Kamala Harris Takes The Bait – America Is Laughing

Trumpers don't even care this is fake......that is how pathetic they are...

Reliable sources have been quoted that it did indeed happen, it seems like you don't like the truth, that's how pathetic you are.
The fakeness I am referring to is pretending to care about Kamala being pranked...but being outraged by this guy...

That isn't what you posted however, I realize you need to save face.
The marxist Dims will fall for anything. They would huddle around rabbit shit in the woods and chant incessantly if the pellets happen to spell "trump sux". They are substandard and defective in every way measurable.
– Biden’s VP pick Kamala Harris got duped by Russian pranksters who offered her ‘secret recording’ of President Trump.

Kamala Harris got duped by notorious Russian pranksters, Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov.

Recall, these two Russian pranksters have pulled similar stunts on Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Rep. Adam Schiff.

Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, who go by the stage names Vovan and Lexus, trolled the hell out of Kamala Harris and convinced her that Swedish green teen activist Greta Thunberg and her father secretly recorded President Trump.

BJ - Democrats are silly.
Since this same prank was used on Waters it just shows the mass stupidity of this party. After these last four years of treasonous actions of this party anyone claiming to belong to this party needs to be deported to a Socialist country or just taken out and disposed of. This party supports anything and everything moral-less, sick, and perverted. When stupidity is no longer an excuse for these low lives we will take this nation back

Here is your chance democrats to give the reasons you support any of the issues you support. My guess is you are just to stupid, which is no excuse!

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