Kamala Harris Remains Silent on California Reparations Bills


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012

Princess Harris pandering to Al Sharpton is a laughable joke. Sharpton is a despicable race hustler. Tawana Brawley., anyone?​

California entered the union as a free state. No slavery but then, why not pander to the race hustlers for a photo op.​

Princess Harris pandering to Al Sharpton is a laughable joke. Sharpton is a despicable race hustler. Tawana Brawley., anyone?

Princess Harris pandering to Al Sharpton is a laughable joke. Sharpton is a despicable race hustler. Tawana Brawley., anyone?​

California entered the union as a free state. No slavery but then, why not pander to the race hustlers for a photo op.​

Princess Harris pandering to Al Sharpton is a laughable joke. Sharpton is a despicable race hustler. Tawana Brawley., anyone?

Kamala will certainly sign any reparations bill but knows the country would not look kindly on that, so she just ignores the question as the media allows her to do so.

The key to her success in getting elected is for you to know as little as possible about her and what she plans to do.
Ending slavery in 1865 via the 13th Amendment did not end the mistreatment of Black people in the United States. That only can came to an official legal end via the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nonetheless, the change in the law did nothing to change the hearts and minds of the hard core racists of the country.

Reparations are not specifically about slavery, it's about the entire legacy of the oppression of Black people by a white society who considered themselves superior and those of African American descent to be inferior. The results of those beliefs, even after slavery was abolished, lived on via an assortment of schemes, policies, laws and legal rulings that continued to keep Black people from enjoying all of the same rights enjoyed by white Americans and guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States.

California entering the U.S. as a free state did not prevent its residents from participating in and perpetuating the country-wide racial discrimination, hatred and violence that all other parts of the U.S. was infested with.

Case in Point:
In 1850 California statute provided that "no black, mulatto person, or Indian, shall be allowed to give evidence in favor of, or against a white man."

List of Jim Crow law examples by state


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