Kamala Harris Senior Adviser Tweet Resurfaces Calling for Extermination of Trump and Supporters

You are in a Cult .
Well now ya gone and done it.

YOu know the rules guys!

Cassidy Hutchinson was confirmed to be a liar who committed perjury. She's not out of the woods yet.

Not sure that's true.

She was coached to say - I was told.

That's probably true.

An actual hearing would have called the people who told her these things.

That of course didn't happen

It wasn't a hearing
It was a poorly produced infomercial
Not real world
Just within your echo chamber Cult.
Classic projection.

Look, son, you can double and triple down all you like, but that won't change the fact you got caught parroting a lie.

No matter how hard you try.

And you will fall for more lies. That's your thing.
Classic projection.

Look, son, you can double and triple down all you like, but that won't change the fact you got caught parroting a lie.

No matter how hard you try.

And you will fall for more lies. That's your thing.

You're a fraud
That's your thing.

You don't know what lies are.

No one here values your opinions.
That's clear.
For years, Democrats have demonized and vilified supporters of former President Donald Trump. They’ve labeled them as threats to democracy, extremists, and even domestic terrorists. From mainstream media outlets to social media platforms, the message has been clear: Trump supporters are dangerous, and they must be stopped at all costs. This hateful rhetoric has poured gasoline on the fire, encouraging violence and division across the nation. And now, we’re seeing the consequences unfold in real-time—consequences that the left wants to ignore.

It’s not just harmless words either. We’re talking about high-level Democrats, people in positions of power, who have openly called for harm against Trump and his supporters. The left claims to be the party of “unity” and “tolerance,” but their actions speak volumes. They’ve gone out of their way to incite anger and hatred, fanning the flames of violence. And when violence happens—like the assassination attempts on Donald Trump—those same Democrats stay silent. No accountability. No responsibility.

Kamala Harris senior adviser David Plouffe once called for the extermination of former President Donald Trump and “his kind,” according to a 2016 post on X — another example of Democrats calling for harm against the former president that has been highlighted in the wake of another assassination attempt.

Plouffe, a former adviser to then-President Barack Obama, posted on June 13, 2016, “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

BJ -
100 % (all) of the violence and violent thetoric comes from the left -
It really has since the 1960-'s
The targets are just different now.

Where is this tweet that these questionable sources are quoting? Why isn’t there a link to the actual tweet they’re claiming was made?

Given that neither PJ media nor Breitbart can be trusted to post anything that isn’t verified by multiple sources. This post has no validity or link, backing it up at all.
But the only ones who have attempted to kill Trump recently were Republicans back then

You are trying to mush together history and come up with an answer to match a bullshit theory...

Truth is, the two people who have attempted to kill Trump were either residents of the Trump Household and held Conservative views OR a former Trump Supporter...
This is ye trying to blame Democrats for another Trump fuck up...
why dont you answer what i asked instead of you mushing together a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with the question......lets try that again....

so his rhetoric cant be taken literally by one of the die hard lefties out there?......

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