Kamala Harris Talking To Children Can Produce A Gag Reflex.....

October 9, 2021

Kamala Harris gets 'repackaged' and now looks cringier than ever​

By Monica Showalter

Two weeks ago, Kamala Harris hired a "crisis communications expert," to create a new image for her. She needed a "rebranding" it seems, to paper over her failures. Her stints as border surge czar and voting czar weren't going over well with the public. Her staff flight and toxic work environment continued her downward trajectory. The taxpayers would pay, of course, for this bid to get her poll numbers up, but who was counting?

According to Politico:
For months, KAMALA HARRIS’ allies have insisted her office is not in crisis. So why did she hire a veteran crisis communications expert last month?
LORRAINE VOLES was one of two hires, along with former Obama speechwriter ADAM FRANKEL, reported by both the Washington Post and CNN over the weekend. Both worked for the vice president during the transition, and “offered to be of assistance,” an official from the White House said. A Harris aide said Voles and Frankel began their new roles in August.

Although the White House official didn’t use the word “crisis,” Voles is well known as a public relations and crisis communications expert. She most recently led crisis communications at George Washington University and at Fannie Mae, after serving as a strategist and adviser to HILLARY CLINTON’s 2006 Senate reelection race and 2008 presidential bid. In the late ‘90s, she helped AL GORE craft his message as vice president. Now she’ll help Harris with long-term planning, her policy agenda and with “organizational development” and strategic communications, according to a White House official.

And now the result is here:

Two other videos that show her in the same powder-blue pantsuit (maybe the one she demanded to be featured in her ill-fated Vogue cover?) are comparably bad and can be viewed here and here.

The Canadian public relations company she worked with, incredibly enough, known as Sinking Ship Entertainment, as TheLastRefuge discovered, specializes in video production and distribution featuring kids.
Kids are great to be seen with, right? They make a battered client look compassionate and motherly (or fatherly), something that's particularly useful when one has a reputation as a hectoring scold. As the Democrats like to say as they try to shove some distasteful socialist program down the public's throat, it's about the children, always about the children. Loathsome-personalitied Hillary Clinton used it a lot and Planet Nancy Pelosi still uses it often.
So what better than to pose Kamala Harris in videos full of children?

Plenty. We now know that she doesn't have any idea how to talk to a child. The kids she addresses look about 10 or 11 years old. They are probably bright kids with an interest in space and science. Yet all we hear from Kamala is that they will view moon craters with their own eyes. She talks to them like they are three and have never heard of the moon. Worse still, she also does her Woody Woodpecker laugh a lot, waves her arms around in an exaggerated way, and acts a bit too excited to see them, making everyone think she's fake.
Now, like her, I'm a childless woman, and I was never around kids, so I know it's pretty natural not to know how to address them. It takes time if you don't know from parenting, and sometimes even parents fail. I learned eventually, though, through trial and error, when I spent several years teaching catechism. Opposite of Kamala, I initially tended to talk way over the kids, and the little kids' eyes would roll back. Behavior problems were common, too, because the kids like to test you to see if you mean what you say. It certainly helped to watch and ask the advice from experienced teachers whom I knew were very effective. But most of it was simply experience, what went over well with them, and what didn't. It even helps to ask the kids what interests them. By the time I finished after four teaching years, I never had to raise my voice -- I had learned how to teach nine-year-olds on a level that engaged them. It's something one learns, it's not innate, nor is it some simple thing anyone can do on the spot, which is what Kamala must have thought.
She flopped, big time, and now looks faker than ever..................


Watching Kamala Harris talk to kids reminds me of this scene in Wizard Of OZ.

Good God woman...STFU!!!

"There is just sooooo much out there for us to learn about racism....and EVIL WHITE PEOPLE!!!!"

Do you really think this dead brain imbecile thinks she has a political future besides filling in for the nearly dead one???....................BAWWWWHAHAHA

She'll go back to sucking off the Willie Browns of the world soon
Isn't this same sexy fox that last year was a anti vaxer? No Trump vaccine for ME she said...despite the deaths and health concerns. Yeah, that same one? really? That same one? Yeah, that one.
October 9, 2021

Kamala Harris gets 'repackaged' and now looks cringier than ever​

By Monica Showalter

Two weeks ago, Kamala Harris hired a "crisis communications expert," to create a new image for her. She needed a "rebranding" it seems, to paper over her failures. Her stints as border surge czar and voting czar weren't going over well with the public. Her staff flight and toxic work environment continued her downward trajectory. The taxpayers would pay, of course, for this bid to get her poll numbers up, but who was counting?

According to Politico:


And now the result is here:

Two other videos that show her in the same powder-blue pantsuit (maybe the one she demanded to be featured in her ill-fated Vogue cover?) are comparably bad and can be viewed here and here.

The Canadian public relations company she worked with, incredibly enough, known as Sinking Ship Entertainment, as TheLastRefuge discovered, specializes in video production and distribution featuring kids.
Kids are great to be seen with, right? They make a battered client look compassionate and motherly (or fatherly), something that's particularly useful when one has a reputation as a hectoring scold. As the Democrats like to say as they try to shove some distasteful socialist program down the public's throat, it's about the children, always about the children. Loathsome-personalitied Hillary Clinton used it a lot and Planet Nancy Pelosi still uses it often.
So what better than to pose Kamala Harris in videos full of children?

Plenty. We now know that she doesn't have any idea how to talk to a child. The kids she addresses look about 10 or 11 years old. They are probably bright kids with an interest in space and science. Yet all we hear from Kamala is that they will view moon craters with their own eyes. She talks to them like they are three and have never heard of the moon. Worse still, she also does her Woody Woodpecker laugh a lot, waves her arms around in an exaggerated way, and acts a bit too excited to see them, making everyone think she's fake.
Now, like her, I'm a childless woman, and I was never around kids, so I know it's pretty natural not to know how to address them. It takes time if you don't know from parenting, and sometimes even parents fail. I learned eventually, though, through trial and error, when I spent several years teaching catechism. Opposite of Kamala, I initially tended to talk way over the kids, and the little kids' eyes would roll back. Behavior problems were common, too, because the kids like to test you to see if you mean what you say. It certainly helped to watch and ask the advice from experienced teachers whom I knew were very effective. But most of it was simply experience, what went over well with them, and what didn't. It even helps to ask the kids what interests them. By the time I finished after four teaching years, I never had to raise my voice -- I had learned how to teach nine-year-olds on a level that engaged them. It's something one learns, it's not innate, nor is it some simple thing anyone can do on the spot, which is what Kamala must have thought.
She flopped, big time, and now looks faker than ever..................

Repackaged????...............LOLOLOL. Well every hole in her body has been filled up to the maximus and could use a good Dustin N Cleanin before repackaging
Democrats legitimized antivaxers a year ago. They made it political under Tump... They rejected it a year ago for political reasons not for anything else. Me Too. Now.
Isn't this same sexy fox that last year was a anti vaxer? No Trump vaccine for ME she said...despite the deaths and health concerns. Yeah, that same one? really? That same one? Yeah, that one.
And she is a quarter of a heartbeat away. Usually we say a heartbeat, but that is asking way you much for Biden
The OP talking about his gag reflex is pretty damn cringy

Try not taking it so deep, mud...

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