trump Economy, more and more Blacks are realizing that Self-Reliance brings Self-Respect and is the only way to live life; also that they can now live the American Dream like everybody else and don't have to be treated like helpless wards of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

Democrat/Socialist's greatest fear are Educated and Employed Blacks.
We should do this for those who are at least 1/1064th native Americans too. That way, Liz Warren will be able to finally by a house.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, I'm too busy trapping garbage pandas to drop off in your back yard. :aargh:

Ha! I was on my 10-mile walk home from work on Friday and a family of trash pandas ran across the road. I couldn’t get my camera out fast enough until four of the trash pandas ran up the tree and the head trash panda watched what I was doing.

We should do this for those who are at least 1/1064th native Americans too. That way, Liz Warren will be able to finally by a house.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, I'm too busy trapping garbage pandas to drop off in your back yard. :aargh:

Ha! I was on my 10-mile walk home from work on Friday and a family of trash pandas ran across the road. I couldn’t get my camera out fast enough until four of the trash pandas ran up the tree and the head trash panda watched what I was doing.

View attachment 268257

Which tree are they in?
While attorney general candidate Kamala Harris spent the past three weeksdenouncing her opponent Steve Cooley for accepting tainted campaign donations, it turns out her campaign kitty contained $1,250 from ex-Democratic moneyman Norman Hsu — now serving a 24-month sentence for violating campaign finance laws and defrauding investors in a Ponzi scheme. Kamala Harris Kept Felon's Donation While Insisting Opponent Return Tainted Funds - September 15, 2010 - SF Weekly

San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris has wasted no time jumping on a report by our sister paper, LA Weekly, accusing her opponent in the state Attorney General's race of hypocrisy.

The article, which ran yesterday, notes that as Los Angeles' District Attorney, Steve Cooley aggressively prosecuted cases against fat cats accused of using straw donors to siphon money-laundered contributions to Democratic candidates. Yet, the Republican accepted donations from a twice-convicted felon named Gladwin Gill — who was since convicted of pulling off identical campaign finance schemes to funnel funds to GOP politicians.

This is strong evidence that the negro is inferior as they can't do what everyone else can. Everything has to be handed to them and they have to get a special standard.

"And please, Mr. Whitey, add an extra $100 billion so these fine folks can have a new house too."


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